Saturday, February 07, 2009

Tontas no Van Friday 2/6 Icebergs are Melting, or The Shrink Stops to Think, and the Lad’s Okay that Dad’s Gay

Finally, I got an episode with warmth and happiness, and very little going wrong (although there are lots of hints of problems to come). In tonight’s show, we see a different side of some characters, who change, or become more forgiving, more human, more likeable. Some of the coldness has melted. And almost everyone is getting along.

First, we revisit Santi’s chat with Pat, in which Santi advises Pat to leave Candy, move far away, etc. I don’t think Pat’s convinced.

It’s group therapy at the Institute. Paco (the shy guy whose wife mistreats him) is sitting at the table with several of our “counselors” and the 3 other ladies who gave him a hard time last episode. One of them starts up with the idea that they’re uncomfortable with Paco’s being there, since their husbands are the enemy, and it’s war, right? But Candy wants to give Paco a chance to show his feelings.

In town, Jaime and Isabel are debating where to hold their wedding. Jaime votes for the church, but Isabel is much too much “peace and love” for that. She has visions of the wedding in the garden at her house, everyone dressed in white, she’ll have flowers in her hair, and guess what the music will be? Jaime’s thinking Ave Maria, but no way, it’ll be the Beatles! And the master of ceremonies? Well, here he is, as Isabel starts purring, makes her hand into a little claw, which knocks claws with an aging hippie guy, with long hair and beard, a flowing white shirt, whose name is El Gato (the cat, of course). He’ll be happy to do the honors, and he also shows her his new motorcycle, which Isabel is all excited to try out.

Paco, with head bowed, tells the group that his wife, Agatha, is a high powered executive, with a big salary, while he’s unemployed. Candy interjects that Paco has assumed the role of housewife while his wife works. Paco continues, relating that Agatha bosses him around (mangonear) and belittles him, and he can’t find a job. One of the new ladies says Agatha sounds like a witch. Bárbara asks whether only men are the enemy, and the woman responds that maybe aggressive, controlling people are the enemy, be they men or women. (first case of ice melting) The group agrees to help Paco.

Crazy Marissa has bought tons of little clothes for the bebé. Santi asks her why they weren’t taking precautions so that she wouldn’t get pregnant. She’s a little miffed, just responds that she always thought she could never get pregnant, but doesn’t he want the baby? Sure, sure, but these things are better if they’re planned, not abrupt or like a sudden blow (de sopetón), he illustrates while hitting one of the little baby outfits.

Raúl has invited Candy into his office. He tells her what a success her column is, they might even make a book out of it. But in reality, he wants to talk personally. He warns Candy to quit her little game of seducing Santiago. This enrages Candy, who tells him the man hasn’t been born who’s going to tell her how to live her life, and she writes something on a piece of paper. What is it? Her resignation. She quits, and marches out of the office.

Pat is at Soledad’s, telling her that he likes her a lot, doesn’t want to hurt her, but he never told her he loved her. He only loved one woman in his life, Candy. He leaves. She cries.

Candy and Meño are chatting over cornflakes. She tells him she quit her column because she didn’t want anyone telling her how to live her life, he thinks that was dumb, she claps her hands – new topic! Tomorrow she’s going to enroll in an image course. But she’s a little nervous, because it’s not easy to get in, and there’s a test. The Institute needs someone with training in image design. Meño reassures her that she’ll get in, and urges her to reconsider the column thing, because a lot of women are counting on her advice. She smiles and they have a playful game of who can eat the cereal faster.

Speaking of playful games, Santi has crunched up lots of pieces of paper, and is practicing his basketball skills with the wastebasket, while talking on speaker to Ed’s cell. He can’t stop thinking about Candy. Ed comes in the room, tells him he has a sickness, called Candyitis. Ed reminds him he’s getting married, going to have a baby. Ed adds that men should never allow women to affect them so much that they lose their sense of reason. Look at me, says Ed. I’ve had lots of women, but I never lose my sense of reason. Santi didn’t lose his, it was stolen – by Candy. He decides to put this torment to rest, once and for all, by talking to Candy (sure, that’ll work). Ed also has a plan, to surprise Chayo with something.

Pat puts a clown wig in a bag and exits his apartment.

Guess what Chayo is doing now? Internet chat! Her name is Morenita chiquita, and she’s chatting with a guy named Principe Azul. She types that she doesn’t want to meet, they don’t even know each other’s real names yet. He types that his name is Gonzalo. All of a sudden Ed comes home, and she quickly snaps shut the computadora. Course, she had no reason to be secretive, because he’s so into himself that he doesn’t even notice what she’s doing, and he walks into the other room.

