Friday, March 13, 2009

Doña Bárbara: Gonzalo and Doña Bárbara Join Forces, Thursday, March 12

Marisela is practically hysterical. “Why don’t you answer?” Santos says he doesn’t know what to say to her. Marisela says that he lied to her. Santos says he doesn’t know if the child is his or not, and she gives him a hard slap.

DB and Gonzalo are talking together like old buddies. Gonzalo says that, if she’s having Santos’ child, what is he doing with Marisela? DB says he won’t be with her for long. Gonzalo asks her if she thinks having the child will make Santos leave Marisela. She replies that she doesn’t know that; what she does know is that “la palomita” will leave him. She says she knows Marisela. She says that “este relación se va a terminar más rápido que un dulce in la puerta de un colegio”. Their relationship will be finished quicker than a sweet left in the doorway of a school.

Marisela tells Santos that he lied, that when he was with her he was also with DB. While she was falling in love with him, he was sleeping with her mother. Santos tells her that’s not true. But Marisela says that no man could resist. Santos tells her that he was with DB before she returned from the city. He was depressed and was drinking a lot and that he missed her. She gives him a scornful look and says: you missed me and this is the reason you went to bed with her. You are lying. She says what bothers her the most is that he pretends to be innocent. She says he’s a monster. He and DB son tal para cual (one's as bad as the other). Santos tells her he loves her. She replies that he only loves himself, and that she was a stupid fool.

Genoveva tells Antonio that a woman in love is capable of forgiving anything. Antonio doesn’t think Marisela will do that. Genoveva thinks Santos will tell her that the child isn’t his, and that Marisela will fall into his arms.

Santos tells Marisela that he knows he should have stayed away from DB, but he thought that she had left with Gonzalo and that he’d lost her. He felt desperate. Marisela tells him she doesn’t believe a word; he can go to hell! She tries to leave the room and Santos takes her by the arm. She tells him never to touch her again. Marisela tells Antonio to get her out of Altamira. She can’t take any more. She says she’s had too many blows. All she wants is to go far, far away.

DB tells Gonzalo that he amazes her. He was a fugitive from the Government and now he’s the official over the entire Arauca. He tells her that the work he did in the past paid off. DB tells G that she would do anything to have Santos by her side. G says he wants to renew their previous plan. He says this time he’ll succeed with Marisela and take her far away. DB says that’s exactly what she wants. Gonzalo tells her that she, in turn, needs to get Santos back; although it shouldn’t be too difficult with the baby as an asset. DB tells G that the last time she saw him he seemed defeated, but now he’s triumphant. She loves it! They agree to work together.

Cecilia tells Marisela she’s so sorry to have been the one to tell her about the child, but it had to be done. Marisela says she feels as if her heart had been ripped out, her soul and life as well. She feels empty, humiliated. Cecilia says she, more than most, understands how she feels. Marisela says that La Doña always wins, doesn’t she? What she can’t stand is the betrayal by Santos, that he deceived her. She says she learned from this that love doesn’t exist. Promises are only made to fool you. Virtue is the worst defect. Cecilia tells her that Marisela once said she wished she had a mother like Cecilia. She wants her to know that she’d be honored to be her mother. Besides loving Marisela with all her heart, she admires her.

Cecilia and Antonio talk about what happened. Cecilia says Marisela is destroyed. Antonio says she’s strong. Cecilia tells him even the strong can ruin their lives, as I did when I lost you. Antonio tells her she’ll never lose him, that neither time nor distance will cause him to stop loving her. They almost embrace, but Cecilia catches herself and gently tells him to go home to his wife.

Juan Primito tells DB and Gonzalo that “la nina de mis ojos” cried and cried and then she left Altamira. DB says (ironically) Ay, Marisela is very sad. Now is when she needs a friend. Gonzalo asks if she knows where Marisela went. DB tells her she went to Cecilia’s house in the pueblo. She then advises him not to push himself on her, to just be a friend, approach her slowly, little by little. Gonzalo says “Voy a seguir sus instrucciones al pie de la letra, suegra.” (I'm going to follow your instructions exactly, mother-in-law.)

Lucia is waiting up for Antonio. He worries that she should be in bed. She admits that she sometimes is jealous because she knows he loved Cecilia more than he’ll ever love her. He tells her not to say that and that he does love her.

