Sunday, January 04, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Mon. & Tues., Dec. 29 & 30 - Meléndez beats up DB and Santos is a fugitive but not to worry. Melquíades has his blowgun

December 29

Santos demands that Meléndez release Marisela or he will shoot. Meléndez says that Santos isn't a killer. Santos replies that he will drill Meléndez full of holes for Marisela. Meléndez asks in what capacity Santos is speaking, as a boyfriend or father? With what right does he come and to speak to Meléndez that way? Santos replies that he has the right to defend a woman from a man like him. Meléndez lets Marisela go and asks what Santos is going to do now - shoot the four of them? If he does so, he will be shot the next day.

DB tells Cecilia that Marisela needs to leave the Arauca to see the world and forget her family - DB, her father. "And Santos," says Cecilia. "Especially Santos," says DB. She tells Cecilia that Santos is the first man to open Marisela's eyes as a woman. She and Cecilia know that the first love isn't the only one or the most important. "You fear her that much," says Cecilia. "That much," replies DB.

Pajarote thinks that María Nieves' desire to learn to read and write and create poems is ridiculous. He should forget about Altagracia and be like Pajarote - a different woman every day. Carmelito comes in and says that he agrees with MN. Further, he will go to school with him. When Pajarote asks why, Carmelito says that doesn't want his son to think he is a dummy (burro). "What's wrong with being a dummy?" says Pajarote.

DB says that she doesn't fear her daughter who is still a child but she fears the woman that she will become. She says that is the problem. Every days she finds Marisela becoming more and more like her and that isn't good. Cecilia says that DB doubts Santos. DB says that even though Santos is the best man in the world, he is still a man. DB says that she doesn't want to start a fight like she had with Luisana. Cecilia accuses DB of having maternal feelings for Marisela. DB says she doesn't know but she doesn't want to hurt her daughter anymore than she already has. DB asks Cecilia if she will help her. Cecilia says that she can speak the absolute truth - for the first time, she would like to help DB but she can't. Only Marisela can command the feelings in her heart.

Meléndez tells Santos that he is condemning himself to death. He has witnesses that Santos threatened him with death. Santos tells Marisela to leave. She doesn't want to but he insists. She starts to leave but Guerrero grabs her. Santos says that if Meléndez will let Marisela go, he will turn himself in. Meléndez won't deal while Santos is pointing the pistol at him so Santos puts it down. At that moment, another guard comes in. Guerrero grabs his gun and points it at Santos. Meléndez orders Santos and Marisela arrested for contempt, kidnapping and attempted murder. Santos is outraged that Meléndez refuses to release Marisela and says that he has no honor. Meléndez says that he doesn't understand what honor is.

DB tells Cecilia that it is strange that they have suceeded in reaching an understanding even though Cecilia detests her. Cecilia says DB has done some detestable things but she doesn't detest her. Cecilia says that something has changed in DB. DB suggests jokingly that Santos' love has turned her into a saint. At this point, Juan Primito bursts in and tells DB that Marisela was arrested and Santos went to town to get her out. DB tells Cecilia not to worry. She will get Santos and Marisela out whatever it takes.

In their jail cell, Santos tells Marisela that this is the result of her not paying attention to what he told her. Marisela asks him to forgive her. Santos says that it isn't a matter of forgiveness. She has to think before acting. He told her not to leave Altamira so that she wouldn't get into problems like this. Santos guesses that she was going to see Gonzalo. She replies that she knows she is stupid but she just wanted to bring food to the guys. She didn't want to cause any problems least of all for him. He holds her and Marisela says that she was terrified they were going to kill him. If anything happened to him, she would die.

Lorenzo asks where Marisela has been all day. Cecilia lies badly. Lorenzo asks what she is hiding from him. Cecilia says that it is nothing. Marisela will be back soon and he should rest.

