Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Fuego ELS, (#163) Tues, 12/23/08 - Lots of Yelling, Lots of Tears, A Few Secrets Revealed

This is Diego Rivera's version of an escuincle, the hairless dog of ancient Mexico. It is a detail from his mural in the National Palace in Mexico City. Escuincle is used today to describe children kind of like English would say snot nosed kid or brat, not really an insult or said meanly. Escuincle is one of my absolutely favorite Mexican Spanish words.
We begin the night reliving the hysteria of Oscar's pinning by the beady eyed tractor, or Beady Eyed Darth Ricardo Uribe, pick your favorite transgressor. The doctor pronounces, perhaps a bit early, that Oscar will probably be disabled. Juan shows up to have a word with Gabriela. The fountain drips accompany Juan's tearful prayer for this to not be.
Ruth, Eva, Sofia and Raquel do a shout out at the bottom of the stairs at the entry way that seems to function like Grand Central Station with almost constant traffic. Juan doesn't want Tio Vicente to tell Oscar the truth of his condition in the time honored tradition of keeping the patient as ignorant as possible. Even Oscar says this isn't certain when he hears the truth. By the memory of their dead parents and little sister, Juan swears Oscar will walk again. Oscar's resolve quickly turns to visions of a beggar's life on the streets. The Reyes pile on the bed and do the Reyez hands in a pile swearing.
Across town, Eva is picking herself up off the attractive Mexican tile floor looking almost as disheveled as Raquel with her wig atilt. Raquel stops the action by declaring she will tell the real truth for once and all, just then Gabriela appears having been listening in the shadows and says she is waiting to hear this big truthy truth but Raquel is full of fantasies so she doubts she will reveal anything real.
Then there is the little matter of Sofia having Feo arrested. Gabriela shouts and growls that Feo must be released and then rants that Sofia is taking the only man who ever loved her (go ahead guess, I don't know why she suddenly shifts her interest back to Feo) Sofia is getting right sassy with her mother lately and spouts, Feo never loved you.
Ruth is taking this truth we heard last night very badly and rides off on her houre, squats in the field crying and raging about having been abandoned and sold like a dog, and Papa rushes up to console her. They growl and rant together in a father daughter duo for a few minutes. She will avenge herself against her mother, Sofia even her beloved beady-eyed Papa. Looks like they are both still mad that Sofia made a fool of Ruth back in junior high at that fateful dance. Some of these revenge motives are just too deep to discuss here on C2
Rigoberto goes over the tractor and discovers the cut fuel line. No one else is working at all.
Ricardo shows up to sneer beady eyed with Gabriela and show his fury that she messed with his princess daughter. He also now knows that she made up the Jose Roble Reyes love affair and that Jose had actually rejected her. She quickly demands that he used to love her but he professes to hate her as strongly as he used to love her. They vow to be enemies and mutually pledge to destroy each other. She kicks him out of her house and he shows his machismo once again insisting he will go when he feels like it. She promises him that she is keeping something back and when he finally finds out what it is, it will destroy him.
Feo is in the jail and the tables seem turned when his former victim (sorry I can never remember his name) gets to taunt him a little from the other side of the bars. Feo still has his swagger and boasts how easily he will spring out of here. (Gee, I hope Rosario gets to sing him a little lullaby soon).
Juan shows up in the busy entry to the hacienda San Agustin and demands to talk to Gabriela and not hear her tricks and lies. He pinches her arm as she tries to go upstairs and insists she tell him who killed his parents, she must surely know. She smiles that Cheshire cat smile that she reserves for anyone that can talk meaner than she can. Admiration with a sneer.
Juan says she is the one who knows who killed his parents. She also knows that the snake belt did not belong to Bernardo, oh yes it did she sneers. Sofia saves the moment. Where was Juan that he just now is coming to check on daughter MJ. He tells her of Oscar's injury and they go off hand in hand to see him. Gabi sneers behind the stairs.
Ricardo shows up in the casita to tell Raquel they are leaving. They will leave San Agustin and continue pursuing "their" Reyes Hacienda but first Ricardo pledges to recover those important but missing papers. Feel the drama build on these papers?
Ruth has a lonely meltdown moment of shame while she replays the Eva is your mother tapes in her head.
Rigo comes to the Reyes hacienda to tell what he found when he inspected the tractor.
