Thursday, March 05, 2009
MEPS Mar 4, Wed, #8 - One Romp in the Hay, One Lonely Funeral and One Promise of Justice to be Served

Do I Need a Pick or a Shovel For Work on This Recap Tonight? Tonight's event is heavy. For levity check out Doña Barbara where several births occurred simultaneously and everyone is already laughing. But they have more killing there almost every other night, so let's see what we have here on Mañana...
To Review: Mama warns of the tragedy. Mama points to clues at the aslylum with Liliana and dies
Barbara and Damian have fun in the car (aka Monk, any seats to wipe down)
Eduardo hears Barbara's threat to take everything from Jacinto and his family unless he hides the death of Soledad.
Barbara goes toward the house of Soledad
Artemio insists that Eduardo cannot attend the funeral of his own mother.
Barbara realizes that Gardenia did not know that Soledad has died, but her eyes don't blink and her armor doesn't crack. Eduardo and Jacinto fight over what to do. Jacinto swears Soledad was a mother to him too, you can't defend yourself from this woman, you must do as she says or she will leave you in the street, she has no scruples. Have you forgotten everything. She killed Monserrated, locked Lilianna in the asylum (manicomio) and she killed my mother over 15 years. For all this you will do as she says, FOR NOW.
Barbara threatens Gardenia that no one in the family is to hear of Soledad's death, she will destroy all of Gardenia's family to the last one.
Eduardo says no one in the Elizarde family is to know that he is in the area. He will get justice (hacer justicia)
Fernanda puts on her heart from Ed and splits her personality in the mirror and they argue over whether it is insulting to Damian that she wear a sweetheart's keepsake from her childhood love.
Eduardo enters his mother's room where Mom's body is peacefully in the bed, locks the windows that blew open so easily just this morning, He asks the air. What evil did we do, what was our error? [beats me ]
Jacinto tells his wife that Doñita is dead. Margarita plans to send Gardenia to get the priest because she didn't receive the last rites (santos oleos). He has to tell her of the orders of the hyena that no one is to know. Marg insists, Nanda needs to know. He has to tell her that they will lose their house and their land that they have planted (sembrada) all their lives. Your cousin (prima) will lose her school and her students. Everything we've worked for will be finished, the Community center won't be built. we have to bow the head, as in defeat, (toco agachar la cabeza). we are going to eat dirt, this is a disgrace, is this what you want. No, Marg cries, and Jacinto and she cry over the dreadful ruin they are in. Barbara seems to have covered all the bases with her threats.
Anibal adjusts his blue tie, Pris enters and begins to cover her sexy teddy with street clothes while he says he is ready to go to the office they are waiting for him for a meeting. She says, yes I have lots to do too. Hurry he says, (apurate). Instead, she makes a call on her cell phone: Hello brother, is papa still home, I need to talk with all of you urgently, no I can't tell you on the phone. Anibal can't believe what she is doing. She snips back, you saved your skin with your family by calling me a traitor. He threatens that if she crosses the threshold their marriage is over. She says I know that your own interests are the only thing you are motivated by. She lays into him again about the sex thing. He can't believe that with all the problems, this is all she can think about. She kept her part of their bargain and got him all the information from her family to compete with them. The only thing she wants it to have a child. If he doesn't keep his part of the bargain she will see that he goes to jail. She gets on the phone again, to make an appointment to check the fertility of Anibal. He leaves the room imperiously.
Make sure (Cerciorate) that Eduardo does not attend (asistir) the funeral of his mother. says Cigarman to Baba Dearest.
Remember (Te acuerdas) when you said we should be grateful but your words don't fit (cuadraba) because the Elizados were in possession (se aduenaron) of your time so many times he had to wait alone while she did everything for Gonzo's children. He thought transports back to the young Eduardo that had to be alone while she I waited on the Elizados. You always said that Don Gonzo was a good man. You gave your life to them and look what they did to you. What arrogance. He recreates the scene by the pool, he is raking while his mom brings lemonade. Anibal sneers, Monserrat won't even look at her, but Camilo sneaks up behind her and throws her into the pool. MomRat and all the nasty kids laugh at her all wet and humiliated, he picks up his rake but she signals him to keep back.
