Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Mon., Dec. 15 - DB's tenure as dueña and señora of Altamira is very short too

Lorenzo asks DB who told her she could come to Altamira with such idiocy. "Santos Luzardo," replies DB, "He told me himself." "Santos couldn't have told you that because he put me in charge of the hacienda and he never told me that you were coming." "I am his woman," says DB, "and Santos told me that we would live together in his house. Those were his words. And you should be quiet because I am the only mistress (dueña) and señora of Altamira."

Melendez tells the attendees at Santos' cattleman's association meeting that rebels who are working against the government are in this area and they killed a border guard. Anyone who helps them will have their property confiscated. He expects that if they have any information, they will advise him. Melendez says that he is leaving shortly to go to Progresso. Melendez and his men leave the meeting.

Antonio and BP fight while Lucia gets dressed. Antonio's shirt gets ripped in the fight and Lucia tells him to come to the house so she can lend him one of her father's shirts.

Federica begs Pajarote to stay with her. She is sure the baby is his because when she says his names, the baby moves. "Please, stay with me," says Federica. "I'll be dead and buried first," exclaims Pajarote as he runs out the door.

DB tells the Altamira folks that if they are going to live under the same roof, they should talk like what they are: a happy family." Lorenzo is telling DB that she can't just come in and push them around when he has an attack. DB tells Lorenzo to please have the good taste not to die in front of her. She doesn't like such scenes. "Bárbara Guaimaran," says Cecilia, "you don't respect anyone, right? But be careful because in this life, everyone pays." DB tells Carmelito that he has to hand over the accounts of the hacienda to her.

DE tells Santos that the cattlemen are nervous and are returning to their haciendas to be with their people before the search starts. He says that they have some fear about Santos. DE asks if Santos is involved with the rebels. Santos says only that Gonzalo has been his friend for a long time and if he asked for help, Santos would help him.

Marisela says that if it is true that DB is coming to live here, she will leave. DB says that she isn't throwing Marisela out. They can all live at Altamira like a big family. She asks if Marisela has forgotten that DB is her mother. "Some mother!" exclaims, Marisela, "first you send me off to live in a hut with my father and then when I am in a house, you want me to leave." DB says that she didn't say that but if Marisela wilfully misunderstands her, that's her problem.

DB demands that Carmelito tell her all about the business of the hacienda and bring her the books. Marisela tells him not to.

Lucia gives Antonio a new shirt and looks at him appreciatively when he puts it on. When he goes to do his work, she says that she likes him a lot.

Cecilia gives Lorenzo some water. Marisela comes in and says that they are leaving right away. Cecilia says that is just what DB wants. They just have to wait until Santos comes back. Marisela says that she won't wait. If Santos prefers DB, she won't stay. Lorenzo says that if Marisela leaves, he will too. Marisela suggests that they go to La Chusmita but Cecilia says that they have to find Santos and find out what he is thinking so that they will know what to do. She says that if Santos wants DB to come and live at Altamira, she will leave too.

Nestor tells Santos that there is a whole detachment of the secret police in San Fernando. He says that all the entrances to the town are being watched and the government is afraid that things will get out of hand. He says that people are very afraid. Santos says that he hadn't noticed anything. He says that he has too many personal problems to get involved in such matters. "Fine," says Nestor, "I understand that you don't want to tell me what is going on. But I know that you belong to the group who believes that this situation has to end. Santos, people like Gonzalo Zuloaga are a hope for this country."

Leon and the other El Miedo vaqueros won't let Gonzalo into Altamira. Leon tells Gonzalo that what is going on in there only involves the local people. He should be more concerned about his friends. He says that people from the city ought to learn not to get in the way.

DB is looking at the books of Altamira. She says that Santos could do better and she will help him.

Cecilia, Lorenzo and Marisela are getting ready to leave Altamira and Casilda is devastated. It appears that the vaqueros are leaving as well. DB says that she hasn't done anything to make them leave but if they all want to go, the door is open. Tomorrow, there will be new employees at Altamira and she instructs Melquiades to go to Progresso to hire people. While she is giving her orders and elaborating on the type of people she wants to hire, all the Altamira folk walk away. Finally, only Gonzalo is there, "Keep talking to yourself, señora," he says and walks away.

While the Altamira folk wait for a boat, Gonzalo tells Marisela that she can't leave Altamira. It's her home. Marisela says that she can't stay if Santos has put DB in charge. Gonzalo asks if she believes that Santos told DB that she was in charge. "No," says Marisela, "but I know Santos and he is being manipulated by that woman." Gonzalo asks what Marisela is going to do in San Fernando. Marisela replies that she wants Santos to tell her to her face why he deceived them when he promised that DB would never live at Altamira while she and Lorenzo were there. Gonzalo says that he wants to go with her but Marisela replies that would be crazy with all the police looking for him. Gonzalo acquiesces but asks Marisela if he matters to her.

DB brings Eustaquia and Juan Primito to Altamira and says that they are going live there. Eustaquia is shocked that DB has thrown Lorenzo and Marisela out of Santos' house.

