Saturday, February 14, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Wed., Feb. 11 - Marisela visits the Virgin of the Tree Bark again and Juan Primito is arrested
Genoveva and Pajarote kiss.
DB turns on Andrés, she calls him four-eyes, and says that he has shown ingratitude for what DB did to give him refuge and save his life. She asks if this is how Santos repays her for the love she gave him. She calls everyone there a bunch of traitors.
El Sapo wants to meet Marisela to see if she can help his plans.
A guy comes to tell Antonio about the dead cattle at Don Encarnación's hacienda. Santos tells his men that the party is over. They will go with Antonio to DE's hacienda. Marisela insists on staying behind with DB. "Do you really believe that Santos loves you?" DB asks Marisela.
All the terneras and their men return home only to realize that Genoveva is missing.
Pajarote tells Genoveva that he has had a lot of women but with her he feels something different - like tickling in his stomach. He can only calm that feeling by being with her and looking at her. He tells her that he has never said this to anyone but he thinks that he is in love with her. Unfortunately, Genoveva has fallen asleep and doesn't hear this declaration. Pajarote is annoyed and tells her to forget everything that he said.
Los Mondragon threaten Juan Primito and tell him not to say anything to anyone about what they bought.
Lucía returns Toñito to Cecilia and tells her how the party ended early.
DB and Marisela-
DB: Do you believe Santos loves you?
M: I don't know. I'm not interested in finding out.
DB: I'll tell you step by step how it will happen for you if it hasn't already: one day he will find you alone and will ask you to dance; he will embrace you like no one else; you will feel that the world is yours; he will look at you as if you were the most beautiful woman on earth; he will give you some delicious kisses and then he will say that you drive him crazy; then little by little, he will change you into a different person than you were before.
M: Into what?
DB: I don't know. Into his idea of the perfect woman. He couldn't do it with me or with Luisana. He will try with you because you are younger and naive. You will be like a doll in his hands. He will convert you into a marionette, you will see. Santos isn't what you think. I've lived with him a year and I got to know him. Behind that disguise of a good and just man, hides a devious and ambitious man. He wants to have all the land, all the old women (viejas) and all the power. He made a conquest of Luisana, the queen of the Capital. You know the story. And then who? The very same 'man eater,' your mother, and when I was at his feet, he threw me away like a dog. Now you come along. Don't deceive yourself, Marisela. You are his next victim.
M: I'm the victim? Why would he do that?
DB: It's obvious. He wins you, marries you and ends up with both haciendas. It's perfectly clear.
M: Why would he do it with me and not with you? He could have married you and ended up with both haciendas but he didn't do that. Forgive me, but you are comparing Santos to yourself. The Santos that you've been describing is not my Santos.
Cecilia tells Lucía that they are both in love with the same man but but Lucía shouldn't be concerned. That chapter of her life is over. Cecilia tells Lucía that she respects the institution of marriage and would never do anything that would harm their union. Lucía says that she saw how Antonio looked at Cecilia today and that upset her and made her feel insecure. Cecilia says that Lucía shouldn't feel insecure. She is young, pretty and rich. If anyone should be insecure, it's Cecilia. Antonio is all Lucía's.
Mujiquita commits to starting an investigation into how DE's cattle got poisoned.
DB and Marisela:
DB: Then you are the same stupid little girl who continues to believe that Santos is your 'Santitos.'
M: I no longer am the little girl that you could manipulate with tears and words of regret. Santos is not my 'Santitos.' I see people the way they are. He has faults but he is good, noble and sincere. No matter how much you want to, you can't change my idea of him. If you are spiteful and hate him, I am sorry. I know him very well and he far from the image of the ambitious monster you want to paint for me.
DB: Really, then who suddenly put your head the idea to come back and fight me for El Miedo? Who, besides Santos?
Marisela gives DB Lorenzo's letter and tells her to read it.
Altagracia tries to wake Genoveva up. She asks how Genoveva ended up drunk. Geno says that she thinks the fruit juice was spiked ('bautizada,' literally, 'baptised'). Genoveva says that she had a wonderful dream. Pajarote remembers Geno's sweet kisses and lips like caramel. Then he comes back to reality and says her lips are like garlic ('de ajo').
