Tuesday, December 02, 2008
El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Mon. & Tues., Dec. 1 & 2 - PJ/S demands that Isabel kill Andrés; Cantalicia takes a bath
She tells him that she loves him; she has asked Andres for a divorce and he has refused. She says that she is capable of anything to get her freedom back. PJ/S asks if Isabel would repeat what she did with PJ. Isabel asks what he means and PJ/S asks if PJ died a natural death or did Isabel and Andres cause his death? Then PJ/S asks if Isabel would kill Andres and Isabel wants to know if he is ordering her to do that. In answer, he kisses her and says, "Yes, why not. I order you to do it."
While PJ/S is having sex for the second time that day with Isabel, he hears Cantalicia calling his name in her dream.
Angela visits PJ's grave with PJ/S. She is upset about her relationship with Antonio and PJ/S counsels patience but Angela says that time isn't her ally. PJ/S looks puzzledbut we can guess that Angela is probably pregnant.
Tío Felipe tells Padre Jacobo that he has lost Cantalicia.
Ángela tries to get Antonio to talk to her but he refuses.
Gaetana gives Cantalicia a bath and washes her hair.
PJ/S tries to talk some sense into Antonio but he refuses to listen.
Cantalicia (with really frizzy hair) and dressed in Gaetana's clothes drops in on the bar with Moncho.
In a totally unnecessary scene, PJ/S demonstrates his martial arts abilities in his pj's (with his shoes and socks on.)
PJ/S tells Cantalicia that the soul of Salvador is gone. All that's left is his body. Cantalicia says that she'll settle for the body and refuses to go back to Las Cruces.
Labels: cuerpo
Can you blame Cantalicia for not wanting to give up a body like that?
I keep wondering, has Cantalicia mentioned that Felipe was Padre Jacobo's tio? I thought she had, and if so, Salvador could call Jacobo (not sure how well directory assistance works in Colombia, but at least he has a starting point) and ask him how to get a hold of Felipe. Heck, he could send him a telegraph! Just saying...
After what happened today, I hope Cantalicia realizes that she and Mocho would do better without Salvador in their world, than with him in his (shout out to Gladys Knight!).
CC, thanks for the info on Karpan. I always found Rosario in PDG to be a very beautiful woman. They must make a cute couple. I'll have to keep an eye out for Amor Latino (although I prefer Mario in his more recent novelas) .
Soulcatgirl, you're right: it doesn't make sense, for two people with such an intense relationship, to have Isa stop in the heat of passion and think "oh wait, I wanted kill him right now - oh well, never mind." I know she's supposed to be volatile and she's intentionally written ambiguous, but just doesn't ring true to me either. The writers must be men.
I like that Mario treats little Moncho tenderly.
It was interesting to see Mario picking through the nuts and toying with them while he was at the restaurant with Tia Rebecca. Reminded me of Alcides in La Traicion always snacking from a bowl of nuts.
Margarite that whole thing with Felipe could be solved in two seconds, good heavens they've made Sal/Pj appear as emptyheaded as Cantalicia with this dumb plot manuever. I guess they had to figure out a way to keep her close-by in the story to make his character bounce off Isa and Rebecca's...(he's pinging big time).
Sal/Pj in my own opinion really crossed to the dark side when he told Isa to *off* Andres..yiks! I call this Sal/Pj's third entity visiting.
Oh brother Antonio is a dud..please writers make this mama's boy grow a set please. geesh!
Cantalicia's bath didn't convince Sal/Pj to let her touch him. I cringe every time she trys to touch him..in fact he says "don't touch me" at one point. I was right there with him. ;)
Umm Jean the seventh piccie down of Mario! Wowzer...I'll take that in an 8 by 10 please...and in case you think inches I'm talk'n feet lady!!! lol just a need a new wall paper for my dining room!!!bwhahaha...
Thanks gal my friends are going to flip when they see these!!!Thanks so much for these recaps...I'm still dying over the LaTra piccies!
Soulcatgirl ;))
Soulcatgirl ;)
My favorites are the historical telenovelas, but for one that is contemporary, this is one of my all-time favorites. It takes place in Bogota and has a cast that is both Colombian and Mexican. The story is really interesting and different, and the characters are quite charming. The mariachi music is outstanding.
I wasn't much of a mariachi fan until I watched this telenovela. I started paying attention to the lyrics, and the group and the singers were so good that they won me over. They now have a 4 CD set for sale on Amazon, and I'm thinking about buying it.
I'm hooked on Cuerpo, but I think it's going to be ending soon, and there doesn't seem to be much else of quality on. La Hija del Mariachi would be a good replacement. I know many people are watching Dona Barbara. I started it, but as I have read the book and seen the Maria Felix movie, I finally got bored and stopped watching. I'm going to watch La Hija del Mariachi again unless something really spectacular comes along (I'm one of those "one TN at a time folks).
Anyway, it's worth a look-see (in my opinion).
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