Saturday, March 07, 2009

Tontas no Van Friday 3/6 When in Doubt, Leave Cell Phone On

In case we forgot what was going on, today is the wedding, and we begin by showing Candy talking to Barb in the ladies room in front of a sign saying the floor is slippery (resbalado), Barb asking if Candy wants to be in Mari’s place, Candy not wanting to, because Santi doesn’t love the bride. Barb can’t believe that in this day and age, a man would marry without love, just for obligation. Then (after showing us a cleaning lady to remind us about the floor), Mariloca has her little conversation with Raúl, overheard by Candy, in which Mari is tired of Santi, of his whole family, but while Raúl suggests calling the whole thing off, Mari won’t, asking Raúl what’s the worst thing that ever happened to Santi? Raúl remembers that Santi’s brother died, and his wife Paulina left when the baby was first born. That’s it, says Mari. Santi was abandoned, but he still had Rocío. However, he’ll never know my baby. I’ll get married, and then as soon as the baby is born, I’ll leave, I’ll disappear. Don’t know if I’ll ever come back, but I assure you, Santiago will never know the baby. Candy is impactada, and as Mari leaves to go to the wedding, Candy scurries to get out of the way, slips (unbeknownst to the others at the Institute), falls and knocks herself out on the floor.

Alicia is all dressed up for the wedding, and has come to Pat’s hotel room to ask him to accompany her there. Pat doesn’t want her to invade his space, and doesn’t want to go to the lousy wedding. Ali says they were both invited, she doesn’t want to go alone, what can she tell everyone? Pat doesn’t care, he’s not going, and when Ali begs him to come home, he won’t do that either. She leaves, disappointed, and Pat looks distressed about the whole situation, too. Notice, however, that he is dressed very elegantly, in a dark suit, white shirt, and orange-gold tie (does he always dress up, even on weekends, just sitting around the hotel room?).

It’s a beautiful day for a wedding (I’m a little jealous about their incredible weather). Outside the church, Charly (wearing a suit but white tennis shoes) is camcording the abandonados and Santi. They’re joking with him. Zamora, in mariachi gear, asks Santi if he knows the difference between marriage and divorce. Marriage is all rice, but divorce is all pa’ella! (paella is a Mexican dish, but pa’ (para) ella means “for her”. A little more clowning, and the guys head inside.

At the Institute, Candy has come to, is sitting in a chair as Barb and Lulu make sure she’s okay. She is, but she flashes back to Mari’s threat to abandon Santi, to hurt him.

There’s a brief conversation between Arturo and Pat. When Pat reminds Art that everyone makes choices, Art thinks he chose (elegi) well, he chose to be rich and powerful, but now he has to live with some of the things he did. While he was making money, he had no time for conscience. But things have changed. He wishes one’s conscience could be disposable (desechable), but after age 70, nothing is disposable. Then are you truly regretful (arrepentido) about what you did? asks Pat. Not about what he did, but about putting Pat in the middle of this. And now the papers are in the hands of a nut (Alicia).

We see Santi alone on a bench outside the church, meditating. Isabel sees him, asks if he’s nervous. No, but he certainly is conflicted. Isa knows what he’s thinking, but assures him she won’t make trouble, she’ll be the happy suegra to Marissa, he just has to be brave. As she leaves, he thinks all the guys were right (kidding him about how wrong it is to get married), he’s heading to the matadero (slaughterhouse).

Inside the church, we get a Charly-Cam view of all the guests, looking terrific, making funny faces at the camera. One of the best things about a telenovela wedding is that you get to see all the characters together, all dressed up, hair done, happy. Well not everyone is happy. Chayo’s grumpy on one side of the aisle with a smiling Barb, Lulu, Ceci and Soledad, and Ed’s a matching grouch across the aisle with the guys. Meño and Gregoria are pensive, and Paulina looks annoyed. We also see Beto, Zamora (on the girls’ side), Donato with Tina and Hortensia, and Isabel walking to the front row to join Jaime and be greeted by a gleeful Lucía, Rocío and Chava.

Pat and Arturo continue their chat, Pat assuring his Dad that it looks as if Alicia won’t actually do the blackmail, he and Ali are working this out, but what’s up with you, Dad? Are you having an affair with Gregoria? Of course not, replies Arturo, and explains the mixup from the other day, where Margarita caught him at Greg’s house. Pat’s phone rings, and it’s Candy, Pat must come immediately!