Meléndez is yelling that Santos threatened him and swears that he will 'disappear' Santos (in Latin America, 'desaparacer' can be used as a transitive verb generally applied to political dissidents.) DB comes in and tells him not to swear in vain. Meléndez says that he has witnesses to the fact that Santos threatened him and held a pistol to his head. DB says that Santos is a man of peace and wouldn't threaten anyone without reason. Meléndez says that Santos and Marisela are in prison and they'll stay there for threatening the authorities and complicity with the rebels. DB tells Pernalete and Mujiquita to leave. Meléndez says that he gives the orders. DB asks if he is afraid to be alone with her or does he prefer that she speak in front of them. Meléndez tells them to leave. DB tells Melendez to let Santos and Marisela go. They had an agrement that he wouldn't mess with what is hers in return for her not going public with his past. Meléndez tells her that she doesn't know who she is dealing with. He has power and knows important people. DB tells him to put it to the test. She says that she suspects that he has a lot of enemies in the government. Meléndez says that he will release Marisela but not Santos. DB won't accept that. She says that Santos and Marisela must be released or she will destroy him.

Evidently, Meléndez blinked because he releases Santos and Marisela but he says that Santos will regret it. Santos tells Meléndez that he can't put on a uniform just to threaten and to abuse the power he is given. Meléndez says that Santos threatened him in front of witnesses. He will be waiting.

Santos asks DB how she got him out of jail. He recognizes that Marisela is a minor but for him, what? DB says that she threatened Meléndez with abuse of a minor. She says that she knows how to deal with people like Meléndez. Once again, Santos asks if DB has something on Meléndez or knew him from before. She doesn't answer but asks to take Marisela back to Altamira so she can talk to her. Santos leaves without a word.

DB starts by scolding Marisela for getting everyone in trouble but backs off when Marisela says that she just wanted to bring a cake to the guys. "You wanted to see Gonzalo?" she asks. Marisela asks DB not to take it wrong or get mad but were she and Meléndez lovers? DB replies that she has only had two loves, not men, which isn't the same. The first was Asdrúbal, a good boy and this one, her grand love, the man of her life, her Santos Luzardo.

Santos comes into the bar in the hotel and sits down with Antonio. Antonio says that he looks like he has a lot of problems and asks if he wants a beer. Santos says no, if he drinks when he is as furious as he is, he will lose his head. He needs to have a clear head. He tells Antonio about what happened with Marisela and Meléndez. Antonio asks how come he isn't in jail. Santos says it was DB. Santos is upset that he went against his principles and used violence. Antonio says that with people like Meléndez and Pernalete, you don't get anywhere by being nice. Santos says that everything is going wrong at the same time: DB only does what she wants to; Marisela is getting in trouble; Lorenzo's health is getting worse every day; the hacienda isn't progressing and there's something he hasn't told Antonio. Santos says that he is sure that DB and Meléndez knew each other in the past. He says that he has to find out the secret that they share.

DB brings Marisela back to Altamira and Cecilia is relieved to see her. Marisela goes to see her father and Cecilia warns her not to say anything to him about what happened. Cecilia thanks DB for what she did. DB asks Cecilia once again to help Marisela forget about Santos. She says that it's a crime that Marisela is waiting around for crumbs of affection from Santos when he will never love her as a woman because the only woman for him is DB.

Santos tells Antonio that he knows that DB loves him. Antonio asks if Santos loves DB. Santos says that he cares about her but he can't believe her because she is lying all the time and hiding part of the truth. It's the lack of faith in her that's killing him. Santos says that sometimes she seems to be monster capable of doing anything to get what she wants and at other times she is fragile, loving and needs affection. Antonio says that Santos knows what he thinks of that woman. He has heard too much to have confidence in her. Danger comes into the bar. He tells Santos that saw him stolling romantically with Dr. Arias last night under the full moon.

The notary that DB left her accusation with is arrested.

DB tells Melquíades that Meléndez has become too dangerous to her and especially to Santos. It would have been better to have more time to plan but they have to play with the bad cards they've been dealt. Melquíades says that she doesn't have to say more. What does she want him to do? DB says that she can't contain Meléndez any more. They will have to act. He should get ready. Melquíades says that Meléndez is always surrounded by a lot of soldiers. They will have to hit him silently so that death comes without him realizing what happened. DB says that she has a plan. Meléndez' hour has come.

