Monday, February 02, 2009

Cuidado: Friday 1/30/09 "Padre Anselmo takes the stand and Vicente makes a stand"

Due to my unplanned attention to the SuperBowl game, here's a very rushed recap of Friday's episode. Please fill in anything I missed or correct anything that I got wrong. I'll try to add the vocabulary I gathered to the comments later.

Adrian is escorted into Marichuy and Cande’s apartment by Cande. She is very excited to point out that the building has an elevator. Once up in the apartment, Adrian is surprised to see a baby and Marichuy fills her friend in on the history of her marriage & annulment with Juan Miguel, all due to the return of Viviana from the dead. And now, she tells him, it is a year later and Viv’s been murdered (dead for real now) and JM apparently prefers the company of the murderess to me.

Nelson is reading in the garden and Ed shows up. They exchange comments about how they think the other doesn’t like them, all because of Elsa. Ed says that Elsa is her own person, she doesn’t belong to either Nelson or Ed (how very enlightened of him). Nelson believes he lost Elsa. What, questions Ed. Yes, I lost her when we couldn’t have a child.

Mercedes is at Vicente’s and learns he’s ready to paint again. She happily throws off the dust covers from his easel.

Padre Anselmo is still testifying on Blanca’s behalf. He tells the court that Blanca wasn’t responsible for the crime which was committed.

Marichuy and Adrian discuss Purita and Adrian lets her know that he blames his mother. I think MC was encouraging him to not be so hard on his mother, which makes me think she needs to practice what she preaches. I might have gotten that wrong, let me know if I’ve messed up on translation. MC asks Adrian to keep it a secret about the baby and he agrees.

Stefi and Isa arrive at the hacienda. They find Nacho hard at work and start to ask him about Leo. Since they haven’t read the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, they just end up insulting Nacho and he’s not willing to give them any news on Leo’s whereabouts. Mica shows up and tells Nacho she’ll take care of the “ladies”. She tells them that Leo’s not at the hacienda and they tell her they need to leave him a message. They tell her to tell Leo that the woman he’s looking for is not named Lirio, it is Marichuy. If these two were any good at reading people, they’d be able to tell this wasn’t brand new information for Mica, who pretends she’ll pass the message along to her employer (at least I think she’s pretending, since she’s known how MC can be found and hasn’t told Leo as of yet). They leave a note about where he can find MC. They head back to town and seem pretty confident that Mica will deliver it to Leo.

Humberto is at the castle and asking Rocío for news about Beatriz’s baby’s baptism. He finds out the date and is excited because he doesn’t have appointments that day. Pretty presumptuous to think he’s invited, but what do I know, maybe he is invited. He gets up to leave and tells Rocío to remember that he loves her. She doesn’t reply.

Becky visits Vicente and they talk about Israel a bit and then they start to talk of Marichuy. Becky tells Vic that she heard about MC from Rocío. Vic looks moved to hear Rocío's name and we see he’s been working on her painting. Becky says she thought he was trying to forget her. He doesn’t respond to that directly, but instead shows Becky that he’s got some slight movement in his legs.

Rocío flashes back to some of the happy times with Vicente and then hears Humberto say he loves her. She's conflicted.

Vicente works with some dude in hospital scrubs, named Sergio. Vicente gets Sergio to help him stand up from the wheelchair. Vicente waves his arms to keep his balance, but he succeeds in standing on his own.

Padre Anselmo says that Viviana did not live the purest life and perhaps what befell her was a form of punishment from the Lord. The Lawyer is shocked at what the priest is insinuating (as am I, I have to admit). The Lawyer asks about PA’s relationship with Juanmi. PA says he admires JM and knows him pretty well. The Lawyer questions JM’s involvement in Viv’s death and PA says that all JM tried to do was protect Blanca from unjust punishment, he had nothing to do with it otherwise. He adds that he knows Blanca, as two people—first he met her as Blanca, but soon after saw her as Ivette. They are two different people, the priest tells the court. The fact that the priest seems to think she's suffering under this disorder seems to rock the courtroom.

Ceci cries to Patricio about how PA was not at the church. Pat reminds his wife that PA is testifying for JM. They talk about Ceci’s conversation with JM and how JM thinks that MC might have been back in town to get papers for her wedding. Ceci is upset to think that their daughter might be getting married without them.