I guess so, as Raúl is now walking his sister down the aisle, giving her away to Santi. Little shots of the various guests reveal their emotions.

Candy is pacing the floor in the restaurant, distraught, as Pat arrives. She tells him they have to stop the wedding. Santiago can’t get married. Mari is doing it for revenge, she’s going to abandon Santi, and never let him see his child. Please help. Pat now has to make one of the most difficult decisions of his life. He loves Candy, but she’s asking him to stop the wedding of his rival! But he can see by her face what she’s feeling. He loves her, but he can’t have her halfway (a medias). Her body is here, but her heart is being torn in half by Santi’s getting married in that church. He realizes she has to stop the wedding. His eyes brimming with tears, he agrees to help her. They rush off to his car.

They arrive outside the church, and she hesitates. Inside, the padre is giving the vows. Mari happily says I do (actually they say accepto – I accept him as my husband, etc.). As the priest recites all the promises Santi will have to make, to love, honor, cherish, in good times, and bad, Santi’s face looks as if these are quite a few things to promise, he’s a little overwhelmed. Before he can answer, some one’s cell phone rings! Hmmmph, you’d think people would know to turn off their cells in a wedding. Santi impatiently looks at the abandonados to just answer it, please, but it turns out it’s HIS phone. With Mari saying no, he answers, and it’s Candy. “Say no, say no, please say no”, she implores, her hand shaking, his mouth wide open. He pauses for a few seconds, as Mari tells the padre to ask him again, and the padre does. Then Santi says “(the patient is) that sick!?” Candy says she’s outside the church. Santi says “They’re going to die?”, as all the guests go Que, queeeee! Santi turns to the priest, tells him it’s a medical emergency, sorry, but he has to go! Raúl demands what’s up, Santi mentions the Hippocratic Oath, Raúl thinks more like hypocritic, Santi walks out of the church (past a smirking Paulina), as all hell breaks loose. Raúl’s in hot pursuit, but Donato extends a toe, and Raúl’s down for the count. In the midst of the confusion, though, we do see sly Alicia seem to sneak out past the guests.

The three kids wonder why Santi walked out, Beto thinks maybe he had to make pipi (of course!), both boys ask Rocío if she’ll marry them, but sorry, she can’t right now, her Daddy isn’t there for them to ask permission.

Santiago rushes to Candy, bends her back with a big kiss, but she’s not on the same wavelength (we also see Pat, gallant but hurting, just off to the side). Santi says he loves her, he loves her, he just needed that push to help him make the correct decision, and she did it! Pat is softly saying adios to Candy a few feet away. Candy says we have to leave, now. But Santi wants to marry Candy, now! They have the church, everything’s ready, let’s take advantage of it! Meño runs up, saying he knew the phone call had to be Candy, but they’d better get out of there, there would be big trouble if they went back into the church. So they do flee, and Meño is happy, but as he turns back to the church, Alicia is looking right at him, she saw the whole thing! After Raúl comes out, Meño says Santi went thataway (the wrong way), but advises Raúl to look after his sister. Meño then confronts Alicia, hopes she’ll keep quiet about this. Alicia’s not so sure, even after Meño reminds her it’s better for her if Santiago goes with Candy (because Pat’s crazy about Candy), Alicia contemplates the power of secret knowledge.

On the bench outside the church, Barb is consoling Mari, Raúl says the wedding was suspended, but the padre can start it up when Santi returns, to which Jaime says “you think he’s coming back?”, Mari faints, everyone’s upset, but Barb sees that Mari is faking, and tells everyone not to worry.

And sure enough, Mariloca is not down, she’s just getting started, she bursts into (I think Santi’s) house, telling Raúl he did nothing, just stood there, he tries to calm her down, they don’t know what’s happening yet, she flings open the upstairs window, curses Candy, screams she knows what happened, you don’t really think there was a dying patient, give me a break! She calms a bit, reminds Raúl she had a plan, right? Sure, get married and leave Santiago. Well, she says, she’s not married yet, so the plan’s not over. But your fiancé left. No, it’s not over. Raúl pleads for her to be reasonable, but she tells him to shut up and hurls her flowers out the second floor window. He calms her down, tells her maybe the game isn’t over yet, let’s not show our cards. Can you act sad, hurt? She wipes her eyes and says yes.