Danger tells Santos says that DB has told him not to tell anyone about what he saw and he won't. Santos asks why he is talking about it then. Danger tells him that DB promised to give him La Chusmita. Santos is annoyed. He says that the ownership of La Chusmita has been in litigation since the time of his father. It never belonged to El Miedo. Danger says that if DB can't give it to him then Santos has to.

Marisela tells her father that she is afraid for him, for Santos for the guys, for everything and she doesn't like living with this fear.

Cecilia runs into Lucía and Don Encarnacíon. Lucía mentions that she asked to visit Cecilia. Meanwhile Federica and Josefa see them talking. Federica recognizes Lucía and says that she thought she was dead in the Capital. She says that Lucía was very ill when she was a little girl.

Genoveva decides to take a shower outside because it is so hot. Pajarote is hanging around and he says he has a surprise for her.

Santos returns to El Miedo and yells furiously for DB. He yells at her for promising to give La Chusmita to Danger.

Pajarote dangles a snake in front of Genoveva while she is in the shower. She reacts as you would expect.

DB points out correctly to Santos that Danger knows everything and has them by the short and curlies. She had no choice but to agree to give him La Chusmita. Santos admits that he was wrong [duh]. DB smiles and says that he had a bad day. Santos says that he likes it when she looks at him like that. "Like what?" asks DB. Santos says that she looks tamed (mansa), as if she has been domesticated. She tells him that only he can tame her wild beasts (fieras) and she is eating out of his hand.

Guerrero tells Meléndez that he has good news. They found the notary where DB left her information and detained him. "I've got you, Barbarita," says Meléndez, "I've got you."

In the cellar, Andrés is feeling a lot better. He doesn't know where he is so the other rebels tell him and say that the situation outside is very bad. There are soldiers everywhere searching for them. Gonzalo thinks that they should think about leaving. It's becoming too dangerous. He wonders what is going on outside, why Marisela hasn't come back.

Outside, Melquíades is supervising the movement of a large freezer. Leon and Tigre ask why the Doña needs one and Melquíades tells them not to ask questions.

Santos tells the rebels what happened with him, Marisela, Meléndez and DB. The fact that Santos and his family have been put at such risk makes it clear to the rebels that they have to leave.

DB is relaxing when first Juan Primito and then Melquíades comes to say that Meléndez has come. DB sends Melquíades to warn Santos and cover any trace of the entrance. Meléndez and his soldiers come in. DB says that he who has nothing to hide has nothing to fear. She says that there is nothing at El Miedo but cows and horses. Meléndez says that he doesn't believe her. He orders his men to search the place inch by inch.

In church, Cecilia prays that the soldiers leave forever. She prays to the Virgin for the child she is carrying; to watch over Lorenzo who is so sick. She prays that Santos and Marisela find their way to happienss and she prays for her Antonio. She says that she loves him and even though he isn't for her, she prays that he will be happy and that one day he forgive her. As she leaves the Church, she sees Antonio there with DE and Lucía. When DE and Lucía come out of the church, Federica comes up to Lucía and reminds her that they were in school together in San Fernando. Federica asks why they were with Antonio. When Lucía asks if Federica knows Antonio, Federica replies that he is a bad person. He got her pregnant and left her just like the got the 'vieja' at Altamira pregnant.

Lorenzo says that he wants to talk to Marisela about her birthday.

The soldiers are trashing El Miedo.

Melquíades comes to the cellar and tells Santos and the rebels not to move. The soldiers have come.

Just as Melquíades is covering up the entrance to the cellar, Meléndez and the soldiers come in. Meléndez asks what this room is for. DB says that it for the animal feed. There is only equipment and fodder here. Meléndez says that he doesn't believe her. He tells the soldiers to seach everything. Meléndez tells DB that she is going to lose everything. The notary that she entrusted her papers with has been found. He says that once again she is in his hands.

December 30

In the presence of the searching soldiers, DB yells at Meléndez to kill her just like he did to her father. Meléndez tells her to be quiet.

In the cellar, Santos says that DB might be in danger and he wants to leave the cellar. Gonzalo points out correctly that if he does that, they will all lose, including DB.

DB keeps throwing accusations at Meléndez and then she knees him in the crotch and runs out of the room and back into the main room of the house. She tells her men to be quiet. Meléndez comes in pointing a gun at her. She tells him to hit her just like he and four others did before. Melquíades is watching from outside. Meléndez does hit her.

