Friday, January 02, 2009

Cuidado Thursday, January 01, 2009 Part 2: Is this a dagger I see before me, the handle towards my hand? I clutch thee, yet I…oops.

HUGE thanks to Pasofino for volunteering to recap Part 1! Since Part 2 finished at 11 pm, this recap is gonna be a somewhat compressed one…

Mari is holding her baby and thinking of JM.

In the barrio, Purita thanks Adrian for defending her honor. Adrian says she can always count on him, then he fesses up that he’s fallen in love with her. Purita says you just feel sorry for me. He says, no it’s real. She shyly says she’s loved him since the first time she laid eyes on him. He’s stoked. The church bells ring. Purita admits she always wanted to catch Adrian, but …. Marichuy. Adrian says he was foolish, but now he loves her. They kiss.

Rocio comes into Blanca’s room and finds her packing.

Viv is sleepy and she tells her ma that she didn’t get any sleep ‘cause Blanca came in, etc. She wants to search Blanca’s room again. Onelia thinks it’s pointless, but Viv says she thinks she’ll find something this time. She really wants to clap eyes on those famous earrings. They run into Rocio in the hallway, who tells them that Blanca is quitting. They are impactadas and wonder if JM knows. Rocio says Blanca already gave her notice to him. She doesn’t know what Blanca said to JM, but she told Rocio something vague about family problems. Onelia’s glad she going, and Viv thinks it’s all very strange.

JM and Ed are walking and talking about Blanca’s leaving. JM says anybody with half a brain (I guess he counts himself in that demographic – I know I do) could tell Blanca’s excuses are made up. He and Ed figure it can’t be a boyfriend problem because, as Ed points out, she’s hardly a young man’s dream. JM strikes a pose and says he walks to talk to her again.

Martirio is on the phone telling Isa about all about Ceclia’s situation. The languishing, the crying, the not eating. And also that the judge told Ceci that Mari has been the source of nothing but grief. Isa’s glad he feels that way, that leaves that door open. She wants to know if anybody knows anything about Mari and Martirio says no. Isa hangs up and thoughtbubbles that she wants to get to the hacienda to see what’s up.

Mari and Mica are admiring the beefy baby. Mari says he looks like…Mica says The papa?

JM and Ed are now in his study – JM wants to talk to Blanca and sends Balbina to get her. Balbina knocks at her room, finds her Blanca clothes from the closet laid out on the bed, but nobody there and the closet is empty. She runs to reports to JM that Blanca seems to be gone. And she left a messy suitcase – not at all like her, she’s so neat.

Here comes Nacho with some wooden toys for the new little boy. Cande and Mari joke sweetly about them. Cande takes a tiny toy guitar and pretends to sing. She’s so happy! She will do diapers and Mica will do baths until Mari feels better, Mari says she’ll do everything, but Cande says not until you’re strong again. Mari tells her baby nothing will ever separate them.

Amador is at Isa’s place. He doesn’t seem to be concerned about anything, but she wants to go straight to the hacienda to find out what’s up. Amador says okay, he’ll go have a look-see. Isa wants to go too, but he says he’ll go alone because they would think something was up if they saw her. He calls her Tia and gives her a peck on the cheek as he leaves and she swats at him.

Pirana and another useless type are drinking in a barn and wondering if Mari’s had her baby yet. They need to be ready to do their evil deed says Pirana.

Mari loves up her baby some more. You and me together forever she says. She says to the baby that she never thought she’d be happy, but now she has everything she needs.

Rocio, JM and Viv are having breakfast indoors at Castle San Roman. As they leave the room, Viv says she gets so sleepy being pregnant and she hangs on JM a bit. Rocio looks uncomfortable. JM tells her to get sleep and also exercise.

Odd that Blanca didn’t come to breakfast, says JM. Rocio says I think she’s gone for good. JM says but she left some things behind. JM guesses that she didn’t want to talk to him. The phone rings and Rocio answers and tells JM it’s the French lady. He reluctantly tell Ivette okay he’ll come over.

El L. looks in on Mari with her baby and thoughtbubbles that if he is to be the father, she could be his wife. He tells Mari how lovely she looks as a mother. She tells him she loves holding her baby. He tells her that a baby learns to feel secure and confident when it gets motherly love in its early days, and if babies don’t get that, they can be rebellious and insecure. Mari talks sadly about not having received all those good things as a child. She swears to her son that he will get all her love, and will study and become somebody.