Candy is mopping the floor, wearing orange rubber gloves to match her orange blouse (her apron also has an orange ribbon). Doorbell rings, and it’s Santi, who is going to “clear things up”. The door is left open, because she wants to keep her distance. Santi doesn’t mind. He tells Candy how he can’t get her out of his mind, he’s losing his reason over her, he knows he’s going to have a baby, and he’ll love the baby, but he doesn’t love the baby’s mamá. He loves Candy. He kisses her, and (surprise!) just at that moment, Patricio enters, dressed as a clown. This clown isn’t smiling, though. Why is he dressed as a clown? Well, he came to find the clown Chivi Chivi, but he see’s Chivi Chivi is busy. No, Chivi Chivi’s not busy, says Candy. Well then why was she kissing Santiago? Because Santiago took her by surprise, and she didn’t want the kiss at all. To prove her point she knees Santiago (something she’s pretty good at).

Back at Ed and Chayo’s, he tells her that he’s going to ask Santi for Thursday and Friday off, and they can go on a four day vacation. Chayo can’t believe what she’s hearing, and is just about to kiss Ed, when his phone rings, it’s Raúl, and Ed tells Raúl no, he’s not doing anything important, he’ll be there in 20 minutes. How romantic.

Candy finishes kicking Santi out so she can talk to Pat. Okay. Now, why is Pat dressed as a clown? Turns out that since he was a kid, Pat has had a big problem asking for forgiveness, and he thought maybe if he was in disguise, it would be easier. He then says “Candy, please forgive me”. She thinks she’s dreaming. He continues, apologizing for cheating on her with Soledad, he was drunk that night, and also for cheating on Candy with Alicia. Candy correctly supposes alcohol was involved in that too, stating that Pat always hides behind something. He then takes off the wig and the clown nose, and now without any disguise, asks her to forgive him for hurting her, for making her suffer so much. He asks for forgiveness from the bottom of his heart. He’s sorry. Candy, however, is sort of frozen. When Pat asks what’s up, she tells him she’s trying to feel better. She’s been waiting for this moment for years, but instead of feeling better, she feels nothing. He kisses her, and it’s hard to know if she feels that. Maybe. But Meño comes downstairs and breaks the mood. Pat leaves, happy as a clam. Meño points out to Candy that Pat could help her forget Doctor Plastico, but Candy’s not sure. She has to leave on some sort of mission, and asks Meño to wish her luck.

Remember how Ed said he’d meet Raúl in twenty minutes? Well, now Raúl is trying to use Ed to talk some sense into Santi. But Ed doesn’t want to get involved, and after all, isn’t Santi going to marry Marissa, because Marissa’s going to have a baby? Yes, but only for that, responds Raúl in a worried tone. Ed opines that all men marry for a reason, right? Maybe, but did Ed marry Chayo out of love? Ed says sure, but isn’t it great how she tolerates his infidelities? Raúl thinks Ed must not have a real commitment with Chayo, that’s how he does it. Ed denies that, he loves Chayo, but he’s weak, he’s addicted to women. Ed’s phone rings, it’s the amante, Ed first says he can’t meet her tonight, but then gives in. See, you’re addicted, confirms Raúl. It’s like a drug, like alcohol. Oh not alcohol, replies Ed. I have no problem with that. Hey, you want a drink?

What was Candy’s mission? – to visit Charly, in the bachelor pad. He’s playing video games, and she brings a bowl of popcorn. She advises him to go home, but he can’t face his Dad with the new knowledge. So Candy takes away the game controller, and tells Charly let’s go, you have to go with me somewhere.

Santi has brought Renata (the transsexual) to the Institute. He introduces her to Soledad and Marissa, relating that Renata would like to have a meeting with Bárbara, the psychologist.

Cute Rocío and Chava are talking on the balcony of the house. She’s worried that he’s still sick, since she heard he could die. He tells her he didn’t die, he’s fine. It hurt a little when they drew blood, but now he feels great. His new name is Mistico. Rocío wonders why, as a super hero, he doesn’t have a mask, but he tells her he doesn’t need one, raises his arms to show his super powers, and yells out “I am Mistico!”