Look at what they did to you, I am proud to be your son for all that you sacrificed for my well being. to see you without life and think of the 15 years that you were not at my side. Your loyalty to them was not honored. I hope you can ask God for a special place with him. I know I won't be joining you there. It is a sin to bear a grudge (rencor) but I will live with this sin and spend every minute seeking revenge for what they did to you. We fade to the handsomest picture of Eduardo looking disgusted after he cries and says Mama four or five times. [But I don't mind, it will fuel his actions in the coming episodes, so just shut up and leave me alone.]
Margarita is indignant and says we have to inform Eduardo now, Jacinto thinking fast, has to admit something, I have already talked to him. He was shocked (se quedo pasmado). She tells him to go on to the funeral home. I am going keep vigil with the Doñita, I have to prepare her. Jacinto, keeping in mind that Eduardo is waiting to get more time alone with this mother, says, Come with me, We will have to take her straight to the graveyard. Marg complains, She has no one to wake her, it isn't just.
Gardenia brings in 3 boxes. she is too cheerful. Fernanda has to make room for Damian things. Gardenia hugs the bear and remembers how Ed won it at a fair and she wanted it but it was not given to her. Nanda, not quite getting it, says well it's a little late but if you want it take it. Gardenia asks if she had heard from Eduardo but Fanda blabs something meaningless and hard to understand about the long ago.
Eduardo lights a candle and holds a White Lily. Marg is determined to be a wild funeral director and insists her flowers must be white. Jacinto tries to warn her that they should talk to Ed again to see what he wants.
Ooops Nanda moves other clothes making room for Damian in closets and drawers and wants to show her wedding dress to her Nana and wants to rush off to the cottage to give her she promised to show Nana her dress. Gardenia for once thinks fast ands says Doñita isn't home she must have gone to the doctor for some tests and then was going to the priest and won't be back for quite a while. So Nanda is put off. for the moment.
Eduardo dresses his mom in white and put the flowers all around the bedroom while outside the house Jacinto tries to yell about the lock which Marg doesn't understand. It works, Ed in his tight black sweater of mourning gets out of the bedroom, gives Jacinto money while the hyena pulls up in a chauffeured car. Jacinto approaches. Have you fixed things for the burial? demands BabaHyena. There are some formalities (tramites), the doctor must provide a death certificate. Marg gets mouthy and threatens Dona has a right to be buried in the hacienda chapel but Hyena says a cook doesn't need to be buried there. She asks about Eduardo but Jacinto says he talked to him, rephrases that it was a few days ago, and he can't come just now, he thinks his mother is just sick. Good keep him thinking she is sick, that wretch is not to come here, do you understand. She really enjoys these shake down questions and always waits insistently for an answer. Marg is pretty out of control and Eduardo on the other side of the building hearing this all is almost losing his resolve to remain hidden.
Marg isn't quite getting it, why did you not want to tell hyena about talking to Eduardo? Jacinto asks her to come with him to arrange the burial but she balks, we have to accompany her to her last resting place (ultima morada). As they enter Soledad's bedroom weeping, Marg look in wonder, Was it you, Slim (flaco)? The room is set up with thousands of flowers and candles all over her room. All is magically transformed in white as it should be. Outside, Eduardo walks and cries and heaves heavy sighs. Marg thinks the Doñita seems as is she were just asleep.
In Mexico city, Anibal tells Osvaldo we have to get this shipment out of here tonight, no one can discover that this is contraband shipment of expired dry milk.
