Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Tues., Jan. 13 - Chicharrones and Arroz con carne de Puerco
Juan Primito shows Gervasia the burnt jeep. She is horrified when she sees the bodies.
Andrés and Cósme tells Melesio that they are each in love with one of his granddaughters. Melesio says that they all need to talk about this.
Guerrero yells at Marisela asking if she was alone with Meléndez, if she was tied up, if he let her go? She doesn't know how to answer. All she can say is that Santos didn't do anything. DB and Cecilia continue to protest. Santos yells from his cell. Mujiquita tells Guerrero that Marisela needs to rest a little. Guerrero agrees to this but says that Marisela will rest in jail until he determines whether what she says is true.
While they are putting Marisela in a cell, she tells Santos that he has to be released. She killed Meléndez. DB insists on staying with Marisela since she is a minor.

The rebels asks if Melesio will let their terneras go away with them. This is news to Melesio. Genoveva says that they will travel the world being pursued. Altagracia tells her not to be a killjoy (aguafiesta). At this point Gervasia and JP come in and tell the news about the dead guys in the jeep. Gervasia faints.
Guerrero releases Santos. Santos refuses to leave when Marisela is in jail. Guerrero asks Marisela where she was held and she tells where the hut was. He asks how she killed Meléndez and she says, "I ran him through with a pitchfork and I left him there," ("Lo atravese con un trinchete y ahí lo dejé.") DB gets everyone to leave her alone with Marisela.
Guerrero tells Mujiquita to prepare a statement for Marisela to sign when she is calmer. Marisela and Santos tell Guerrero that Marisela is lying. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Santos suggests that Guerrero get some proof before he arrests people.
DB tells Marisela that she is stupid. Guerrero laid a trap and she fell into it. He doesn't have the proof to hold Santos or anyone. Marisela says that she got very upset when Guerrero accused Santos of something that she did. DB says that Marisela inherited her passionate nature. She loves Santos the same as DB does. Guerrero tells Marisela to come with him. They are going to visit the crime scene.
Pajarote and María Nieves find the crashed jeep. Pajarote finds Meléndez' wallet on the ground and the two bodies in the jeep. Melquíades is watching from hiding.
At the hut, everything is different. Guerrero asks if this where the murder took place and Marisela says yes and then no. Santos tells Guerrero again that Marisela is lying to protect him. Cecilia looks down and sees blood in the straw (you can hear a Ferruginous Pygmy Owl calling in the background - a series of short whistles. These owls often call during the day.) DB pushes more straw to cover up the blood with her foot.
Pajarote goes to Altamira to tell Lorenzo what is going on. Lorenzo tells Pajarote that he thinks it is very strange that Meléndez suddenly turns up dead and conveniently burnt to a crisp so as not to leave any clues. He asks Pajarote who could have done such a gruesome and well-planned thing. "Another barbarous death," says Pajarote, "very barbarous," (This works a little better in Spanish where the feminine form of the adjective to modify 'otra muerte' is 'bárbara.' We recall that the previous 'barbarous death' witnessed by Pajarote was the dismembered corpse of Julian Barreto discovered half eaten by the one-eyed alligator.)
At the site of the crash, Guerrero tells Santos that the corpses are burned beyond recognition. Things found at the site indicate that it was Meléndez and Sargeant Fierro in the jeep. Santos tells Guerrero that is it is clear that Marisela was lying. He should release her. Guerrero wonders what happened to the other soldier.
In the cell with DB, Marisela asks who cleaned up the place and how did Meléndez get burned up. DB tells her not to ask stupid questions. Marisela tells DB that Meléndez told her he was one of the men who raped her. DB admits this.
Antonio is back at work. Don Encarnación asks him to take Lucía to visit his nieces. She needs to meet people.
Marisela and DB-
M: You don't want to tell me about it?
DB: How could you want me to tell you about the horror of that night? You have already experienced something similar by being harassed by a lowlife. Imagine five of them, pursuing you like an animal, killing the man you loved, your father and ending the world that you knew. No, my child, you don't tell that. You survive that ... and it kills you.
M: That man deserved to die the way he did.
DB: Even worse.
M: And the others?
DB: They're in hell...(DB catches herself here) Or at least that is what I want. But I don't know what happened with them.
M: Because of them, you couldn't love me. What happened to you must have been horrible. I understand that.
DB: At least you understand that. Because I still don't understand what happened or forgive.
M: But you are happy now, right? You have him, you have Santos.
DB: Yes, I have him but I have no peace. I still sleep badly and every night the same nightmares pursue me. This anguish never leaves me. It's like being hungry and never being satisfied. It's like being thirsty and never slaking it. It's fear, child, and I've learned to live in fear (en el miedo).
DB offers Marisela a cigarillo.