After the commercial, Pat, alone, slowly enters the now vacant church. (I’m really feeling for him at this point. He sacrificed himself for Candy). The padre asks if he can help. Pat wonders if he can do a miracle. No, but God can. Pat feels alone. The padre tells how when Jesus was on the cross, there were only three people there, Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary and Saint John. Jesus cried “Father, why have you abandoned me”. So he was alone?, asks Pat. No, God heard his call, and from that day, none of us is ever alone. God is always with us. Pat tells the padre he let the woman he loved most in the world go. He had wounded her, but now, all he cares about is for her to be happy. As the padre leaves, Pat looks up at the picture of Jesus, who sacrificed himself as well.

Back at Candy’s house, Santi wants to go back to the church and get married. Candy doesn’t. Santi thanks her for the push, for waking him up, but Candy tells him she did it for him, not for herself, or for them. She explains how she heard Mari say she was going to abandon Santiago, and take away the baby. She stopped the wedding so Santi wouldn’t suffer, so he could protect his son. Are you sure? Candy is completely sure, she would never play around with such a sensitive topic. Santi knows Mari’s a little weird at times, but he can’t believe she would do something like this. He asks for more specifics about the baby, and Candy relates what Mari said, that she would never let Santi know his son. Santi starts to get mad about all this, stands up, but Candy calms him down, you have to consider carefully what you’re going to do. When Santi starts to stroke her cheek, she adds that now is not the moment to think about us.

Santi’s phone rings, it’s Isabel, but he doesn’t want to answer until he knows what he’s going to do. Isa leaves him a message of support, but wants him to come home. She and Jaime discuss the situation, Isa pointing out that Mari already knew Santi’s feelings. Donato enters, muy preocupado, downs a glass of champagne in one gulp, says Señora Alicia is in the study, looking like trouble!

Cut to Raúl and Mariloca in the study, as Alicia tells them she saw Candy and Santiago get into his car. Raúl, nostrils flaring, wants to go to Candy’s house and settle things!

And now it’s time for our mandatory humorous segment. Zamora and Toño aren’t letting their mariachi costumes go to waste. The whole band launches into song outside the house, where there are plenty of empty tables (and filled champagne glasses). Zamora sings about freeloaders (gorrones) and the need to empty the bottles. He pretends Toño is the novia, puts some flowers on his head, and they cut a slice of the wedding cake to celebrate as the musicians call out beso, beso (kiss, kiss)!

Meño is advising Candy and Santi to leave the house, this is precisely where the others will look for them! Santi thinks no one saw them, but Meño tells him that Alicia did. Just then the doorbell rings. Santi wants to confront the situation, but is convinced to go upstairs with Meño, while Candy answers the door. It’s Raúl, demanding to see Santiago. Candy coolly lies that Santi is not there. Raúl tells her that Alicia saw them leave, it was very easy to deduce that Santiago is, in fact here, get him! Upstairs, Santi is also mad, wants to stand up to Raúl, tells Meño that Raúl knew about Mari’s plan, Santi is pretty hot about this. Fine, says Meño, go break his shnozz (rompale el hocico). But that would have repercussions (repercutir) for the matter of your son. It’s better to stay calm, not let them have an advantage (it seems as if this staying calm so as not to let the other side know what is happening is takng place on about 3 fronts tonight). Santi calms down, absentmindedly grabs Meño’s little cushion on the bed, Meño jokes about it.

Downstairs, Candy tells Raúl Santi is not there, and she wasn’t at the church, her sister is a liar. Why would Alicia lie? Because she hates me. I don’t know where Santi is, instead of coming screaming at my door, why don’t you go console your sister, and pushes him out, slamming the door after him.

Upstairs, Santi is telling Meño he’s not a robot, he has feelings. So does Meño, but one has to act with intelligence. They’re standing in front of the closed door, and right after the word “intelligence”, Candy pushes it open, Meño falls into Santi’s arms, and they crash together onto Meño’s bed in a very compromising position. Meño says to Candy “Would you believe me if I said I was just consoling him?” (Ha ha, the Laurel and Hardy music plays, Candy observing with an amused look).

