Monday, March 23, 2009

Tontas no Van Monday 3/23 One’s Flyin’, One’s Cryin’, Two are Lyin’

As some of you may know, my daughter’s wedding was this weekend, so I switched recap nights with Paula H. Muchisimas gracias, Paula, de verdad! I mentioned in yesterday’s comments that I wrote some new words to the Mañana es Para Siempre song, and sang it to my daughter and her fiancé (now husband) at the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding. In response to a request from JudyB, here it is.

Amor es Para Siempre

Okay, now back to our favorite tonta, Candy, who is in a little rowboat with Patricio, in the middle of a pretty lake. Pat reminds her that he once proposed in the air (while parachuting!), and today, he’s proposing on the water. He breaks out a little sign which says “Marry me”, and shows Candy the ring. She smiles, and remembers the romantic parachute proposal, seven years ago. However, last time, she said yes, and things went wrong. She’s afraid. Pat threatens to overturn (voltear) the boat if she doesn’t say yes, and after he stands up, she gets him to sit back down, thinking about her answer. At this, Pat is elated, she’s THINKING about it! Candy tells him that if he can help her get over her fear, she might risk living and loving again.

Bárbara and Chayo are having some girl talk in the ladies room, while fixing their makeup. Barb asks what Chayo thinks about Candy and Mari, didn’t Candy sort of betray Mari (remember, Mari asked Barb to be her new partner the other day). Chayo doesn’t trust Mari, but she does have total confidence in Candy.

In the restaurant, Zamora and Toño want to ask Meño something, but they’re a little shy about it. Finally, Zamora gets it out – they know about Charly. And Meño can count on them for whatever help he might need. Meño thanks them and gives them a hug.

Isabel and Jaime are walking Rocío home from school. Rocío tells her abuelos that she, Beto and Chava have an idea to make Santiago happier. What is it? They’re gonna find him a novia!, she whispers excitedly. This makes Isa and Jaime smile, but when Rocío adds that they’ve picked Beto’s Mom Soledad as the lucky lass, a little doubt creeps into the grown-ups’ smiles.

And the plan isn’t working at Soledad’s house either, as Beto tells her the idea, but Sole says she doesn’t love Santiago. Beto doesn’t want her to be sad, and although she says she’s not sad, he listens to her heart, proclaims her to be a good Mamá, but there’s sadness in her heart, so he’s still going to try to find her a novio. (BTW, when Beto asks if HE can be her novio, Soledad says of course not, he’s her son, which to me is better than what Candy tells Chava).

Seems that everyone’s getting ideas to cheer up someone. Zamora and Toño ask Meño if they can borrow Merengue, the puppet. Meño says they have to ask Candy, but they don’t know where she is. Why do they want Merengue? They want to put on a show! Right here in the restaurant. It’ll cheer up Charly. (Sounds good to me. It always worked in 30’s movies, why not in a telenovela!) As Meño goes to fetch the puppet, Toño practices applauding and laughing.

Santiago is a bit negative, tho. In the kitchen, he tells Isabel and Tina, no more women, they’re too much trouble, trying to snare you into marriage. Tina thinks women can be fun, but Santi doesn’t want any disagreement. Isabel says she knows how Santi can forget all about Candy and Marissa. Take the day off, and spend the entire day playing with the girls. Santi doesn’t have any surgeries scheduled, and Isa’s idea brightens his face right up.

Back at the lake, Pat and Candy have docked the boat, and are sitting on the dock (of the bay, wastin’ time). Pat tells her how guilty, stupid and angry he felt at himself, that day of their wedding, when Candy left. His friends told him to search for Candy, but he couldn’t find her, and wanted to die. Candy teaches him Meño’s “fuera dolor” remedy.

Santi is in the girls’ bedroom, telling them about his day of fun with them. Rocío is literally jumping for joy on her bed, but Lucía’s not in the mood. Santi reminds her he’s king of the castle, and he can proclaim this a festival day, and if she doesn’t like it, it’s war, as they all start throwing pillows at each other, and Lucía joins in, too.

