Saturday, March 14, 2009

Doña Bárbara Offers to Buy El Miedo, Friday, March 13

Santos tells Marisela not to say that their love is over. He only wants to wake up with her in his arms, to smell her skin, to hear her voice. He wants to love her his whole life and to make her happy. Marisela responds that she can never be with him because of what he did. It disgusts her to think that he’s going to be the father of her brother. She asks him to leave and, with a defeated look on his face, he does so.

DB tells Mujiquita and Pernalete that she’s paying a dineral (a fortune) to her daughter for El Miedo. Pernalete asks if she’s sure. Marisela isn’t doing a thing about getting the hacienda and he’s pretty sure she won’t. She tells him to stay out of it and asks Mujica to prepare the paperwork. He starts typing on an ancient typewriter.

Antonio tells Gonzalo that working for him is not the job for him. He says he’s a campesino, suited to working with horses and cows. Gonzalo tells him that he’s a hard worker and that he doesn’t need politicians who look for prebendas (special favors). He needs a man with the frankness and purity of someone who has earned his way by the sweat of his brow. He wants him for these reasons and also because Antonio is his friend and can help him to advance the people of the Arauca.

Antonio says he doesn’t know about laws and government. Gonzalo tells him that what he does have is a gift for leadership. He needs someone to always remind him of the truth. Lucía smiles happily.

Yowzah!! The next scene scorched the wood on my pine entertainment center! Pajarote and Geno are cuddling after making love. He asks if he hurt her and she said only a little. He asks if she enjoyed it. She replies that she’s sure she’s going to enjoy it. Pajarote looks disconcerted. “Then you didn’t enjoy it?” Geno tells him Marisela told her that when she made love to Santos a balloon inflated inside her. Pajarote replies that Marisela must be a phenomenon! Geno says that the balloon grows and grows and suddenly and beautifully explodes. A look of comprehension is now on Pajarote’s face. “And this balloon didn’t explode for you?” Geno replies that it was expanding but his balloon exploded first. He asks if she wants to know how it feels when the balloon explodes, and she replies that she does. He tells her that the bad part of all this is that, once she experiences this, she’ll want it every time. Is she ready to risk it? We now see Geno’s ecstatic face and upper body, and Pajarote is obiously below.

Lucía says she’d love to be the wife of a government secretary. He says he’s not good at these things. She tells him he shouldn’t give a desaire (snub or rebuff) to Gonzalo. Gonzalo tells him that this is the land of cattlemen, and he needs that experience. Lucía keeps pressing him, and Gonzalo tells her to not push. Gonzalo tells her that Antonio doesn’t think he can do it, but you and I know that he can. I’ll leave you to discuss it with your wife and we’ll talk in a week.

Santos is in the bar getting drunk. Arias tries to stop him but, slurring his words, Santos tells him not to butt in.

Lucía looks more like her usual sulky self, asking him why he won’t accept. Antonio replies “zapatero a sus zapatos” (the cobbler should stick to shoes). She says that Gonzalo is right about his experience in running a hacienda. And besides, he himself said she needed to see a doctor in the city. If they went to San Fernando, she would have the best doctors. Antonio says it’s one thing to visit a doctor in the city; another thing to move there. Besides, his son is here. She tells him it’s not so far and they could have Toñito on weekends. She explodes; “Why not admit it; you don’t want to leave because of Cecilia!”

Pajarote and Geno are in the bathtub together. He tells her she’s not so bitter now. And she replies he’s not so pajarraco (nasty piece of work) now. He asks her if she enjoyed her balloons. She tells him she can’t say that they all exploded. Pajarote is indignant; after all my work! She said it was more like damp firecrackers than a rocket going off. He tells her not to worry, the next time he’ll give her a fiesta patronal (4th of July party) with big rockets and fireworks. Geno turns serious wondering what they’ll tell people. P says nothing. She agrees, not wanting people to make fun of them. She starts to talk about the future and P looks a bit worried, telling her they’ll be friends with a future. He can’t bring himself to say novios.