Tio Vincente and Franco talk more calmly with Oscar now, it is nice when there aren't five or six screaming people pressing on the patient's bed. Oscar counts out his awful destiny of losing his parents, his sister, the love of his life and now he can't swagger around to fix all this. He can't get Jimena back if he is in a wheel chair. He is disillusioned with life, he loved JImena so much but now he has lost her forever. He sinks into his pillow with eyes shut but hears JImena's voice as she enters to tell him that he has not lost her, she will be his love forever. The room full of relatives look on with knowing and relieved smiles.
Sofia hopes that JImena's arrival will calm Oscar. They are all hopeful. Rigo shows up at the dispensary to tell them he checked around and the fuel line (manguera = pipe or hose) was cut.
Back in the patient room Jimena swears she will never abandon Oscar but he tells her to get out he doesn't want her pity, Get out. She loves him and is ready to demonstrate in every way how she loves him.
Juan shows up to scowl into the cell at the jail, Feo asks with some irony, to what does he owe the honor? Juan accuses him of cutting the line and injurying his brother. For once Feo's feigned innocence isn't feigned but just like the little boy who cried wolf, his innocence so hard to believe.
Ruth the tormented shows up to ask Eva how she could be her mother and Eva tells her of the love making in the one night stand with a married man she loved. Ruth slings around whore like insults. Then Eva lights the real fire cracker, and your papa was.....drum roll...... Bernardo Elizondo. Noooooooooooooo puede ser! Ruth's biggest bubble is bursting. How can she not be the beady eyed spawn of beady eyed Darth Uribe? (I remember what color Bernie's eyes are do you? Clue? Perhaps)
Forgive me but you are the daughter of Bernardo, Eve says tearfully, but then Eva says everything tearfully. You have no idea how much i despise (despreciar) you. she stomps off.
Gabriela is having a bitchy moment with the old village girls (and I use that term loosely) when Coyote shows up and suddenly butter wouldn't melt in Gabi's mouth (as my Mom used to say). The dashing Coyote sweeps the thrilled Gabi off to chat.
Juan discusses his visit to jail with Sofia and seeing the truthiness in Feo's eyes when Feo said he didn't cut the tractor line. He thinks he was telling the truth and it must have been Beady Uribe who did this dastardly deed. The two geniuses plan a trap to catch whoever comitted this crime. We'll get back to you on details.
In his jail cell Feo still gets to smoke big stogies as he lays back on his tiny bed while he plots the destruction of the Reyes.
In the rainy cab of Rosendo's SUV Sofia demands that Rosendo tell her the truth that he really must know who wore the snake belt. She is sure his silence is to protect them all and he confirms that. He is afraid of what will become of them if they know the truth. Go figure, but no one can arm themselves ahead of time either.
Oscar has an attack of hysteria maintaining his determined rejection of pity. Now we know that Oscar has only had a couple of hours to form his hardened opinion of his state but he is vociferous from his little white bed. Just then Juan shows up with his million dollar smile sporting a shiny new wheel chair as if it were a shiny toy for a sick child and really makes Oscar yell his rejection of this or any help. (Maybe his is hoping to be assigned to one of the nuns, they do such an admirable job with the babies, maybe they are equally skilled with grumpy disabled men.)
Sofia adds her support to JImena and Sarita hugs Jimena too. She asks if they have seen Franco. Jimena tells him that Franco is suffering greatly too. The fountain drowns out Juan's swearing that they are Reyes and they will persevere and conquer all adversity, or something like that.
JImena suddenly brings a suitcase down the stairs and tells her mother she is going to be with Oscar. How can you go be with that bum? Excuse me mother but I am not asking permission.
Feo sits in the jail and sees a shining light on a wall where no fixture is present. He collars the poor sap in the cell with him and says, you see that light, right, you see it! No, poor sap sees nothing.
But Rosario begins to speak from the bright light telling him that he will pay for all his crimes. (thanks Rosario you gave me my wish).
Gabriela comes in yelling about JImena's departure in front of the tender baby and the tender nun. Sofia smartly gets her out of the room to tell her she admires what Jimena is doing. Then she demands that Sofia spring Feo from the jail. Sofia is disposed to let Feo sit out his time for his crime. Gabi's next trick is to say if Sofia will retract her suit and Feo is let out, Gabriela will exchange something valuable. Sofia isn't so gullible as she used to be so insists on proof before she will assist her mother. What valuable thing is offered? So who was it that killed the Roble Reyes? Gabriela actually keeps her promise and says it was Ricardo! Ricardo Uribe. (Guess she really is mad at him...)