Well, Barb is apparently still testing out Mari’s idea (without revealing it), and now she’s talking to the whole group of Institute gals. She feels that the tensions in the Institute are at least partly due to Candy’s actions, and where is Candy now? Well, they know she’s with Patricio, and Lulu gets a little mad at Bárbara for how she’s bad-mouthing Candy. Enter Mariloca (they were in her office, formerly Candy’s). She kicks them out, back to work, ladies! They leave, although Barb is the last one. Mari makes a chicken sound, calling the others chicken, trying to be funny, but Barb isn’t laughing.

We now peer at Pat and Candy standing on the pier, and it’s time for self help method number 768 (at least!) Pat has a bag of rocks. Each one represents a painful thing, and as you toss them into the water, you free yourself from the pain. Candy moans again about (Candy’s lines, how he hurt her, etc.) and throws a rock. Pat says his lines (he’s sooo sorry, she has to forgive him), and it’s back and forth and back and forth, and after about 3 rocks (she has quite a pitching arm, that Candy), it looks as if Pat’s making some progress, although I’m suffering through this endless whinefest.

As we come back from commercial, the still shot just before the segment has Rocío and Lucía’s smiling faces, and that brings me out of my funk. Santi and the girls are relaxing on the big bed, eating fritos and making gritos (shouts) of joy, as they watch a movie, apparently a scary one! Isabel and Jamie join the party, bearing burgers on a platter, and the five squeal with delight at the scary movie on TV.

Mari is enjoying replaying her spycam recording of Barb’s discussion with the ladies before Mari came in, when her phone rings. It’s Alicia, who wants to know if Mari has eaten yet. Why? Well, Ali wants Mari to take good care of HER baby (Alicia’s!), and good nourishment is very important. Ali informs Mari that Pat has just about agreed to the adoption. And since Ali has told Pat she may have to adopt from a foreign country, that part of the plan is also working. But Ali worries that if Mari leaves the country, too, Santiago could get suspicious. Mari tells Ali not to worry about that, she’s got everything under control, Santiago could search for his son over sky, sea or land, but will never find him.

Z&T have put a little sign on the front of the reservations desk of the restaurant, heralding the “show of Merengue and Zarzamora”. I guess the show is a puppet show, to be put on behind said desk. A dour Charly is led in by Meño, complaining that he doesn’t want to see a show of tarugos (pieces of wood), but Meño tells him not to say tarugos to the tarugos (which also means blockheads, i.e. Z&T). Toño asks if they have tickets, and since they don’t, he puts on a silly mustache and proceeds to sell them tickets at 100 pesos each.

Okay, back to Pat and Candy AGAIN. The only part of this I’m enjoying is that the camera keeps showing Candy’s low cut top, and I love that little birthmark! Sorry, but I’m just bored with their whining. When she died, he died too. Why did he pick Alicia? Did he love her? No, never. Blah, blah, blah. Candy’s different now. No she’s not, he loves her even if she changed. She wants him to pardon her (I think he already did), she puts her rock in his hand and he throws 2 rocks, with a big heave, and we get to give this scene a heave-ho. ¡Por fin!

Okay, the puppet show has begun. Zamora asks Merengue (being controlled by Z) why do women have it better than men? Because they don’t have to marry women! Bada bing! Zamora loves his job, feels like a fish in the water. Merengue asks him what’s so good about that, what does he have to do in his job? Well, nothing! Bada boom! Charly is cheering up, and Meño sees it, says let’s get outta here, on the count of three. One, two three, and Meño, followed by a happier Charly, splits the scene, leaving a babbling Z&T.