JM tells Ivette that it’s over. Time for them each to get on with their lives. She gets mad and says he can’t leave her. He says sorry and leaves. She is furious, breaks her wine glass and starts throwing pillows around. It’s all because of that darned Viv, she is sure.

It’s night and Pirana and his pal climb onto a first story balcony of the hacienda. Too bad the hacienda has some stuffed fierce predators but not one live big barking dog. Mari is changing the baby’s diaper. Pirana sees and says in a low voice enjoy yourself for a few more hours, that’s all you get with your baby. He does that evil-eye look he does so well.

Adrian tells his ma that he’s in love with Purita. She’s against it. Adrian says but she’s well educated, a good girl. His mama says find another. She’s always been kind to Purita’s ma, had her in her house, but for him to marry her daughter! Adrian is a fine upstanding fellow and she can’t agree to him marrying the daughter of a woman with a bad reputation. They argue and she goes off to bed, mad.

Purita and her ma talk about Adrian and how he declared his love. They are jubilant. Purita hopes they’ll marry.

Balbina confirms to Viv that Blanca is gone. Viv says thank you and strokes Balbina’s cheek, then heads up the stairs. Balbina looks a bit weirded out by that gesture.

Viv goes to Blanca’s room anyway and starts going through the stuff on the bed. Creepy music plays. She sees a red suitcase of the floor – it’s heavy. She drags it onto the bed and tries to open it, but it’s locked. She starts going through the dresser drawers and finds a key. Yup, it fits the suitcase. Inside are all kinds of fancy, colorful outfits, some with sequins. She goes through them. She finds strappy silver heels, huge sparkly earrings. Ah ha! She finds the wiggly dagger.

In the stairway, JM asks Rocio if Blanca has returned. Rocio thinks she’s gone for good. They decide to have a nighttime tea in the library.

We see Viv from the point of view of looking in from the door to the outside. And sure enough, there stands Ivette in full regalia. Viv turns and looks amazed. Ivette smiles and looks like a snake about to strike.

In the library, JM tells Rocio that he broke off with that other woman. With Blanca gone, he needs to devote more time to Mayita, plus Viv is pregnant.

Viv realizes that Ivette is Blanca. Ivette steps toward her, and Viv holds up the little dagger and says stay back. Ivette laughs and says Viv doesn’t have the nerve. Try me sez Viv. They struggle for the dagger in the best Hitchcockian style, complete with shots of the shadow of the dagger on the wall. Blanca stabs Viv in the chest, Viv does some quick breathing like Mari did in childbirth, and down she goes, holding her finger over the stab spot. Ivette stands over her like a dominatrix. She lets out big sighs of triumph which are echoey and sound like Satan, but maybe that’s just the way the dying Viv is hearing them.

JM and Rocio are still having tea in his study and they hear shrieks so they just both freeze and look surprised. Finally they say Did you hear that? JM carefully sets his teacup down and at last they run off to see.

JM pounds on Blanca’s door, then goes in and spies Ivette and says ¿Que haces aqui? He and Rocio see Viv on the floor and rush to her. She’s dead says JM. Rocio wants to do something, but it’s too late. No puede ser, says Rocio. Ivette looks triumphant.

Downstairs, Balbina tells Onelia she just heard Viv scream and they guess that she and JM are fighting. They rush up.

JM demands to know how Ivette knew his address. She killed Viv! She says yes, and she’s glad. She did it because Viv was going through her things and had found her dagger. What are you talking about? JM demands, shaking her. (See half a brain, above.) She laughs diabolically. She tells him that she sent Viv to hell, which is where she belonged and JM should thank her for liberating him. He tells her she’s going to pay for her crime. Does he think he’s going to just keep quiet? Ivette snarls that he’s an ingrate. She pulls the wiggly dagger on him too, but he puts all that gym time to good use, gets the dagger away, and, in the process, comes away with a curly wig. He sees her real, straight hair and says Blanca?

Back at the hacienda, the two baddies are still on the little balcony and Mari puts the baby in a crib to go get some milk.

Elsa has asked Ed to a nighttime outdoor café to tell him that she’s back with Nelson. Ed barely reacts because that’s all the actor playing him can muster. I think we are to understand that he is bummed.

The baddies finally try to break into Mari’s window, but are having trouble. Meantime, Mari is down in the kitchen where Cande is preparing the bottle but it’s still too hot. We see that days after childbirth, Mari’s stomach has snapped back like an industrial strength rubber band and she looks as she did before, crop top and all. She is nervous about the bottle – she doesn’t want her baby ever to feel hunger like she did.

