Friday, February 20, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Feb. 19 - DB declares war and Marisela changes her mind about the hacienda

DB reacts badly to the verdict. She screams that Marisela can't win anything. She slaps her lawyer when he tells her to sit down. She accuses Santos of buying the verdict. The judge orders the guards to arrest DB. She screams at guards not to touch her, that no one touches Doña Bárbara. The guards start to drag her out. Melquíades goes to her assistance and is knocked out by a guard. The guards finally succeed in dragging DB out while the people in courtroom sit stunned.

In the hall, DB, still being held by the guards, says that Santos must be happy that he has killed three birds with one stone: he has her hacienda; he can get it on with Marisela and now he has gotten rid of her as well. Santos asks her to calm down but she curses him and Marisela as she is led off to jail.

A guard wakes Melquíades up. He asks what they did with his Doña. The guard says that she might be detained for some time. He staggers off and Fausto slinks in. Fausto offers the guard a wad of money and asks for a copy of the book that all the witnesses signed. While he is waiting, he spots the volume of Danger's diary that Andrés carelessly left on the plaintiff's table. He puts it into his bag.

DB fiercely resists being locked up but eventually the guards get her into a cell. She says that the guards will pay for what they have done. She calls for Melquíades, for Eustaquia for Balbino but they aren't there. Then softly she calls for Santos, her Santos and starts to cry.

Marisela says that is was terrifying to see DB that way. She never thought the litigation over the hacienda would end that way. Santos says that he doesn't have any words for what happened. He tells Andrés to get Danger's diary while he puts their stuff in the car. Santos tells Marisela not to be so upset. She couldn't do anything for DB. These are the consequences of her actions. She will return as the legitimate owner of La Barquereña and it will never be called El Miedo again. Marisela says nothing.

Fausto tells El Sapo that he got the Danger's diary back. El Sapo approves. He says that he may need it in the future. He asks if Fausto got what he wanted. Fausto says that he got a copy of Santos Luzardo's signature. El Sapo says that he will get an artist to reproduce the signature. Having Santos' signature will be very useful.

In the restaurant, Santos and Marisela sit silently each with different flashbacks. Santos flashes back to DB destroying the fence and fighting with the guards in court. Meanwhile Marisela is flashing back to DB trying to save her when Meléndez was going to rape her. They are interrupted by Andrés who tells them that apparently someone stole the diary of the gringo.

Melquíades burst into the office of DB's lawyer and tells him that he is going to get her out of jail right this minute. The lawyer says that he can't. Someone has to pay her bail. Melquíades tells him to pay it and DB will reimburse him. If he doesn't, Melquíades will kill him.

Pajarote and María Nieves bring Bartolo to see the terneras. MN tells Bartolo that they want him to talk. Talking is his great talent. MN tells Bartolo to talk to Altagracia all day long. Altagracia gives MN the look. At that moment, Carmelito bursts in to say that Marisela won the case and is back in town. There will be a party at Altamira.

DB gets let out of jail. She gives her lawyer the look. He says that thank to his efforts, she is free. DB says that he is a disaster, a good for nothing. She says that it is his fault that she lost the case. The lawyer says that DB will pay for hitting him in public and she will pay with interest the sum that he paid as her bail. DB says that he is a bigger fool than she thought. She isn't going to waste her time with him.

Marisela wants to go to Cecilia's house in Progresso but Santos says that Cecilia and everyone else is at Altamira to celebrate her victory. Cecilia offers a toast to Andrés and tells Marisela that Lorenzo must be very content in heaven right now. She congratulates Marisela. Marisela says that she has nothing to say. "I have nothing to celebrate," says Marisela, "DB has just had her home taken away. Should I be happy? No, I'm not happy."

DB comes to see the judge. "How much were you paid to make that decision?" asks DB. The judge tells her to leave immediately if she doesn't want to go back to jail. DB says that she won't do anything to him. She just wants to know who paid him. She asks if it was Santos or Marisela. She says that she won't tell anyone and will give more money than Santos did. At that moment, a guard comes in and says that the lawyers for the next case are waiting. The judge makes his escape. DB tells Melquíades that she is sure that the judge was bought but she doesn't know by whom.

