Thursday, February 05, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Wed., Feb. 3: Santos admits he loves Marisela and gets some interesting reading material
Santos and DB-
S: No, it's not a rejection, believe me. I can't love you with these doubts. You are a very beautiful woman and I would love to be with you the whole night. To make love with love, I have to feel feel safe and at peace with the woman I am with. Unfortunately, I have big doubts here (points to head) that don't give me any peace and so I can't. I just can't.
Antonio asks Lucia to marry him. Don Encarnacíon gives his permission.
Los Mondragon hijack a truck carrying cattle to DE's ranch.
Santos tells DB that it isn't a question of forgiveness but of faith. "I don't believe in you anymore," says Santos, "and when I turn my back, you return to deceiving me like you have done up to now but no more, Bárbara. This can't continue." DB says that it is easy for Santos to come over all high and mighty since he hasn't gone through what she did. She says that Santos has made serious errors himself. Has he forgotten that he threw his best friend out of Altamira in a fit of rage? He asks what she is talking about and she says that he threw Antonio out like a piece of trash for falling in love with his aunt. Such behavior is accepted for a man but if a woman does it, she's a monster.
Maurice tells Marisela to get it through her head that she isn't taking anything away from DB. DB lost Santos by her behavior. Marisela says that she has seen Santos kissing DB and defending her to those closest to him. What more proof does he want? Her history with Santos ended with their kiss. It's over. Maurice says that she is wrong. That kiss is the beginning of many things. If she couldn't forget Santos before, she certainly won't be able to do so now. "The only way for this story to end," Maurice tells her, "is for Santos to stop being a Luzardo and for Marisela to stop being a Barquero." "You forgot one last name - Guaimarán," says Marisela, "DB destroyed my father, she is destroying Santos and she is destroying any possibility of love between Santos and me."
Santos tells DB that he acknowledges his terrible faults of pride and rage but he fights against them. Santos tells DB that she can't compare his fight with Antonio with the terrible things known and unknown that she had done. DB says that everything she has, her dreams, her future, it all depends on him. If she loses Santos, she says that she doesn't know what she is capable of. She tells Santos that he is in her heart and no other woman, including Marisela, can tear him out of there.
Lucía asks Antonio if he is marrying her because he wants to get back at Cecilia. Antonio denies it and says that Cecilia is in his past. Lucía says that she knows that Cecilia still loves him but she loves him too and because of that she will take the chance. She will make Antonio forget Cecilia and bury his past. She says that she will accept Antonio's child as hers and he can bring him to their house whenever he wants. At that moment, someone comes in and tells Antonio and DE about the cattle truck hijacking.
The Altamira vaqueros, now reunited, get wonderfully drunk. They try to give María Nieves advice on how to win Altagracia back.
The next morning DB tells Santos that his words hurt her more than wha all the rapists did together. Santos says that he didn't want to hurt her. DB replies that he did hurt her and it was all the fault of Marisela. Santos asks her not to start with that again. DB asks Santos to tell her that he loves her. Fortunately, he doesn't have to answer because at that moment Santos is told about the theft of DE's cattle. "I hope that you don't think that I did it," says DB. Santos leaves without saying a word.
DE and Antonio insist the Mujiquita do something about the cattle theft. Santos and Pajarote come into the police station and ask how they can help. "If you want to recover my cattle, look at El Miedo, it wouldn't surprise me if the thieves came from there," says DE angrily. He leaves. Santos asks Antonio why DE is angry at him. Antonio replies that he knows there is only one person who steals cattle and land. Antonio tells Santos that he is working for DE again and will soon be his son in law. Santos is impactado.
So the guy with the beard is Sapo´s henchman, Fausto. He is with BP at Danger´s house. BP tells him that Los Mondragon stole DE's cattle and that they are wanted men whom DB protects. BP says that he doesn't think that DB wants more of DE's cattle. She wants his land because it is adjacent to Altamira. Fausto deduces that DB wants to ruin DE so that he has to sell his hacienda. He says that information will be valuable to his boss.
DB tells Los Mondragon to sell the cattle at the border and keep half the proceeds. She tells Melquíades that her goal is to get DE's hacienda. DB tells Melquiades to watch all the correspondence that comes to Altamira. There are letters that she doesn't want delivered. She will tell him which ones.
Cecilia tells Santos about how she saw Antonio kissing Lucia when she took the baby to visit him in prison. She says that was too much for her and she will never forgive Antonio. Santos asks if she doesn't think that maybe all this was just a misunderstanding between her and Antonio. Cecilia says that she has made her decision. Cecilia asks Santos what he did in the Capital since he stayed there longer than expected. Santos gets all animated and says that a marvelous, unexpected thing happened, "I saw her. I saw Marisela! And there's more than that, I kissed her!" Cecilia is impactada.
Santos and Cecilia-
S: Marisela is beautiful with a tremendous personality. She is a strong and determined. She has studied and speaks more correctly now although she still says her foolish things. If you could see her, Aunt, so pretty, so grown up. The only problem is that she hates me.
C: Marisela hate you! Don't be ridiculous.
S: No, she told me. She doesn't want to see me. She even slapped me.
C: Men! Why are they so blind? Don't you realize that the hate she shows you is a a mask covering up what she really feels for you.
S: You think so?
C: Of course! I didn't need you to tell me all this to know that Marisela is hopelessly in love with you. What surprises me in truth is something else.
S: What?
C: Your face.
S: My face?
C: Your eyes, your expression. Your whole body is telling me that you are in love with Marisela Barquero and this is the first time that I have seen that in you at least in such an eloquent way. You love that girl. I don't have the slightest doubt.
S: Yes, Aunt. You're right. I think that I love her.

