Friday, March 06, 2009

Las Tontas Thurs 3/5 - "Hola Candy" = "As you wish"

Your recapper is ignoring Jaime's bathroom scene...

Mariloca uses her laptop and spycam to peep at Santi and Candy at the institute. It's impressive how the camera is positioned perfectly while at the same time not at all visible to the subjects.

Guadalajara - (Like where were we before?) Santi tells Candy he doesn't love Marissa. Spying Mariloca cries as if this is the first time she's heard the news. She says "you want to play little daddy, bring it on." (Las cartas estan echadas, a ver de a como nos va = the cards are dealt, let's see how it goes.)

Over at the restaurant Pato asks Meño about his voting credentials (credencial de elector). Meño says hey you want my age just ask, I'm 43. Sven wisecracks he was born at age 20. Pato compliments Meño's youthful spirit but here's the deal. He wants to give Meño a piece of art or craftsmanship so very fine that the owners need the records of whoever owns it. What does Pato have up his sleeve?

Candy and Chava are at home munching popcorn. Chava tells her that Rocio has two boyfriends, both he and Beto. Candy explains that's bad because a girl shouldn't have two boyfriends. Que the hell Candy?

Mariloca shows Raul her favorite home video starring her fiance and his girlfriend. She wants to show him she has sufficient evidence to revenge herself against Santi and make those two ingrates suffer. She's hoping the recording will twist Raul's tripe (retuerce la tripa) but he's more worried about Mari's loca than twisting his tripe.

Candy visits Santi's office and demands the keys to his Apartment of Sin. She says she'll meet him there at 9:00. He's dumbfounded. We hear the bell clang as she departs.

Santi is about to faint and Lalo administers smelling salts. Santi whispers, What if Candy doesn't like it?

Pato goes home. Hola mi amor!!! Guess who's lurking wearing nothing but one of Pat's shirts and ties? Does he like the surprise? She wants to show him the Alicia he knew the night before his wedding. He tells her to give it a rest. She juts out her chin and her bubis and announces she has his dad's future in her hands. He wouldn't like the grandpa of her kid to end up in jail would he? She wants to get pregnant tonight.

Santi gives his little man, family jewels, whatever, a pep talk as he quietly sneaks into the darkened Apartment of Sin. The light is dim and tequila and snacks are on the table. He coos romantically to the apartment's resident mannequin while Candy watches, amused, from the shadows.

I'll condense their conversation for the readers. He: I want to spend my last free night with you. She: You're getting married. He: I love you.

Marissa gleefully plots revenge against Santi's entire family. Raul is not happy. She's going to kick Isabel and Donato out of the house, but first Lucia's gotta go because she hates her face, then the kid. Mariloca thinks she and her child should have ALL Santi's attention, bwa ha ha ha.

Back to Santi and Candy, the shortened version. She: We can't. He: I want to be with you. She: I can't. Goodbye. She leaves and I wonder why she bothered making drinks and snacks.

Pato tells Alicia that his dad did something stupid but she shouldn't mess with him. She blackmails Pat into spending the night. He can sleep on the chair and she won't bother him. Right.

Santi is alone in the dark, both literally and figuratively, writing down his thoughts. Why is Candy back? That girl just can't leave it alone. She forgot her purse, oh right. She sits next to him and they have another conversation. He: I'm getting married but it's for the child. When I see you and say "Hola Candy" it means I love you. She: When we see each other and you ask how I am, if I say "fine" don't believe me. He: I don't want to be alone tonight.

Alicia cheerfully thanks Pato for spending the night. She doesn't care if people think she's loca. She doesn't have the weapons to fight Candy's memory. Candy is alive he notes, not a memory. You're in love with the ideal Candy, not the real Candy she says. Crazy girl might have a point.

Looks like Candy fell asleep on Santiago. She wakes up, carefully covers him with his jacket, and reads what he wrote...

