Sunday, February 22, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Fri., Feb. 20 - Marisela tries to save Santos from DB; El Sapo puts Santos' signature on an eviction order

DB tells her men to stay put. Marisela says that if anything happens to Santos, she'll... "You'll do what?" asks DB, "kill me like you did Meléndez? You and I are the same. That's why Santos wants you in his bed. In that area, we aren't equal becasue I am more of a woman (hembra) than you! Your days are numbered Santos Luzardo!"
The judge tells El Sapo that only Marisela can request an order of eviction (desalojo). El Sapo tells the judge to forget about the law and just do what he says. He promises that there won't be any consequences for the judge.
Federica models for Josefa the dress she wants to wear to the party for her father. Josefa says that she looks like a parrot disguised as a canary.

Marisela dares DB to kill her now in front of everyone. DB says that she can oblige Marisela and she can be with her father, the drunk. Juan Primito comes running out begging DB not to shoot the "girl of his eyes." If she wants to kill someone, she should kill him because Marisela hasn't done anything. DB tells JP to get out of the way but he refuses.

Santos tells Marisela to come away before something happens to JP. Marisela gets in the truck and asks Santos if his wound hurts. She says that DB could have killed him. Santos says no. DB is a better shot than that. If she had wanted to kill him, she would have done so. As Marisela starts the truck up, DB yells that the only person responsible for all this is Santos. She yells that she has a bullet with his name on it. As the folks at El Miedo disperse, Melquíades says to himself, "My Doña has returned, Doña Bárbara."
Eustaquia tells DB that this time she has gone too far. DB says that she is fed up with Eustaquia always defending Marisela. Eustaquia should go and serve Santos and Marisela food after they have had sex. "Leave with that ungrateful wretch!" says DB. Eustaquia asks DB why she thinks Marisela should be grateful to her - for the miserable life DB gave her? for everything she took from Marisela's father? She says that DB walked all over Marisela and spit on her and how she thinks that Marisela should be grateful? DB walks away and shoves Eustaquia. Eustaquia says that DB is stark staring crazy ('loca de remate'). "You are going to end badly, very badly, Barbarita," says Eustaquia, "and your misfortune is going to drag all of us into the abyss."
Antonio tells Cecilia that the party is a dud, even the hosts have left. He asks to speak to Cecilia. She says he can always speak to her. "Yes, I know," says Antonio, "You are mother of my son and in all things related to him, we will be together making sure of his happiness." "But apart from that," says Cecilia, "I would like... I would like to be your friend." Antonio thanks her and they hold hands as friends.
Marisela yells at Santos for interfering, without permission in her life by going to El Miedo. She asks who gave him that right. "My love, my love gave it to me," says Santos. Marisela tells him not to say such ridiculous things. "Ridiculous or not, you realize who that woman is? She, who moved you so much that you want to give her back the hacienda. That is the real Bárbara Guaimarán." "She hates us," says Marisela, "She looked like she could kill us." Santos says that DB wouldn't kil Marisela but DB thinks that Santos is managing Marisela in all this. He says that DB thinks that they are lovera. Marisela says that DB hates Santos a lot because she loved him a lot. Santos winces and Marisela asks him if it hurts. He replies that her insults hurt worse but as she can see, he is staying alive. She hits him and Santos says that is was a joke. Marisela replies that there isn't anything funny about what happened, "That woman made a serious threat against you, Santos!"
DB says to herself that she wanted to kill Santos but she couldn't because in spite of everything, he is the best thing that has happened to her in her miserable life. He doesn't love her anymore and she is without God or the devil - totally empty. But that won't stop her from getting revenge. They will have to kill her first.
Melesio tells Cecilia that he thinks things are as bad as when Santos' father killed his eldest son. He says that if DB loses her hacienda, she won't let things be. Something bad will happen. Melesio says that the old times of war will return and he hopes it won't take the lives of any young people. [the camera cuts to Carmelito and Gervasia - is that a hint?]
Bartolo tells Mujica that he is going to marry Altagracia. Mujica is convulsed with laughter. He says that Altagracia is 'too much of a laundress for so little cloth' ('es demasiado lavandera para tan poco trapo').
Santos and Marisela return to Altamira. Santos tells Cecilia that DB would never kill him. Marisela replies that DB was like a crazy person. Santos repeats that if DB had wanted to, she could have killed him. She missed on purpose.
M: On purpose or not. Don't meddle in my business! You should respect my decisions. You are no one, no one to decide for me.
S: So now I am no one. Marisela, are you serious? I am no one?
M: No one.
S: Fine. If that's what you want, that's what will be. From now on, I won't meddle in your business even if you want to give the hacienda to DB. Go ahead. Get rid of everything but don't count on me any more.
M: That is what I want - that you get out of my life and stay far away from me.
The Altamira vaqueros, tenera husbands and Melesio discuss the DB situation. Pajarote urges Carmelito or Melesio to urge Santos to arm the vaqueros. Carmelito says that Santos won't do it and Melesio says that Santos has seen too much blood at Altamira. He knows what he is doing.
Pajarote tells María Nieves that he isn't tired and suggests a visit to Federica. MN is not interested. Pajarote sees Bartolo leaving when he arrives.