DB tells Melquíades that she doesn't want a single letter that comes from the Capital delivered o Altamira until she sees it first. She says that she can't understand who would send Santos an anonymous letter saying that she is a murderer. Melquíades reminds her that not all her enemies are underground. El Sapo still remains.
Fausto asks what Danger did all day. BP says that Danger hunted, drank and played dominoes in town. BP tells Fausto that in the evenings, Danger wrote stuff in notebooks. Fausto asks where the notebooks are. BP doesn´t know.
Santos and Cecilia-
C: Tell me what you are going to do about this.
S: I don't know, Aunt. I know much less since what I just confessed to you.

C: OK, you should feel relieved that you finally know for sure that, that Marisela is the woman of your life.
S: Aunt, I am very confused. It true, I love Marisela. It's what I always felt inside me and I didn't want to admit it. I was ashamed to admit that this girl enchanted me and on the other hand, there was Barbara.
C: Oh Santos! Please tell me that you don't love that witch anymore.
S: I don't even know what I feel for her. My life is a hell of doubts. Barbara is hounding me all the time. Sometimes I want to put an end to it but but she is all wrapped up with me, she harasses me and when I see her so fragile and waiting for my love, I don't know if I love her or if it's only desire or need. Who knows what what it is? Not me.
S: Anonymous letters to me?
C: Yes. Santos, that woman still has my letters in her power and she has the nerve to come to my house and accuse me of writing anonymous letters. That woman is sick! You need to be careful because if this anonymous letter business is true, that woman is intercepting your mail.
Fausto and BP search for the notebooks and make a big mess. Fausto finds the notebooks.
Santos and Cecilia-
S: I can't take any more. You're right. This Barbara thing is like a disease and the worst of all is that it's driving me crazy, too.
C: No, you're making a mountain out of a molehill ('tú te estás ahoganan en un vaso de agua,' literally, 'you're drowning yourself in a glasss of water'), That's what's happening. The question you have to answer is very simple: do you love her, yes or no?
S: I already told you that I don't know. I don't think words exist for what I feel for her. I don't know if it is passion, obsession, desire, habit, I don't know.
C: Do you love her? Yes or no?
S: What I feel for Barbara is worse than love. It's a feeling that ties me to her more. She moves me so much. It makes me feel so bad to see what she has suffered. Cecilia, what I feel for her is compassion.
C: Santos, pity isn't love.
S: It's not pity that I feel for her. In the beginning, I did love her. I desired her with an enormous passion. But when I got to know her and understood all she had suffered in her life, that feeling was converted into... compassion.
C: It has been bad for her but she has never been a saint. Santos, she has hurt a lot of people.
S: Yes, I know but all stories have a beginning and hers was horrible. Her father and fiancé where murdered in front of her eyes and she was gang raped by five guys. She had to fight alone to make her way in a world of men. After all that, she succeeded in becoming a power in the Arauca.
C: By killing and robbing.
S: Because that's how she learned to survive.
C: But are you defending her?
S: I can't. I only wanted to explain to you why she moves me, why I have compassion for her.
C: But she is taking advantage of that.
S: While Barbara needs me, she will have me. Because the day that I leave her... that is the day she will be lost forever. The woman depends on me as her last resort (tabla de salvación). I won't let her down.
C: And Marisela?
S: I've lost Marisela and the reason for that is that she doesn't care about me. I have ruined this love myself but, look, don't worry, I know how to fight against this guilt.
C: How will you fight against this guilt, Santos? By drinking? Are you going to drown your guilt in alcohol like Barquero did?
S: Look, if I can't do it any other way, yes.
Fausto tells BP that he is pleased with what is written in the notebooks. He needs to show them to his boss.
Cecilia tells Casilda about her conversation with Santos. "It could be that Santos doesn't love DB anymore," says Cecilia, "but he did love her. I have no doubt about that and where there's fire.., well, you know. Casilda says that they have to find a big bucket of water to put out all that fire and the ashes that remain. Cecilia tells Casilda that she thinks she knows how to do this by making Santos and Marisela realize their dreams and be happy together but she doesn't know if she dares to interfere. Casilda replies that lack of daring in her life is what got Cecilia into her current situation. She urges her to take the chance.
Pajarote gives MN advice on his romance with Altagracia. He says that MN should behave very elegantly, go to Melesio's house, stand in front of Altagracia and say what he has to say. Pajarote tells MN that he is an idiot (bruto) but he is good looking. His rival, Bartolo is an idiot and ugly at the same time. Pajarote tells MN that Bartolo looks like a boiled chicken (pollo hervido).