Next we see Rocío, very cute in her orange dress and matching purse, flanked by Beto and Chava, equally cute in their suits and ties, running down the outside stairs into the garden, where they are greeted by the sight of 10, apparently dead cake-faced mariachis. When Rocío touches Zamora’s mustache, he snorts and wakens, causing the kids to scurry off. Donato tries to rouse all the drunks, who apparently took their song about the freeloaders and empty bottles a little too seriously. The kids joke a little more about their marriage plans, still baffled as to where Santi went.

Inside, more hijinks, as Charly is camcording Lucía. He tells her he borrowed the camera from his boss (might actually be Meño, since he calls him jefe), telling him he wanted to be a movie director, and was going to practice at the wedding, but that plan didn’t exactly work out. Lucía remarks that her uncle ran out of that church just like in a novela (lol!). Charly hopes Candy was outside, but for now, he wants to practice his cinematic art on Lucía some more, although she’s not really in the mood. He starts talking to her like a model, telling her how beautiful she is, he pans down her legs, she smiles, tells him he’s a clown, he tells her she’s pretty, she hides, he finds her, he has her pose at the piano, she doesn’t play, but she pretends to, they’re very cute.

At the hotel, Pat is sitting on the floor, arms on knees, chin buried in arms, as Alicia quietly asks if she can come in. She sits next to him, as he laments the loss of Candy, but guesses that Candy is happy now. Alicia agrees, adding that Candy doesn’t love him. Pat feels like a fool, does that make Alicia happy? No, not at all. It greatly upsets her, she wants to do something, anything, to make Pat happy. He wants to be alone. She says okay, and goes to the other side of the room, sits on the sofa, as Pat silently weeps.

Meño and Candy are debating what to do. Santi wants to go home, Candy says she can’t stop him, Meño says she’s the only one who CAN stop him, tell him it’s for the good of his son. Santiago, however, is up and on his way out the door. Candy tells him wait, think about things, for your son, Santiago says that’s why he HAS to go, Marissa’s not a terrorist (we hope!). Candy suggests going to the Institute, when Santi’s phone rings, it’s his daughter Rocío. He answers. But as soon as Rocío asks where are you Daddy?, a raging Mariloca rips the phone from her hand, pushing Rocío away, yelling for her to get out, starts screaming into the phone, where are you, damn you! She runs into the garden, yelling answer me you idiot! She grabs the four-foot high wedding cake and drags it down with all her might, gasping into the phone, “Answer, you bastard, answer!” She knocks over flowers, screaming into the phone, alone in her wedding dress, surrounded by empty tables, overturned flowers, as Santi hangs up, and he and Candy exchange shocked looks.

And that’s it! We’ll have to wait until Monday for the repercusiónes.

I just want to give a special thank you to Paula H., who had already translated several of the key scenes of tonight’s episode, and generously shared her files with me.


Resbalado – slippery
Desechable – disposable
Arrepentido – regretful
Matadero – slaugherhouse
A medias – halfway
Gorrones – freeloaders
Rompale el hocico – break his snout, or nose
Repercutir- to have repercussions or effects


Thank you so much for the speedy recap! I appreciate all the details that help me understand what I didn't last night.
I really enjoyed this episode. What a relief, Candy and Pat to the rescue.
I did feel sorry for Pat. He put Candy before himself and did a very noble thing.

Could someone tell me what Pau said at the wedding when Santi ran out? Was it to Meno?

Can't wait for Monday!!!!!

Carrie L.

Carrie: When Santi ran out, Paulina said "Lo sabia", or "I knew it!".

Hombre, what a great recap, so thorough! I missed last night's episode, but before Paula scolds me, I did tape it and will watch it this weekend. It will really help me now that you have provided so much vocab, I may actually get the gist of what they are saying.

I haven't read the recap yet, but I want to tell everyone.

I ripped into him about the handcuffs, and he deserved it. At that time, I said the action was inexcusable but not unforgivable. In Friday's cap, he was absolutely heroic. While Alicia tried to plant doubts about the nature of his love for Candy, he demonstrated true love, all giving and no taking, then disappeared quietly instead of speaking up for the thanks he deserved. Go, Pat!

The acting in this episode was really good all round - Alicia, Candy, Pat, Santiago, Tio, etc. - nicely directed!

Violet, Animo (You go, girl)! In May of '07, I started watching La fea más bella to improve my Spanish. When I started, I could hardly understand ANYTHING. I would tape a cap, read the recap the next morning, and then watch the tape with recap in hand, amid much pausing and rewinding. Within two months, my comprehension had doubled!