As she reads his note she recalls a number of funny and romantic moments, dancing in the dark, pouring water on his head... "You have the other half of my heart. I love you" she reads aloud.

She folds the note, kisses it, kisses his sleeping lips softly and whispers, "I love you too".

Next a.m. Lalo finds Santi in the apartment and reminds him it's his wedding day. Santi sees that his letter has been torn from the pad and he smiles.

Mari's getting her mani-pedi and is a little snippy with the help. Raul calls to say it's her wedding day so why isn't he happy? She attempts to reassure him in her insanely chipper way. Raul is not reassured.

Candy's sulking and Meño brings her breakfast in bed. He says it's a sin to deny love. Nice words but Mari's kid is reality. Meño insists it's the 21st century and they can redefine love's parameters. Candy's a broken record, she loves Santi but doesn't want to hurt Mari.

It looks like Pat survived the night with Alicia because he's at Soledad's picking up Beto's birth certificate for some secret reason. She just hands it over after he says "Trust me". She asks if everything is OK. He should be happy Santi's getting married. I'm not sure what Pato says here, something about Candy not fighting for his love. Sole asks what if she (Sole) should fight for Pato's love? He gives her the que the hell look and leaves.

Donato supervises the placing of the wedding cake. Marissa comes downstairs with Rocio and allows her to stick her finger in the cake to taste the frosting. Marissa "sincerely" thanks Isabel for all her help and they hug. Hmmm...

Now Pato visits Candy to get Chava's birth certificate and again won't say why. She's irritated but gives him the cert anyway. He makes a dig about Santiago getting married and she shuts the door in his face. "Men have the sensitivity of a refrigerator!"

Candy is at the big house with her baby stroller gift for the crappy couple. She and Santi thought bubble how they really feel for each other until Mari shows up and clings to Santi. "Hola Candy" he says several times until Mari tells him to stop acting weird. Candy tells them she won't be in the church and Mariloca glares at her like she's kind of pissed.

Candy wishes Mari the best and plans to meet her at the instituto to help her get dressed. "Hola Candy", vows Santi one last time. Mariloca pulls Candy aside and demands the truth, is Candy sincere when she wishes Mari happiness? Mariloca wishes Candy happiness too, far away and with some other man; she recommends Patricio. Mariloca's body language is firm and her arms are crossed.

Art visits Greg to apologize about getting her in the middle of the Alicia biz. They are interrupted by Margarita who comments she thought he was going to the bank. They get into it and Greg says she was only helping with Alicia. Margarita doesn't believe it, "Gregoria is your lover!" Greg, looking sexy in her apron and rubber gloves, takes umbrage. Marg shrieks "you're a witch like your daughter!" Meño interrupts and says "not in my house please," then throws gas on the fire by saying "I knew Gregoria had a boyfriend!" Mag turns around and threatens to have an affair with Meño which completely cracks up Greg and Art.

Donato helps Santi dress for the wedding and tries to give him last minute advice...marriage is the perfect state for a man. Santi's not quite convinced. In that case Donato suggests Plan B. He can make a reservation for Brazil's Carnival within the hour if Santi would like. Why get married? Tina can cook, Isa can take care of the kids, and there are plenty of fish in the sea.

At this point my TV kep macro-block and freezing up. I'm not sure if it was the transmission or my Tivo. I don't think I missed much.

Ceci advises Candy that she's sure Santi would prefer to be with Candy. Candy's all, "No duh, what hurts the most is that Santi didn't to marry Mariloca but I made him." Candy says in guilt she's equal to her mom, in stupidity...does Ceci want a list?

Now Mari is in her dress getting dressed by her dressers. Chayo tells her some old wive's tale that her mom used to say but I didnt' get it, sorry. Raul shows up and kisses her stomach and tells her she's beautiful. Has he forgotten her dreadful plotting?

Santi's family waits at the bottom of the stairs and claps at his handsomness. They all chatter like chipmunks and leave together for the church. The poor saps.

