Monday, February 02, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Jan. 29- Santos learns some of the truth about DB
Meanwhile Santos has found the information about the soil analysis at La Chusmita. He rapidly figures out that DB has been lying to him for a long time. Melquíades tries to get the papers back but Santos says that Melquíades doesn't scare him. Melquíades demands the papers from Santos. "What are you going to do?" asks Santos, "Are you going to shoot me or knife me? Isn't that what DB would usually do?"
Mujica's nephew, Bartolo, spouts poetic nonsense to Altagracia and she swoons with admiration.

Meanwhile, Mujiquita is cleaning out Pernalete's desk. He finds the evidence bag for the ring that was taken from Julian Barreto's severed hand. The ring isn't in the bag but Mujiquita knows where to find it. He goes to Pernalete's house where Federica and Josefa are fighting about the proceeds of their business. He pulls the ring off Pernalete's finger.
Santos tells Cecilia that he is furious but he will only say that is a terrible betrayal.

We also don't see the person who has kidnapped BP except for his thick lips and a strange ring.

In the capital, the doctor tells DB that the fertility treatments haven't worked and she can't get pregnant. She tells him to keep trying until they succeed or she decides to stop.
Mujiquita also finds an evidence bag with the some of the (charred) remains of the body in the jeep identified as Meléndez. Mujiquita doesn't want it but Bartolo puts it in a drawer. Finally Mujiquita finds the evidence bag with the blowgun dart that Dr. Arias determined was used to drug Meléndez in the hotel. Mujiquita handles it carelessly (fortunately, it wasn't a poison dart) and gets drugged himself.

Santos goes to Danger's house and wonders if DB had him killed.
Santos goes to town and comes into Mujiquita's office just in time to hear Dr. Arias' conclusions about the poison dart, Orestes Prieto's death and Melendez' being drugged.
Altagracia tells Genoveva that she wants to marry Bartolo. Pajarote and Carmelito overhear and decide to check Bartolo out for their absent buddy, María Nieves.
Mauricio tells an invisible Marisela about DB's visit.
In a taxi, DB says to herself that she is glad Marisela isn't around because if she were, she would be an enemy and DB doesn't recommend that anyone make an enemy of DB.
Santos is riding and drinking. He tells himself that DB isn't capable of doing something like that.
He flashes back to the day of the flower beauty contest (Concurso de los Flores) when Orestes Prieto died.
Santos goes to see Eustaquia who is putting flowers in a vase. He asks her if it isn't true that pure-blooded Indians like Melquiades use blowpipes (cerbatana) in hunting. Eustaquia drops the flower vase. Santos asks Eustaquia to tell him that DB didn't order Melquiades to kill Orestes Prieto. He demands that she tell him whether Melquíades is a kller. Eustaquia only says that DB adores Santos. She won't answer his question.
Santos shows Eustaquia the papers about the oil. He tells her that the paper is a translation into Spanish that DB sent away to have done. "She and I live together," says DB, "Your boss, who says that she loves me more than anything in the world, has been lying to me since the beginning. Your boss is and continues to be the same as when I met her. She hasn't changed."
BP spills his guts and it rapidly becomes apparent that the questioner is Sapo, the last rapist. I'm not sure if he was involved with Danger before or whether BP recognized him from the picture of the rapists.
On the boat back to Progresso, DB is sure that Marisela is gone and was only an accident in her and Santos' life.
Santos tells Eustaquia that he is sure now that DB was behind Marisela leaving. DB threatened her and she left. Santos says that he will find Marisela. He says that he was so stupid. All this times, DB was laughing at him. She lied to him. She doesn't love him. He says that she's a liar. Eustaquia says that DB isn't bad. She acted out of fear that she would be left alone, that Santos would abandon her. Santos tells Eustaquia that DB will be left alone because all she has succeeded in doing is defraud him. The only thing he feels for her now is a profound disillusion. "It's over, Eustaquia," I am sorry to tell you that from the bottom of my heart I feel that that it's over."
In prison, MN formally asks Antonio for Altagracia's hand in marriage.
Pajarote and Carmelito visit the police station and recognize that Bartolomé Nacarando Mujica del Pozo will be a rival for Maria Nieves with Altagracia. They want to help their friend but they don' t know how.
Andres and Cosmo tell Santos that they want jobs to help the community. Andres says that he wants to start a newspaper with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
DB returns & Eustaquia tells her that Santos knows everything. She asks exactly what Santos found out and after Eustaquia goes through all the things Santos has found out she says that he still doesn't know the worst. She vows that she won't lose Santos.
Santos tells Andres that he can manage construction of dairy products plant. He tells Cosmo that he will introduce him to someone who knows about newspapers (I'm guessing that it will be Nestor, the reporter who showed up in some earlier episodes.)
Lucia brings Antonio and MN clothes to wear when they are released from prison and says that they will be released tomorrow or the next day at the latest. She says that she will be waiting for them and if she succeeds, she will have a surprise for him.
DB tells herself that she has to find a way to convince Santos that what he heard wasn't true. Juan Primito tells her that Santos is at the pozo.
Sapo tells BP that he has a business proposition for BP - Sapo will give the orders and BP will follow them. BP wil get paid and Sapo will protect him. He promises that nothing bad will happen to BP in the difficult times that are coming for Progresso and DB.
Melquíades returns to the letters to Cecilia's secretary and she catches him.
At the pozo, a drunk Santos says that DB is still the high-handed (prepotente) woman filled with hate (llena de odio) that he originally met. She is behind him and tells him that he can't judge her without hearing her side of things.
Labels: barbara
They are sure tantalizing us by not showing Marisela!
I was glad that Melquiades was caught returning the letters. It was funny that Cecilia ran after him like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar...
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