Antonio tells Lucía not to keep insisting. These fights aren’t good for her pregnancy. He gets up to leave for a breath of fresh air.

DB and Mujica enter the bar to get a drink. DB spies Santos and says it appears Mujica’s not the only one needing a drink. Mujica wants to approach but DB tells him to leave him alone.

Cecilia is in Marisela’s room, and she’s curled up in misery. Cecilia tells her the sun is shining and she should make an effort to dress and get out. M replies that she wants to die. C tells her no one ever died from love, and she knows this better than anyone. M replies that tomorrow she’ll get up, but today she buried her happiness with Santos and she needs to stay in bed.

DB knocks then pushes past Casilda and goes on into Marisela’s bedroom. Cecilia confronts her, and DB says she has to speak to her daughter. Marisela sits up and tells her she already destroyed her life. Isn’t that enough? DB tells her she shouldn’t complain. She has many friends. Look at Cecilia roaring like a lion defending someone else’s cub. Cecilia tells DB that she was only one defending Marisela while DB was hurting her so much. She says that M is not someone else’s; she’s hers and she’ll defend her against anyone and most especially against DB.

DB tells her that she didn’t come to hurt her. She knows that Marisela hates her and she has a right to do so. She has come to give her justice and to offer her a good business deal. She pulls a document out of her boot and tells her that she has bought El Miedo. Cecilia says it’s a trick. DB says she only wants to fix things. Marisela tells Cecilia that she’ll talk with DB and that she’s not as weak or as stupid as DB thinks she is. Cecilia leaves. DB tells her that that woman loves you. M asks if that makes her feel better. DB replies: no, but it makes me proud. Let’s talk business.

Genoveva returns to Casa Sandoval to recriminations from Gervasia. Apparently she left food on the fire and ruined lunch. Gervasia asks her why her hair is wet. She makes up a quick story about how she tripped with a bucket of water that she’d gone to fetch.

Carmelito and Maria Nieves are quizzing Pajarote about where he’s been for two hours. They tell him about DB’s pregnancy and that Marisela left Altamira. Pajarote says he has to take a siesta as a result of exploding so many balloons!

DB tells M that things have been too complicated between them because of the absurd business with the hacienda. She admits her bad temper and that when she’s crossed, she becomes blind with rage. She says she has a simple solution, buying El Miedo, or La Barquereña, as you prefer to call it. Marisela asks who she’s trying to fool. She tells her to quit trying to be gentle and humble; it doesn’t suit her. Finish what you have to say and go. DB shows her the paper with her offer. She says there are no tricks. She wants M to profit from the sale. M will be able to start a new life, travel, study, whatever she likes. She says it’s the least she can do after all the harm she’s done.

Santos is passed out in the bar. Gonzalo asks Andrés and Cosme to help him get him up to his room in the hotel.

DB says she knows M doesn’t believe her. She tells her she didn’t want to fight with her own daughter. Unfortunately they both fell in love with the same man. She tells her that the price she’s paying is fair. Marisela tells her she must be trying to pay for 20 years of neglect. DB says that there’s no price that can be paid for the damage she did to Marisela. But she wants her to know that this time there’s no estafa (fraud). M asks why, then answers her own question.

It’s to give the hacienda to your child, the one that’s on its way. You’re going to give him what you denied me: your property and your love. Years ago I would have envied this poor child. But now I pity him. Because your love kills, and it destroys more than your hate, Bárbara. DB says she didn’t come to fight. Look over the offer. Marisela says: “And the oil?” DB says: “Look at what a horse trader you are! Let’s talk. The oil is a possibility and not yet confirmed. But, all right. Let’s add to the contract that if there is algun yacimiento (any mineral deposit) you’ll have the right to a percentage. What about 25%? If it’s there, and for life? Anything so you won’t think I robbed you.”

Marisela tells her she just wants to clear her conscience, but it won’t work. DB tells her to look at her. She is who she is, and she only knows how to pay for her wrongdoings with money.

