Saturday, January 03, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Tues., Dec. 22 - Marisela is arrested for transporting a banana cake to El Miedo
Santos tells the rebels that Dr. Arias has risked a lot in coming to see Andrés. Dr. Arias says that Andrés is having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic but he can treat that.
Danger finds the entrance to the tunnel. He says that DB is crazy for Santos but this is a secret that he is going to keep. He will get paid for it later.
Lucía asks Antonio what is going on. He says that this isn't going to happen. He has had enough of spoiled and flighty girls like her. Lucía says that it was just a kiss. She couldn't help herself. Antonio tells her to find someone else because she isn't going to play with him. Lucía asks who is the other 'crazy woman' he referred to. She guesses that it is Cecilia.
DB tells one of Pernalete's men that if the drunk soldiers haven't been arrested, the Altamira folk should be released. Meléndez comes in and says that he has conducted an investigation and the Altamira folk should be released because the soldiers were drunk.
"Barbarita," says Meléndez, "I saw you with your daughter. Tender (tierno)!, Very tender. And I'm thinking which one is better, the mother or the daughter. Or should I take both ('me quedo con las dos')? DB turns to leave. "You forgot to thank me," says Meléndez.

DB leaves without a world. "Both of you will pay ('Las cobro')," says Meléndez.
Dr. Arias says that Andrés has responded very well to his treatment and he will be ok. The doctor has to go back to town.
Cecilia gives Lorenzo a glass of something and tells me that he is tired and should go to bed. "This is how it should always have been ('Así debió haber sido siempre')," says Lorenzo.
Antonio reluctantly confirms that Cecilia was the woman who destroyed his life and love. He says that it is over between them. Lucía replies that if it is really over between him and Cecilia, why can't he find a new love or is he still in love with Cecilia? Antonio denies that he is in love with anyone. He offers her his friendship but right now, he doesn't want anything to do with love. He leaves and Lucía says that something happened with that woman and she is going to find out what it was.
Cecilia sits down with Marisela and asks what is going on and why Melquíades brought her home. She tells Cecilia about how they got into a fight with the drunken soldiers and everyone was arrested except her because DB got her away.
Santos returns to El Miedo after taking Dr. Arias back to town. He ask Eustaquia where DB is. She tries to lie but he guesses that DB went to town against his orders. He is angry.
Marisela tells Cecilia that there's more. "La Doña was very strange. She took me by the hands and seemed worried about me. She sent Melquíades with me to watch out for me on the road."
"Bárbara Gjualmarán is an enigma," says Cecilia, "A woman who is appears to be very evil but once in a while, when one least expects it, does something good."
"Yes," says Marisela, "I also felt that she was two people. I saw in her eyes that she was really worried about me. She asked me to watch out for this disgusting guy, because she said... she said that this Meléndez is disgusting. She doesn't trust him, Aunt. This has to stay between us, only between us, ok?" Cecilia agrees. "She thinks that this pig has bad intentions towards me. She said that he was her enemy and I had to watch out for him." Cecilia says since she has been warned, she should be very careful. "This time," says Cecilia, "you should do what your mother says."
Meléndez comes into his room at the hotel and finds Josefa in his bed. He first tells her to leave but she flatters him about how good it was the last time (while she makes a face behind his back)

