Friday, February 13, 2009
Cuidado Thursday February 12, 2009: The truth, the half truth and nothing but the no truth
Omar isn’t anguished telling JM about those lovely days with Lirio, in fact he looks blissful. JM not so much. JM says stop! I’m going to tell you the truth about her. She doesn’t love you the way you think. She’s with another man. She just plays around with men’s feelings. NO! says Omar. How can you talk that way about somebody you don’t even know? Show some respect! If you insult her, you insult me.
JM says but she’s with Amador. Omar says I know, but he doesn’t deserve her and I’m going to put him out of the picture.
At the apartment, Amador is flopped on the couch and Mari is looking nervously out the window. She tells him that JM came last night. She tells him about his and Omar’s friendship and how JM knows she had a baby and thinks it’s his. She says she told a big wonking lie that the baby was his (Amador’s). The cellos grumble a bit, but Amador smiles.
Ed comes out from the hearing and tells JM mission accomplished. He takes off and JM is called in to testify. The prosecution asks him if he was happy in his marriage.
Amador laughs over Mari’s lie. He says I’m not even a good daddy to my own baby. That Dr. Ed thinks he’s going to take it on, but he’s wrong. Mari says you won’t tell JM the baby is his, promise? Amador puffs his pipe and relishes the situation. Okay, he says. What’s the squirt’s name? Mari says he’s named after JM, but JM doesn’t deserve that. He hasn’t been baptized yet, so maybe I’ll pick another name.
How about Amador? Mari scoffs and they toss around a few names. Amador comments that she has two guys crazy in love with her. She says she doesn’t love one, though he deserves it, and the other isn’t hers - even though he said he’d love her all his life, he’s always with some other woman.
The judge is visiting Ceci, who is having her hospital lunch. She asks why he’s so quiet. He says does she miss food at home? She says I don’t care, I don’t have much appetite – are you eating well? He says he’s not eating much either. She says what happened that you don’t want to tell me about? The judge says he spoke to Stef (Ceci rolls her eyes) about Marichuy. Ceci says you know I want to bring her to us. The judge says is it true that if you had to choose between us, you’d choose her?
JM tells the court people that he wasn’t happy with Viv – he wanted to make a family and a home, she wanted to just have fun. They ask if he ever mentioned divorce and he says yes. So you planned her murder? JM says no. Is Blanca in love with you? JM says she was very supportive of me. The lawyer yells she’s a very timid woman, and with your big psych-guy (read: evil) brain, you could easily manipulate her, turning into your murder weapon. She may have done the act, but it was your mind controlling her. (We have noted the probable dimensions of JM’s brain and it wouldn’t be able even to get her little toe to twitch, but his lawyer wisely doesn’t pursue that line of defense.)
Blanca starts squealing no, he had nothing to do with it. I did it! I’m guilty! Two guards hold her arms. Silence! the lawyer thunders, but she keeps squealing that it was her and her alone.
Ceci says it’s too bad Stef has so much influence over you and now you’re putting me in a position that shouldn’t even exist. You know I’ve always loved and respected you. Me too, says the judge. Who would you choose? Ceci says you have always received my unconditional love. The love for a husband and the love for a child are two separate things. You know how guilty I feel about having abandoned her. The thing is, you are her father and you too should want to accept and love her. The judge rehashes Mari’s crimes, her attitude, her lack of education. That’s my daughter! says Ceci and it hurts me when you talk only of her misdeeds.
Now JM is in weepy Blanca’s cell, trying to calm her. He repeats that he feels responsible for what happened (Viv’s murder). Blanca says Ivette would have killed him too. He promises he will rid Blanca of her evil twin. He presses his palm to her forehead and says fuera! fuera! Okay, he doesn’t, but he should have. They both are relieved that a fetus wasn’t killed after all. JM’s lawyer comes and asks if Blanca can continue, or do they need to recess until tomorrow? Blanca says she’s okay now. The lawyer leaves and JM promises him he’s going to fight for her, because now he needs her. How many men would give a speech like that with their hands on their hips?