Andres and Cosme have Santos under the shower. Santos babbles drunkenly about them taking him to see Marisela. After he’s on the bed, Andrés asks Gonzalo why he’s amused. G says it’s because when they were younger it was Santos who took care of him after a bender. He tells them to let him sleep it off.

Andrés and Cosme are talking with Gonzalo in the bar. They tell him there isn’t enough for them to do in El Progreso. The newspaper idea hasn’t worked out, even though he realizes they need one. Cosme says that he’s almost finished constructing dairies for Santos and after that will be out of work. They want to work for G. Gonzalo tells them they can’t let themselves be carried away and make mistakes like the previous government, taking care of friends only. DB approaches and asks about Santos. G tells her he’s in his room at the hotel passed out, and that the door is open. A & C look shocked.

DB comes into the room calling him my love. She asks if he can hear her. He thinks she’s Marisela and tells her not to leave him. She says she’s not M, she’s DB. He rolls over, turning his back on her. She gets into bed with him and tells him she knows he hates her. He asked her for the truth so many times. But how could she tell him a horrible truth full of blood and guilt. She was afraid of losing him. And look, I did lose you. Now you love my daughter. But is that true, or is she only a reflection of what you felt for me. She’s a child, and you like women. I enjoyed you so much my love, and I miss you so much. I know you’re sad and angry. But now our child is coming. You will come closer to me to watch him grow. And that’s when things will begin again. I’ll be patient. Eventually there will be the three of us. Our child, you, and I. And this time it will be better. No lies. No secrets.

Marisela is writing a sad letter to Maurice telling him the sun is shining outside but there’s a cloud over her soul.

Casilda and Cecilia are discussing the situation when Marisela emerges asking Casilda to go to the hotel and tell DB that she’ll meet her at the Jefatura at 4:00 to sign the document.

Gonzalo tells his friends that they will have to wait so he won’t be accused of advancing his friends. Andrés tells him they weren’t friends, but companions in the fight for a better country.

Cecilia tells G that she’d like a ride to Altamira so that she can speak with Santos. G tells her he’s dead drunk in his hotel room and with DB. C tells him DB is going to hear from her. Gonzalo follows her to his room. Cecilia tells DB that she’s not going to let her put one over on Marisela. She said the very foolish Marisela was going to sign. DB replies that this is a good thing and thanks for letting her know. She leaves. Cecilia tries to get Santos awake.

In the next scene, he’s in the bar asking for a beer as a hangover cure.

Cecilia is talking with Antonio about Marisela. She goes on to say how sad she is that she lost him without even a fight. She says she has to keep loving him in silence, and that she can’t bear to think she’ll never be with him again. They kiss.

DB is in the Jefatura. Mujica gives her the document, explaining he’s added the part about profits from mineral rights. Santos shows up telling her he’s not going to allow her to take advantage of Marisela. DB tells him Pernalete himself just said it was a good deal for Marisela. Marisela shows up. DB tells Santos to read it and see that it’s not a trick. She’s buying the place for a very good price. Santos tells Marisela not to do it. Owning the hacienda is what her father wanted for her. DB tells him to let her make up her own mind.

Cecilia and Antonio are on her bed together. She says she doesn’t want to live without him. He calls her mi mariposa and says that he feels her love.

Santos tells DB that this is another of her Machiavellian plans. She’s doing it to hurt M. The thing that disgusts him the most is that she’s using her pregnancy to hurt Marisela. He tells her what she’s doing is extortion. She’s taking advantage of Marisela feeling badly to get her to sell her property. In her right mind, she’d never sign. DB says no matter what she does, he blames her. She’s trying to treat her fairly and he comes around with legal words. Marisela is not a child and she knows what she’s doing. Santos accuses her of buying the place to get her to go away. He says he knows her. He doesn’t believe in her tears and regrets. Marisela says she doesn’t believe in them either.

