Monday, January 12, 2009

Colunga on Cristina tonight....

on now in EST/CST but at 10:00 in the case you didn't see....

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Hey K, thanks for creating this thread. If any knows what happened, I can't wait to read it.

I didn't see much of this. Several of his female costars from other telenovelas, gave videotaped testimonials about what a great guy he is. So did Cesar Evora and Eduardo Capetillo (Pedro Reyes). They talked about his motorcycle hobby too. But that's all I got.

Thanks Julie. I thought one of the captions said he was leaving novelas after 20 years so I got a little panicked.

Oh no! I hope not, but since I didn't see much of it, I could easily have missed that. Anybody? Anybody??

No way is he leaving. They were simply celebrating his 20 years in "the business". He said he was thrilled with his current novela project manana es para siempre which Cristina said is coming in a few weeks, but it's really not coming for a little while.

The weird thing I noticed is that they had Rulli and Susana giving their homages in the same clothing they wore for the Pasion show, so they must have taped these that same day. They must have known this show was coming way back then. There were a few others wearing the same clothing in their homages as they wore on the various Cristina shows they were on recently too, so it seemed like they asked for them to do these videos while they were there in the studio and didn't spend too much effort chasing these people down on other occasions.

k - thanks for opening this theme. the program was an incredible and caring tribute to congratulate Fernando on his successful 20 year career in entertainment. I watched and enjoyed every minute of it.

When it came to the pre-taped messages, I think what Cristina and her staff did was have each person tape their messages when they were at the studios during the year. Then Cristina and her staff just had to insert them at various points during the program that they taped with Fernando. I can tell this because Ernesto was wearing the same coat and scarf he had on while he was in New York taping his segment for Cristina's "Christmas Cadena de Suenos" show.

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