Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Fuego, #148, Tues, Dec. 2, - Fire in the Campsite, Fire on the Kitchen Floor, Fire in the Blood

Dear Friends, I am making my appeal to recruit a January recapper for Tuesday nights. In January I will return to Mexico for the month. Can someone help out? It is actually very easy dialog, lots of crying, repeats and singing take up most of the hour so this is a good telenovela to jump into. If you are interested you can let me know in the comments or send e-mail to Thanks.
More jealousy and snarling from the sisters, but, Santa tells the sisters to fight the good fight to win their men, all is fair in love and war.
Let's get those little muffins baptized since Juan has created muffins to honor each miffin girl. Que cute.
Sofia is bipolar, she loves him, she rejects him, she loves him. Juan can't live without her either but can't except her, but can't live without her, oh bother and fuss.
Santa and Abuelo recreate their fun party scene to scandalize everyone especially Gabriela with their suggestive jokes. As Gabi stalks away from the bawdy talk in Abuelo's room, we in turn see that the straightening of the sword was all about his little soldier, ahem, that would be of the plastic boyhood kind....
Juan is bipolar, why are these boys still in dormitory style sleeping quarters when they have a whole hacienda? No wonder Franco is confused and thinks the kitchen is where one would naturally pick to have sex. Why does everyone have to get it on at a campsite or under the kitchen table?? Why oh Why!!
Oscar and Jimena confess that they are so happy at each other's side. He repeats the I shouldn't but it is so hard to accept the daughter of his parents assassin. Jimena assures him that her pa isn't the killer they have been told. Oscar agrees that he doesn't think it makes sense that her father had anything to do with the assassination. But he can't betray the honor and memory of ma, pa and baby Livia. He can't get it out of his head but Jimena thinks she knows how to do this. Kisses ensue.
Franco and Sarita play out exactly the same scene save adding that Paddy Tad has proclaimed that the children don't bear the blame of the sins of the fathers.
Oscar and JImena begin to show skin (is this baring the blame?) by the rose and the campfire. very sexy. After enjoying the passion of forgiveness Oscar asks her forgiveness since he can't betray his family. Oops the rose has burned in the campfire, not a good omen.
Back at home the boys creep in to the dormitory bedroom in the dark but Juan turns on the light like crabby drill sergeant style and questions where have they been. Silly boy, they are 40 something, it's really none of his business but they reveal they were with the women they love.
Said women walk into the hacienda discussing the flames and passion and Sofia gets to play inquisitor and they get to tell they were with the men they love. Real economy with the pages in the script, they just take turns reading the same pages. Juan meanwhile sneers that he loves Sofia with the same passion that they love their Elizondo's. He ain't getting any and boy is he mad that they did. He raises the specter of the betrayed parents one more sorryass time. Give it a rest or at least a commercial break.
Sofia assures the sisters that they were not betraying her to boogie with Oscar and Franco. The three discuss that Oscar and Franco at least have doubts that Bernardo as the assassin. Semi-weepy Sofia is lost in reveries that Juan forgets his vengeance pledge and kisses with real passion and said he can't help loving her. then he breaks away before delivering the nookie. It breaks her heart.
Franco and Oscar defend their illicit loving of the assassin's daughters and demand that Juan tell them if he doesn't still have love and feeling for Snotfia. They tussle each other around the dorm room and stifle laughs as they try to keep serious about the memory and swearing on the tomb and all the betrayal and revenge lines that we have heard too many times. They swear that no matter how mad Juan is, they are all still brothers and he doesn't get to decide they aren't because they went out to get nookie and he stayed home to pout. Well, isnt' that why he is really mad?
Gabi is doing tears in her brandy for tomorrow is the famoso baptismo. She swears revenge once again, they won't humiliate her this way.
Juan tells the brothers they haven't suffered properly and Oscar reminds him it isn't their fault that they can't remember the death of their parents just as he can't forget having seen it. The soul will reveal itself he says in defense of the love and nookie seeking. Franco says they don't want to lose their brotherhood status but they want to love the assassin's spawn. Oscar is waxing poetic tonight and says if he can't accept them as brothers, they can always regard him as their father since he raised them. Juan cries and repents his unkind words, asks their pardon for condemning their nookie seeking with the evil spawn of the assassin. The scene fades with the dormitory still containing the pitiful little beds brought from the old house, it's too pitiful to say more.
Quintina grabs chickens and mutters about the baptism and the surprise she is preparing which she then assures a very beautiful Eva who has let her hair down. Quintina is wearing mostly feathers but not like old Rosario's getups, rather in her hair, she disappears with the bag of feathers. While others gather to dress and prepare for the baptism.
At the school house the brothers give lots of lip for Pablito's illicit kiss on the cheek. They suggest that he can have all kinds of futures as a singer or whatever. The principal decides not to punish Pablito but rather the brothers for setting a bad example. He demands that they offer social service to atone for their bad behavior. they push Pablito back and forth while he defends himself for being so in love.
Quintina shows up in such a fine feather boa, however did she get that??