Erika picks up the FE heart in Nanda's room She knows Nanda has had it since Soledad's son gave it her for her first communion and Nanda admits inspite of being in love with someone else now, for some reason I can't let go of it. Erika looks out the window and sees Camilo on a stunning black horse and wants to go to him. Nanda says I know he is my brother but don't be tricked, he is playing with you. Erika doesn't want to believe it so runs to see Camilo furious that Jacinto isn't there to take his horse to the barn and now he has to do it himself. As he carps that no one gave Jacinto permission to take the day off, Erika appears wanting to know where he has been. Still good at whining, he answers, I haven't stopped working but she sweet talks and hugs saying, we need to talk. She suggest coming to the stalls with him, taking the horse and they will talk. nice grounds, huh?
Gardenia makes a weepy call from the kitchen to Florecita in the office, By order of the hyena she can't leave the hacienda she is calling to say Florecita needs to get to the funeral. Baba comes in snarling for messages from her husband but when Florecita quivers that she wants to have the afternoon off to go to the wake (velorio) for Doñita. She was like a mother to us. Baba hisses, how do you know? If you leave here to go to your fake mother (mama poztiza), you don't need to return to your job and the same goes for Gardenia.
Erika can't understand why Camilo hasn't called her in all these months. Have your been waiting for me? he asks slyly. He kisses and they circle the hay, then he pushes her around and plays rougher, calling her gorgeous or tasty (ricura), . Don't be like this, Camilo disappearing like a ghost (fantasma) Kissing and almost listening, he has taken his shirt off. (Cads shouldn't be this good looking but he could lose the neckerchief) Erika jumps to ask, can we use this opportunity to announce our engagement? This breaks the mood, he complains that one kiss and you insist on this boring theme. She assures him she feels great in his arms. She just wants to know if they are going to be together, sure the maid of honor and best man of the wedding have to be together. He seems to mean for the next fifteen minutes. She slips happily to the hay hoping this means something more.
Baba sits in her office with a report brought in by Damian talking about this first felonious shipment going so well. He wants to know the next step of the plan and she tells him not to worry his pretty head and not ask so many questions. They do need to be sure that the General Director's name is on everything, yeah that would be Anibal. Damian complains that he is such a beast who knows nothing. Baba says his name really needs to be everywhere. They flirt about the afternoon but Baba needs him to be available with his fiance at 4PM, a little party... Nice timing hyena.
Eduardo remarks to Jacinto at the coffee shop in town where no one seems to recognize him, that it, the burial, is to be at 4 pm, the exact hour he was born. He insists again that Jacinto comply with every order of the hyena, for now. Shortly after, in dual scenes Baba is toasting the couple at the little impromptu party to keep Nanda busy, and on the other Eduardo is watching in the shadows as his mama lowered into her lonely grave with only Jacinto and Margarita present to weep for her.
Next time. Baba and Nanda argue about whether sister Liliana can come to the wedding. Nanda insists that love is better than any medicine. Baba looks like a good drugging is what is called for.
Asylum (manicomio)
Get justice (hacer justicia) I like the Spanish image of “making”
Last rites (santos oleos).
planted (sembrada)
cousin (prima)
to bow the head, as in defeat, (toco agachar la cabeza).
Hurry (apurate). I
Make sure (Cerciorate)
attend (asistir)
Remember (Te acuerdas)
fit (cuadraba)
were in possession (se aduenaron)
grudge (rencor)
He was shocked (se quedo pasmado).
formalities, like paperwork or filings (tramites)
last resting place (ultima morada).
Slim (flaco)
wake (velorio)
fake mother (mama poztiza),
gorgeous or tasty (ricura)
ghost (fantasma)
Labels: manana
I hated reading about that scene where one of the brat sons pushed Soledad into the pool. Watching poor people be hurt and humiliated by the rich is not my form of entertainment. On the other hand....there's our gorgeous Eduardo...will have to see if I can stick this out.
Thanks for the great recap and that call on the reverse Pieta yesterday.
Yeah, Cheryl, it was ok for Eduardo to cry, it was so beautiful how he laid out his poor mom. You're right, the writers are stoking the fires of vengeance.