In tonight’s PSA, Santi explains to Marissa how quack doctors inject oil into people’s muscles to increase the size. They use mineral oil, salad oil, even motor oil! It does increase the size, but the body can’t rid itself of the oil. The tissues become more fibrous, the skin darkens, it’s bad. And the government isn’t doing a thing to stop it. Marissa decides to get involved, and starts taking notes. She’ll ask Raúl to do a story about this in his magazine. Santi says the article should start out by warning people not to have anything injected into their bodies. It could be deadly. Patients should make sure their “doctors” are really licensed plastic surgeons, by asking to see their professional certificate (cédula profesional) and asking what association the surgeon belongs to. There are only 3 recognized associations. So the patient can take the certificate number and call the 3 associations to see if the doctor is real. Marissa takes this all down in her cute little notebook, which looks like those little books where you got everyone’s autograph or message the last day of school.

Back to Candy and Charly. She has taken him to the cemetery. She asks what he sees. Graves. Exactly. Why don’t you choose the one for your Papá, advises Candy. What? Well, by saying you can never look him in the face, you’ve essentially declared him dead. So come on, which tomb do you choose? Charly starts to cry. Candy adds that maybe Charly doesn’t care which tomb, because he wouldn’t want to put flowers on the tomb of a gay person, right? She walks away. Charly sinks to his knees, sobbing, as the camera rises up to show him from high above, a very small, sad figure, among the graves.

Santi is continuing his kindness with Marissa. He brings out a mini doctor’s bag for the baby. Mari’s happy to see it, and thinks she feels a kick. It sort of feels like worms, but Santi says it is the baby kicking. Santi tells her he doesn’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, as long as it’s healthy, and he’s going to be a good Dad. He has to go back to work now, and leaves a beaming Marissa, talking to her tummy, telling the baby to be, “look at your present. Did you hear what (Daddy) said? He really loves us”.

Renata is explaining her problem to Bárbara, the psychologist. Bárbara is being supportive, and says maybe the prognosis is not so bad, she should see a doctor for tests. Renata has no money, though, having spent it all on the injections. Just then Renata’s cell rings, and it’s a friend of hers, who apparently also has a problem, and unfortunately, Renata can’t help at this time. After she hangs up, she tells Bárbara that her amiga’s problem is that she’s pregnant, just about to give birth, but she can’t keep the baby, and doesn’t want to have the baby go to an orphanage. Might Bárbara know anyone who wants to adopt a baby? Bárbara says maybe she just might. And as for the expense of Renata’s tests, Bárbara also has some contacts that could help pay for this.

Santi is now in Candy’s office, and Candy thanks him sincerely (he first can’t figure out what kind of silly face she’s making) for sending another patient to the Institute. They have some playful banter about how he’s a professional, and knows that he couldn’t do anything more for Renata, and he thinks the Institute can help her. But that’s not to say he’ll send any patients who CAN benefit from plastic surgery. After all, this is business. Then I guess it’s war, jokes Candy. Yes, to the death, they both laugh good-naturedly.

Candy enters Bárbara’s office to see how it went with Renata. Notice that Bárbara is wearing a light dress instead of her normal stiff, pants-type outfits. She looks much more vulnerable (ice melting ahead). Candy is rattling off all the services the Institute can provide for Renata when she sees that Bárbara is preoccupied. What’s up? Well, Renata has a friend who is putting a baby up for adoption. This started Bárbara thinking. She was divorced twice, and doesn’t know if she’ll ever find another man. She may never have a baby, never have anyone to love. The whole world thinks she’s so professional, so self-assured, but it’s not true. She can picture herself growing old all alone, some pathetic cat-lady, tears are coming to her eyes, she’d die to have a baby! Then try for this one, says Candy. Bárbara doesn’t know, you have to have a stable family, she doesn’t have anything like that.

Continuing with our theme of new warmth, Charly arrives home, enters Meño’s room to see photos laid out on the bed. He sees himself as a baby, as a young boy in a tuxedo, a picture with Lucía, the picture of him and his Dad with the chef’s hat. Meño was on the other side of the room. They slowly walk together and hug. Charly begs forgiveness as Meño tells him he loves him.

Bárbara asks Candy what happened when Candy was pregnant and single. Candy never for one minute thought about not having the baby, even though she knew she’d have to raise it alone. But, says Bárbara, Candy has a family surrounding her, Chavita is surrounded by love, how could Bárbara do this, when she’s alone? Candy assures her that she’s a good woman, with a lot of love to give. Doesn’t she think the baby would be better off with her than in an orphanage? Think about it.