Marisela tells Lorenzo that she doesn't like her birthday because it brings bad memories of not receiving any gifts when she was a child. Lorenzo says from now on they will celebrate all her birthdays because life has to be celebrated with happiness and hope because it is so beautiful and so short at the same time. He says that this year she will receive many gifts even if DB doesn't fulfill her promise to hand over El Miedo. Marisela says that she doesn't care about that. Lorenzo says that she has to be happy because she will be the mistress of her own life. Marisela asks what that means. Lorenzo says that it means that she she will assume responsibilities and no one can tell her what to do. Marisela says that the only thing she wants is for Lorenzo to be ok. He says that he is ok and is so proud of her.

DB keeps provoking Meléndez. She asks if it makes him feel macho to abuse a woman. She demands that he tell everyone there the story of his being a murderer, thief and rapist. "Tell your men about your great deeds!" says DB. She knees him the crotch again.

Lucía can't believe that Antonio got Federica and Cecilia pregnant. Federica repeats that it is true. She claims that Antonio courted her and they were engaged and he only left her when he found out she was pregnant. Federica tells Lucía to ask around and she will find out that Antonio is a bad guy.

Don Encarnación tells Antonio that Lucía is the most important thing in his life and there is nothing that he wouldn't do for her. When she was little, she was very ill and on the point of death. She needed a kidney transplant and he didn't hesitate to give her one of his. He would give her his heart if she needed it. She is his treasure. DE says that he knows his daughter and that she is interested in Antonio. He doesn't want her to suffer. DE says that he doesn't have any problem if they are a couple because Antonio is a gentlemen but he doesn't want Lucía to be hurt. Antonio tells DE that he isn't in love with Lucía. He offers to resign if that would prevent misunderstandings. Lucía comes up behind him and coldly says that won't be necessary. She admits that she fell in love with him by herself and she will fall out of love the same way.

DB keeps provoking Meléndez and he hits her again.

Danger has some papers drawn up.

The guys in the cellar can tell that the action has moved away from the room with the trap door but Gonzalo tells Santos that they can't leave until they are told it is ok.

Melquíades is about to use his blowgun on Meléndez when DB staggers over and tells him not to do it here.

Again, something was cut because after the credits, we have DB holding a knife to Meléndez' throat and he is holding a gun to Melquíades' head. DB says that they were looking for rebels and they didn't find any so they should leave her hacienda. Meléndez orders that the hacienda be sealed off. No one may leave or enter. They are looking for Santos who is accused of making death threats on Meléndez. Meléndez and his men leave.

Danger tells BP that everything is going well and he asks BP to drink with him.

Meléndez returns to the police station and tells Pernalete that DB and Melquíades tried to kill him. He tells Guererro that he wants 24 hour security at the hotel. Meléndez sends Pernalete for Mujiquita and says to himself that he can't do it in public. He needs to get DB alone like before. He says that Santos and she are going to pay him with their lives.

Eustaquia is cleaning up DB. She asks why DB provoked Meléndez. DB replies that it was the only way to prevent the rebels from being discovered. Eustaquia says that they owe her their lives. DB says that she will make Meléndez regret that he was born. Melquíades comes in. He says that there are soldiers all around the hacienda. DB tells him to wait until after dark and bring food to the rebels but not let Santos out of the basement. She doesn't want him to see her like this. DB asks Eustaquia to leave and she knows what that means. She begs DB not to mess with that man.

Meléndez makes Mujiquita sign the accusation against Santos. To himelf, Mujiquita says that he is a Judas who is betraying his friend in the worst way.

The soldiers come looking for Santos at Altamira but Cecilia tells them that he isn't there. Marisela is snarky with Guerrero but Lorenzo comes down, apologizes for the impetuousity of his daughter and says he will do what he can to help them.

Santos comes out of the cellar and sees that DB has been beaten up. He guesses that it was Meléndez and is all agitated and grabs DB's gun.

Guerrero reports to Meléndez that Santos has disappeared. Meléndez is angry and tells Guerrero that Santos must be with the rebels. He says that Santos threatened his life but he isn't that easy to kill. They will die first.