And MonsterRat, what an idiot she was! This woman attended her children with such love and tenderness and treated them all with respect. I consider that degree of arrogance as ignorance. Uuuuuf! More stoking of venganza! Agree with JudyB, thanks for the vocabulary!
Yes, Susanlynn, Eduardo was sho nuff lookin' fine in that tight black sweater, umph umph umph! Ahma watch that again!
We must accept the painful certainty that Barbara will be winning for months. As we all know, the villains usuallly don't get a comeuppance till the very very last episodes, sometimes just the penultimate episode, so settle in.
Thanks, Cheryl, for capturing so much of the undercurrent in these folks' exchanges for us, and the vocab is always a bonus! Also: a fabulous picture of some beautiful horseflesh.
The sweet horses are some of the wild horses that live near the Sandia Mountains in Placitas just north of here. And I am glad the vocabulary is helpful. Connie you were the inspiration to bringing more of it back when you joined. I notice quite a few people are doing this labor of love. I may go back and pull copies of the words to the bottom like Judy does. I haven't done that since Juan Q.
The actor and the director nailed it on the grief scene when Edwardo's mother died. As does happen, the cry may begin low in the chest and travel up a tonal scale. Sometimes the lower notes are not audible.
I saw more things I really admire about Fernando Colunga as an actor.He is not afraid to appear ugly. And he could not possibly have given that performance and the one last night without some intellectual knowledge about grief and its stages. It was stunning.
Do it Colunga, warts and all. Primal scream.
Another thing I find helpful is to listen to music in Spanish. Pick a style that you like or just a couple of songs. Then go to a type website and print out the lyrics and then listen to the songs and and sing along or just read the words. If you don't know what something means then go to a translation website and put in the word or phrase and that will help clear it up.
There is a language CD series called Behind the Wheel Spanish. You can find it on It is a series of CDs that you can play in the car (or copy and transfer to your Ipod) while you are driving to work. There is also a workbook that goes along with it. I found it very helpful.
This familia Elizade is becoming real easy to detest- with the exceptions of the comatose Liliana and the clueless Fernanda. This rich/poor, good/bad theme is just too obvious, seems like all TNs play on this to some degree, but this one is making it an even stronger point.
Is Jacinto played by the same actor as profesor Topete in Querendon? If so he's with Yadira AGAIN! I like her better as Margarita than that whiny, demanding Yadira.
I'm still having some trouble getting in to this TN, Eduardo had better get going with his vengance. It was interesting that he is entering into this (vengance)with the complete knowledge of the sinfulness of just planning it, and the consequences (eternity away from his mama) of carrying it out. It will be interesting how they treat it from now on.
Susanlynn, I meant to thank you again for your lovely comments about my writing. It thrills me to please a teacher! Some things never change. But also because you are such a discerning commenter that I have admired since I found this blog two years ago. And yes, Doña Barbara is totally addictive. I have a complex viewing scheme every night though since DB is on Telemundo and I don't have tivo or equivalent recorder that jumps among channels. Like tonight I have El Grupo to fit into the four hours of telenovela viewing. And that's on top of one of two book clubs that meets this afternoon.!
Jardinera, indeed , Pris has me longing for a smoke. I'm certainly not distracted by her wig(if it actually is a wig). Her hairstyle lends that extra note of cheapness that one finds so appealing in a woman. A dose of her each night suits me just fine. Anibal needs his head examined or an endocrinology evaluation.
I think anything would have to be on a higher intellectual plane than that idiotic FELS dialogue: ("...this set of ricos who speak fast and use more interesting words.") I prefer the challenge, but it does require a bit of beanie adjustment.
And I too appreciate the vocabulary, whether embedded or listed below. How generous of all of you who take the time to do this.
The flashbacks to reveal how insensitve that mother was is explanation as to why the two adult sons are nasty people. Once again I'm absentee was that father. What could possibly be Cigarman's motive for wanting to destroy these people who already have the seeds of destruction in their midst. Just wait it out!
I hope Erica smartens up by half way thru this thing. Or maybe she wants to be 'a part of the family' like Pris wanted, rich lineage.