Josefa tells Pernalete that he should be proud, Federica is the most requested girl in the place. Pernalete says that she should get a medal for 'churnia'.
BP starts to instill doubts in Los Mondragon. He suggests that they shouldn't risk their lives for DB who will toss them aside when she doesn't need them. Leon ask why BP is hanging around if that is what he thinks. BP tells him that he is in something much better, something where there is a lots and lots of money. BP says that they won't have to wait much longer for the new boss to appear. He has new ideas ('cabeza fresca,' literally, 'a fresh head') not like DB who is toast (tostada).
DB tells Melquíades that now all they can do is wait. "Let me kill him, mi doña" says Melquíades, "the 'doctorcito's' time is up." "Be quiet, Melquíades," says DB. "Order it. Let me do it. If you want me to bring him to you wounded, I will bring him like I did the others so that you can finish him off as you think best, mi doña. This man has insulted you and now he is getting together with your daughter to take away everthing that is yours."

Santos tells Andrés that seeing DB humiliated and suffering and is too much for a heart like Marisela's when it is mixed with her goodness and naiveté. Andrés says that it is only natural for a daughter to feel compassion for her mother. Santos says that he feels compassion for DB too. She has a tragic history but that doesn't give her the right to do what she had done. Santos says that the worst thing is that she has never repented for what she has done. Santos says that he waited a year, gave her every opporunity and it never happened. He did everything he could for their relationship and she never made the slightest effort to change. She continued to lie and rob and he was a right idiot. Andrés asks if Santos has told Marisela what DB did. Santos says that he was DB's lover and Marisela is her daughter. He is the last person who should tell her such things about her mother. Santos curses the fact that they lost the diary. Marisela could have read it and learned about all the death that DB drags around with her.
Marisela tells Cecilia that DB wasn't playing. She really threatened to kill Santos and he treated it as if it was a joke. Cecilia says that Marisela should defer to Santos' judgment of the situation. Marisela doesn't agree. She says that she knows DB better and she could show up at any time and kill Santos. Marisela sasy that she is afraid for him. Cecilia tells Marisela that if DB wants to harm Santos, there isn't anything she can do to prevent it. However, Cecilia is still of the opinion that that DB, sicko that the she may be, won't harm Santos because she loves him. Marisela says that she has to do something to protect Santos.
Andrés suggests that he should tell Marisela about DB but Santos says that she wouldn't believe him. Andrés wishes they had the diary. Santos says that they have to do something. Marisela has to learn the truth about her mother.
Melquíades repeats his offer to bring Santos and DB's ungrateful daughter to her. "Get out!" says DB. Melquíades back away from her. "I only needed to say, yes," says DB, "but I can't. What's happening to me? Why did I become weak? How will I order them to be killed? For as much as I hate them... I will see what I have to do. My land cries out a single word - vengeance, vengeance, vengeance. No, I can't, I can't."
Marisela can't sleep for thinking about what DB might do. She gets up saying that she can't wait any more.
Pajarote says Genoveva's name while he is having sex with Federica. She slaps him and tells him that from now on, he will have to pay like everyone else.
Marisela sneaks into El Miedo.
Eustaquia tells Melquíades that DB has gone to bed but she doesn't think that she will sleep. Melquíades says that no matter what happens, he will be there. "Do what you like," replies Eustaquia, "but nothing can calm her fury or lift her sadness." DB comes out of her room and asks what Melquíades is doing. "Keeping watch," he replies. She tells him that she doesn't need him outside her door. The real danger is outside. She is sure that the traitors will return. She tells him that no one is as faithful as he and she thanks him.
An official from San Fernando gets Mujica out of bed and insists that an eviction order be served on DB that very night. Mujica doesn't want to be involved but the official insists. Pajarote overhears part of the conversation.
Lucía has to ruin a romantic moment with Antonio by asking if he loves her as much as he loved Cecilia. He tells her that there is nothing between him and Santos and he will never fail her.
Cecilia has a nightmare that DB shoots Santos and Marisela when they are together in bed.