Altagracia is furious that MN hasn´t come to see her since he returned from prison and is taking it out on her ironing. She hears someone arriving and thinks that it might be MN but it's Bartolo arriving with a bouquet and the novelty seems to have worn off very quickly because Genoveva is just barely civil to Bartolo.
Fausto shows Danger's diaries to El Sapo. He says that it is what they need to defeat their enemy. He tells El Sapo that just before the last entries in the diary, Danger wrote that DB must never find out about the oil at La Chusmita or she would kill him. El Sapo says that Danger must be dead since he has not shown up. Fausto suggests that in the hands of the authorities, these diaries would be sufficient evidence... El Sapo interrupts and says that he doesn't want the authorities involved in this. He says that business comes first. To get control of the oilfield, he has to separate Santos and DB. He tells Fausto to send the diaries to Santos, "to see if this so-called lawyer (he uses a diminutive of the word for lawyer, 'abogadito' that I am translating that way) is as just and civilized as everyone says." (All we see are Sapo's lips. Why can't we see the guy's face?)
Mujiquita comes to torment Pernalete by asking for advice from a man who can't speak. He tells Pernalete that some of DE's cattle have been stolen. He says that DE is his friend and an important person in Progresso but if Mujiquita wants to help him, he has to question the woman of his childhood friend, Santos Luzardo. He is in a difficult situation because he has to offend one of the other of his friends. Mujiquita says that he is sure that DB stole the cattle just like she did when Pernalete was police chief in Progresso. He asks Pernalete what he should do in this case.
DB comes to see BP at Danger's house, notices that the place is a shambles (patas para arriba, literally, 'with legs in the air,') and asks what BP was looking for. BP tells her that someone must have come in when he was out and tossed the place. He can't imagine who it could have been. He is not a good liar.
Altagracia is telling Bartolo to go away when MN arrives. MN strides purposefully up to Altagracia and says that he has come to tell her that all this time he has been thinking about what he feels for her. He kisses her. Bartolo sinks down in his chair.

Melquíades attacks the mailman on the steps of Altamira, holds a knife to his throat and takes his bag. Melquíades bad luck holds. Santos comes up on him in the middle of all this.

Santos asks Melquíades if now DB has ordered him to intercept his mail. "Think what you like," says Melquíades and slinks off.
Altagracia responds to MN's kiss and then slaps him for kissing her without permission. Altagracia then goes over and says that Bartolo is her boyfriend and will beat up MN. (Bartolo is several inches shorter and probably 50 lbs lighter than MN who just spent a year doing forced labor. He looks rather nervious.)

MN looks Bartolo up and down and tells Altagracia that if this wretch (infeliz) is her boyfriend, she should make the most of him. He leaves. "I'm really your boyfriend?" asks Bartolo. "Shut up," replies Altagracia.
Santos tells Eustaquia that he will be in his study and does not want to be disturbed. He wonders if the book has anything to do with the anonymous letters.
DB asks if BP really doesn't know who tossed Danger's place. He assures her that he doesn't have any idea and asks why she has come to see him. She says that the walls at Altamira have ears and here they can talk calmly. She asks if he has thought about how to make it so that DE has to sell his hacienda. BP says that he has, "What if we poisoned the water where DE's cattle drink?" suggests BP. Melquíades arrives with the news about the book that was delivered to Santos.
Antonio angrily tells Lucía that he won't let Cecilia take his baby away from him. She tells him that they can go to court and get an order that the baby must spend time at their house. Antonio says that he is grateful for all she has done for him and says that they should get married right away.
Marisela is happy to see Cecilia and her baby. She asks why Cecilia has come. Cecilia says that the time has come for Marisela to read the last wishes of her father.
DB comes in to Santos' study and asks what he is reading. "You really want to know, Bárbara?" says Santos, "This is an unexpected gift that was made to me. It's the diary of Mr. Danger. You didn't know that the gringo wrote his memoirs? He wrote everything, Barbara. Do you want to know what he said about you?"

Labels: barbara
Casilda always the wise one, put many things into action with just a few words.
What's with Antonio? He's mad at her, while seeing a gal in prison? I must've missed something.
DB never disappoints, she's just plain unwilling to change, even with Santos slipping through her fingers. I guess her fear of herself will be her doom...
JB, I've given up on trying to figure out the logic (or lack thereof) that both Antonio and Cecilia follow. I wanted to throw something at him when, after Ceci reminded she couldn't visit him in prison because it would endanger the pregnancy, that he actually had the nerve to tell her everything was more important than he was! On the flip side, Ceci has done nothing to get Antonio back. When she told him her conditions and said otherwise there would be nothing between them, at no point did she say: "I love you and you should be with me and if you stray again I'll kill you." It may sound possessive, but on a stubborn mule like Antonio this would probably do the trick. Someone suggested they both need to be widowed before this can work and I'm inclined to go with that theory.
The whole kidney transplant thing must be for some reason and a tragic death after marrying Antonio would make sense. Maybe she'll die trying to have a baby.
Speaking of babies, we are 100+ episodes in and the main female lead is still a virgin. That's pretty unusual for a novela in my experience.
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