Marichuy talks to Olga about Purita and Adrian. Olga asks about Leo and MC tells her about how Leo got his nickname. Olga asks about MC leaving him, when they were to get married. MC says she hopes he’ll find someone new, who can really love him.

Stefi visits JM and he asks why she’s always coming around and why she failed to mention that MC was at the house. Stefi says she thought Rocío would have given him the 4-1-1. He says she didn’t, not until recently. He runs through what he knows and Stefi says she’s got nothing more to add other than MC telling her that she’s leaving D.F., to go some place Far, Far Away (perhaps to hang with Shrek and Fiona). To be with whom?, JM asks. Stefi says, “Come on, you know that we don’t have that kind of relationship, there’s no way MC would tell me.” He buys that answer. Then, Stefi asks about Blanca’s case and JM fills her in on the latest, and how the court isn’t accepting the idea of her having multiple personalities.

Padre Anselmo tells the court (with accompanying flashbacks) about meeting Blanca when Rocío brought her to the church for help. He says that she confessed to him that she killed Viviana. The Lawyer questions why the priest hadn’t come forward with this information and PA reminds him that confessional secrets are binding.

Leo goes to visit JM at the castle. The two men are happy to see each other and hug. They talk about how many years it has been since they've seen each other and JM asks Leo what he’s been doing. Leo talks about his travels, and how he’s there today because he’s looking for a woman.

Marichuy tells Cande how Amador has suggested he might have her wearing a wig. She goes on to tell Cande how her name will be on the marquee and Cande clarifies that it will be MC’s professional name, Alejandra Robles. MC says how her picture will be in magazines.

Meanwhile, Pat is reading and comes across an article about the play MC’s doing, along with her picture. He goes and shows it to Ceci. Stefi appears to be shocked that MC might be located with such ease. Ceci is happy to know that they’ll soon be with their daughter. Pat basically tells her, hey I’ve shown you how to find MC, which you want so badly, but don’t ask too much from me, I’m not the one bound and determined to be reunited with her. Pat leaves and Stefi asks her what she’s going to do. Find her, Ceci answers. What if she rejects you? Stefi questions.

MC adds her personal touch to the apartment. She takes photos of her, Cande, and the baby and puts them up over the photos Amador has of himself around. She thinks of Juanmi and how Padre Anselmo’s been wanting to tell her who her parents are.

Amador visits Nelson and gets some news about the upcoming baptism of his son. He learns that Beatriz named the baby Eduardo. He’s not too happy to hear that his son is being named after Ed. Nelson tells him that Ed is adored by everyone at that house, and that Nelson, himself, doesn’t think Ed’s such a bad guy. Just then Beatriz comes outside and sees Amador talking with Nelson.

Marichuy’s in the theatre, sitting in the audience during a rehearsal. Ceci walks in and spots her. Ceci comes up to Marichuy and says her name. Marichuy looks up and says “Usted?” END OF EPISODE


Thank you so much Cathy and Julia for bringing me up to speed! And Julia I want to say gracias again for covering for me Thursday night.

If we didn’t know there were so many long weeks left to go, I’d say things were starting to converge and we’d be wrapping up soon. The baptism would be a great place for everything to hit a critical mass and explode. Vicente could walk in, and see Rocio on the arm of Dr. Handsome. JM could bring his pal Omar, Cande and Mari (babe in arms) could somehow suddenly decide it would be a good day to see PA and show up. Ceci could weep while the judge melted at the sight of his grandbaby. Amador could bring his cellos and make a scene about the baby’s name. PA could lay hands on Nelson and heal him. Purita could stand at the alter holding a candle and Adrian’s mama, who would just happen to drop by, could catch sight of her and decide she’s actually saint material, or at least daughter-in-law material. Blanca could morph into Ivette and chew through the bars with her tiny teeth and burst onto the scene, exonerating Blanca, and blowing Omar’s mind. Everyone could talk about what Stef knew and when and then we could have another stoning.

Well, I can dream, can’t I?

What’s up with PA telling the judicial types that he’s a man of God who would never lie, after he lied to Ceci about not knowing Mari’s whereabouts when she was at the hacienda?