I loved how pretty Sole's room looked with all the candles and flowers and her dress. It was really beautiful.
Completely OT: Is anyone around here a fan of the Gary Jennings, "Atzec" novels? If so, I have an interesting article for you to read.
Betty, asistir does mean attend first but also can mean help out like attend can be used in attend to... I love vocabulary and thinking about words.
Carlos, what a hoot, "adding to her cheapness" yes, she is yummy and I like seeing that she has such sexy underwear beneath her high necked pants suit.
Melinama, I just got the Ivonne connection! Thanks, I just couldn't place the face, maybe because we always concentrated on her majestic frontispiece so like the prow of a ship.
AgnesNJ, I am glad you appreciate the picture too. I have several painter pals whom I like to go photographing with or at least discuss art often. I will be showing many animal images in the May art tour here with a great artist pal who does watercolors and prints.
Last night, I got a good look at Erika and could see the Jimena resemblance. She was so in-charge during Pasion and now she's helping the nasty Camilo to lead her down the primrose path to destruction. No, baby, no. Don't go there.
Soledad and her room did look lovely all laid out with the white dress and flowers.
I'll let Eduardo do all the howling he wants, as long as he keeps wearing that black sweater. He looks as good in that as Jamie Camil does in a white tee-shirt.
The vengeance-from-the-shadows thing, with Eduardo incognito, has possibilities. We all would like to know why Artemio wants to kill off all the Elizaldes. (Other than the fact that they're mostly a bunch of useless, obnoxious, boring rich people who smuggle POWDERED MILK, for goodness sake!)
The scene with Camilo pushing Soledad in the pool would be another reason to off the family. What a bunch of self-centered ingrates.
"Espacio por todos los galans!"--muy bien!
La Paloma
I found this link while reading about Michael E. Smith, a Professor of Archeology at Arizona State University who is an Aztec expert. He talks about the historical accuracy of the Aztec novels. Here's the link:
At the end of the article there's a letter from Jennings to another author, which is very interesting as well.
I keep hoping that one day someone will make the movie version of "Aztec".
Yes, the black sweater was a great choice! My twelve years old daughter came in last night and asked was a really going to watch another one of these and I pointed to the TV, FC was on. She said he is way better then Juan and sat down to watch! And Picabo likes the horses.
The baddies better get some early comuppance. I can't take another FELS where nothing happends until the last two weeks. Jeez!
I'm glad there are lots of bad guys (Cigarman, Babs, Anibal, Camilo, Damian). This way each one can eventually reach his or her horrible demise.
I can't wait for Eduardo to stop the tears, and come back strong and determined. It's looks as if it's going to be soon.
It's interesting that Erika, though looking 100 percent different, has a similar role to what she had as Jimena in Pasion, the best friend of the heroine, but wilder and more sexually adventurous (although I feel terrible that she doesn't see through Camilo).
There seems to be some disagreement on the attractiveness of Camilo - I guess that must be like when there is a reprehensible woman character who still looks kind of hot, I'm not coming up with a good example at the moment. When I see Camilo on screen (either young or old version) all I can think of is 'gross'.
I can't believe that 15 years later he still has Erika wrapped up and Santiago never got through to her. I sense that Erika isn't very smart to never have figured this out, in spite of Fernanda trying to tell her over and over.
I'm enjoying Fernanda wearing such a tight shirt, then we got two of her. That was great.
I'm enjoying this show so far, some of the death/funeral/crying scenes seemed to take forever but I know it's necessary to set up the plot.
I thought it was super-cheesy, cliche, for Anibal to say "no one can discover that this is contraband shipment of expired dry milk." I always find it super-cheesy cliche for characters to say "nobody must find out..." and then proceed to explain it in explicit detail. I realize they do this for the benefit of people who are catching up, but there's got to be a better way, like him muttering "nobody must find out about this" while lovingly petting a sack marked "OH NOES, EXPIRED POWDERED MILK, TOTALLY ILLEGAL AND DANGEROUS, PLZ DO NOT DRINK!!"