Back at the Institute Candy eavesdrops on the bride and hears Marissa nastily telling Raul she doesn't even like Santi's family. "Well then don't marry him" he urges. Hell yeah she's going to marry him, she reveals her plan. She'll get married, then she'll split with her kid and never return. One thing for sure, Santi will never know his baby!

They start to leave and Candy runs around the corner to hide, slips and knocks herself out. Mariloca and Raul don't see her as they leave for the church. "Tell Candy we're off to the church" gushes Mariloca to Barb and Soledad. Candy lies unconscious and unseen on the floor.

Mañana - Marissa says "I do" and Santi stares in dumbounded agony. Does Candy pull off the church scene from The Graduate?


I just loved your title! It must be twoo wuv. True love is the greatest thing in the world - except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich.

It seemed that what finally pushed Marissa over the edge, is when she heard Santi say to Candy on the spycam, "I can call Marissa and cancel the wedding right now." She would have accepted amantes and marrying a man who didn't love her (works for Alicia!), but when it came to canceling the wedding, that was the last straw.

Sylvia, good point about the spycam. Not only can it zoom in and out, but it can get various camera angles!

Sylvia, you said, "I wonder why she bothered making drinks and snacks." Santiago had asked her to put together his bachelor party. She expected it would be him and the boys. He had something more private in mind. That's why she came and left. As for why she came back.. well, because she's Candy.

When Santi saw that Candy had taken the letter, oh, that million dollar smile.

Notice Donato suggested Santiago escape the wedding by fleeing to Brazil for Carnaval? In Fea, Rio represented escape from the troubles of the real world - run away.

Didn't see and no time to read, Sylvia...leaving for Charlotte but will look forward to reading it when I get back. I love the way you write and your sense of humor.

Wish me luck, it's my first time driving all alone and I've been known to take the wrong outerbelt exit many a time!

Thank you for the recap! Lots of good information.

OOHHH! I can just hardly watch this show. The actress who plays Marissa is so good, that I want to throttle the TV set every time she is on screen! What a WITCH!

I've been having trouble totally getting what Marissa is planning to do. I thought she said Santiago wouldn't ever see their child, but that didn't seem to totally jive with what I THOUGHT she was saying earlier. So, she is planning on running everyone out of the house and then leaving herself before giving birth so Santiago will never see the baby???? I guess she better work fast as "D" day (delivery) looks to be not too many months ahead!

As much as I want to see Santiago and Candy together, it is getting a bit boring to keep hearing, "I love you; I want you, but no..." over and over and over again.

I guess I am not very nice, but I am enjoying watching Alicia squirm. She gets what she deserves after what she did to Candy the night before the wedding and then kissing Patricio on the wedding day. I can't believe she thinks blackmailing Patricio with his father's future would ever bring her happiness. Geez, doesn't she realize every forceful thing she tries only pushes Patricio further away. Just look at his face now. He used to look somewhat sympathetically at her. Now he acts cold...

I don't get to respond much to this Telenovela, but I read the blog daily and thank you all for your input and help with the translation.

Paula, Sylvia, anyone, what does it mean when someone rings the bell outside of Santi's office?

Heh, I knew the title would appeal to all you Princess Bride fans.

Good luck Judy! Check in with us when you get to Charlotte.

Paula, MLT? It's only 6:00 a.m. and I'm already hungry! Thanks for the additional background info on those scenes, it helps make sense of our characters' actions. And thank you very much for the link to the million dollar smile. What a babe!

Hi Deb, I'm really glad you decided to comment. I'm also a little unclear on Marissa's specific plot. At first I thought she was going to marry Santiago and then hightail it out of town. Now it seems like she's going to infiltrate the household, get rid of all the family members in an insidious fashion, try to get Candy to move out of the area, and then run away. That way Santiago will be left abstolutely alone. Yep, you called it Deb, she is a WITCH.