Pat and Santi both arrive at the Institute to talk to Candy, but Santi corrects himself, and says he guesses he came to see Marissa. So Candy takes Santi down the hall to Marissa’s office, but when they open the door, Marissa’s trying on her wedding gown! Oh no, bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, and they quickly shut the door. Candy stays in the room, letting Marissa know that the guys didn’t see anything, no bad luck, and Marissa, you look divine. Candy congratulates her, wishes her happiness, even gently strokes Mari’s belly, another happy scene.

Well, we can’t have all sweetness and light. Rocío is talking on the phone to her Mom Paulina. Rocío tells her about the coming baby and the wedding. Paulina is coming to Mexico for a visit, but makes Rocío promise not to tell anyone about this, as we get some sinister music to clue us in that maybe some more trouble’s a brewin’.

Back to happy. Pat had promised Chava a bike when he got well, and here it is, a nice yellow model. He goes out to ride, after Pat laughingly cautions him not to crash into any cars, trees or adults. Pat closes the door, and tells Candy he also brought something for her.

Before we find out what it is, we find out that Isabel must have been listening in to Rocío’s conversation with Paulina, because Isa tells Santi all about it, and when Santi hears that Paulina is coming, he gets a pained expression on his face.

Okay, what was the present Pat had for Candy? The original wedding dress! (somehow this seems like a pretty stupid gift to me, but who am I to judge?) Pat tells her the dress is hers, and so is he. He always will be. Candy can’t understand why he kept the dress. Well, to remind him of her. Really? Did you also marry Alicia to remind yourself of me? And did you also become Soledad’s lover to remind yourself of me? Pat isn’t deterred. He’s made a lot of mistakes, but he always loved Candy. And he even has another surprise. He takes out a deck of cards, and does a card trick with Candy, which he says will predict the person she’ll be with for the next 150 years. She ends up picking a card with the word Patricio on it, and asks how Pat did it. Well, it was destiny. For a second or two, she looks happy, but once again, she flashes back to Pat kissing Alicia at the wedding, and boom, she’s mad. She tells him she wants an immediate divorce. He says he’s got another trick, but she’s through with his tricks. She wants a divorce, and nothing further to do with him. He won’t do it, he’s not going to give her a divorce. Fine, she’ll get her own lawyer. As Pat exits, he gives her back the dress, saying that he’s sure Candy will use it again when they get married again.

Santi is upset about Paulina’s visit. He tells Isabel that Paulina has the right to see Rocío, but Santi has custody (la patria potestad). Santi is worried. Isabel says that there’s no love lost between her and Paulina, she has at least 4 cusswords in mind for Paulina, but don’t put Isabel in the middle. Santi will have to handle it.

Candy lies back on her bed, talking to her puppet Merengue. She tells the cat that she used to believe Pat, but no more. And she felt absolutely nothing from Pat’s kiss. And what’s more, she feels absolutely nothing, nothing at all, from the kisses of Santiago. This is said with less conviction, though, as she gets mad at Merengue for looking at her with those questioning eyes!

Laura has come to pick up Charly and take him back to the D.F. She’ll let him say goodbye to Meño, but they’re leaving immediately. No, says Charly. I’m staying. Right, you have a novia, says Mom. True, but Charly’s really staying to be with his Dad, they’re gonna live without lies, and get to know each other. As for his Mom, not to worry, he was with her for 17 years, and he’ll visit a lot. (Way to go, Charly!).

But once again, we may have storms ahead. Santi is reiterating his concerns about Paulina’s visit, saying someone will have to tell Paulina to leave. Isabel isn’t going to do it, Rocío has the right to see her Mamá. Santi thinks maybe Donato will help, and it had better be a short visit. Marissa hears this, and is told what is happening. Didn’t Paula abandon them all? Yes, says Isabel, but apparently her amnesia is cured, and she’s coming. Marissa muses that as soon as Paulina heard Santi was going to have a baby and get married, maybe that’s when she decided to come. And Mari’s not happy about it.


Next time: Catfight!


Mangonear: to boss around
De sopetón: Suddenly, or abruptly, as with a blow
Cédula profesional: Professional certificate, for a doctor or other professional
Patria potestad: Child custody (more precisely, parental authority)


Really nice flow to this one Hombre and as usual, you picked up details that I complete missed in my dazed state. But since you mentioned the computer conversation Chayo was carrying on, I predict that she'll find out she's corresponding with Eduardo.

Liked your opening paragraph and how you tied in all the themes and your mention of the dramatic overhead camera shot of Charly in the cemetary.