If you enjoy this show, it's a fabulous way to improve your Spanish. If you'd like, e-mail me at and I'll send you what I had sent Hombre d'M, certain scenes from Friday's show, translated into English. I do that sometimes to stretch myself.

This was a very good episode, one of the best of this TN so far. Pat was so sweet and noble that I actually felt proud of him. There was a time I doubted he could ever be as caring of the adults as he was to the kids. Well he has. I can't believe I'm saying this...Alicia was also nice, well to Pat anyway. I think that was the first time I've ever seen her show compassion.

When Paula said "I knew it" I thought "You did not, witch!" She's such a damn know-it-all.

I love the scenes with Santi and Meno, they have good chemistry.

Nice job on the recap hombre. It was fun to "watch" this episode again through your eyes.

Oh Hombre, what a rip-snorting good recap. I am grateful that we had this wonderful madcap wedding gone awry for a Friday night laugh.

Patricio was totally redeemed in my eyes to PaulaH. He has never had such a fine hour of unselfishness. Melinama, I agree that the acting, writing and directing were all superb. The best episode I have seen on this tn.

Violet, I want to second the hurrahs for your efforts. I have been on this site for about two years too and started my "learn by telenovela" method with Alborada which I would watch two or three times, looking up words as we went. In one fall, I had a list of over 900 new words and phrases which has grown and grown since then, and now I can watch the MañanaEPS episode I recap on Wednesdays and type my recap while I watch. Of course, when the vocabulary and the speaking speed are new or at warp speed, I may need several hours of editing but I now amaze my Spanish speaking friends with my progress. So keep with it, this is the best free tool for learning Spanish and in this economy, we all need free stuff. And you get this wonderful cyber-pueblo to hang with when ever you like.

Just want to say that to me last night's episode was one of the most satisfying and entertaining of any novela I've ever seen.

The wedding fiasco was satisfying and entertaining, and Patricio's epiphany about Candy was just awesome.

I need to listen to the recap and the comments now; thanks ahead of time!

Great job, Hombre! Not only did this cap have a lot of tough vocab, it also had a lot of phrases that made no sense to me, even when I understood every word. Superb level of detail.

So many touching scenes in this cap.
* I just loved when Santi, in the garden, scampered back and asked Meño if he could call him Tio.
* At Candy's house, Pat just laid down his life for the sake of Candy's happiness, and you can see he's just dying, while Miss Centro Universo, with her usual compassion, says "Get a move on, Buddy! We don't have all day!" (loosely translated).
* When Donato tripped Raúl? Priceless!

I had to wonder why certain people were at the wedding, since they were Candy's people, not Santi's. Sven went because he's an abandonado, but why Ole? Meño because Santi adores him, but why Gregoria? Margarita (Pat's mom) maybe, because she's Santi's steady patient, but why were Pat and Alicia invited?

Speaking of Ali, why would she tell Marissa? To make mischief, sure, but balanced against getting Candy married and out of her way? It makes no sense.

Hombre, I loved your line, "cake-faced mariachis" (instead of pie-faced). Good one!

Interesting, just before the wedding, Santi is struggling with summoning the courage to follow through and get married. But after Candy's call, he keeps thanking her for giving him the courage to stop it. IOW, he didn't have the courage to get married, but he didn't have the courage to stop it, either.

His reaction and assumption, after her call, make perfect sense. In her office (when Mar was spying), he said essentially, "Tell me you love me and I'll cancel the wedding." At the bachelor party, he begs her to reconsider; he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. In his mind, either Candy says yes, or I get married. So when Candy stops the wedding, it must mean Candy says yes. Of course he wants to rush her to the altar - strike while the iron is hot!

I also wondered why Alicia ratted out Candy and Santi. Didn't make sense to me either. Oh well, she's loca. Speaking of loca, I can imagine that Alicia and Marissa could end up on opposite sides. Marissa wants Candy to be with Pat and go away; Al wants Candy to be with Santiago and go away. Mariloca vs. Al = Clash of the Titans.

Another thing that doesn't make sense, why does Mariloca have to marry Santiago in order to run away before he knows his child? Maybe she figures she can have more influence to estrange him from his family if she's a spouse? Seems she could do that without being married. Oh well, whatever, the near-wedding was a great scene so I'll shut up.