DB, in her nightgown, says she doesn’t remember being this dizzy, this sleepy. But she’s so happy expecting the child of Santos Luzardo. Eustaquia tells her yes, and she’s happy ruining her daughter’s life. DB tells her not to be aguafiestas (rain on her parade) Marisela ruined her life without a care. Eustaquia tells her that her daughter did not ruin her life; all she was trying to do is to be happy. DB says to let her cry and suffer. She warned her. She told her Santos was her man, and that he will always love her. Eustaquia tells her that Santos no longer loves her, and when will she understand that.

Carmelito, Pajarote and Maria Nieves come to tell Santos the horses are ready. His attitude makes them think he’s angry with them. “Y ahora que bicho le picó?” (What’s eating him now?)

Eustaquia tells DB it would have been better if she had not gotten pregnant again, that she doesn’t know how to be a mother. E is very afraid. She thinks DB may treat the child the same as she did Marisela when she realizes Santos does not love her. DB defiantly says that he does love her, and that she will be the best possible mother to the child that’s coming. What happened to Marisela she deserved.

E tells her that a good mother loves her children equally. She would give her own life to save them sadness. A good mother shows her children the way, guides them, advises them, and consoles them in bad times. A mother gives everything and expects nothing. But you denied even the simplest things to Marisela when she was little. You threw her out of your house and your heart. You manipulated her and deceived her. And now, with this pregnancy, you stabbed her in the heart; and it gives you pleasure. No, for a real mother it would be impossible to enjoy seeing her child in pain.

DB says what about my pain? He was mine and she took him. Eustaquia reminds her that Marisela went far away and left her with Santos. But he looked for her and fell in love with her, but you won’t see it. You thought if you got her away, he’d forget her. You’re trying to tie him to you with this child, but love isn’t that way.

DB asks why E is turning her back on her when, after so many years, she might actually be happy. Why do you continue to defend that thief? Eustaquia says she didn’t take him from you; you lost him.

Gonzalo shows up at Cecilia’s. (By the way, I’m not liking him one bit at this point; he’s as ruthless as DB.) He asks Marisela what she’s doing at Cecilia’s house instead of being at Altamira with Santos. She rushes to him and puts her arms around him. He tells her to calm down. He’s sure Santos didn’t want to hurt you. He’s good and honest. Marisela says he lied to her. Gonzalo says to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he wanted to tell you, but didn’t dare. Men can be awful. (This guy is slick. He knows that if he really trashed Santos, there’s a chance she’d defend him.)

Marisela tells G that Santos told her he loved her and would love her forever. Gonzalo tells her “Yes he loves you, but DB is DB and she was always his weakness.” Gonzalo brings up the fact that when Luisana was at Altamira he got up every morning and met DB at the whispering pool. Maybe she trapped him. Marisela says that no one traps Santos. She says he betrayed her, he betrayed Luisana and he betrays all women. She was only one of many.

Pajarote approaches Geno and asks why she seems nervous. He asks for a coffee, but she tells him to serve himself. He asks her what happened at Altamira and did Marisela tell her. Geno tells him she’s so sad.

Gonzalo, still playing Marisela like a violin, tells her not to cry. He’s sure Santos also feels badly. Marisela doesn’t think so, that he’s probably happy to be expecting a child. And she’s happy for him. Gonzalo gives her an odd look and asks her if she really means it. Maybe he got a hint that loving means wanting what’s good for the other person instead of for yourself.

Gonzalo reminds her of how much she’s changed. She educated herself, had a teaching job and a real future. Marisela says she should not have come back. He tells her she can go back whenever she likes; perhaps if she left she’d forget all this. Marisela says “Run again?” G says, if it worked before, why not now.

Pajarote is rubbing Geno’s arm and consoling her. She says he shouldn’t do it. He tells her they’re only good friends, consoling each other at a bad time. She says they aren’t friends, but he says it’s high time they were. He’s very close to her and calls her his sweet pineapple, rough and prickly on the outside, and sweet and perfumed on the inside. She tells him about DB’s pregnancy and how they all found out yesterday.

Gonzalo tells Marisela that he has an idea, no pressure though. He says he’ll soon have to return to San Fernando. As she knows, he’s in charge of the regional government and will need a secretary. It’s only an idea. He tells her he doesn’t have any romantic interest in her any more and won’t take advantage of their working together.

Marisela says what’s on MY mind. What about yesterday (when he told her he still loved her)? He says he got carried away with old sentiments, but a year of reflection caused him to realize that his place in her life was as her friend. Meanwhile, Cecilia is standing in the doorway looking just as skeptical as I feel.