And now...the RANT!!! Have you ever seen such an ugly reception of an apology in all your life!!?? She was rude and churlish about his apologies even though she owes him one even greater for her actions. She wasn't drunk when she deliberately lied to him, her father, mother, sister, and all her friends, that she was dead. I'm not excusing Pato's actions but he DID apologize. And she was not gracious at all and DID NOT apologize in turn.

This woman has the relationship skills of a silverback gorilla. (Sorry gorillas, even you would probably handle a conciliatory gesture better than Candy did).

Well, well, well, Pat comes to apologize but what an idiot to bring the wedding dress. It just goes to show that Pat only thinks about himself. He wants her to wear the dress again and it never crosses his pea brain that he is bringing her a reminder of the worst day of her life. The last thing in the world she needs is to be reminded again of his actions. Candy was less than gracious but I think it was because as she said she had waited years for this and now she feels nothing. I can believe that - hoping that an apology would make the pain go away and instead now just an emotional void. How anti climactic for her.

I was totally fooled by the scene between Candy and Barb, first because Candy is giving good advice and then that Barb was so vulnerable. I had always pegged her as a cold nosy snoop so who knew?

Charly does seem to have grown up after all the talks from Santi, the guys and Candy. All along he has known that Meno was a good guy but he could never get past his prejudices. I was glad to see him opt to stay with his Papa rather than return to the DF with that nagging bigot of a mother. It will be interesting to see what happens to him next (just please God no teen pregnancy)

I've always thought Pat had nothing but air between his ears but it seems he has a twin in Ed. What won't this guy to to keep a housekeeper oops I mean wife. Talks about going away for a few days but the words are hardly out of his mouth before he departs for guy talk and and a hook up. Methinks Ed has some bad Karma coming his way.

Marissa seems to have developed those preternatural senses that all schemers have when they sense that someone is about to upset their apple cart. She instantly picked up on the fact that Pau was only coming back to Mexico because Santi is going to get married and have another child and a son no less. Pau may be one of those women who figures Santi will always be mine even if I don't want him and no other brat is going to steal my child's inheritance. At least this episode answered my question of Santi being divorced. It surely does look like h*ll is about to erupt in Dr. Plastico's life.

I was concerned in that preview with pregnant Marissa standing at the top of the stairs throwing a fit as well as a suitcase. In Noveleland a pregnant woman plus stairs usually means a fall, a miscarriage or mayhem of some kind so I'm keeping fingers crossed that we don't fall into the obvious trap.

Nice recap and you filled in things I missed, thanks. I agree that the wedding dress was a dumb thing for Pat to give Candy. Why on earth, would she want to wear the same wedding dress again? If he wants her to marry him again he might want to think about buying her a brand new dress. To symbolize a new beginning. I mean, isn't he supposed to be rich? And, he puts it in one of those gift bags that can be bought at the dollar store. He's lucky she didn't kick him in the groin after his kiss.
It's going to be some catfight, Marissa looks like she's really pissed off and a little bit crazy.
Your title was so funny.
Liena, FL

Maybe I missed it, but I don't think Pat mentioned getting remarried to Candy. As far as he's concerned, he's still married to her and he wants to remind her of that fact. And decie, as for reminding her of her wedding day, his whole purpose in coming today was to apologize for that day, so it's not like he can avoid the topic. Candy is a harpy who expects the whole world to extend her grace, but has none for anyone else. What kind of person refuses a sincere apology, especially when her own slate is far from clean? Pat's a dog, but at least he's making an effort to mend his past. Candy's not.

Hats off to Cande if she can still fit into that wedding dress!

Nothin' says I love you like a knee to the nuts...NOT! Yikes, I thought Candy had grown out of that phase. Guess not. I'm going to cut Candy some slack for her ungracious response to Pato's apology. She looked pretty shocked by his apology and that wedding dress would have thrown me for a loop too.

If Marissa doesn't fall down those stairs it will be a friggin' miracle. Pregnant ladies always fall down any stairs they get near in the telenovelas. I did like how she heaved Paulina's suitcase down the stairs though. Serves Paulina right.

I love Isabel. She looks good in her hippie clothes. That Jaime is one lucky dude.

I like the new and improved Barbara. Maybe she'll adopt the baby, hook up with Ceci, and they can live happily ever after. Too over the top?

Normally I would think Eduardo would be Chayo's prince charming but didn't he come home while she was chatting with her Principe Azul? So maybe it's someone else.