and this time it will be better. She can also continue to talk about DB.
DB comes back to El Miedo and Santos angrily asks where she was. She says that she couldn't stand around and do nothing while Meléndez could grab him. That was why she followed him to town. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for what I did. I should have done what you told me but I couldn't.
"'Sorry,' 'should have,'" says Santos, " You always find a way to justify what you do but you never do what you promise." "Please," says DB, "understand that I am not a woman who sits around quietly. I am used to moving around, finding solutions. If you are annoyed with me, you are completely correct and I make my apologies. But in the final analysis, what I did behind your back helped you a lot. I found my daughter in town involved in a big problem."
Santos urgently asks what happened to Marisela. "Marisela matters to you, doesn't she?" says DB, "she matters more to you that I do." [That's pure jealousy talking. Santos knows DB is all right.]
[Something got skipped here. After the commercial, it started with DB in mid sentence.] DB seems to be justifying what she did for Marisela. Santos asks how they got involved with the soldiers. Are they crazy? Then DB tells him that she got all the Altamira folks released from prison. "So in the end, it wasn't such a bad thing ('no fue en balde,' I'm guessing here. Literally, it means, 'it wasn't in a bucket') that I went to town. Santos apologizes for getting all worked up but he says that she keeps getting carried away by anger, by jealousy. DB says that it is true, she has behaved like a crazy person but she says she went to town because she was afraid. If something happens to him, she says that she will die. They kiss.
The next morning DB wakes up and speaks to the sleeping Santos. "What is happening to me?" she says, "I didn't know love would be this way." In his dream, Santos says his name for Marisela, 'my sunshine.' DB curses the fact that Santos says Marisela's name but she notes that although he is dreaming of Marisela, he is doing it in her bed, with her.
Marisela brings Lorenzo's breakfast to his bed. She asks why he didn't come down and eat with them as he usually does. Is he ok? Lorenzo say that he woke up a little lazy and wants to spend the day in bed reading and writing. Marisela asks if she is sure that is all. He tells her not to look at him with such concern. The only thing he has is a little fatigue. He tells her that he isn't going to die - at least not right now.
DB and Eustaquia-
DB: Santos is dreaming of Marisela, vieja.
E: Are you sure?
DB: Completely. He called her name in his dreams and he's done it before. I'm dying of jealousy.
E: She's your daughter. That man loves you. He is with you. He left everything to love you. What more do you want to be secure? You don't have any reason to be jealous of a dream.
DB: I know that I don't but I can't avoid it. I'm jealous of my daughter. What is happening to me, vieja? Why am I so insecure with Santos Luzardo?
E: Because you've never really loved before, mi hija.
DB: Yes, I am so afraid of losing him, vieja.
Danger comes in. He says that he has to talk to DB.
Eustaquia brings the rebels their breakfast. They tell her that Gonzalo had another attack of claustrophobia and went outside. We see Gonzalo narrowly miss being seen by soldiers patrolling the riverbank.
Danger tells DB that last night he saw Santos and Dr. Arias disappear by the kapok tree. He can put two and two together and he has figured out that DB and Santos are harboring the rebels. DB denies it and Danger accuses her of lying. He says that he is her friend and they have watched each other's backs. He says that he has come to tell her that Santos is being watched and that there is a reward for anyone who can prove that Santos is hiding the students. Danger tells her that BP and her men (Tigre and Leon) think that there is something very suspicious going on at El Miedo. DB asks why he is telling her this if BP is living at his house. She asks what he wants. Danger says that he does want something - La Chusmita. He says that DB owes him La Chusmita. [Interesting. We recall that La Chusmita is the hut where DB sent Lorenzo and Marisela to live when she threw them out of El Miedo. We know from Novelera's posting on the novel that the ownership of La Chusmita has been disputed between Altamira and La Barquereña since the time of Santos' and Lorenzo's fathers and that an argument about a cow stuck in quicksand there resulted in Santos' father killing Lorenzo's father.]