Santos is on the veranda at El Miedo telling DB that she lied to Marisela again. You did it to confuse things and hurt her. You made her think we had relations long after we were through. DB defiantly says, yes I did. So what? Because you and I never finished. We still love each other despite everything. Santos is disgusted. How can I make you understand? I don’t love you. I won’t ever love you again. It’s over!

DB tells him it’s not over and that the child is proof he’ll always have something with her. She tells him she doesn’t want pity. Santos tells her that’s the only feeling he does have for her. He tells her she’s pathetic in her insistence in holding onto him. He says he feels badly for the child because she’ll make him miserable. DB tells him that it’s Santos’ child and that she will love him. Santos tells her he’ll be at the child’s side at all times to save him from her, because a mother who can’t love all her children is not normal. He says the child is unlucky to be born with such a lack of love and so many lies.

Santos says he will accept that the child in her stomach is his, and that he will love and care for him. But she should be very clear about one thing. He will never return to her. Does she understand?

Marisela says she can’t think. Gonzalo tells her he wants her to get distance in order to get perspective. Cecilia comes in being overly nice to Gonzalo. She tells him (with an edge in her voice) what a loyal friend he is. And loyalty is something a politician should remember. Gonzalo looks uncomfortable and asks why she would say that.

Geno tells Pajarote that the situation with Marisela is why she’s sad. He kisses her on the forehead and tells her he’d like to console her with kisses. In fact he’s dying to kiss her. First she elbows him in the ribs, then changes her mind and kisses him passionately.

Cecilia asks Marisela what Gonzalo said to her. M tells her about the job offer. C asks if he didn’t just say he was in love with her. Cecilia tells her to be careful. She says there’s something in Gonzalo’s attitude she doesn’t like, an ulterior motive. She doesn’t think he’s the same as he was before.

Santos shows up at Cecilia’s house and says he has to talk to Marisela. C tries to talk him out of it but he insists. When he goes in he asks her if she’s calmer. She looks daggers at him. He tells her he couldn’t sleep without talking with her. He never betrayed her. He never was with DB after she returned. Marisela said DB said something different. Santos says she should realize that DB would say anything to separate them. He says if the child is his, it was from an act prior to Marisela’s return. It might be his child, but his woman is Marisela. He will do what is required for the child, but everything between he and DB is dead and buried.

Marisela tells him the child is a barrier between them.

DB remembers some of the awful scenes with Marisela earlier in the novela, when she told her she conceived her with disgust and bore her with hatred. She remembers the time she pulled a gun on her. She says to herself that it’s true; she has been hard and cruel with her daugher.

Don Encarnación is not happy because Antonio came in late and Lucia was up waiting for him. He doesn’t think Antonio is taking proper care of her. Gonzalo shows up and offers Antonio a job as his right hand man for San Fernando and the entire Arauca.

Pajarote and Genoveva run into Santos office tearing at each other’s clothes. Pajarote tells her she’s about to find out what a real man is like. Geno tells him he’ll find out what a real woman is like!

Pernalete is trying to convince Mujiquita to use his prior friendship with Gonzalo to get him off his back. DB shows up asking for a document of purchase of El Miedo from Marisela. She hands Mujiquita a paper with an apparently awe-inspiring amount of money on it.

Santos asks why the child has to be a barrier. She tells him he sees, but he doesn’t want to see. She is very tough and decisive. She says the child, when born, will be her brother. And when they have a child, her brother is going to be their child's brother and his uncle at the same time. Doesn’t this seem disgusting to you? My brother would be the son of my husband and also my step-son. You and I don’t make sense. Between you and I there can’t be anything. This is over.


Hi Novelera,
Both episodes are now tagged as promised.

Thanks for another fine recap. Good work! this story is getting crazy as they stretch it out because it is so popular. I will look forward to your recap of Friday's episode.

Great recap Novelera. This episode was absolutely packed. Pajarote is a hunk and all, but I can't help thinking Genoveva could do better. He's a bit too full of himself and he sleeps around a lot.

I've always liked Marisela and Santos but I've got to admit she's got a good point. They would have a very confusing family!

"Santos" is a (beep) terrible character nothing to do with the book

I cant understand how in the telenovela anyone can fight over a little man like that

Tania, I can't believe you don't see the value in Santos. He is a very interesting character. Very complex and human. I find him more interesting and likable than repetitive and overwhelming Barbara. A 'little' man? I might've agreed with that statement before but not the way he has evolved. I guess it is a matter of taste? I think the only person here who is not even worth compassion anymore is DB. She is below human, that is for sure.

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