Great title Hombre, and a terrific recap. I'm so glad you got a happy episode for a change. We all deserved something upbeat, even if it did end with Marissa perched at the top of the stairs in high heels...

Paula: You're right, Pat didn't say he was going to marry Candy again. I paraphrased a little too loosely. But it was close to that. What he actually said, while handing the dress in the bag to Candy was "I'm leaving it with you because you're going to use it again with me. I'm sure of it". (Te lo dejo porque vas a volver a usarlo conmigo. Estoy seguro). If you think about it, he's still a little weird with this. Is he that different from Raúl with his dress?

I agree with everyone that Candy didn't exactly take the apology in a very good spirit, but she's Candy, you know? She's not gonna change instantly from the annoying, self-centered, rationalizing mentirosa in one day! Let's give her time.:)

Thanks for your recap Hombre. It was another stellar job and I'm so happy you got a good episode.

OK, help me. Is Santi nervous about Paulina coming b/c it would cause a lot of problems or b/c they're aren't divorced or both?

I'm with you JudyB on your rant. I know Candy is self-centered but apologizes are hard to do and considering Pat's family background (we know Pat's dad has NEVER apologized for anything he's done and he made Pat look like a prince among men and Candy know this too). Unfortunately the truth is that Candy has unforgiveness issues and no amount of apologizing from Pat would make her happy.

ITA with all of you who mentioned Marissa and those stairs. She might be yelling at Paulina in the previews but her in the those heels and the staircase.... its trite but this is a novela.

Hombre d'M, I stand corrected about the wedding dress. And I didn't mention it before: great job! Good cohesive recap.

You're right. It was definitely a transitional episode. Monday, we saw lots of situations change. The big reveal to Pat, the little reveal to Charly, and Marissa's reaction to Santiago's e-mail. But Friday what we saw was not situation shift, but attitude shift.

Santiago says, "I'll end this before it ends me," and he proclaims his love for Candy. Pat apologizes to Candy and begins his pursuit. Charly accepts his dad. Santiago, for the first time, directly challenges Marissa (regarding birth control). So first we moved to a new phase, and now we see what people are feeling in this new phase.

Ha, you all picked up on it as I did: yet another Staircase of Death! I can't wait!

Karen: I'm pretty sure Santi was divorced long ago. No one has ever said he should get divorced now, and certainly Marissa, his fiancé, would bring that up if it were necessary. Also, he said he has custody of Rocío, and although that could be from legal separation, it just feels as if the divorce is a given. I think the reason Santi is worried is that Paulina is a headstrong, independent-minded troublemaker (remind you of anyone else on this show?):)

This was a great recap! Thank you.
I can't wait for the cat fight. I think Marissa may have met her match.
Sorry, Pat could apologize one hundred times and I still couldn't forgive him! Two times unfaithful and I wouldn't want to go back for more.
I'm really hoping Santi and Candy somehow live happily ever after and she stops it with the knee kick reaction.
Meno is the only man she is always gentle with.

Carrie L.

Ay, Carrie (pun intended), but there is a difference between forgive and forget. John Kennedy said, “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” i.e. don’t let them get close enough to harm you again. If I don't forgive, I become bitter. That bitterness eats me up from the inside, and my own bitterness can do me more harm than anything my enemy did. When I forgive, my enemy loses his control over my emotions. I'm free.

Also, to not forgive says that I believe people can not ever change, and the logical conclusion is that I cannot ever become a better person either. I don't want to live in a world that I see like that.

But never forget their names. In my dating days, if some boyfriend would have slugged me, I would forgive him for my own peace of mind, but I would never ever let him near me again.

Candy is abusive, no question about it. But I looked at my recording again. I think she stomped on his foot. She was standing sideways to him, not facing him, so it would've been impossible to knee him.

Hombre d'M, regarding divorce. Good point. Mar has been carefully orchestrating this marriage. She certainly would not have overlooked such an important detail. She would have gotten that divorce processed long ago.

I've been thinking and it occurs to me that no way is Pat going to end up with Candy. After all Santi and Candy have been given the magic amulets. So what happens to Pat? Conceivably he can go back to Soledad who is so desperate not be alone that she would take him back even after the brutal way he dumped her. Yes Beto is also a consideration but since she though Jorge was the father and his name is on the birth certificate Pat may have no legal rights to him. So in the end Pat and Raul will be alone with discarded wedding dresses and consoling each other. Pat will have found a true friend especially since they are both fixated on Candy. Hey it is a cold rainy Sunday with not much to do LOL!