Santos sure likes to scold people. He is chewing Gonzalo out for risking everything by leaving the cellar. Gonzalo says that being locked up in the cellar is driving him crazy. He is a man of action. Santos asks Gonzalo if he remembers a José Martí that he liked so much. Gonzalo isn't sure and Santos quotes poetry: (my attempt at a literal translation) "In silence he had to be. Because there are things, to achieve them, they had to be hidden." ("En silencio ha tenido que ser. Porque hay cosas que, para lograrlas, han de estar ocultas." For more information on José Martí, the Cuban poet and revolutionary, see the Wikipedia entry.) Gonzalo says that he remembers. Santos says that being in hiding doesn't mean he is less courageous. "This country doesn't need more martyrs," says Santos, "We want you alive and healthy."
Meléndez gets a progress report from his lieutenant, Guerrero. Guerrero says that there is no news on the seach for the notary and that it seems like the earth has swallowed up the rebels. Meléndez suddenly remembers that during the revolution, many landowners in this area dug cellars to store arms and jewelry. He is sure that the rebels are hiding in a cellar. Guerrero asks if Meléndez thinks that the rebels could be in a cellar at Altamira. "Or at El Miedo," replies Meléndez.
Marisela is making a banana cake ('pastel de plátano') to bring to El Miedo. Casilda is suspicious about why Marisela is making such a large cake and asks what mischief she is getting into, now. Marisela says that she wants everyone to know that she is a good cook. Casilda replies that she thinks that Marisela is up to something.
Now Santos is scolding the terneras and the Altamira vaqueros for going to town and getting into trouble. He forbids them to go to Progresso when the soldiers are there. "Even to visit the whorehouse?" asks Pajarote. "No way," replies Santos. He asks who started the fight and they all answer that it was Marisela. Santos asks where Marisela is but nobody knows. She didn't come to go to school with them.
Marisela is at an army checkpoint on her way to bringing the cake to El Miedo. Marisela is snarky. The soldiers order her to get out of the truck.
DB lays into Tigre and Léon. She calls them a bunch of rustlers (cuatreros), cowards (cobardes) and cheats (tramposos). She says that she knows everything and will never forget. She turns her back and what do they do? They scheme (confabularse) with BP against her. She says that they owe their freedom to her. If it weren't for her, they would be rotting in jail. And this is how they repay her. Léon claims what she was told is a lie. DB grabs him and says that if he betrays her, he will pay with his life. Léon says that there are rumors around. "But Balbino Paiba said it, not me," says Léon, "that Doctor Santos Luzardo is the ringleader (cabecilla) of the rebels and they have to watch him. That if we catch him redhanded ('con las manos en la masa', literally, 'with his hands in the dough'), we will get a reward. DB goes back to cursing them: dimwits (torpes), girly men ('poco hombre'), vermin (sabandijas). "I'm going to kill you, Balbina Paiba," says DB, "I'm going to make you eat your own entrails."
The soldiers find and confiscate (incautar) Marisela's cake claiming that they are checking to see if contains any prohibited items and finally they arrest her. The ubiquitous Juan Primito sees this.
Altagracia reads her essay in class. It appears to be a poetic description of a horse. María Nieves is listening outside and remembering Altagracia asking why he doesn't write her a poem.
BP is harassing an animal, probably a jaguar, in a cage at Danger's house when DB comes up behind him and puts a knife to his throat.