The baddies decide to break the glass.

JM and Rocio are beyond impactados that Ivette and Blanca are the same person. There is pounding on the door and JM tells Rocio to go out and stall Onelia. JM does his finger to the forehead “I’m thinking” thing and Ivette laughs wickedly. Viv of course has no more lines.

Avances: Onelia is pounding on JM’s chest, sobbing. The baddies are still outside looking in at Mari and the baby.


Oh Maggie...loved your line about Juan Miguel only having half a brian....if that!? Thank God he has that body and that face because he plays stupid so well, I'm beginning to suspect it's type-casting.

Very young mothers who don't gain a lot of weight can regain their figure rather quickly, particularly if they're nursing the baby. Nursing stimulates uterine contractions that really pull you back into line. However, you never snap back as quickly with subsequent births, I'm sorry to recount! With my first, I was able to wear my regular pre-pregnancy clothes going home from the hospital. Not so with the next two!

Maggie: Good morning. I think I heard Mari ask Leo if he was "vicenteandome" when she caught him looking at her from a doorway. I think this came up in another episode. Does anyone know what it means? The only thing I can think of is that she asked him if he was watching over her. Could it be related to St. Vincent? Or, is it more slang, e.g., explain "hot chick" to someone whose English is a second language, meaning the meaning is not related to the words at all.

Wow, I missed this. I thought it was going to be a repeat episode. I'll have to watch on You Tube.

I just got an e-mail from Stacey (who was watching Guapos with us previously) that she had a New Year's baby girl yesterday morning.

She usually likes to go to Coney Island for Polar Bear dips on New Year's Day, but for obvious reasons missed it this year.

P.S. Since when has Adrian declared his love for Purita? When last I heard, she was going to try to win him over, but there must have been a lot of offscreen wooing, especially with all the time Purita had to devote to her mother's plight.

Thank you Maggie for the excellent recap.

Loved you line about JM having half a brain. :)

So, no more Viv. That was quick -- I wonder why so much drama about the supposed pregnancy? and what's Nellie going to do now to stay in the castle de los locos?

Happy new year to everyone!
Jody :)

Can't believe they killed Viv off. Why? What about her pregnancy and trying to keep a hold on JM? She was the one we loved to hate. JM will never get rid of Onelia now, he needs someone to look after poor Mayita. She's lost her mom AGAIN!

Pasofino...just a guess but i don't think it's from St. Vincent...just a slang version of "ver" or "vigilar" but meaning watching over me just as you thought.

But really, I defer to Margarita...when she comes on line, she can clarify this for us.

My machine only recorded one hour of this but I notice the owl is still hanging around outside Cecilia's window...should he become that "damned owl" like Gloria's that "damned bird"?

Thanks for recapping Part 2 last night, Maggie. I just love your title.

I think this is one of my favorite episodes because Ivette kills Vivana. I was going tired of Vivana and her manipulations. She deserves to get killed especially by Ivette-Bianca. Vivana has been torturing Bianca. That is what she gets for all her evil deeds and torturing Bianca. Now I wonder what happens to Bianca-Ivette. This is getting interesting.

I just love the baby that Marichuy has too. He is so cute. I just want to squeeze him. I hope Pirana is not successful in kidnapping and killing the baby. Is this what they want to do or what? I wasn't clear on that?
Marichuy has to come back to the city and get back together with Juan Miguel. He is available again before Estefania moves in. I know she will try to move in on Juan Miguel again.

I can say again. Hooray! Vivana is gone and never to return.


Just seems weird they killed off Viviana. Just too soon. They've left her bad deeds like killing that dude in the Bahamas and her trying to poison her friend in Spain just like a bad dream. Very untidy writing.

Thought MC would be nursing her baby she is so into natural things not giving him a bottle. Yes, and I looked just like her after childbirth too! Ha-ha. I did bring jeans to the hospital with me, but never got to wear them home!!

Wow! Now that was an episode! Action and surprises. Never would have have guessed they would give Viv off with so many episodes still to go and plot lines to develop. No matter how despicable we found her, she surely played her part well. Maybe she is not dead. Don't know that Juan Mi is qualified to make that call. If so, RIP Viv.