Decie, imagine this.
Pat + Marissa
Raul + Alicia
Could it possibly get any worse?

Hello! I've been reading the recaps for this telenovela for a while and you guys have all been doing a great job, I don't know if this might sound weird, but I'm actually from México and I've been using your job here to understan better how I should express myself in english, the recaps are great help as well as the vocabulary section (I get exited to see what new expressions will be translated every day).

So I just came out of lurkdom to help a little with the translation for the Cédula Profesional, you see, Doctors are not the only ones who have it. It is indeed a professional certificate number, extended by the General Professionals Directive department from the SEP (the Public Educations Secretary) to all those who present their Professional Title, being this one a Licenciatura (Bachelor’s degree), Maestria (Master) or Doctorado (Ph.D), to their offices in Mexico City.

Without it, you’r proffesional studies will not be recognized by the goverment, and by law, you are not allowed to practice your profession, or in the Master’s or Ph.D cases, if you need that degree to get a posision at work, you won’t get it, even if you have the title and certificate from your university, because you are not recognized by the state.

This is a Cedula Profesional for a bachelor’s degree on Industrial Engineering (not mine):

Sorry, I just realized I made this a long and annoying rant, please, lets ignore it and I will be back to lurkdom, so you can continue to chat in peace :S.

Ms Annoying

Hi Hombre, I am back in NewMex and enjoying seeing the show again that you all so ably described to me for the last month in Mexico with the wonderful recaps. Hombre, I have seen your recaps bloom into wonderful writing, I am so glad you joined this team, you just get better and better as your comfort level goes up. Great humor and insights and a terrific title.

And to "Ms. Annoying", you are not at all annoying. Your information about the titles and licensing make so much more sense. It seems that more value is given to University degrees in Mexico. I imagine because they are harder to come by. We have other bloggers here that use the sight to improve their English and the exchange brings a benefit for all of us to share.

My only aside comment is that not seeing but reading the recaps for one month, I was shocked to see how very preggers Marissa looks. I feared for her and the suitcase that she was too frontloaded and in heels way too high to keep from slipping over the edge of the spiral staircase of doom. Perhaps Melinama is right, it might be a tease. We shall see if it comes around again.

Hi "Ms Annoying". You're not at all, you know. You're "un regalo de Dios" because we want to learn more about the language, culture etc. and you can really help us.

Not only the recappers, but the other readers of this blogline will be blessed by your input, so keep on keepin' on.


And welcome back Cheryl!

Ms. Annoying, I have two requests.
1. PLEASE keep posting! I'm sure we can all learn a lot from you, and I, for one, would like to enjoy your company.
2. Please consider choosing another name. You are not annoying in the slightest, and I would feel uncomfortable calling you by that name.

Welcome aboard!

Thank you all for the warm welcome, I'm relieved my comment didn't bother anyone, I'd love to keep posting and help with any doubt or curiosity you may have about the Mexican culture and our way of speak the spanish language.

"It seems that more value is given to University degrees in Mexico. I imagine because they are harder to come by."
That used to be the case twenty years ago, unfortunately now it's the contrary, our population is overflowed and the quantity of people graduating college is far less than the available jobs for professionals. Many of them end up working odd jobs in something unrelated to what they studied just because they can't find work. It's pretty sad.

PaulaH. thanks again for the welcome, choosing a username is hard, mmm, what about Jarocha, it's the way the people from my hometown (Veracruz) are called.

Jarocha (just testing)

Hi Jarocha, That sounds like a fine name and unique, I believe there are no other Jarochas but there might be others from Veracruz. So welcome to the site (not sight as I wrote earlier) I am struggling with the fact that studying Spanish intensively is ruining my ability to spell correctly in English or in Spanish but I keep practicing the Spanish.

Thanks for the welcome back Judy, it's good to go but it's always good to come home, ¿no?

I noticed an ad Friday night that Juro Que Te Amo is on during the day here. Anyone notice when it started? I will try to catch in to youtube if I am coming to it late so I can inform Mariana that we are seeing it here. teehee.

Jarocha will be great. And if you sign up for a google account (which is free) your name will be posted at the top and you won't have to keep writing it everytime.

I just mention that because someone on one of the other lines wondered what to do in order to stop writing their name everytime. Whatever works best for you....

Jarocha, thank you for the info on the cédula profesional. I also hope you keep posting.