Ceci retells how she almost died giving birth, etc., how guilty, etc. The judge tenderly tells her to stop, he just wants her to understand that Mari’s not worth it and he begs her to stop focusing on her.
Mari tells Cande about Amador saying it was okay that to say the baby was his. He was just concerned that JM might come after him. Cande says I don’t agree with your approach, but these are your choices. I don’t like them, though.
Now the lawyer’s grilling JM some more. He states that Blanca was a nanny, nothing else. Oh yeah? says the prosecution. How come you went out with her, hung out in bars with her, went to her apartment, huh? That was Ivette says JM. The prosecutor scoffs at the idea of split personality.
JM pops off, saying neither the prosecution nor any other person in the room has any qualifications or scientific knowledge to evaluate split personality. He tells them as a doctor, I’m going to prove that Blanca is innocent. JM’s lawyer smiles.
Mari is coming out of the apartment (or church, I can’t tell) and uh oh, Omar is there waiting. Hola she says. I want to talk to you says Omar.
Stef’s on the phone with Rocio discussing the hearing. By the way, says Stef, do you still have your houseguest? Rocio says he’s still here, and he found the person he’s looking for. We see the gears turn in Stef’s mind.
The prosecutor says how can we believe your testimony about Blanca’s mental health when you are here being accused? JM says that whole murder plan story was made up by Onelia. The two get in a shouting match and the judge tells them to behave. JM’s lawyer says JM has the right to have his say. The judge says okay. JM gets started.
Mari says to Leo that she didn’t think he’d come around again, but she’s nice with him this time. He says she’s worth fighting for. She says I told you I don’t love you the way you deserve. Omar says yeah, but I can tell you don’t love your husband Amador … do you? Mari doesn’t answer. I can tell, says Omar. Maybe you loved him once, but you don’t love him now. Mari says maybe it’s better not to talk about it. Omar asks why did you come back to him? You told me you had no legal ties to him. Is it because he’s the father? Are you planning to marry him? Tell me, do you love him?
JM makes a brief speech about split personality two separate people blah blah, Blanca sweet, Yvette evil blah blah. He wraps up saying that weeping woman you see is innocent, set her free.
Rocio, who is wearing some odd gray top that looks like she’s wrapped in a sheet, is sitting on the foyer stairs. Onelia comes down and goes on about the trial, JM, Blanca and the poor lost fetus. Nothing new here – maybe there is some clause in the actresses’s contract that she gets X number of scenes and so they injected one here.
The prosecution scoffs and JM goes on some more about multiple personalities. Don’t make me laugh, says the lawyer. It’s not my intention to amuse you says JM who blows some more psych smoke.
Omar says Amador’s not a worthy type and Mari shouldn’t lower herself. He says you deserve an upright man, who truly loves you. You sold me, Omar! Leave me and come back to the hacienda with me, he says. Mari says this is making me nervous. Omar says just say one word. Say yes, and we’ll grab your stuff and go back to the hacienda.
The trial judge wants to know if when one personality does something, the other doesn’t know? Doesn’t this guy ever watch old B flicks? The prosecution says are we actually going to consider his opinion? JM says it’s not an opinion, it’s medical fact – I have a lot of studies done by leading doctors. He pulls some thick manila folders from his briefcase.
JM’s lawyer takes the stack and offers it to the judge like it’s a velvet pillow with a ring on it. The judge takes it. JM’s lawyer says we request that an expert in these matters be brought in. Okay, says the judge. The prosecution lawyer subsides, tail between his legs. JM’s lawyer and JM share a smug smile. Blanca smiles big too.
Mari says no to Omar and says there are things she just doesn’t want to say. Omar says I’m not giving up, even though you say no, and even though JM tells me to forget you and go home. Mari brightens – he said that? Omar says he did, even while he himself is fighting for the woman he loves… (Mari smiles to herself) Blanca Silva. Mari’s face falls. Omar says he’s in court right now fighting for her, to save the woman he loves.