As for Camilo, I find him very pleasing to the eye, yet repulsive due to being such a jerk. He's not even an evil genius, just a spoiled lazy womanizing brat. He's not even particularly suave; it's just that poor Erika doesn't know any better.
Gardenia seemed pleased by this, probably thinking it meant that Eddie wasn't interested in Nanda, therefore there might still be hope for her instead.
The one I really feel sorry for is Jacinto. The poor guy is getting squeezed on all sides. He's keeping too many secrets, and he's clearly not cut out for this kind of stress!
When Ed placed the lilly on mom, I immediately thought of Libia's glowing lilly in FELS. She was in that bed for quite a long time. a dead body would have begun to putrify. I know it's a nasty thought, but, that's what went through my mind when the sun had set and come back up again.
Molly, I couldn't put my finger on exactly what bothered me most about Camillo. As you pointed out, he's got that sprayed on tan. Ugh!
Cheryl, " I will be showing many animal images in the May art tour here with a great artist pal who does watercolors and prints." Please, please post a link when that happens. Where in NM are yu? My brother lives in Los Lunas.
And I really appreciate the vocab. whether embedded or at the bottom of the recap. I subscribe to "Spanish word of the day" and it all helps.
Melissa: Thanks for the info. I read Aztec years ago and remember well the salaciousness (?). It did help to put faces on the history that we only see carved in stone and in those wierd cartoon-like codices. Did Mel Gibson get inspiration from that for Apocalypto? It was quite graphic and gross in [what I surmised were] the Tenochtitlan scenes. but it did seem a somewhat careless mishmash of Aztec & Mayan.
Mel Gibson's timeline was very disjointed though. It seemed as though the entire Spanish fleet were descending on their shores at the end of the movie. But, from what I recall in things I've read, years before the ctual "conquest", there was one or maybe two Spanish ships that landed or ran aground prior to Cortes. One had Cabeza de Vaca on it, and the other one was with the priest that Cortes finally found and used as a translator along with Malinche. I think along with Aguilar there was another guy who chose to stay and live with the Maya beause he'd taken a Maya wife and had made his life there and didn't want to return to the Spaniards or Christianity.
I'm much more of an Aztec buff than a Maya buff. Did the Maya rip out hearts as sacrifice also?
The Mayans were quite brutal, had sacrifices, too. They also held their ball game- putting a rubber ball thru a hoop on the wall of the ball court. The losers were often killed, kinda like Saddam did to some of his soccer players.
That neckerchief action reminded me of guys who used to go to discos with the gold chains. Thought they were sooooooo cool. And he seemed to have so much contempt for her. Hope she finds someone better.
It reminds me of the sad scenes I see at high schools around here all the time. Guy leaning up against a building, with some girl hanging onto him as if she'll drown if she lets go. He hardly even bothers to put an arm around her, but she's so desperate, she's just glad to have someone who lets her hang on him.
And yes, Mel Gibson's timeline does seem quite out of synch with what is actually well documented history. Spain kept careful records of each voyage, and most of the conquistadores came from the same region of Spain (if not the same town) and many were related to each other. Cortez spent a lot of time in the courts (unsuccessfully) trying to keep his fortune and stay out of jail. But nobody made any claims for accuracy in that movie.
Only a little off-topic, but interesting. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Agnes, I will post the connection to the website for the Corrales art tour. It should be up in a week or two for the May 2009 show. So, I live in Corrales just north of Albuquerque. From my hill top I can see even past the hill near Los Lunas.
Apocalypto was horribly innacurate, Gibson mixed cultures and gave a terrible representation of the mayans, and those pyramids didn't look a all like the ones in Tabasco and Yucatán.
By the way Camilo is a cad, but his tan isn't fake, Roberto Palazuelo's family has a couple of resorts in Acapulco, wich is only two hours from Mexico City by car, so he spends most of his weekends there, I wish he would use more sunscreen though.
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