El Sapo is reading Danger's diary. He says that DB is dangerous. She would rot in jail for the rest of her life for half the things that are described in the diary. Fausto agrees. He says that he is in danger and may not be of much use to El Sapo in Progresso anymore. DB suspects him and may end up killing him. El Sapo asks if Fausto is afraid. Fausto says that with what DB knows about him, he has reason to be afraid. She has threatened him. El Sapo tells him not to worry. He will get someone else to divert all the suspicion that DB has about him. Fausto says that is good but who will he get? El Sapo says that he has a candidate.

Cut to Pernalete [One would assume that the next scene would indicate who the person El Sapo has in mind is but Pernalete?] As translated by Federica, Pernalete complains that his life has no dignity and he wants to die. Then he insults his daughter and Josefa. Josefa angrily replies that she and Federica are earning more in their line of work that he did as police chief. She tells him to relax and enjoy life.

Still in San Fernando, DB says that no one will take El Miedo away from her.

Santos comes to see Marisela. He says that everyone has come to celebrate. Marisela replies that she doesn't want to celebrate. She has fulfilled her father's last wishes but they weren't her wishes. Santos says that she has recovered the land of her father and grandfather. That is very important. Marisela says that it isn't important to her. She has been very unhappy because of that land. Santos replies that it wasn't the land; it was her, it was DB that made Marisela suffer. Santos tells Marisela that there is oil at La Chusmita and probably in their other lands. She can't give that up. She asks why he didn't tell her before. He said that there was a lot going on and he didn't get around to it. But he is telling her now. She is going to be very rich. "You too, right?" asks Marisela. Santos replies that he is worried about the oil. She might not believe it but he doesn't like it. If the oil deposits are exploited, this place will never be the same and he likes his land the way it is: green, fertile and clean. "Don't you like it this way?" he asks.

Antonio comes to the party to congratulate Marisela but Cecilia tells him that Marisela needs to be alone now. Cecilia asks about Lucía and Antonio says that she is fine. Antonio says to Cecilia that he feels very guilty.

Santos tells Marisela that if the oilfield is developed, all this would disappear. He is sure that DB wanted to exploit the oil deposit. He says that all the haciendas would disappear, one by one and be replaced by a lot of people and trucks. Nothing would remain of what their ancestors built. He asks if she understands the importance of what would happen. He asks if she is interested in what he is saying. Marisela says that she wants to be alone. She doesn't want him to bother or confuse her anymore.

María Nieves comes into the kitchen where Altagracia is about to start washing the dishes. He congratulates her on the fantastic fiancé she has won. "Everyone speaks well of him," says MN. Altagracia says that she is sure he is happy that she is marrying someone else. MN grabs Altagracia and and says that he will be happy when Bartolo holds Altagracia like this and kisses her like this. "Make the most of it," says MN and walks away.

Santos tells Antonio that he doesn't know what to say to him about his situation. Antonio says that the worst thing is that there isn't anything he can do except pray that nothing happens to his wife and child. "You love Lucía, right?" asks Santos. "It's difficult not to like her, Santos ," replies Antonio, "She is good and caring. She adores Toñito. She adores me. I will do everything possible to support her, to make her happy but love continues to be embedded in my heart." "Cecilia" says Santos. "Yes, Cecilia, always Cecilia," replies Antonio. Antonio offers a toast to the love that never dies.

DB has returned to El Miedo and she is as mad as a wet cat. Eustaquia asks what happened. DB says that Marisela won the case but she swears that she will never give up El Miedo. She says that the old DB is back. She tells Juan Primito to put food out for the rebullones. JP tells her that they died a long time ago. She tells him to revive them because this hacienda will return to the way it was before. This is the hacienda of fear.

Santos tells Antonio that Marisela doesn't want to love him because he lived with her mother for almost a year. She thinks that what he feels for her is a small reflection of what he felt for her mother. Antonio asks if that isn't true. Santos says no. Living with DB was a hell that he doesn't recommend to anyone. She was consuming him like she did with Lorenzo. He says that DB had a lot of traumas and hidden demons. Antonio asks if Santos doesn't love Marisela because she resembles her mother. Santos say no. Marsiela has some of DB's explosive temper and a few of her gestures are the same but in fundamentals, they are very different. Marisela is transparent, incapable of resentment. He isn't saying that sometimes he would like to strangle her for being so stubborn but he knows that he could live with her the rest of his life.