Santos says that he will kill Meléndez but DB tells him to leave it. Does he want to be killed? She would be left defenseless if he is taken. She says that if Meléndez kills him, everything she did will be for nothing. "You provoked him, right?" asks Santos. DB says that it was the only alternative she had. They were about to discover the hidden door. She tells Santos that he has to be more civilized than ever. He can't go crazy because she needs him. Santos calls her his woman of iron, his courageous woman and a wild beast.

Mujiquita is drowning his sorrows in drink with Antonio. He says that Santos will never forgive him. He is the worst thing in Progresso. He says that he is worse than Judas Iscariot who sold our Lord for 3o pieces of silver. He points at Josefa who is fooling around with Meléndez at the bar and Antonio tries to quiet him down. Josefa leads a drunk Meléndez out of the bar and says it is time for them to relax. We see that Melquíades is in the bar. I guess he knows how to get out of El Miedo without being seen.

The next morning Santos and DB are in bed. He asks if she realizes that he will have to leave with the rebels. He is a danger to her and everyone. DB says that he can never leave her. They will be together until the end of the world.

The terneras are doing the laundry by beating it on rocks in the river! The general sentiment is that Pajarote and the snake was a joke and Genoveva shouldn't be so offended. She, however, wants revenge. Marisela is nearby and the terneras ask her for an idea to make Pajarote look foolish. She suggests rubbing his clothes with the Pica Pica plant that grows near their house. (Wikipedia says that the term Pica Pica is used commonly to refer to various plants that cause skin irritation.)

Marisela tells Cecilia that she is worried about Santos. Meléndez is very dangerous. Cecilia reassures Marisela that Santos is smarter than Meléndez and he's a lawyer, too. Marisela says that of course Santos can defend himself with words but what about against bullets? Marisela tells Cecilia that she is also worried about her father. He has been very nice to her almost as if he were saying goodbye. She asks Cecilia if Lorenzo is going to die. Cecilia tells her not to think about such things. She has been very tense and stressed out with all that has happened. Lucía drops in for a visit.

The terneras put the Pica Pica plan into operation with Pajarote and María Nieves' underwear.

Lucías tries to get Cecilia to talk about Antonio but she refuses to gossip.

Pajarote and MN put on their clothes including the treated shorts. Pajarote thinks that learning to read and write is useless in getting women. Women like their men to be animals.

Danger brings the property transfer document to DB. She says that it is very well prepared. Danger refuses to tell her who wrote it. She says that her signature on the document is worthless since the property has been disputed in court for years. Danger asks if she will get Santos to sign it. DB asks what he wants with the property. There is only quicksand and weeds there. Danger says first that he wants it for sentimental reasons but DB isn't buying. Danger says that he will invest some money in the place and sell it. He is only interested in money. He reminds her that the gift of the property is to buy his silence for what he saw. DB says that she will keep the papers and get Santos to sign. Tomorrow, La Chusmita will be his.

The Pica Pica has the desired effect on Pajarote and María Nieves much to the amusement of the terneras.

DB sends for BP and she tells him that Danger came and told her that it was he who was interested in getting the reward for betraying Santos. BP swears that he would never betray her and DB says that she believes him and that he is incabable of betraying her. (The actor who plays BP is so good.) She asks if anything unusual has been happening at La Chusmita. BP says that Danger was there with some gringos. DB asks what they were saying and BP says that he doesn't know. They were talking gringo. When they left, Danger was very happy and said things like 'I am rich.' BP says that he was too happy.

Mujiquita is terribly hung over in the bar of the hotel when Josefa comes down and starts ordering the staff around. Mujiquita protests but Josefa says that she is the Colonel's woman now - the 'Coronela.' Meanwhile Melquíades, who I guess has been standing in the bar all night, slips out.

Lucía takes her leave of Cecilia. Marisela offers to show her out. She tells Lucía that she knows this wasn't a courtesy visit. If Lucía wants information, she can ask Marisela. Lucía says ok and asks Marisela what is the relationship between Antonio Sandoval and Cecilia.