JM and Omar meet up at the castle. JM reports that the hearing went very well. Omar says he has good news too.
Meantime, Mari comes home and talks to Cande. She tells her about her chat with Omar and says he says the nicest things. He wants me to leave my life here and return to the hacienda. The hacienda theme music plays in the background. Cande likes this turn of events and agrees with Omar. Mari says what should I do?
Omar tells JM he talked to Lirio and thinks he may have convinced her. JM says you talked to her? Have you no dignity? Omar says how is it undignified to talk nicely to her to convince her to come back to the hacienda? Give it up, says JM, forget her. Omar says how can your reproach me when you’re in court fighting for Blanca? JM says Lirio’s with another man and has a child with him. Omar says she made a mistake and I’m going to help her out of it. How is it worse to make a mistake about a man than to commit a murder?
Mari asks Cande again what to do and Cande says it’s all so complicated. You know I was in favor of your marrying Omar – he has loved you from the git-go. Mari says my decisions are for my son. There’s JM who loves another woman, then there’s Alamdor who wants me to have fame and fortune (Cande holds her nose) and finally there’s Omar, who offers me and my son security and is the only one who truly loves me.
Cande says you shouldn’t feel pressed to decide right away. So what did you decide? Mari says I’m asking you! Put yourself in my position. Cande moves Mari from where she’s standing and stands in her place. Cande thinks and says I don’t know. What do you think?
Omar says maybe we’re a bit tense. But when brothers argue, it doesn’t affect their relationship, right? JM has his back turned and of course has his hands on his hips.
Judge Velarde drops in. He’s introduced to Omar and JM asks after Ceci. The judge brings up her visit to Mari which precipitated the accident. Omar is surprised. JM says yes, my former wife. The judge says he and Ceci are her parents. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, Omar decides to go on up and leave them. The judge asks about JM’s case and JM says the double personality defense seems to have picked up steam.
People are streaming into the theater. Mari, in costume in her dressing room, is listening to Amador who is telling about Blanca’s split personality. He thinks it would make a great piece for Mari to play – angel by day, devil by night. She says she doesn’t want to play Blanca. Amador laughs that she’s jealous.
Amador, who does watch movies, tells Mari about a film called The Woman of Seven Moons where a woman had split personality. He asks what JM’s big double trouble love is called. Mari says she doesn’t know but finally she says Blanca Silva and sticks her tongue out at Amador. Amador says it looks like JM will get off and that Blanca wept emotionally. Mari says how do you know, and he says JM told Judge Velarde who told Stef who told me. We had quite a long chat.
Stef said the judge would have sprung JM by now if he’d had the case. Mari says and he was so cold with me! Amador goes on some more about how JM is trying to free Blanca, and how Mari can help him by leaving him alone and letting him marry Blanca.
Seems like Amador’s way of preparing Mari to go onstage is to yell at her like he did on opening night, or to pour salt into her wounds as he’s doing tonight. She swats him on his way out of her dressing room.
Onelia gets another scene. She comes into JM’s room and here we go again with “mi pobre hija” and so forth. JM tells her that Viv wasn’t pregnant and maybe it just wasn’t a mistake, but a lie.
Rocio is visiting Ceci who’s back home at castle Velarde, looking somewhat the worse for wear. Now I see Rocio’s top better and it’s something tight (natch) with grey ribbons braided all over the front. It’s modest, but her ankle strap super high heels say do me. Since she’s young and pure, we must assume she’s shoe deaf. And the lacy short short pink skirt is talkin’ too.
Anyway, back to the visit. Ceci tells her that she fought to live. Rocio thinks that’s great. Ceci says can you help me? Rocio is all about doing good deeds, so she’s eager. Ceci wants her to help her get close to Mari. Rocio says she doesn’t know where she lives, but she can find out.
Avances: Omar says something to Mari I can’t understand and she says no puede ser! Blanca, now in the actual courtroom, turns into Ivette, grabs a guard’s gun and shoots JM a few times.
