Monday, February 23, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Mon., Feb. 23 - Marisela agrees to give up El Miedo to protect Santos from DB but he is in more danger from El Sapo

Marisela swears she didn't know anything about it. Things are tense and then Santos shows up. He swears he didn't sign the order either. He tells the official that neither he nor Marisela have any intention of evicting DB and the official and his men should leave. They do. Santos is ready to take Marisela back to Altamira but she says that she came alone and she'll leave alone. Santos leaves. Marisela tells DB that they should go back inside and continue discussing their agreement.

DB tells Eustaquia that Marisela is stupid. DB won't stop until she and Santos are destroyed and reduced to nothing (hechos polvo). DB tells Melquíades that she doesn't believe that Santos signed the eviction order or that Marsisela knew about it. She says that they have to find out who it was.

BP comes to see El Sapo. He tells him that the eviction not happen. El Sapo is angry.
BP says that El Sapo needs to know something else.
Santos has gone to see the judge to find out how the eviction order got signed. The judge plays dumb.
Marisela tells Andrés that she wants him to draft a legal document transferring El Miedo back to DB. Andrés can't believe she wants to do that but Marisela explains that is the only way to save Santos. Andrés agrees to draft the property transfer deed and he swears that he won't say a word about it to Santos.

The judge says that Santos should be pleased, his interests coincided with those of an important person who was helping Santos get what he wanted. The judge refuses to say anymore and Santos says that he will get to the bottom of this and the judge will pay for what he had done.
BP tells El Sapo about Marisela's intention to transfer El Miedo back to DB. The judge comes to see El Sapo at poolside and tells him about Santos' confrontation with him.
Melesia is furious that Andrés refuses to break his promise and tell Santos about what Marisela is planning to do with El Miedo. Melesio has overheard and he says that he will tell Santos.

Driving back to Progresso, Santos wonders which of DB's enemies could be powerful enough to buy a judge.
El Sapo, Fausto and BP discuss the problem of Santos. They says that he is difficult to manipulate because he is stubborn and honest (honrado). El Sapo says that Santos is causing them a lot of problems and it's time to eliminate him. El Sapo orders BP to kill Santos. BP says that he isn't a good enough shot and El Sapo should get a professional. El Sapo agrees but says that BP has to identify Santos to the killer.
Eustaquia tells DB how much Marisela must love Santos to give up El Miedo for him. She says that DB never gave anything up for Santos. DB says that it is easy to give up something that never belonged to you that you never worked yourself to the bone for. Eustaquia says that she is wrong. Marisela has suffered a whole life's worth of humiliations to get back what is hers. She says that DB who has been humiliated herself should understand that.
Little Toñito has a fever (fortunately he looks extremely healthy). This will put Cecilia in Dr. Arias' office for what is going to happen.

María Nieves' plan to pretend to not care about Altagracia is working well. Later, Pajarote helps things along by telling Altagracia that MN has another girl in Pilar.

Gervasia tells Carmelito that she is pregnant.

Santos comes to ask Andrés to confirm that Marisela is transfering El Miedo back to DB. Andrés says that it is true and that Marisela is doing it to protect Santos from DB. Santos realizes that Marisela loves him. He finds out when the transfer is going to take place.
Pernalete, Josefa and Federica arrive at El Sapo's place. All of them find the girls there worthy of attention.

DB tells Mujica not to make an enemy of her. Mujica stammers that he had no alternative but to come with the official.
BP identifies Santos to the hired killer.

El Sapo gets rid of Josefa and Federica and sits down for a talk with Pernalete. He tells Pernalete that he has enough evidence to send him to prison unless Pernalete helps him. El Sapo tells Pernalete that his friend DB is El Sapo's enemy and unless Pernalete changes teams, he will be El Sapo's enemy, too.
Dr. Arias tells Cecilia that Toñito has nothing serious. Cecilia is relieved but she says that she has been very nervous lately. She feels like she did just before Lorenzo died.
DB and Marisela are in the police station. DB signs the property transfer deed first.
Santos and Antonio are walking down the street. The assassin takes aim.

Antonio sees the shooter and pulls Santos down but he is hit. Marisela hears the shot and runs out of the police station before she signs the document.
She and DB find Santos lying in the street. Marisela accuses DB of shooting Santos.

Labels: barbara
Looks like they used the original kid in this episode. Baby swap!
Read another chapter entitled Soluciones Imaginarias, which is enough of a cognate not to require translation. Santos is in his office, pushing papers around on his desk, figuring out what to do about Marisela. Because of her behavior at the dance, he now knows that Marisela is in love with him. He thinks that it's logical considering her age. He also thinks that in many ways she'd be the ideal companion for a man living the harsh life among cattle and peons. She's beautiful, cheerful, lived all her life in los llanos, valiant to confront difficult situations.
Then he says to himself: No, this cannot be! Here there's only a very natural sympathy and a natural desire to save a poor girl condemned to a sad fate. He comes to the conclusion that Marisela cannot continue to live in Altamira. He says that, if she returns to La Chusmita, Danger will take her. He plans to send her to live with a couple of old aunts in San Fernando, and plans to visit them in person to request this favor. Then he says that he can't go now because they're still branding the cattle they rounded up. Then, he reflects on how lonely and quiet the house will be without her. He comes to the conclusion that he needs to plan for Marisela's future, but doesn't need to be in quite such a big hurry.
Then Santos has a dinner table conversation with Lorenzo in which he broaches the idea of sending Marisela to Caracas to a "colegio", private school. Lorenzo says he can't afford it, but Santos offers to pay. Marisela is angry, but bites her lips and remains silent. The next day when Santos returns from his day's work there is a sign over the front of the house: "Colegio de Señoritas. El mejor de la república." Santos enjoyed this and spoke no more of the school in Caracas.
I was getting irritated at Marisela's impulsive stubbornness at naively striking a 'deal' with DB. Of course her heart is in the right place, but taking DB at her 'word' is really stupid.
It was fun to see El Sapo foiled. If he wants to see DB suffer a lot and slowly, then killing Santos isn't the way to do it...
I was wondering what had happened in regard to the author and whether he received any recognition. This is such a good story on so many levels. I always appreciate your comments...
It just struck me that the actor who plays the now stroke-crippled Pernalete, Raúl Gutiérrez, also played Olmos, the hunchback, in Zorro. He seems to specialize in physcially challenged characters.
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