Pajarote is walking along, leading his horse and talking to the horse. He tells the horse that Genoveva was dynamite! Who would have guessed that the little virgin would be so hot. He tells himself she really goes for him, especially since he discovered her balloons. The bad part is that she’s talking about the future. Why do women always do that? He doesn’t want to be like the rest of the guys, faithful. He sees Celeste sitting on a log crying. "Ah, look who we have here: the little Mondragon! Looks like we’ll have to console her".

Cecilia jerks herself away from Antonio and begs his forgiveness for the way she was. They can’t do this to Lucía. Antonio says that the best thing is to put distance between them. He’s going to live in San Fernando.

Marisela tells Santos and DB to quit arguing over her. It’s not worth it. DB is expecting his child, and she’s the odd man out in this situation.

Santos looks at her imploringly and wants to know if she’s thinking of leaving. Marisela replies that she already left his life. He says it’s not true and that the only person he loves is Marisela. Marisela asks for a bolígrafo (ballpoint pen). Santos says: “Don’t do it, my love!” M tells him not to call her his love ever again. DB says “Good decision, daughter!” And Marisela (using the formal, usted form with DB) tells her not to ever call her daughter again.

Gonzalo comes in asking what’s going on. DB tells him she just made Marisela a millionaire. Marisela tells him she just made a decision. She’s going to San Fernando with him. Santos is impactado.


THANKS SO MUCH, Novelera for your great recaps! I got back very early this morning. I had a great time in Venezeula and saw lots of neat birds. I will post some pictures in a little while when I get organized.
I am catching up on DB and will take over again on Monday.

Welcome back Jean ;)

Did we know it was Venezuela? Did you see the Arauca? Are there any one-eyed crocs there? Did you see any real rebullones?

Glad you made it safe and sound.

So good to hear that you enjoyed your stay in Venezuela! I was happy to keep our community going re Doña Bárbara.

Be sure to look for melinama's comment, posted, I believe, in Mañana es Para Siempre and others about Caray Caray being linked on the Univision web site! Quite a feather in her cap.

Welcome home , Jean. Glad you had a fun trip. Novelera did a great job of recapping DB while you were gone. Looking forward to seeing your pictures.

Another great recap, thanks Novelera! It was wonderful having these continue while Jean was on vc. Welcome home Jean, looking forward to the photos.

Lucia still bugs me. I haven't been able to warm up to that character. She comes across as a spoiled child who's main concern is getting what she wants...period.

Gonzo is another one I didn't like. Now that he's manipulating everyone to get what he wants, it's clear he's a power pig...

Yes, jb, the writers have given Gonzalo a personality change. Before he left the Arauca the first time he was impulsive, crazy about Marisela, and idealistic. But they showed him being aware that she really loved Santos and accepting she wouldn't be his when they parted, I believe, at a bus stop. He also really cared for Santos and wouldn't have done anything to hurt him.

Now he's determined to work with DB to sabotage Marisela's relationship with Santos. He's also willing to throw his old compadres under the bus, giving them lots of excuses instead of useful work for the new Government.

The job offer to Antonio doesn't feel right to me either. In my opinion, Antonio represents the prototypical man of the llanos, living and breathing the cattleman's life. Gonzalo should recognize this.

In the book, Antonio is the one who tells Santos: "llanero es llanero hasta la quinta generación". I believe that to mean that once you get the life of the open plains in your blood, it carries on through generations of descendents.

Novelera, I'm guessing that Gonzalo wants to separate Antonio from Santos, who will continue down his alcoholic abyss more quickly without his BFF.

Throwing his compadres under the bus and sending DB to Santos in bed, was real dirty and not lost on Cosmes and Andres. Maybe Gonzolo wants to have Antonio as an ally to facilitate manipulating the llaneros and replacing Santos...

Welcome back Jean. It sounds like you had a wonderful time in Venezuela.

Great job on the recaps Novelera. Wow, you were right about the scorching scene between Genoveva and Pajarote. My oh my!

Hmmmm...I'd never heard that balloon analogy before...pretty creative. The circus has come to town. I missed that scene as I was channeling surfing between DB and Dancing with the Stars. I guess I was watching that rodeo guy quickstepping while P was searching for G's balloon. Que lastima.

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