"Of course, you matter to me," says Marisela. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you or to the guys." Marisela asks Gonzalo why everything is so difficult. He asks why she is saying that.
"Because love hurts," says Marisela, "falling in love hurts. I thought it would be something nice but it isn't." "Yes," replies Gonzalo, "It's true. Sometimes it hurts but it hurts more not to have someone to love. That is why I am going to fight for your love. Even if you tell me that you don't like me even a little bit (ni una migadita, literally, a little crumb). I know that little by little I will win your heart.

The Altamira vaqueros say to Cecilia and Lorenzo that they can't just sit around and do nothing. They will tell Antonio what has happened in case DB tries to do anything to Melesio and the terneras. Cecilia agrees that Antonio should be told. Cecilia tells Marisela and Lorenzo to cheer up and not let anyone say that a Barquero is afraid to confront life. She tells them to get in a boat and go to San Fernando so that Santos can put things right.

"What should I have done?" DB asks Eustaquia, "Let that child drag Altamira to ruin? I had to get involved (tomar cartas) in this matter, vieja (old woman). It would only occur to Santos to let a person with no experience like Marisela manage this place."
"Tell me another one! ('a otro perro con ese hueso', literally, 'to another dog with that bone')," says Eustaquia, "Tell the truth - that you were dying of jealousy because Santos put the girl in charge of his hacienda. You had to show up destroying everything, making yourself important. But this rashness will cost you dearly, Barbarita because Santos has told you a thousand times not to mess with what belongs to him."
"But I belong to him, too." says DB, "And if he really loves me, he will give me my rightful place. It's them or me. He has to decide, vieja."

The Altamira vaqueros go to DE's hacienda and tell Antonio about DB taking over at Altamira. He leaves with them to check on his father and nieces.

Santos and DE are about to leave the hotel in San Fernando when Lorenzo, Cecilia and Marisela show up. He asks what they are doing here. Lorenzo replies that Santos' woman threw them out of Altamira. Santos asks how DB could have done such a thing. "You want to know why?" says Lorenzo, "Because you let her. Because she governs you, Santos. That's why!" "You swore that she would never come to Altamira," says Marisela to Santos, "and the day you put me in charge of the hacienda, she appears with the authority that you gave her. It's too much, Santos. I won't take another slight, not from her and not from you." Santos says to Marisela that he told DB that when she gave La Barquereña to Marisela, DB would be mistress of Altamira. He never told her to show up there, give orders or have her thrown out. "I don't know whether to believe you, Santos," says Marisela. Santos says that she will believe him because they will go to Altamira right now and clear this up. Marisela says that she won't go back to Altamira until DB is gone.

Gonzalo tells Melesio that the documents Santos gave him prove that he owns La Sandovalera. Melesio says that documents won't stop DB if she wants to throw him out. Antonio and the Altamira vaqueros arrive.

Antonio decides to take Gonzalo back to El Miedo and leaves the vaqueros to take care of Melesio.

Santos speaks to Marisela alone in the hotel in San Fernando.
S: Look, I'm really sorry about all this. I promise that tomorrow you will be able to return to Altamira.
M: Until when, Santos? Until that woman is completely in control of you? She's nearly there already, right? It's only a question of time before she is done with you. My father was right just like he always is.

Gonzalo returns to El Miedo. He tells Andres that he needs to get better as soon as possible because things are getting complicated. "Bárbara can't be trusted," he tells Andres, Cósme and their terneras. "She has us here because of Santos but the day that they have a confrontation, the first to be left holding the bag ('en pagar los platos rotos', literally, 'paying for the broken plates') will be us. He says that they should be ready to leave as soon as possible.

DB is unimpressed with a dinner of rice and fried eggs. Eustaquia says that is all she could make because this isn't her kitchen and she didn't know where anything is. "I've told you that you have to get used to the idea that now this is our house," says DB. "No, it isn't!" yells Santos coming into the dining room, "It's my house! No one gave you permission to come here and run roughshod over everyone. This is wrong, Bárbara. What the hell are you doing here?"
DB: You told me that I would be the dueña and señora of Altamira.
S: That would be in the future after you handed over La Barquereña.
DB: Yes, but that was before you told Marisela that she was the dueña and señora in front of all the employees. You made me look ridiculous and I can't permit that.
S: Ah, so that's it. I put Marisela in charge of Altamira for two days. Do you understand? Two days! And that annoyed you because you can't stand it if I make a gesture to your daughter.
DB: That's right. I did it because you are too trusting. That idiot could have caused you to lose everything.
S: Those were my orders and you aren't someone who can countermand my authority in my house.
DB: I am your woman.
S: You aren't anyone. Listen to me carefully. You aren't anyone to throw my people out of my house.
DB: I didn't throw them out. You can ask anyone here. I didn't throw them out. They left because they are proud, disagreeable and bad mannered. I suggested that they stay here because we are a big family.
S: Bárbara, don't be a hipocrite. Don't play the innocent. You know as well as I do that Lorenzo and Marisela have more than enough reasons not to be where you are. Listen carefully to me, Bárbara. You've done it this time. You gone too far, do you hear me?