Violet, when Santi rings the bell it's a signal to his secretary Hortensia not to bother him because he is having some hankie pankie in his office.

A weird observation, because my TV was a bit spotty last night I zipped through the episode on youtube. There were several scenes and one mini plot line in the youtube version that weren't on last night's TV version at all! I won't say what they were because I suspect they will pop up in the future, but still...very odd. Perhaps this helps explain the jumpy and awkward editing.

Thank you Sylvia!
Crappy couple, you hit that exactly right!
I agree, it gets a little tiresome hearing the back and forth from Santi and Candy.
I kept hoping Raul would go to Santi and confess what Mariloca plans.
I would love to see Candy run in and stop the circus.
Evil thy name is Mariloca!
Good luck Judy! Drive safely and enjoy your trip.

Carrie L.

Ohhhh. I get it now with the bell. Thanks. I love the rapport between Santi and Hortense.

Save trip, Judy, and don't forget your GPS!

Thanks for the recap Sylvia and your "Princess Bride" reference. Great quote from you too Paula!

I'm looking forward to see what happens tonight.

Traveling mercies Judy.

Thank you, Sylvia for a very entertaining recap. I don't think your cable problems missed anything - the editing WAS jumpy.

I felt that the scene in which Candy reads the letter and kisses Santi was very well done, I got some of the sweet, sad, hopeless feeling I get from watching some operas (and I actually like this feeling!), when someone has to leave because the love just cannot be.

It was also interesting that Candy blamed herself in the conversation with Ceci. It's true that she never said to Santi, don't get married, you can support the baby anyway, you don't really love Marissa. She said you're getting married, do the right thing, and he (of the lack of backbone) just went along with it. Of course, tonight's the wedding, so we'll have to see what really happens!

Thank you for the recap; I also skipped uncle Jaime's bathroom scene... And the Candy and Ceci scene was gratifying, I agree. I think it might have sort of been a little buildup to the scene where she overhears Marissa's plans, right before she slipped and bonked herself unconscious on the head.

(About Brazil, I kept wondering in LFMB if the "escape to Brazil" had anything to do with Jaime being half Brazilian. His mom lives there; she's a singer and artist. I found a You Tube clip of her and Jaime together on HOY back a few months. Click the link at my name.)

Marissa has apparently identified the worst possible scenario for Santiago as his abandonment by Paulina, and she intends to recreate it herself to punish him -- after also running off the rest of his family. She wants him to be totally alone.

It would be a nice scenario for her, except for one detail: after everyone is gone, including herself, that leaves a vacuum that Candy could be drawn into. Jaime would have some awful times ahead, trying to find his son. And he would undoubtedly try to ferret Candy out, too, if she left town.

I had this notion in my head that she's going to give the baby up for adoption to some agency that the institute uses; and then when Barbara finally decides to adopt, she'll use the same agency and wind up with Santiago's son.

It did look like in the previews that the wedding guests all look around in the church, á la "The Graduate." One scene looks to show Candy on the patio outside it. Could be interesting.

As to Alicia, I think she and Patricio are a good match; and I think she might wind up with him in the end. So, I guess I'm not too concerned with her methods. I wouldn't follow them myself; but having Patricio is what makes her happy. She's always been very patient with his disloyalty; I think she really loves him.

They are good friends and excellent business partners; he respects her from that approach. And he has always liked her and thought she was sexy. I think she's right about his so-called love for Candy, too. He feels regret and guilt and loves a fig newton of his imagination.

(Hi, Karen -- great to see you again, too! Hope the students are treating you well. :-)

"Crappy couple" indeed!! Sylvia, you go that right. The wedding should be interesting...

Poor Meno, another woman after him! The man is irresistible. Perhaps he should be teaching the Abandonados a thing or two.

Jeri, I agree that Alicia and Pato should end up together, especially since we already know that Santi will end up with Candi. Ah well. Wonder what the writers will put us through before it all wraps up. We may complain (that's half the fun!) but we wouldn't watch if it was all nice and neat, right?