Cecilia wakes up screaming. She goes and wakes Santos up to tell him that Marisela isn't in her room.
Marisela sneaks into DB's bedroom and takes the gun that is lying on her bed. She fires it into the ceiling. DB sits up, surprised. "I wanted to know how to fire a weapon," says Marisela, "I don't like it. You can have it back. Now you can shoot me if you want to." All the vaqueros and Eustauqia burst into DB's room.
DB: What are you doing here?
M: I want to talk. I came in through the passage and no one saw me. If I were the killer you accused me of being today, you would be dead now.
Eustaquia: Don't talk nonsense, my child, you couldn't hurt a fly.
M: Who knows? Remember that I have bad blood. I inherited it from my mommy.
Melquíades: What should we do, doña?
M: Answer him. The indian is dying to kill me.
DB: You don't talk that way to me. Tell me why the hell you have come.
M: I already told you. To talk. To make a deal. Alone. Tell them to leave.
DB: Make a deal about what?
M: About this. These four walls that are so important to you. We talk or I'm leaving.
DB signals for everyone to leave.
DB: Talk.
While Santos gets dressed, Cecilia tells him that Marisela isn't in the house. She says that she had a nightmare and she has bad feeling. She tells Santos about her earlier conversation with Marisela about her need to do something so that DB wouldn't harm Santos. Santos concludes that Marisela has gone to El Miedo. At this moment, Pajarote comes with news that about Santos signing an eviction order against DB. Santos decides to go to El Miedo.
DB and Marisela-
DB: You will turn over El Miedo to me with a property deed and everything.
M: I will cede the property to you, the land, the cattle, everthing with this one condition.
DB: That I don't touch a single hair on the head of your precious Santitos.
M: Not one, not even one.
DB: Now deny that you are involved with him.
M: I deny it. Even though you won't believe it.
DB: Because it's the truth. You're lovers.
M: We're not. What do you care? Do we or do we not have a deal?
Melquíades finds BP listening outside the door of DB's room. He warns BP that he knows he is playing for another team. BP denies it and says that everyone knows that DB is sacred to him. Melquíades thanks him for protecting DB and tells him to get lost.
The vaqueros see an official car approach the hacienda. Melquíades goes to tell DB.
DB and Marisela-
DB: How can I understand this foolishness? You take me to court, cheat, win the hacienda and now you are ready to give back all you won for a man that you say isn't yours? No, Marisela Barquero, I don't buy it. No one gives something for nothing.
M: I'm going to give you what is mine for the life of a man. A man that you threatened this afternoon.
Melquíades bursts in and says that it was a trap. Guards are coming here.
DB: (grabs Marisela) What are you playing at, Marisela Barquero?
M: But I didn't do anything!
The official says that he has come from San Fernando with an eviction order for DB. Mujica is trying to make himself invisible.

Marisela swears to DB that she didn't do it. The official says the order was signed by Santos Luzardo. DB asks if this is the man that she wants to save, this traitor. "It's he who is throwing me out of my house," says DB, "No one but him!"
DB tells the official that they are going to have to take her out of her hacienda feet first.
It's a standoff.
Labels: barbara
The last monster from Barbara's past is stumping everyone this time. She seems so distracted at losing Santiago that she isn't her usual astute self ready to claw someone's eyes out. Interesting story though.
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