At the evil mansion, the girls and nuns are all dressed up. Sofia is in cheerful beige while her sisters appear in festive shades of red. Santa has red hair and even Abuelo is all dressed up. Ahhhh, Gabriela appears at the last minute insisting that she is going with them. Another bad omen? Well the witchy points on the leather collar suggest that she really does need to pursue something with Coyote. Perhaps they could start a leather shop
Gabriela makes it down the stair wondering why everyone is staring at her, a girl can change her mind right, what's your problem.
The social worker prepares to enjoy the baptism ceremony. Abuelo makes fun of the feathers and Padre Tadeo comes in in formal ceremonial robes asks for everyone to be at peace while they realign the brothers and sisters as couples who try to imitate peaceful people. In the beautiful ceremony with all the lovely colored suits, Gabi suddenly regains her rancor and rises up in her slick black leather, kicks the flowers over and marches off. Everyone tries not to notice her rude little tantrum. Just as we suspected, Coyote is on the scene, no surprise, he is obviously turned on by the slick leather flowing towards him. She doesn't want to play, she has an important meeting in Puebla. He offers to drive Gabriela personally to Puebla since her wayward husband hasn't returned.
Back at the altar, now we see that they haven't settled on which girl gets which name before so there is a need for Paddy Tad to do the selecting. Number One baby carried by Eva is dubbed Maria Libia. JImena brings up Number Two and she is named Maria Jose; and last but not least Sarita follows with Number Three who becomes Maria Guadalupe. There is nothing more important than a child he finishes and asks Abuelo to confer. Franco thrills us all the way to commercial with his lovely rendition of Ave Maria sung before the invisible orchestra.
Gabi takes time with the lawyer to insist she will contest the will with all her force. The lawyer shows peso signs in his eyes mentioning that it can be done but won't be easy....
Next: Spite and venom pour out of Gabriela who insists on a DNA test, wedding bells are tolling soon for Abuelo and Santa? and Juan and Sofia still can't work out their revenge -vs- love problems and Sofia is fed up. And my hands are on fire from working with jalapeños without protection so I am outta here!!
Labels: Fuego
Okay so Gabi really did kick the flowers and leave, I thought maybe I was crazy. What a childish thing to do. Although I want a black leather cape, that was cool. And Coyote's jacket was all sparkely.
Really, can the boys not find a better place the outside or on the kitchen floor? That just can't be comfortable!
I agree the boys can't seem to escape their boyhood dorm mentality. Those little bitty steel frame beds have got to be mighty uncomfortable for those very big men. So silly.
I was in and out during this one, my only regret is that I missed my man Coyote, teehee!
Molly: do you think Eva's lack of ponytail is an omen that they have a novio waiting for her in the wings?
Cheryl, if Gabi is going to pitch a fit they need to let her go for it.
Cheryl: loved the line about the "real economy with scripts"--I guess that explains the perpetual replay of same old same old. That along with the cheap sets and amateur sound editing just proves this is one low budget effort.
(half asleep)
The nerve of Gabi. She invites herself to the baptism and then convinces herself that she's being insulted, kicks over a vase (I really missed that) and storms out. Girls, get together and get mama some real anger management help.
Thanks for all the well wishes about my trip. I have made it to Mexico four winters in a row with this new one and two trips to Spain in the same time. My investments are going down the drain but who cares, I feel like traveling now and maybe won't later. I feel like I am outgrowing the school in Cuernavaca so this trip is going to be a meander in my truck from Albuquerque to Oaxaca and back (or I hope back).
And what went on in the house when those kids were young to make Franco think the best place for sex is the kitchen floor?
I loved Eva's hair! I swear it took ten years off of her age.
The episode was quite boring until the last ten minutes with the baptism. I loved that Pad Tad got to pick the names, but maybe they should have put name tags on the girls so no one will forget.
I was wondering why Gabi would be so excited about the DNA testing, wouldn't that show that one of the girls WAS the real one? But then I remembered that Sofia doesn't WANT to know, so she'll oppose the testing. Of course, we all previously thought they had no genetic testing. Next thing you know, they'll all have phones.
Coyote is becoming a tease. We see him a for a few way too fleeting seconds and then he disappears. I think he his character will have a signficant effect on the outcome somehow and and hope his role morphs into something much larger. Who is he really and what does he want? The suspense is killing me. Diana in MA
Sound engineering seems to be a low priority on these shows. There was a particular house in Heridas that had a vaulted ceiling - after a while it became clear that they were never, ever going to do anything about the loud echo in that room.
It's just like that stupid loud fountain at the clinic. After doing one scene with that thing, someone could have positioned the mics differently, turned off the fountain, or taken other actions to deal with it, but they never did. Every scene they ever do near that fountain sounds like someone is going to the bathroom.
They shoot on really tight schedules, so there's probably no time to reshoot scenes or move things around much, but dang, even if you're not a professional sound man you know that crinkling bags, candy wrappers, and echoing rooms are going to cause problems. Right? So why does it keep happening??
Has anyone figured out an end date for this thing yet? A long while back I estimated that it would be around the end of January, but that was just a rough guess. And we've since been pre-empted a few times, which should push us out by a week or so.
Even though they're pronouncing it the feminine way on the show, the captions are spelling it the masculine way.
In Destilando Amor, "Jose" was short for "Josefina." Evidently, this is pretty common.
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