We've been speculating (and probably will continue to do so) about who everyone is going to end up with. As for Marissa, I think the writers are trying to portray her as a little vulgar or lowbrow in the way she speaks and acts. So, as Paula indicated in her nightmare matchings of Pat with Marissa and Raúl with Alicia, Pat would be totally wrong for Marissa (so is Santi). Maybe one of the abandonados would be right for her (a few of them seem to be more in tune with Mari's mode of expression).

Of course, Marissa (and many other women, both on the show, and in real life) only wants Santiago, just as half the female population only wanted Ricardo on Pasión.

I can't post at home which is very frustrating as I have to wait until Monday. You did an excellent job Hombre. Loved your detail - thank you.

At least Pat apologized. Better late than never. I can't blame Candy for not falling into his arms, but agree with Judy and others that the rant and rave was way over the top. Her family was far more forgiving than she - and while infidelity is horrible, faking your death is worse.

If Soledad doesn't end up with Patricio, I think she'll be with Raúl. If Pat doesn't end up with Candy, I don't know...Diana in MA

Welcome Jarocha! Sorry for the delayed welcome but like Diana I was unable to post over the weekend, very frustrating. Your unique knowledge was very helpful and I'm so glad you decided to share with us. I hope you continue to help us out.

Welcome back Cheryl. I don't know when Juro Que Te Amo sarted showing but Betty, La Fea starts tonight on Telefutura. Is Juro supposed to be good? (Not that I really have time to add any more telenovelas to my lineup.)

I don't know if anyone remembers this, but on Al Diablo con Los Guapos there was an episode or two near the end there where the instituto was highlighted ( a promo for this Novella no doubt) and we were given a small glimpse of the story.. I think it gave some good indicators of the who ends up with who scenario but I won't elaborate, cause I don't want to spoil anything.

Eduardo totally annoys me and I totally agree that maybe Chayo will end up meeting her online friend and it may be Ed.. Wouldn't that be a riot :)

Mauni in Wa

Maybe I remembered it wrong.. I think that I will look back too :) Thanks :)

deciegirl, at the request of some readers and a blogger, your spoiler was deleted. Please do not bring information from other places into this blog. Thank you!

Cheryl, Juro que Te Amo hasn't been running very long--not more than a couple of weeks, I think. (Yes, I've been sucked into watching it most days.) Many familiar faces are in the cast along with M.K.
La Paloma

Hombre, again a very astute recap! Great title no less!! I did not see all of this episode so I'm only reading some but it's really good.

Bienvenido jarocha, que bueno que estes aqui!!

You took the words right out of my mouth that a university degree is not so expensive or hard to obtain anymore, what's hard is the job to go with it. I know plenty of esteemed abogados in Mexico not working in law, but working as teachers, or even in stores and construction.

My understanding has been that what's expensive are private college prep schools to educate you well enough to get into foreign universities. This is the most common way to a prestigious or well paying job, and usually these folks have family money already anyway and it's expected they will be connected somehow.

thanks for joining us.

Melania and all I'm sorry that you feel I posted a spoiler. I do not agree. My post was as answer to someone who mentioned a scene in Guapos. I checked the Guapos recap and merely added that it had NOT given away the ending. You may refer to the recaps yourself. I mentioned only that what I saw brought another actor into the scene near the end that many of us like without mentioning any names. I have been very careful to avoid mentioning or even speculating on what I know. However since some people are so sensitive I will cease posting on this show at all.I hope you all continue to enjoy it

Deciegirl my love, there is a baby in that bathwater! I don't think anyone wants you to stop posting, there was just some concern about something you posted (never read it so I don't know if it was) being a spoiler. I once posted something waaaaay back during Alborada which was deleted as a spoiler even though I had not seen anything ahead, merely re-iterated something that had been said a few weeks earlier in the show. Even our fabulous blog mom may accidentally see a spoiler where there isn't one, and spoilers have been accidentally dropped that weren't caught. It happens. Having said that, if you have seen future episodes and are concerned you may drop something by accident we completely understand and hope you will start commenting again once that part has passed. If you are hurt because you feel you were unfairly misunderstood, I hope you will reconsider and not leave us.

Deciegirl, I am sorry if what I did offended you. It was done at the request of others. Some people are extremely sensitive about the suspense. I'm the opposite, when I read a book I read the end of it first because I don't LIKE surprises. I abide by the wishes of the don't-tell-me group because there are so very many places online where one can read the advances, the gossip about private lives, etc. This is a little santuary for the other folks. Don't be offended.

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