At this point Marisela comes up and says that she has thought about it and decided that she doesn't want El Miedo. She wants to return it to DB. Santos asks if she is crazy. They just spent a whole month fighting to get back what belongs to her, to fufill her father's wishes. Marisela says that the problem - it was her father's wish. She has never dreamed about the hacienda, the money, the cattle and not even the oil that has appeared. Antonio asks about the oil and Santos explains that oil has been found at La Chusmita. Marisela says that DB is suffering and she has caused it. "Santos," she says, "What's going on with you? Doesn't it hurt you to see DB like that?"

DB is telling herself that she will get revenge on everyone when she hears Lorenzo's voice saying that he is here to torment her day and night to get his revenge. Melquíades has armed DB's guys. DB tells BP that he has to decide whose side he is on. Melquíades tells the vaqueros that they are watchmen. Now, the war has started for real.

DB tells Eustaquia that she has lost everything - her hacienda and her one true love, Santos. Now Santos is her worse enemy. Eustaquia tells her not to talk that way. She should take time to think. DB says that there isn't anything to think about. Santos has left her for her daughter and now he has taken her hacienda, her lands, everything. Eustaquia urges DB to leave and start again somewhere else. DB replies that she won't leave her hacienda. She will wait for Santos here. She gets her gun out and says that before she has to hand everything over, she will kill him and herself.

Santos tells Marsisela that DB doesn't deserve her compassion. She has enough money to buy two haciendas like El Miedo. Marisela repeats that DB has lost everything - her hacienda and... Santos finishes her sentence by saying that she feels guilty because she is a sort of consolation prize for Santos after he left DB. Marisela denies that she is any kind of a prize and says that she hates Santos when he is so proud and insupportable. She turns to leave but Santos says that she has to stay until she understands that she has the right to claim what by law belongs to her - La Barquereña and his love. At this point Antonio leaves.

Pajarote tries to get Genoveva drunk again. She takes a glass but throws the contents on him and yells at him.

Marisela asks why Santos says that she has a right to his love. Santos starts to speak but Marisela interrupts and says that her final word is that she has the the right to give the hacienda to whomever she pleases.

Santos tells Antonio and Cecilia that Marisela has gone crazy. JP comes running up to report that DB has returned to El Miedo in a foul temper and is saying horrible things that have made JP run away. Santos leaves to prevent DB from doing something stupid.

Marisela interrupts Cecilia's prayers to ask where Santos went. Without Cecilia having to answer, Marisela figures out that he went to El Miedo.

DB, now dressed all in black, passes out cartidge boxes to her employees. She tells them to be vigilent. The war has started and she won't be taken from El Miedo alive.

BP starts to walk away and Melquíades jumps him with a knife asking where he is going. BP says that he is just to pee.

Marisela gets into the truck and says to herself that Santos thinks he can make decisions for her but he will find out who the real Marisela Barquero is.

Meanwhile Santos is sadddling his horse and saying to himself how stubborn and foolish Marisela is to reject the hacienda they just put so much effort into getting.

Fausto delivers an invitation for Pernalete to attend a gala party in San Fernando recognizing all he has done for Progresso. Both Josefa and Federica ask to accompany him and Fausto says that they both can go.

El Sapo tells the judge that Marisela needs a lot of help to recover what his hers. El Sapo says that he wants to send DB an eviction order requested by Santos. When the judge says that Santos hasn't requested any such order, El Sapo shows him a request signed by Santos and now we know why El Sapo wanted Santos' signature.

Santos rides to El Miedo. DB appears, shoots her gun into the air and asks what he is doing there. Santos says that they have to talk. DB points her gun at Santos and says that she doesn't have anything to to say to him. At this moment, Marisela is arriving in the pickup. DB fires and hits Santos who falls off his horse. Marisela jumps out the truck yelling Santos' name and saying the DB has killed Santos.


Did anyone see Friday?????!!!!1

Friday is coming. Be patient.


I just wanted to say that these recaps are much appreciated, especially when I am out of town and can't watch the show. It is amazing that you are able to keep up with recapping this show all by yourself!


Hi, grea recapp as usual, I just noticed a few misinterpretations that sort of changed the story a little. Here is what I got

a) Santos said that "he" had traumas and demons and his relationship with DB made them come to the surface. He briefly mentioned his issue with his father.

b) I think the conversation about the "consolation prize" went a little differently. I think Santos said that Marisela was giving up the hacienda as a "consolation prize" to DB because he had left her.

c) Santos went to prevent Marisela from doing something foolish. He wanted to get ahead of her.

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