Melesio tells Antono that he is concerned that if the terneras can't work at Altamira, they will have nothing to live on. Antonio says that DE pays him well and he can support them. The Altamira vaqueros show up and says that they have to talk to Antonio. Melesio suggests that Antonio work out his anger with their disloyalty by having a boxing match.

Andres promises Josefina that he will come back and they will get married and have a nice family. Melesia borrowed Cósme's clothes while hers are being washed. He says she looks nice. She says that she looks like a circus clown. "I love my little clown," says Cósme. Melesio begs him to take her with him. Cósme says that he can't but he is hers forever.

The three vaqueros sit down with Antonio. As usual, they make Pajarote do the talking.
Pajarote: We want to ask your forgiveness because we behaved very badly towards you.
Antonio: That's true.
Carmelito: Federica set a trap and we fell into it.
Pajarote: That's what happened. Federica and Josefa deceived us like they deceived you.
María Nieves: We wanted to tell you the truth but we didn't dare. We thought everything would just work out.
Pajorote: The boss was your friend and you were with his aunt and didn't say anything.
Antonio: That was different.
Pajarote: Betrayal is betrayal. What's good for the goose is good for the gander ('la salsa que es buena para la pava, la es buena para el pavo, literally, 'the sauce that is good for the tom turkey is good for the hen turkey') .
A: Ok, but the difference is that I got blamed (achacaron el muerto) and I was the only one who didn't sleep with Federica. You were my best friends and you didn't say anything.
C: Wait a minute, Antonio, we, I thought you had slept with Federica.
A: Me sleep with Federica? Really, I don't know how you had the stomach to do it.
P: The truth is that she isn't pretty but she has her skills (mañas). (He indicates the other vaqueros.) Ask them. Speak up, you pair of foxes.
C: She was great
MN: I agree.
P: Please don't yell at us any more. I'm the one in trouble now. Federica told me that the baby is mine.
A: When? (María Nieves and Carmelito move away from him like he has a contagious disease.)
P: It was today in town. We had some noisy tickling (cosquillitas alborotadas) and she dropped that bombshell on me ('me soltó esa perla', literally, 'dropped that pearl on me').
The other vaqueros look at Pajarote for a minute and then they all laugh.

DB and Santos-
DB: But I've already done it. I've come to your house as what I am, your woman. I've moved your plans forward because you told me this would happen, that sooner rather than later I would be here as señora of Altamira. Did you or did you not say it? So I'm here. I messed up (metí la pata), I admit it. I got ahead of things but I'm here. And what? What are you going to do? Put time back? Convince your mutinous workers to come back to work?
SL: Don't even think about messing with my employees. You aren't me and this is my hacienda, mine!
DB: Fine. Your rebels are yours. I'll be quiet. But as for Marisela and Lorenzo, I swear by all that is sacred that I didn't drive them out. Why did you think of putting that girl at the head of the hacienda? Santos, don't look at me that way, my love. I know you are furious because they went to San Fernando and spewed poison against me but very soon you will see that it was the best for everyone. Please, say something.
SL: Yes, I will say something.
He drags DB out to the door and tells her to get out with her people.
DB: You wouldn't dare throw me out.
SL: I would and don't come back until you give La Barquereña to Marisela.
DB: I won't move.
Eustaquia pleads with her to leave saying that she feels like a thief here.
DB: I've said I won't leave and I won't.
SL: (sarcastically) What are you going to do - tell your sorcerer (brujeador) to kill me?
The Altamira vaqueros appear and ask if Santos needs any help. Santos says no. DB and her delinquents are leaving.

Cecilia finds Lorenzo writhing in pain in the hotel room. He says that he has very little time left and wants to experience every second of it unlike the years he lost to alcohol. He asks Cecilia not to tell Marisela.

Marisela is in the hotel dining room and someone comes up to her. "Did you lose my double?" she says to him. "Barbarita? is that you?" asks Melendez.


Fabulous recap, Jean. You got it all and included useful idioms. This was SUCH an interesting episode. I could hardly wait for Santos to get in DB's face about her behavior, and he didn't disappoint.

And, of course, when DB was telling Santos she wanted them to be "one family", she didn't allude to the insulting and overbearing way she spoke to Lorenzo, Marisela, and Cecilia.

Big surprise at the end when Melendez mistakes Marisela for Barbara. There will surely be repercussions from this!

What a great recap!! It was such a good episode that we could hardly wait for the recap. We appreciate ALL the work. I love when you include all the idioms. It's what makes this telenovela special and fun. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY GREAT WHEN SANTOS THREW BARBARA OUT.

Wow what a great episode, Santos finally grows a spine! Thanks for all the detailed dialogue, Jean. I watched this twice, there was so much juicy stuff in it. I so appreciate that you put in the idioms because they're sometimes difficult to catch. So glad Santos did the right thing. Got a little satisfaction...

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