Yes Jeri, I think that's part of the Brazil connection, especially since the other place they went was Acapulco, the heart of Camil's father's "empire."

But there was a distinct difference in treatment of the two places. Rio was for escape and running away from life. Think about Carnaval, total abandon, total dissipation. (BTW, I believe Camil often goes to Caranval, thus Donato's suggestion.)

OTOH, Acapulco was a place for vacations, for getting away for recovery. The main features there were food and water (elementals). When you are restored, you return to the real world, represented by Mexico City. The other oft-mentioned place was Puebla which represented the olden days, the way the world used to be.

That's a good clip of Camil's mom. She's quite a loose cannon, isn't she?

Sylvia, thanks for an excellent, humorous recap. Thanks also for not revisiting Donato's GI woes. I'm not sure what to expect with the wedding tonight, I'll just be glad that this part gets resolved one way or another. Whatever happens, I suspect we won't be done with Marissa

Violet, I too like the rapport between Santi and Hortensia. I would not mind at all if they ended up together. Of course that could never happen. After all, a handsome, virile galan winding up with an immensely likable but homely secretary; unheard of.

Paula, they say Jaime's mom is a singer; but I've only ever seen her website as a visual artist. Both those together, I'm guessing she's very well endowed in the right brain. His dad must be tall; she's not particularly.

I didn't know his dad was based in Acapulco; Angelica Valle said she and Jaime grew up together, so I assumed his dad was based in the D.F.

"La Casa en la Playa" was filmed in Acapulco; I'm really fond of that novela and the beautiful location. The Fairmont Acapulco Princess as in LFMB looked sweet.

Emilia, indeed, the story would be over before it started. ;-)

Hey y'all, thanks for all your comments. I was SO busy at work today I didn't have time to chime in. However I did take a peek from time to time.

Al and Pato...I hadn't thought they'd end up together, but it works for me!

Sylvia, Thanks for the recap, I am a little behind but enjoyed reading your reliable humor and snark. Yes, Crappy Couple is a classic in the making. Thanks for the greeting to me yesterday. Life sometimes gets in the way of these important recaps but I am thankful for the cyber-pueblo we have here. It's fun to keep up with you across the cloud and wires.

PaulaH, once again you gift us with a fabulous picture of the million dollar smile. Camil is certainly dreamy looking, so thanks.

JudyB, have a safe trip. I hope you will be back soon.

Deb, I agree with a lot of your points about Marissa being so believably worthy of a throttling (is that a word? anyway we should throttle her) she has gone from being merely self-centered to really nasty. And Candy and Santi need to give us the thrill of consummation or just get another hobby.

Hombre, I got misty eyed at the letter reading scene too. For once I didn't want to strangle anyone. The kiss was so sweet, I was hoping he would wake up to enjoy it with her.

Jeri, I didn't know Camil is half Brazilian, no wonder he is so sexy and full of fun, he has a carnival in his dna. I am beginning to think Pato may go back to Alicia. Wouldn't it be too funny if she finds him boring when he finally turns his attention to her. Maybe she will leave him.

Hee, I too loved the title!! and your wonderful observations. I too was so busy at work I didn't even read til now!! But, busy at work is certainly a good thing as we all can appreciate!! Err, I'm glad that Mariloca is sooo evil. We have to hate her....I don't know I'd have ahard time rooting for someone who did this if she wasn't soooo despicable. I feel sorry for el bebe. Thanks Sharkbait!!!

Yes Cheryl, Camil's mom is Brazilian. If you want to get a Brazilian vibe from him, check out this song.

His dad is half Egyptian. I suspect the Egyptian blood contributed the eyes, and possibly the lips. I've seen a picture of his dad as a young man; Jr is virtually a clone of Sr.

Thanks for the clip, Paula -- that was a thrilla! I can see I need to watch the chisme show more often. those hips! Thanks Paula.

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