She says that with one movement of her hand she will send him to the other world if it exists. She tells him not to mess with her man if he doesn't want to wake up with a mouth full ants. She says that killing him is the least of what he deserves. "You know," says DB, "that Melquíades is an expert in castrating bulls to make them into steers (buey), right? Do you want to be a steer?" She suggests that he forget Santos and the reward that has been offered. If not, he will find out about what happens to the little bull (torito).
Santos is looking for Marisela and Casilda says that she went out. Casilda says that she is worried about Lorenzo. He hasn't gotten out of bed and seems to be in a bad way. Santos says that he will go to see Lorenzo when JP bursts in with the news that Marisela has been arrested.
María Nieves comes to see Cecilia. After first thinking that he has been sent by Casilda, she manages to get out of him that he wants to be a poet. He says that he wants to read nicely (bonito), speak and write nicely.
Marisela is put in a chair outside her cell with Meléndez, Guerrero, Pernalete, Mujiquita and some other guards present.

Guerrero says that they found her prowling around El Meido.
"I wasn't prowling around anywhere," says Marisela, "That's my mother's house. I was bringing her a banana cake but these abusers ate the whole thing!" Guerrero says that they were only checking to see if the cake contained any foreign matter. When Marisela yells that it only had bananas in it, Guerrero says that she is arrogant and she broke the head of one of his soldiers. Mujiquita steps up and says, "With regard to Señorita Marisela, here present, she posesses the complete right to circulate in the environs of the houses of her relatives. In other words, judicially, it is not appropriate to keep her detained here in the jail." (I have translated this in the same kind of formal legal language that Mujiquita used.) Pernalete expresses himself more casually, "If it was just a cake, where the harm in that?" Meléndez says that he is one who decides. He orders his lieutenant to make everyone leave. He will interogate Marisela alone.
Meléndez: Why don't you want to stay with me? Are you afraid of me? Too bad, because on the contrary, I like you a lot. You have very fresh skin, very beautiful eyes. You are very beautiful. You've cast a spell on me with the same spirit as your mother.
Marisela: Ask me what you want.
Meléndez: I want you to tell me why you were bringing a cake to your mother. As far I know, you hate each other, or not?

Cecilia says that she will help María Nieves to 'talk pretty'. DB comes to the schoolhouse and says that she has to talk to Cecilia. Cecilia says that she isn't sure she wants to talk to DB but DB says that it is about something very important for the good of everyone.
Meléndez tells Marisela that he knows that DB threw her out and made her live in a hut with her drunken father so why is she bringing her a cake. Marisela says that isn't any of his business. Meléndez says that he wants her to tell the truth. He asks what she was doing at El Miedo. When Marisela doesn't answer, he grabs he hair and pulls her head back.

He asks who Gonzalo Zuloaga is and if Marisela knows him. Marisela asks him to let go of her hair and Meléndez makes her say please. Then Marisela denies ever meeting Gonzalo.
Mujiquita whispers to Pernalete that what is going on here isn't right. It's an abuse. Pernalete asks him to stop whispering so that they won't look like conspirators to Guerrero. Santos comes in demanding to see Marisela and when Guerrero does not respond, Santos grabs Guerrero's gun and asks if he is listening now.

DB says that Marisela loves and respects Cecilia. Everything that Cecilia says is holy writ (palabra santa) for her. DB says that she came to ask Cecilia to try and convince her daughter that her best option for happiness is with Gonzalo Zuloaga.
Marisela continue to deny that she knows Gonzalo or that Santos ever spoke of him. Meléndez grabs Marisela by the hair again and holds her against the bars of the cell.

He says that she shouldn't play with him. He can do her harm. At this point Santos bursts in with Guerrero, Pernalete and Mujiquita at gunpoint. He tells Meléndez to release Marisela or the one doing harm will be him.

Labels: barbara
I believe en balde is usually translated as "in vain".
I am constantly fascinated at the way the telenovela brings elements of the novel in that don't necessarily move the plot but make it more interesting if you've read the novel. Regarding the animal in the cage in Danger's house, I am sure it is a male jaguar cub. Part of the chapter in Part 1 that deals with Danger's background deals with an animal. Apparently he killed a female jaguar and took one of the cubs, a male, as a pet. It tolerates him, but occasionally scratches him. He shows Santos his scars.
Soon after this Marisela returns to La Chusmita carrying some wood. Her father is passed out from drinking, but she has cleaned herself up because Santos asked her to bathe when they met in an earlier chapter. He also had some decent clothes sent her from Altamira. So Danger catches sight of her and makes a statement that she scratched him just like the jaguar. Apparently he'd tried to grab her before. She's just as feisty as our actress portrays her, telling him if he doesn't want scratches, he shouldn't touch. He tells Santos that Lorenzo sold her to him, something to take place after L's death. He makes a crude joke that he plans to mate her with his jaguar so he can have little jaguars.
Continuing thanks for the updates and details from the novel. I remember something early on about Lorenzo selling Marisela to Danger. This was before Lorenzo got cleaned up and became a tragic figure.
I keep wondering if the writers of this novela can do such a good job, why are most other novelas written so badly?
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