Labels: Cuidado
I actually watched this last night because the cat was slumbering on my lap and I hated to move her. But was grumpy about the whole frustrating thing. And while the gal playing Blanca is an excellent actress her high "Blanca" voice is like chalk on a blackboard to me. Aaaarrrgh. Also found myself annoyed not only by Omar's hair but Juan Miguel's also.
Had to concentrate on JMi's lips so his coiff wouldn't bother me anymore. It worked.
Liena, FL
Omar, Omar. How many times and in how many ways must Mari tell you she doesn't love you? You deserve so much better! Also, JM is adding to Omar's plight by not telling him that Lirio and Mari are the same person. Way too many lies here.
I have a question. Is a husband asking his wife to choose between him or their child a normal question?? Further, would he be upset when (if forced to answer) she would answer: her child? I think the question is absurd in and of itself and I can't imagine a mother not choosing her child.
Diana in MA
Diana in MA—I have another question: Is it appropriate for a complete nobody who has no business there at all to be asking any kind of a personal question? Why does Ceci even deign to answer this slimeball scumbag?
I've been so revolted by the turn of events in this show. It's hard to watch, but Helena Rojo really turns out a great performance and that combined with William Levy's ability to wear a suit is enough to keep me hanging in there.
I missed last night, and had been watching faithfully from the beginning, but to be honest, I'm so frustrated with this show that I bailed two nights ago, in the middle of the episode when Mari lied to JM that her baby had died. There was a good Nova on PBS so it was bu'bye Marichuy and that was it for me.
Someone had mentioned in a previous thread that in the original story the JM character is older. I was thinking that this whole thing would make a lot more sense if he was more menacing. If he wasn't so young and dreamy maybe I would believe that he could potentially steal Mari's baby, and that she should be so conflicted about him and want to protect herself from him.
Anyhoo maybe the story is starting to come together now...I'll just be keeping up from here with all your great re-caps and comments!
I'm glad something is finally going to shake up this LONG, BORING trial. It has gone on way too long. I know the show got extended and they have to stretch things out, but couldn't they do that by developing the side stories more? Like, more than two seconds of Rocio and Vicente, or we could see what's going on with Beatriz and Ed, or how Elsa and Nelson are doing. Or the fun artist types could have another party.
I agree with y'all about JM's hair, last night the part in front was especially sticking up and he looked like one of those birds with the tuft of feathers on its head. Then, when he started bobbing his head in response to the lawyer's comments, the effect was hysterical. Yes, I'm easily amused.
As for Pat, what a pompass a_ _. Given that MC is only about 23 and he is in his 60s (if not 70s), that means he was well into his 40s when his wife became pregnant with MC,meaning he should have already been a self-sufficient, successfull lawyer, if not already a judge, not some unstable teenager still relying on his parents. So, why is it that he abandoned CC because his fmaily did not approve of her? You were grown man juez! Grow a spine and stand up for your wife already! No respect for that self-righteous jerk. And why does he continue to go on about MC being uneducated? Where did MooSteffa come from? I am guessing that she did not make a side trip to Harvard before she landed on his doorstep. But I do have to ask, WHY is MC uneducated?! She grew up in a Catholic orphanage. Catholics are known for offering a fine education in catholic schools. She would have been a candidate for kindergarten only 18 years ago, not back in the dark ages before girls were allowed to be educated. Apparently, she has been PA's pet all of her life and always under his watchful care,so why would he let her down by not making sure the girl could read? Shame on you PA! Can you tell I am really frustrated with these characters? Through it all, the only character who consistently gives a heart warming performance is that adorable baby. My heart belongs to Mini-Mi.
Happy Valentine's Day to all.
BTW, great recap Maggie. I love how you include so much about what all the dialogue was about because there are some characters, like MC, that I absolutely cannot understand.
I did catch the last few minutes, so I got to see that jaw-dropping outfit on Rocio. And the shooting of JM. Please put us all out of the misery.
The angel is not one, unless she is a fallen one.
The title needs to be, "Cuidado con la verdad". Es Verdad?
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