Now, back to JM. Would not the person of at least average intelligence upon finding a family member, presumable bleeding to death on the floor, immediately call 911? But not our dashing hero. He spends his time screaming at Blancette and snatching off her wig, and what to his astonished eyes should appear? Finally, without curly hair, he gets a clue! Speaking of type-casting, it occurred to me last night if they ever did a real person casting of Dudley Do-Right, our Juan Mi is the man, right down to the adorable dimple in his chin.

I wondered what was his reason for telling Rocio to stall Nellie at the door. Is he going to try to do some kind of cover-up, now that he realized that he has brought this woman and all this havoc into their lives?

And our little MC. Now I know why she kept slipping into unconsciousness. If you were that tiny and had to pass a baby with a head that big through your body, wouldn't you want to be unconscious too? But the little baby is just too adorable! I loved how he turned his head and eyes to follow Leo around the room - just what every one old baby does. Just shows he's going to be a lot smarter than his dashing daddy!

Excellent recaps, folks. I missed the first half because my program guide insisted it was going to be reruns.

When I first tuned in and saw that baby, I thought, "no wonder Leo was concerned about Mari dying. That kid is HUGE." Cute, though.

JuanMi is either an even more crap doctor than we thought or he just wants Viv to be dead. He barely even glanced at her before declaring that she was beyond help. But is she really dead? I don't believe his examination was conclusive. Maybe he should call Ed to come over, and then together they can call another doctor to pay a house call and decide if she's dead.

I take exception to the remark that the actor playing Ed can't muster emotion. I find him subtle and nuanced. Of course, it may just be that I can tell what he's thinking because of our cosmic connection.

I’m sorry too to lose Viv – I have really enjoyed the actress’s portrayal of her. Maybe she’s just really good at faking dead? Ha! She sure was good at faking amnesia. I’m off to go see relatives, so I’ll miss the rest of today’s discussion – too bad!

My husband tells me my title was too obscure. Hint: Shakespeare.

No, no...we got it Maggie...and were impressed. As always. Just forgot to mention it. Remind your hubby that you ARE the TITLEMEISTER.

And yes, do have a cosmic connection with Eduardo. He's all yours. The rest of us are just going to scrap over the remains of Juan Miguel, even though he is clearly dumb as a rock.

By the way, did it bother anyone else that in spite of the sterilization, el Leopardo never got that greasy lank hair out of his eyes while delivering the baby? Put on a cap doctor, please!
Also, had a hard time believing that squeezing Marichuy like a tube of toothpaste was going to help the baby to be born. It helps when you're expelling the after-birth (which nobody did). And they just waltzed off and left baby with a deeply asleep (drugged?) young woman, not fearing that she might let bebito fall out of bed. Yikes!

PS Maggie, Macbeth? or another one?

Heh. Really Ed is merely one of my many telenovios. I'd take ChefHawt over him in a heartbeat.

JudyB, I think you're right, it's MacBeth. I knew it was Shakespeare but I couldn't remember which one; it's been too long since I read anything literary or saw the plays.

I think that was too easy for Viv to get off. Wouldn't it be excellent justice if she lived, but was brain-damaged because they waited too long to help her? If she's dead, what's going to happen to Onelia? She was just starting to be not such a shrew.

Hmmmm...Chef you're talkin' Julia. I'm afraid I might have to fight you over that one too. He is yummy. (seemed the appropriate adjective)

Great recap Maggie and I absolutely love the title! JudyB and Julia – Yup, ‘twas the Scottish play that Maggie quoted. That was the scene before Lord M killed Duncan.

I too wondered how the heck Mari got her figure back so quickly (though it seems from our experienced board it's less unusual than I thought), especially since she’s not breastfeeding (not a criticism, she probably can’t – it seems like something her character would want to do if she could - but breastfeeding tends to help in the weight loss). I also thought it was silly for such a protective mother to stand around the kitchen with Cande waiting for the milk. She either should have gone back and told her to rush up ASAP, or brought the baby down with her. Come to think of it, in our little backwater town where wooden toys are so readily available (or people build them in no time at all) nobody thought to invest in a baby monitor.

JudyB - Yup, Leo could at least have grabbed a do rag for his hair or something and as Mari passed out I wondered: "hello, placenta!" I have heard of nurses pressing on pregnant bellies in the past to aid in delivery. Not sure it ever worked, but it's been done. Many countries, including Mexico, have long traditions of babies sleeping in the bed with their mothers. Me, I'd be terrified of rolling over and suffocating it.