DB dismisses Lorenzo's letter and says that Marisela will never get El Miedo.
Santos offers to let DE's cattle on his land to get them away from the poisoned water. DE accepts.
Marisela can't stop thinking about Santos and his kisses.
Likewise, Santos is thinking about how much he needs Marisela.
DB tells Eustaquia that Santos is the love of her life. "The love of your life is you, yourself," says Eustaquia, "Barbarita, you aren't the woman who can get involved body and soul with one man. If you did, you would be lost. I thought that this love would change you but nothing and no one changes you!" Eustaquia begs DB to leave El Miedo. She has enough money to start a new life far away from here. DB says that she will never leave El Miedo.
Lucía tells Antonio that he and Cecilia still care about each other. She asks him to swear on his child that he doesn't feel anything for Cecila. Antonio tells her not to get his child involved in her jealousies. Lucía replies that Antonio just doesn't want to swear that he doesn't feel anything for Cecilia.
DB tells Eustaquia that she is a monster and she isn't going to change. DB says that she thought Santos' love could change her but life has convinced her that love and friendship don't exist. It's all a lie. "Of course, they exist," says Eustaquia, "but you ruin everything. Santos fell in love with someone who doesn't exist." DB warns Eustaquia not to cross the line. She knows what happens to DB's enemies. Eustaquia tells DB to go ahead and kill the only person who has loved her without asking anything in return. Eustaquia says that DB knows that the hacienda belongs to Marisela. DB has enough money to buy three haciendas. Why doesn't she show some compassion to her daughter. DB says that if Marisela continues to annoy her, she is capable of...
Eustaquia warns her that that the day she harms Marisela will the last day Eustaquia stays with DB.
Lucia continues to reproach Antonio for the way he looks at Cecilia. She asks if he still loves Cecilia. Antonio says that Cecilia was his first love and he cares about her but things didn't work out and now he is with Lucia. He says that he won't betray or leave her; he will honor the promises that he made. Lucia says that she doesn't want him with because of a promise but because he loves her. Antonio say that he does love her. Lucia says that he doesn't love her the same way that he loved Cecilia. She asks him to forgive her and says that she loves him so much and is terrified of losing him.
Cecilia asks Marisela to come with her to the new school in the town that Santos and the Cattlemen's Association helped to build. Marisela puts her off for a day. She wants to visit the Virgin of the Tree Bark and asks her something very important.
Dr. Arias, aka CSI Progresso, has determined that DE's cattle were poisoned by DDT. Antonio says that it was definitely a crime and he thinks DB was responsible. Mujiquita tells him not to get ahead of the evidence. First, they have to find out where the DDT was bought. Dr. Arias says that is easy; it's sold in the hardware store and a large quantity would have been necessary to poison the cattle.
Santos comes to Cecilia's house and Casilda tells him that Marisela went to the shrine of the Virigin of the Tree Bark.
Mujiquita questions the owner of the hardware store and discovers that Juan Primito bought a large amount of DDT. He decides that the guilty party is JP. Antonio says that someone must have sent JP. He couldn't have gotten the idea on his own.
At the shrine, Marisela says that even though lots of things have changed in her life, she continues to love Santos and can't get him out of her heart. She flashes back to the first time she came to the shrine in the rain and Santos found her. Santos comes again to find her. "In this place," he says, "I once found you asking for me to love you. You don't have to ask the Virgin because I love you, Marisela." "This time," says Marisela, "I asked for just the opposite. I asked for you to leave me in peace. That you go away from me once and for all."
Antonio and DE are sure that DB is behind the cattle poisoning and demand that Mujica do something. He is trying to calm down when DB comes into the police station and says that her cattle are being poisoned, too.
Marisela and Santos-
S: Marisela, you can't ask the Virgin for that. Don't treat me this way, please. Don't you realize that I love you?
M: When did you realize that? When?
S: I don't know. Always, I suppose. I simply was afraid to recognize my own feelings.
M: How was that? You loved me and you were sleeping with my mother. Now you are going to deny that you were crazy about her?
S: No, I could never deny that. I was wildly in love with you mother. But that love ended in the same violent way that it started. In my mania to make the world better, I tried to change her. I wanted to give her an opportunity for our feelings but DB isn't capable of loving anyone. I spent a lot of time in the darkness paying the consequences of my errors. I missed you terribly, Marisela.