Next time we get a repeat the revelation of the real killer and oh oh, Gabriela is toting a gun and pointing it at Ricardo.
Labels: Fuego
My thoughts, questions, mussings...
Why do they all wear so much leather? I don't know many people who own multiple leather coats. Also, Sophia is in a blouse, leather coat and long skirt and Jimena is in a flutery little summer smock. What season is it?
How many pairs of glasses did Sarita need to buy after she got laid?
Did Eva only ever do it once in her entire depressed life?
Tio Elfs bow tie thingys are getting on my nerves. I'm sure they are right for the suit, but he looks like some little girls version of a cross dressing Ken doll. I just don't like it.
What makes Coyote so hawt? Cuz he is!
Franco's pants are just the right amount of tight. I think that is my favorite pair. He's yummy!
Please Juan, instead of a wheelchair, buy Oscar a whirlpool tub...please....this show needs a better water feature then the pee pee fountain.
Molly in OR
I noticed Jimena's smock too. I seriously think I wore that as a summer night gown in like fifth grade. There is a picture of me catching frogs up at the cabin wearing it, minus the boots...
Still wrapping Christmas presents...
About the leather, perhaps Mexico is competing with Argentina and Italy to capture the cool leather goods market. But while I love Coyote in his leather jacket, Ricardo's snake motif is just gaudy looking. Jimena seems to be in her own temperature zone, she frequently has less close on than anyone else except good old Rosario and she had the excuse of working up a sweat on stage.
I so agree with your other observations too. And I have one question, does having a beard and a girly name like Molly confuse you at all? Or have I missed some explanation in some other episode?
And Anon, I have no idea how Coyote will be explained in the end but I don't really care. It still makes my heart beat faster when he shows up. Especially tonight when there was not even a small plot device to support him coming out of the blue and even if he is so gallant with Gabi who so doesn't deserve his attentions, but he did indicate at least once that he has some ulterior motives. Hmmm.
That is Jorge, as I am sure you know, whom I adore. I told Creemelo, Doris and Connie that I had some lovely pics of him and that I would rotate them around on my profile. I could post a pic of me, but that would just be crazy. As this show has progressed, or at least showed more episodes, I have slowly shifted my interest to Franco/Pablo. He seems to be the brother that really enjoys life. And he wears tight pants. And even when he swims in the cold water, he can still jump out of the water and impress! Yes, where Fuego is concerned I am completely shallow. Really, the plot moves forward so slowly, why else watch?
The snake coat is just gross and creeps me out. But really...look at Ruth and all her leather, and her dad, and Sophia, Crabi, Feo, Coyote, un-dead Rosario had some. But the boys have none...hmmm what does this mean? Although when the boys went to the party with the temporary girls, they had what looked to be sueded shirts (okay not Juan who wore his funeral clothes) Little Juliana should have gotten a clue.
This show moves so slowly it leaves lots of time to look at everything they dress the set and actors with! And I envy Sarita and her glasses. I would have way more then I do if I could afford the habit.
Molly in OR
Cheryl: great recrap! Thanks...missed it completely last night and once again, your witty, abridged version sparkles with creativity that the writers can only hope to achieve. Love the monkey/banana idea! I think you're on to something there.
Molly: HA!!!! Never knew that getting laid could inspire someone to buy kicky new glasses...lord knows, that's not what I did back in the day. BTW, I also ran into a case of confused identity with my Maggie name (there's a recapper on the sidebar that's not me...I don't have the Spanish skills), hence the Maggarita handle. Oh, & a love for margaritas helped me get creative. So we'll have to re-christen you with a more appropriate name but it's too early in the morning for my brain to actually function & it's way too early for margaritas so I'm a little short on creativity.
My Grand Finale Wish: Ricky, Racqui, Rootie, Crabi & Feo find themselves locked together in a dank, dark cell somewhere in the bowels of Mexidoom, thanks to Coyote. He tosses them some stale, hairy bread (courtesy of the Double R Bakery) and fetid water for sustenance. The e coli that, up until this time, has somehow escaped the residents of Mexidoom suddenly catches up with the Evils & they all die from bouts of intestinal distress & fighting over lavatory privileges
I missed Coyote! Oh noooooooo. What was he wearing? Does anybody have a Youtube link?