While we're at it, Sylvia, why should Santi cancel the wedding to protect his son? He has much stronger legal rights over both Marissa and the baby if he is married to her.

Excellent point. That makes the least sense of all. Maybe we can blame it on emotional panic. Candy panicked because Santi was about to marry someone who was actively plotting revenge, Santi panicked because Candy surprised him and he was already sick at the thought of marrying Mari.

Thank you Hombre for clarifying that comment by Pau.
I thought it was something like that but most of what I understand before reading the great recaps is just guessing according to the scene and a couple of words I might understand.
You great recapers mean a world of difference to someone like me.

Dittos Paula for adding the extra explanations for more conversations!

I hope someday when I'm not caring for kids, pets and elderly parents I may actually have time to learn Spanish.
I'll consider that if the brain cells last that long.

Thanks again,
Carrie L.

Paula and Cheryl have given me hope that learning Spanish can happen if you really make a valliant effort. With school at night, studying, working, family, it's hard to find time, but I will!
I will e-mail you Paula for the info, which will be much appeciated. Thank you!

I did watch this episode, and like others, I have a new-found admiration for Patricio. Now actually I am quite torn about who I want Candy to end up with. What a lucky lady! Monday's show should be quite interesting.

Have a nice weekend.

I also couldn't understand why Alicia told Marissa and Raúl about Santi leaving with Candy. But after thinking about it a little, I realize that Alicia actually has two goals. 1) get back Pat, but 2) she HATES Candy, always has ever since the ballet shoe incident, and wants revenge. In that way, she and Marissa could be allies, since they both hate Candy.

Patricio's scene with the padre in the church was noteworthy. Sometimes the writers give a priest character some banal platitudes; but in this scene, it seemed like the writer had been paying attention in church. The padre's advice to Patricio seemed thoughtful and sincere. It look like he really helped Patricio.

Wow Gloria!!Thanks for the great recap. I have always wanted Candie to be with Santi but that witch Alicia doesn't deserve Pat. I hope he ends up with Solidad. If that woman can treat her own sister this way, can you imagine what she would do to his sons? She is so full of hate she couldn't keep quiet about Santi's whereabouts even when it would have been in her best interest to do so. It is getting really good.

Hi Hombre...someone just called you Gloria! So sorry. My family forgot to record this for me while I was down in Charlotte but your great recap brought it to life. Sounds like it was quite an episode! Still, the best telenovela can't beat real-live grandchildren so I won't complain. Thanks for a terrific recap.

Hombre, what a thorough and funny recap. Very well done. This was a fun episode. I enjoyed the mariachis a lot. When they came strolling in singing Sven and Olle reminded me of Pedro Infante and Jorge Negrete. I thought the song was cute, and that they sang well together this time.


Carlos, I agree; the music is good in this show -- even the comedy sketches. I hope they give Jaime another chance to sing, too.

Do I have no life if I am anxiously waiting to watch tonight's episode?? Fridays is so good and there are so many directions that this thing can go I am on the edge of my seat so to speak.

I was so glad to witness Pato's first selfless act. Now if our heroine could just follow the example...

Mauni in Wa

Mauni, I agree with you. Usually I have some idea which way things may go based on the TN principles, but this time I truly haven't a clue and am anxious to see what develops.

I really have to give Patricio credit for stepping up. I was supportive of him(however feebly) early on but I must admit I've been wavering ever since. Last week Vivi ably stood up for him and obviously her trust was not misplaced.


Carlos, Mauni, and anyone else who shows up: for fun, why don't you post potential plot directions here? Friday's cap was obviously a turning point (the end of Hombre d'M's Act II?). We just don't know which way it will turn. So have some fun and post some potential directions!


Patricio decides that Lulu looks pretty good after all

Santi chooses Hortensia

Candi has an epiphany and runs off with Cici

Isabel and Donato hook up

Alicia takes a liking to Charly

Soledad is ever so grateful to Zamora

Lucia takes her vows as a nun

Jaime and Meño discover true love

And... Eddie and his lovely wife make up and live...well you know

I LOVE IT, Carlos! Keep 'em coming!

Oh Carlos I laughed so hard I almost cried....

Mauni in Wa

LOVE the title Hombre!!! Nice job...also funny comments....

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