DB comes into the basement where Gonzalo is pacing like a caged lion. She needs to talk to Santos. She says that Danger brought this document to Santos and he has to sign it. She says that it is a false sale ('venta falsa') of the land around La Chusmita. She says Danger gave her an ultimatum. Either sign or he will tell Meléndez what he saw.

Meléndez wakes up hung over. He calls for Josefa. Melquíades is outside the window with his blowgun. He shoots a dart at Meléndez. [Let's hope that Dr. Arias is as clueless about what is wrong with Meléndez as he was about Orestes Prieto and the Meléndez has a long horrible death.]


Another wonderful episode. DB's scenes taunting Melendez in front of his soldiers were fabulous! I cheered when she kicked him in the groin.

I was definitely wondering what DB meant by a false sale. If the gringos Danger is negotiating with prepared the paper and Santos and DB sign it, then how is it false? Very curious about the value of La Chusmita to Danger. Just as DB states, in the novel the land had absolutely no value and was partly quicksand. It was just the insane stubbornness of the fathers of Santos and Lorenzo that they both wanted it. Could it be oil? Venezuela has lots.

Can hardly wait until tonight to see what happens to Melendez. I have a feeling Melquiades didn't give him a killing dose and that there will be another scene with he and DB, this time with him as her prisoner.

I didn't understand 'false sale' either, which was why I put the Spanish in the recap too in case it was come use of 'falsa' that I didn't understand. The previews for tonight show Danger pointing a gun at DB so maybe we find out what that was all about.

I was thinking oil at La Chusmita, too although I thought most of Venezuela's oil was offshore.

DB was great in her scenes provoking Meléndez. It wasn't very smart of him to get within knee range of her a second time!

Looking forward to tonight too.

I am very much enjoying the back-and-forth between DB and Melendez. He is such a horrible swine! And jean, you are so right about Paul Quevedo. He's always been a disgusting type of untrustworthy bad guy. His "tongue work" in this show is especially nasty.

I got quite a charge out of Santos telling Marisela that she had to use good judgment. He clearly has none. When he rushed into the prison with Guerreo's pistol, he was taking a step which meant he would have to shoot everyone in the prison -- if he figured it any other way, he was a fool. I note:

He couldn't trust Melendez (Duh)
Melendez wasn't going to let Marisela loose
He couldn't leave witnesses
He doesn't know whether Pernelete would rat him out
He doesn't know that DB is on the way to save the day

In fact, when he took DB's gun in the bedroom, I thought, 'Put the gun away, wuss, you aren't man enough to do anymore than wave it around, and Melendez knows it.'

Thing is, he didn't even make it out of the house. How COULD any woman be interested in him? If Josefa was looking for a milk toast for a sugar daddy, there was a better mark than Mujica, that's for sure!

Anyhow, I am loving Edith's work and also Lucho Velasco as Melquiades -- he adds so much.

At first, I thought Melendez would die and that Josefa was going to get stuck with the blame...that would have been rich!

Thanks again, Jean, for your great work.

Thanks for another great recap Jean ;)

These have got to be the dumbest soldiers ever. Santos, Melquiades, Juan Primito, and even DB coming in and out of El Miedo and Altamira. Guess they're concentrating on finding Santos and that's why the rest have managed to get out without a fuss, but you'd think they'd be followed. Also, if anything, they'd be looking around Altamira for Santos to come back. Just saying. No surprise that someone as corrupt as Melendez and his henchman Guerrero probably went up the ranks through treachery rather than any real ability.

I'm guessing from the Monday episode that the "false sale" will be that DB and Santos will back out of notarizing, etc. the paperwork, thus rendering their signatures invalid? Not sure what the laws are in Venezuela, but that's the impression I got from what Barbara said to Santos.

Timoteo, I guess Chrisian Meier's charm doesn't come across to guys. I find him devastatingly attractive. This is the second role I've seen him in. He was also good in Zorro. That boyish, perplexed by women's maneuverings thing gets me every time. He also is good being funny in a self-deprecating way.

Plus, he is portraying the character as written. And this is a conflicted character. He's trying to change the ways of the Plains with his lawyer's logic and is a bit at sea when it seldom works out. Christian is portraying Santos much as he is written in the novel.

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