Molly, I wonder if they have a Lenscrafters in Mexiloon. You can get a pair of glasses in about an hour you know! :-}
Connie, Coyote was hot. I don't remember exactly what he was wearing but I was thinking it was one of his less gaudy ensembles. Search on youtube for fels 163 and hopefully you'll find him.
Anyway, the split between Gabi and Ricardo happened so fast I almost didn't realize it happened. Since she revealed that Ricardo Uribe killed the Reyes what else could she have against him?
Ricardo is obsessed with the box that is in Pablito's possession. Wouldn't it be funny if Pablito turns out to be the person who saves the whole kit and kaboodle from doom?
Sarita's change of glasses is getting to me. It's almost like a different person shows up to play her part. Like a cast switch in the middle of the program. The writers are messing with our minds.
As much as we all hate Crabi you have to give her points for standing up to old Weasal Face!
Molly - yep, I think Eva only did it once in her life and that's why she's always so sad & depressed. BTW, I'll bet Franco knows the Ole & Sven joke, and where to put the potatoes when he's swimming. ;-)
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Prosperous Winter Solstice, and Joyous 'Whatever', y'all!
It almost seems as if each brother has to have a long sequence lying in bed recuperating while everyone prays for him. Juan's had about 3, France had one, now it's Oscar's turn. I really think the actors were just about to burst out laughing when they were screaming out their over the top juramentos of brotherly love and fidelity, but it could be my imagination.
I also thought Jimena looked very pretty in close-up, with her red lips, blue eyes and white teeth. And I enjoyed Root riding that horse, thinking she might be about to have a wardrobe malfunction!
Hombre...with Franco we got the giant diaper, with Juan we got the black speedo shot in slow motion, in black and white, it color and retime and I think in flashback. Oscar is now bedridden and that has been no skin! I cry foul!
Dude was under a big green John Black Tape tractor, at least give him a sponge bath. Or at least let me.
Happy Holidays everyone!
These guys seem to have nine lives apiece, so so it's hard to get worried when something bad happens to them.
About the leather, well I do know the leather coats in Mexico are not heavy like ours, nothing for warmth.
I remember years ago, when my husband & I went to the bar, there was this Mexican Ranchero guy (not my husband's ranch), anyway it was July and the bar was crowded and air conditioning wasn't working very well & this young guy had black leather jeans. Ewwwww, it was like 1989 & tight was in, black leather jeans & a mullet hair-cut.
--Things like that drive me crazy, cause I always start thinking..okay it is leather and he is sweating & I know he is not going to take those to a leather ewww, think of the tropical rainforest of disease growing in those pants.---
As for the mullet, well it was the eighties. & yes all gender Mullets are still business in the front, party in the back where I live.
Okay all, it's Christmas Eve, my daughter made it down from Portland (Molly in OR, you know this wasn't easy!).
Okay Beckster, we know anything that harks back to the 1980's (tight pants, mullet), always induces a certain amount of quease. Note for example that Coyote never has to resort to tight pants to get attention! He gets it just by being Coyote, Buahahahahaha!!!!!
Cheerios, All!
"Creemelo in OR"
I appreciate the imagery on leather, I think, don't know what to say about the mullets, somehow we all survived them. The lightness or thinness of the leather must be what makes them so form fitting. Nice. But Coyote was looking mighty fine except for the kind of oversized gold medallion which I didn't watch once he flashed that smile. His is almost as winning as Juan's but Juan's wins.
Thanks too to Pasofino on the Nabors tag. I knew who he was and remember well how Feo framed him for Bernie's "accident", that's why I noted that he was enjoying being on the other side of the bars. Somehow his name always escapes me.
Margaret you are very welcome for the escuincle note. I just love saying and hearing the word. I noticed that Ricardo was using it lately alot, but the way he says it and everything else he says sounds so mean.
CherylNMx: "His is almost as winning as Juan's but Juan's wins." This is why you are a genius!!
And as I scrolled down the list I noticed the photo of Chris and la Señora Ferro.I love the expression "dar a luz" and I want to wish you both the best and will be praying for you over this very special holiday.
Molly in OR, not ready for Fuego withdrawls!
beckster-- BuaHaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Girl! you do have a way with words. That is a word picture I'm not likely to forget for a looong time. Too long. LOL Please keep dropping in to visit us.
mumof1 - Love the term 'crapvela'. LOL Perfect for FELS.
Continued wishes for wonderful holidays for everyone, y'all.
I think it might be a major buzzkill returning to Cd Serdan after two days of holiday merriment here at home...
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