Thank you Cathy! SuperBowl or not, you got it all. I am still shocked that the good Padre would see fit to blab in court, and then invoke the confessional seal. What's up with that?

Thanks for the recap Cathy.

Maggie and Agnes - PA is a mystery to me. Based on his actions, we could definitely say he's not a good priest. However, he's portrayed as a good guy so I guess we are supposed to believe he's doing what he feels is right -- even though his action contradict every good novela priest I've seen. Yeah I don't understand how the writers have formulated this character.

Excellent recap, Cathy.

I don't know about PA. I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be a good guy, but he did blatantly lie that one time. As far as testifying in court, however, that would be okay if Blanca had given him permission to do so, even if what she had told him was previously a confession.

Maggie, I like your scenario. Of course, we also need to get Casilda in there to get what she deserves somehow. There should also be some miracle wherein JM gets a brain.

Let me add my thanks too, Cathy.

I actually teared up at the last scene when Cecilia saw Marichuy, at last. Her face is so expressive.

Karen, not only have I never heard of a priest like Padre Anselmo, but I've never heard of psychiatrists, oby-gyn's, or surgeons like JM, Eduardo or Humberto. They are all unprofessional in the extreme, and don't even get me started on "Judge" Patricio.

PA clarified during his testimony that he was only telling because it was somthing that was already out in the open, and that otherwise he wouldn't have violated the seal of the confessional.

I agree though that it's funny to hear him tell everyone how how honest he is when he has blantantly lied several times.

And I don't see why he's such an important witness anyway, except the whole "God" connection which shouldn't matter in a court of law. Where is the professional pshychiatric witness?? That's the only testimony that should make any difference, the only question here is if the double personality can be proven to be real or not. So they are just wasting time here until Ickturo from Querida Enemiga comes back again!

Thanks for the re-cap! and Maggie I loved your fantasy ending!

BTW, I was going to report back on the "Pepe el Toro" movies. I finally finished the three, and I saw "Los Tres Huastecos" too, for a little more Pedro Infante.

It was fun seeing Candelaria (Chachita) as a young girl, then grown up by the third movie. Their Vecindad was a lot lik MC's and probably served as an inspiration.

Watching these movies with spanish subtitiles turned on was an exellent primer in the slang that Marichuy uses plus a lot more. In the subtitles the slang expressions were shown in quotes which was really helpful. I'm sure this language has evolved a lot in 50 years, but a lot was the same.

If you want to see these be prepared for a lot of tragic awful things that happen mixed in with the lighthearted things. They are melodramas in the way that the telenovelas are but even more gritty and tragic. Intersting to think of US movies from the same time period that were so whitewashed.

Hey Anon 11:45 I complete agree with you regarding the doctors in this novela. Unfortunately its seems to be a novela convention that men in positions of power fall in love with women they supervise, teach or give medical care too. I know this is also a cultural difference b/c in the states men who pulled this would get their licenses revoked and have sexual harassment law suits pending.

Julia - LOL with your perhaps JM could get a brain comment...hilarious and true

Karen, I agree with you that it's a very unfortunate novela convention that has powerful, wealthy, influential, usually older men falling in love with young impressionable ladies in totally inappropriate circumstances. However, in that sense I think it's good that there's always some forced separation after they initially fall in love. Usually by the time the protagonists get back together, the young lady has matured and gained self-confidence and assertiveness, a career, strong friendships, etc., so then they have more equal standing and a more balanced relationship. I hate parterings where one (usually the man, but not always) is older and has the big important job, the money, the social standing, the whole life set up, and the other is just along for the ride, like she's part of the staff or the furnishings.

Actually I think there are "scientific' ways to prove that people have Multiple Personality disorder. When I was teaching psychology, I showed a film in which they showed that when people with this disorder are in different personalities, their brain waves are actually different (as measured by an EEg). So by now the field must be able to determine this kind of thing in a scientific way.
NJ Sue

Does anyone know why Nelson thinks he lost Elsa because they couldn't have a child? Wasn't it because he was a drunk and didn't want to work?

Nelson sure seems to be plenty happy now that he's dying. It's like his ideal situation--he has a good excuse to not work and just mooch off Elsa's parents without anyone giving him a hard time about it, and he has lots of tragic experiences to write poetry about.

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