She declines saying that she has tried to smoke with the terneras but it made her cough. DB says that she has bad habits and isn't a good example for anyone. Marisela says that DB isn't as bad as she thought she was.
M: You saved me when I was with that man.
DB: Are you converting me into a heroine?
M: I would like that.
DB: Don't do it. It's not worth it. I'm not worth anything as a mother, Marisela.
M: What you did the other night...
DB: Yes, I did it, I saved you. But understand, I didn't do it for free. Don't believe that I have changed, child. I continue to be what I am. Your mother charges for her favors and they cost a lot.
M: Me? You will charge me for your favors?
DB: Yes, you, too. Unfortunately, being my daughter doesn't exempt you. You still don't know when I will have give you the bill (pasarte la factura). My affection is... expensive, very expensive, child.
Marisela and DB are released from the lockup. DB tells Marisela that she is out of prison, she didn't kill anyone, Santos is free. Her mother took care of everything. Marisela runs to Santos and he embraces her and thanks her for what she did to try and save him. DB is instantly consumed with jealousy.
Santos brings Marisela back to Altamira. (Look at this scene carefully. It is clear that Genesis wasn't there when it was filmed. You never see her face with Lorenzo or Santos. They used a double.)
DB returns to El Miedo. She is beside herself with jealousy of Marisela. She tells Eustachia that Santos believes that Marisela invented the story that she killed Meléndez to save Santos and now she is the heroine while DB, who did so much to save them both, is here alone. Eustaquia says that she doesn't understand. She thought that DB had realized that she loved her daughter. DB says that she does love Marisela but when she sees her with Santos, she wants to kill her.
Santos asks Marisela to tell him what really happened with Meléndez when Gonzalo comes in. She embraces him and asks Santos to leave them alone.
Pernalete comes to see DB and complains about the soldiers hanging around in Progresso. DB tells him that is why she wanted to talk to him. DB says that she is fed up with having the soldiers around, too. Pernalete says that nothing can be done about it. DB says that she will tell him how to get the soldiers out of Progresso.
Gonzalo asks Marisela to go far away with him. He promises that she will never regret it. Sadly, Marisela says that she can't. "Why?" asks Gonzalo. "Because I'm not in love with you," replies Marisela.
María Nieves tries to make jokes about the burnt-up soldiers (chicharrones) but his attempts at humor fall flat. Altagracia says that MN's story are unpleasant and boring. Pajarote asks why Genoveva isn't celebrating with the other terneras. Is she eaten up with envy that they are getting married while she has missed the boat? ("a ti te está dejando el tren," literally, "the train has left her behind") Pajarote says that if he were stranded with her on a desert island, he would climb the highest palm tree and throw himself off because she is bitter and unpleasant and has the soul of an old maid (solterona), the body of an old maid and the face of an old maid.

Antonio brings Lucía to Melesio's house. When he hears that two of the terneras are going to marry the rebels, he says that his cousins can't marry men who are pursued by the authorities.
DB tells Pernalete to send telegrams to the Capitol complaining about abuses perpetrated by Meléndez and praising Guerrero for restoring order and recommending that he be promoted. Then Pernalete has to tell Guerrero that his promotion is thanks to DB. Pernalete says that what she asks will be difficult but if it means that the soldiers will leave he will do it. Santos returns to El Miedo.
DB tells Santos that soon the soldiers will leave and everything will be happy again in Progresso. Santos doesn't know how she can make that happen. DB says that she is a witch.

Melesio tells Antonio that when young people fall in love, it's better to go along with it and he thinks his granddaughters have chosen excellent partners.
Pernalete offers a toast, "to my intelligence, cleverness and power of persuasion."

Mujiquita doesn't know what he is talking about but he happy to drink Pernalete's booze. Josefa comes in and asks if it is true that Meléndez is dead. Mujiquita confirms that her protector is gone. He tells her to get out of his hotel and Pernalete tells her not to think about showing up at his house.
In bed with DB, Santos is thinking about Marisela and all she risked to save him. DB guesses this.
Cecilia asks Marisela whether she was telling lies about what happened with Meléndez to save Santos or was she telling the truth? Cecilia mentions the blood she saw in the hut. Marisela doesn't want to talk about that. Cecilia asks what Marisela is thinking. Marisela says that she thinks that she understands her mother now. She says that she feels guilty for falling in love with Santos.

Labels: barbara
I have to commend jb for being astute in her post yesterday when she doubted DB's good motives. I fell for her awakened maternal instinct hook, line, and sinker. But last night she told Marisela she'd be presented with a costly bill, possibly leaving the area to get her away from Santos.
I thought Gonzalo was kind of cute for a while, but the charm's gone. He's pretty selfish. He risked her life with that meeting at the pool. Now he wants to have her cross the border with a wanted man.
I think you posted once, and I agree, that Pajarote and Genoveva are definitely the Beatrice and Benedick of this novela. They're going to despise each other right up until they fall madly in love!
I guess I didn't think that DB would actually change. She loves Marisela just like she loves Santos but those loves never seem to get in the way of the vendetta against her rapists and her position as the Doña. It's like a veneer. It is real and it looks nice but it isn't very deep.
Thanks Novelera, I think DB is all about DB and is a coward. She's had many opportunities to change, but clings to her fear. She's happy when others are suffering at her hand and she's in control of others...
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