M: Then, it's true that I am a lot like her because in this moment I can't love anyone either.
S: That's a lie. I know that you love me too. Marisela, please, don't deny our love. Don't put more barriers between what we feel. Marisela, please, give me an opportunity to show you that I love you and that there is no one more important to me in the world than you. Marisela, you are my sunshine. If you abandon me, I will be left in the darkness forever. Your light... your light is the only good thing that I have in my life. Marisela, I love you. I love you more than my life.
They embrace.
DB demands that Mujica arrest the lowlives that poisoned her cattle and she casts suspicion on Fausto and his mysterious boss. Mujica replies that the person who bought the poison wasn't from outside. It was a person from Progresso - Juan Primito.
Marisela and Santos are embracing when she pulls back.
M: This is wrong. I didn't come back for this.
S: Come on, Marisela, don't deny what you feel. Aren't these the same feelings you have had all this time?
M: This is what makes me so angry with you, Santos Luzardo. You broke my heart not once but thousands of times. You told me that you didn't love me, that I was like your little sister. All of a sudden, a lightbulb goes on in your head and now you love me, now you adore me.
S: You're so pretty when you're angry. Do you remember when you would say, 'celebro' [I celebrate, instead of 'cerebro,' 'head']? I miss those times when you would say things wrong and then I would correct you.
M: Yes, and you wanted me to be a lady (señorita) and ... Hey, stop manipulating me, Santos, as if I were an idiot. Answer me! In what exact moment did you realize that you loved me? When?
S: When I saw you going away from me in that boat. In that moment, I saw clearly. My life with you was going away, Marisela. Look, we all don't have your purity and your blameless soul. There are people like me, that have to be make a lot of mistakes in order to find out where love is. I am not the perfect person I want to be. I am a man full of passions and anger. Now, I know. I was blind, sunshine, blind. Afterwards, nothing was the same. My life fell apart. I appeared to be a zombie. Ask Cecilia how many times I asked about you. All day, I talked and thought about you. You didn't miss me?
M: Miss you? Of course, I didn't miss you. Of course not.
S: Not even a little bit? (Marisela shakes her head.) Tell me, sunshine, do you still love me?
Pajarote comes to see Genoveva and tells her that MN was right. She is like a pineapple, prickly on the outside but sweet inside and yesterday he proved it. Her lips are like a ripe pineapple. Genoveva says that she doesn't know what he is talking about. She has never let him kiss her. She says that she doesn't remember anything about what happened with him yesterday and doesn't want anything to do with him. She tells him to get out.
Los Mondragon congratulate BP on his good idea. If anyone is blamed for what happened, it will be the idiot (bobo).
DB tells Mujica that he can't think that JP was responsible for the poisoning. Mujica replies that JP bought the poison. Two policemen drag JP into the police station. He begs DB to tell them that he didn't do anything and not to put him in jail.
Santos and Marisela-
M: It's too late to ask that question. What does it matter if I love? That woman will always be between us.
S: Bárbara and I are finished. Our history is in the past, Marisela, it's over.
M: No, it's not in the past. It's a painful and bitter. I am here because of her. I came to get back what is mine - the dignity of the Barqueros. I came to do justice.
S: And me?
M: You decided your life a long time ago.
S: Marisela, I never decided anything because my life is now in your hands. Marisela, one single word from you and I will get back all the happiness and all that is beautiful that you brought to me. My life is with you.
M: You are a shameless, manipulating crook!
S: I am a shameless, a crook, very manipulative and very much in love.
They kiss.

Labels: barbara
Incidentally, "caramelos" refers to candy. In Mexico it specifically refers to candy canes, but in most other countries it's candy and sweets in general.
DB shows her true colors when she warns Eustaquia not to cross the line. It was good that Eustaquia tells DB to go ahead and kill the only person who has loved her without asking anything in return. Also liked that Eustaquia says that DB knows that the hacienda belongs to Marisela. The best part was that Eustaquia warns her that the day she harms Marisela will be the last day Eustaquia stays with DB. I think this will probably happen as Eustaquia may have to protect Marisela from DB...
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