I was so relieved Viv got killed already. I was at my mom’s over the holidays where they’re close enough to Mexico to get Televisa. I accidentally walked in while she was watching this one and turned right around, glad it wasn’t anything pivotal (I think they’re about 2 months ahead or so). However, when my brother started asking (he’d fallen behind on it) mom mentioned that JM was now a widower for real and I covered my ears (I know, very mature) and said “don’t tell me!”

Jody and jtorres: I think they did edit the honeymoon scene (for either length or content) leaving portions out from the previous broadcast (not sure if they did in Mexico). Also, I think we are to infer that what we saw last night was the “afterglow” and at some point during the night both JM and Mari put some clothes on. In the “morning after” scene, she wasn’t wearing her wedding dress, but some sort of nightgown and I think he was wearing boxers, but it’s been a while.

Pasofino and Judy – “vicentear” seems to be slang for “ver” = to see, to watch. I have no evidence to support this, but it’s the way it keeps getting presented as Mari used it often when saying she’d go visit Vicente Rocio, and Cande at the hospital.

Jody and violet – I think the side effect from the Viv pregnancy plot is that Mari will find out (‘cause Cande can’t keep her mouth shut) and it will make it less likely that she’ll go to JM. Being in such an isolated place, I have no idea how long it will take them to find out Viv died (though perhaps PA will officiate the funeral and they could find out that way).

Genevieve – they aren’t planning to kill the baby, just steal it (probably send it to an orphanage). Still, I also hope they don’t succeed.

Marti, JM checked Viv’s breathing, etc., before he pronounced her dead, but I agree he should have called someone just in case. As for stalling Onelia, maybe JM didn’t want her to freak out at seeing her daughter like that? Then again, on the previews it looked like Onelia wants to make the guilt fall on JM. I wonder if that means that Blanca/Ivette runs away or JM tries to hide her. It seems to me that being institutionalized (Blanca will probably pop up soon enough) would be a good thing that might help her unload her evil alter ego, so I hope that will be JM’s eventual conclusion.

Now that Viv is dead, will we ever find out if she was truly pregnant?

Great recap, Maggie, and yes, the quote is from MacBeth, where lady MacBeth gets the blood all over her hands and goes mad."Out damn spot".
I may be wrong, but it looked to me like Viv was having a heart attack.
She grabbed her heart and there was no blood anywhere.
Also, when they have the autopsy, it will show she wasn't pregnant.
I never saw a character get killed off so suddenly in my life. I agree, what about the guy she shot and seducing her best friend's husband? I was waiting for her to pay for her sins.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Verdad?

Thanks to you too Maggie, I was misinformed stopped reading down all of the schedule, so I did not see any of this show so I am deeply indebted for your fine recap that helps in keeping us up with the story. I will be sorry to leave this one after next week, I am enjoying it so. When you finally read this after your weekend trip, which I hope was fun, tell your husband that not only were you not obscure but your readers are not stupid nor illiterite wretches, but in fact some of us have degrees in English literature and LOVED the Macbeth lines which you used to such fine advantage. Thanks for the fine work once again. It was good to start laughing with the title since the events of the episode were so dire.

I was not at all a fan of Viviana but the actress did a good job of making her odious and slimy in nearly every scene. It does seem too soon to stab the life out of her but I imagine it will foil the baby robbers who will not get paid now when they finally quit bumbling and I assume will carry out the kidnapping. Isa and Estefania don't seem to have the money to carry this off, though someone mentioned that Estefania will now want to resume her conquest of JM. Good thing about the baby being so beefy. I can't imagine a couple of lunks like Piranha and his cohort will be very careful with an infant.

i was surprised when Viv was killed off so suddenly. it's as if she got away with everything. JuanMi, Onelia, and Rocio never found out about the Bahamas murder or that weirdness in Spain, or how she managed to somehow get pregnant. It all just seems like such an open ended mystery. it's too fragmented. I would have rather had Stef be killed because that witch is evil to MC for no reason and has no business being anywhere near Ceci's house or JM while Viv had a history with JM at least and the drama between her and MC would've been a more liable showdown. Plus, Stef is just unbearable to watch in her scenes while we love to hate Viv. It would've made more sense to have everything about Viv exposed in the end and have her hauled off to rot in jail for life.

I don't jump into this discussion often, but watch Cuidado faithfully and I noticed your questions on vicentear. My "Hamel's Bilingual Dictionary of Mexican Spanish" says that it is the same as ver, to see.


Thanks for confirming our guesses Schoolmarm. And what did you think of Friday night's episode. I was so annoyed by the wrongness and stupidity of all that was being done (and not done) I had to stop watching!

