Saturday, February 07, 2009
El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed.through Friday, Jan. 26-30
Salvador escapes from Gaetana's house and is wandering along the road when he is hit by a car.

Gaetana and Camilo find Salvador unconscious by the side of the road and put him in their car. He wakes up as PJ/S. Back at Gaetana's house, PJ/S says that now he understands the sensations that he had dreaming about that woman. "Salvador Cerinza is reclaiming his body," says PJ/S.

He tells Gaetana that he is afraid. He will concentrate on his mission, "I came back for Isabel," says PJ/S, "and I'll dedicate every moment of this second chance to her." He wonders how much time he has left.

Isabel tells the police that she and PJ/S only had a business relationship.

Thurs. 1/27
PJ/S tells himself that he has to forget Valeria.

PJ/S (in his spiffy purple shirt) tries to explain to Simón what happened with him and Valeria and tries to get Simón to like him again. He doesn't have much success on either front.

Isabel tells PJ/S about her interview with the police. PJ/S tells her to relax. He will handle everything.

Felipe questions Cantalicia about Salvador before and after his supposed death. He wonders if the energy of some other person took over Salvador's body.

Valeria tells Abigail that she feels better because she knows that PJ is giving his midnight concerts for her. Abigail asks why she fell in love with PJ/S and Valeria says that it was because he was so much like PJ.

Walter forces Isabel to make him adminsitrator of the house again. No one can understand why she just doesn't get rid of him.

PJ/S threatens to reveal that Iniridia tried to marry PJ. She goes to the police station and withdraws all her charges against Isabel.

Labels: cuerpo
Valeria is just too odd. I think her moving out would have been the best for everyone. Why PJ/S demands that she now stay in the house is beyond me. It leads one to believe that he's planning to continue his romance with her as the "ghost" of PJ. And Isabel's scene where she "told" her she wouldn't be moving out - when she'd been the one to tell her she had to move out before - was handled very strangely, I thought.
PJ/S really needs to tell Antonio about "Salvador"'s increasing visits. I'm curious to see the first time he shows up at work or with the family.
Off-topic but related, for "La Traicíon"/Danna Garcia fans: Per the attached video (in Spanish), Danna will be finishing up work on "Un Gancho Al Corazón" for Televisa in March and heading to Miami to finally start production on "Lola Calamidades" for Telemundo. Link to the English trailer is below. (Does Telemundo still have English captions available on CC3? Hope so. "Lola" looks interesting.
Danna leaving Mexico://
"Lola Calamidades" trailer:
Back to Cuerpo, now that everyone knows that PJ/S and Isabel are not only engaged but have been having an affair for some time, couldn't the police reopen their investigation since Isabel and PJ/S lied to them?
Did enjoyed the "spiffy purple shirt" picture, and the one above (with his hair away from his face) was awesome too. "...Cerinza is reclaiming his body"- Guess Isabel and PJ/S's days are numbered. Oh no! So sad.
Marie Celeste - I agree, Valeria needs to move out and stop her obsession with a ghost. Thanks for the Lola link. I'm a Danna fan. Well I loved her with Mario. I'm curious about her chemistry with Christian.
The Nosferatu-looking Walter certainly gets on my last nerve. Must mean the actor is doing a good job.
Yes, the “Lola” trailer is the one with Christian Meier. If you haven’t heard anything about a DB end date, maybe they did have to recast the male lead. We’ll see.
Telemundo’s dropping of English subtitles is so unfortunate; one more casualty of a bad economy, I guess. I hope the network itself isn’t in danger. It would be sad to have only Televisa telenovelas out there for us Spanish learners to tap into. (Every time I think of “Fuego en la Sangre” I need a dose of Pepto.)
Marie Celeste, I thought the same thing too about PJ/S and Isa getting off easy but if they didn't there wouldn't be much of a show left.
I'm done with Valeria. She's turning out to be more and more spineless as the story progresses. You're lusting after a dead guy. Get over it.
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