JudyB, I loathed Friday's episode (and almost added a comment to the previous one here, but didn't). JuanMi deserves a good shaking for being so stupid.

In fact, he deserves a good shaking for being so stupid that he didn't pick up on Ivett earlier. How can he call himself a good psychoanalyst if he can't even notice what's right in front of his face??? It's not like she and Blanca really looked so different, excuuuuuse me. That's just my 2 cents' worth.

After I had my kid, my husband figured that my belly would just "deflate." Glad to see Marichuy's did. Not even a darn stretchmark...Does JM not put 2 and 2 together to figure out that hmmmm....maybe the BLONDE french chick and the BLONDE Blanca are, i don't know, the same?! Boy, I think the writers didn't do their research on what it is that psychoanalysts actually do....Also, when marichuy was in pain and 9months preggers she was bouncing all over the bed, what's up with that. any woman that has ever given birth knows that when your that huge and in pain the last thing you want to do is be bouncing all over the place. Writers again....lack of research...All in all, great job with the recaps....mumof1

Howdy =)

Since were moving on to comment on Friday, I understood JM feeling guilty for 1) hiring someone who's unstable and sticking her in his house and in charge of his kid, 2) being such a piss poor psychoanalyst that he didn't realize there was something wrong with Blanca even though she hinted at it even his own crazy wife figured it out, and 3) Being such a moron that he didn't realize that his nanny and his girl on the side (even if they never got it on, he really was cheating when you think about it) were the same person. Having said that, what he did to "make up for it" was even stupider than anything he's done. Blanca will not get better just by hanging around the house. She needs to be treated, perhaps even institutionalized (being that she's killed at least one person). Not sure what the laws are like on that in Mexico, but he's got friends in the court and could intercede so she goes to a hospital instead of jail. The other HUGE issue, is what this will do to Mayita. Poor kid has just lost her mom, again, and will now be told that her dad is a murderer, again, but this time with police confirmation. And who does our poor child get stuck with? Nasty Onelia that's who. No court will give the custody to Rocio who's young, unmarried, and still a student. They will give it to the mean wench who tells her horrible things and chastises her (usually for no good reason) and ignores her when she's genuinely ill. I hope he changes his mind on his plan on Monday, or that Blanca and Rocio tell the truth to the cops, 'cause I'm not liking where this is headed at all.

On quick note. No disrespect to Alice on the MacBeth line, but since we disagreed on where it happened and who said it, I figured I'd double check on the play. Sure enough, it was Lord, not Lady MacBeth who said the line as he was gathering up the muster to kill king Duncan. The dagger was imaginary (some movies CG it and some plays dangle stuff) and the daggers he uses are in the room with Duncan, where Lady M placed them after checking the guards she drugged fell asleep. The "out damn spot" line comes much later, when Lady M starts sleepwalking and remembering how she had to return said daggers (oddly enough, I don't remember any mention of the trail of blood the darn things must have formed as he walked them from the room and she walked them back) to the room so people would think it was the guards that killed Duncan. For a nit of useless trivia about yours truly, I got to play Witch #1 many, many moons ago.

Oops, the nit meant to write for "bit" of useless trivia. And again, Alice, I mean no disrespect (lord knows I mix up my lines all the time), just wanted to make sure we had our chisme straight.

Honestly this plot twist is so stupid it makes me want to hurl! Mayita will not only be told her dad is a murderer....but that he murdered HER MOTHER! Really, Juan Miguel needs a brain transplant.(The rest of him is just fine...fine!)

Just wanting to chime in here with you guys--what an insane plot development--leaving the dead body around the house for who knows how long, covering it up with a sheet, and then claiming responsibility for the murder. Oh, please, make it stop.

Dear Margarita,
Thank you for clearing the dagger and "damned spot" for me. My little old brain can't remember
my own name half the time, let alone my favorite Shakespeare. I
really appreciate your help.

The commentary on here is great, especially this episode.

I'd already spoiled Viv's death for myself, and *might* even have been looking forward to it - one less impediment to JMxMC right? But now I'm kinda sorry to see her go. The character was well-developed, awful as she was, and the actress did a great job with her. Plus she and Stefi had that great antagonist chemistry.

Come to think of it, some of the villains have gotten rather entertaining. Amador and now his "tía" too Isa, and Steffi - the these of them are the worst combination in the best way.

I am going to need JuanMi to have checked a tad more thoroughly though to be sure there was nothing to be done for Vic, though. O.o

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