Back at girls’ festival day (aka daughters’ day), Lucía is singing a pretty love song “You arrived, and were a blessing”, she gets a little misty, tho, thinking about Charly, but Santi gives her a big hug, and a lot of encouragement for her nice song and nice voice (and she is actually a very good singer). She suggests going to the piano to continue the musical portion of our fiesta. And of course they have a piano player in Jaime. What should they sing? Luc says it’s Santi’s choice, and she’s happy now about this daughters’ day, because she really feels like Santi’s daughter. She wants him to be her papá, and he can have a daughters’ day whenever he wants!

We have a short scene at Candy’s house, in which Gregoria berates Margarita. Why did Marg make such a big thing out of Arturo’s “affair” with Gregoria, if Marg knew all along they weren’t lovers? Well, Marg just wanted to teach Art a lesson, as a woman, you understand, right, Gregoria? No, wrong, it’s time for you to leave, and don’t bother coming back, in fact don’t call me again, period, as Gregoria hustles Marg (who thinks it’s all no biggie) out the door.

At the house of girl fun, there’s general merriment, a game of tag leads to hide and seek, which leads to music at the piano (a four hand rock and roll duet with Jaime and Santi, although we don’t really hear what they’re playing, as a sped up montage shows Santi, Rocío, Lucía, Isabel, Jaime, Tina and Donato, all having a blast.

And it’s back to Pat and Candy AGAIN, still sitting on that dock. Okay, she tells him he has been the only man she was ever “with”, and he lets out a whoop of male pride. But they’ve both changed, soooo much. Now they’re older, they’re mature now (gag me with a spoon), for both of them, their children are their whole lives (except for right now, of course). Pat thinks it’s a special moment (again), something is going to happen, let’s get back in the little rowboat.

In contrast, Santi, although he put on a good show to cheer up the girls, is back alone with his worries, knowing Candy is with Patricio, and as he sees his other self sitting in the chair, reminding him how much he hurts, he thinks he’s starting to go nuts.

At Iron Towers (Torre de Hierro), where Marissa lives, it’s time for the coven to convene, as sister witch Alicia has arrived to stir the cauldron a little more. Well, actually it’s care for the baby time, as Ali snatches the coffee cup from Mari (no more caffeine, hon), and gets out a shopping bag. What’s inside? Well, we start with a little baby shirt, and guess what? Mari bought the same one! They’re merging or blending (mimetizandose). (Uh oh, if we blend Mari with Alicia, we could get Malicia!) Except that the next little clothing item Ali gets out disgusts Mari (who, of course can change moods at the slightest provocation). Ali calms her down, though, and asks if she can put her head on Mari’s panza to listen to or feel the baby kicking, as we leave our twisted sisters to go to commercial.

Now, it’s really getting good (and weird, or good and weird). Mari remarks how nice it is to have Alicia with her head on Mari’s belly, the two of them are getting closer, but something doesn’t square with her (no me cuadra). Ali, smiling away, purrs, what do you mean? Mari says normally you’re cold and calculating, but now you’re so…..loving. Ali deviously replies, “you think I’m faking it?” Mari’s eyes grow, she’s not sure.

And it’s back to Pat and Candy AGAINagainagainagainagain. Now they’re back afloat, in their little bitty boat, and Pat says he KNOWS something special is going to happen, but he doesn’t know what it will be. And you know what? He’s right, again. I kid you not, Pat has some pull, or riches, or good writers, because a giant black eagle or hawk flies overhead, lands on the boat, drops off a single pink flower, I think it may be a carnation, and takes off again. Candy is laughing, almost speechless, asks how Pat did that one, Pat says he couldn’t have done that, it’s a magic place, and when there’s love, magic happens. So marry me, Candy. Your fear has gone up into the air, you’re smiling, marry me or I’ll tip over the boat. And she still doesn’t answer him, but they both stand up, and giggling, both fall overboard, start splashing each other, start KISSING each other, and I think Pat has just been given the white flag for the final lap, and is surging around the final turn toward the finish line.

In contrast, Santiago has a sore back. Well, not really, although Isabel is massaging his shoulders after all the horseplay. He’s glad the girls had a fun day, he’s even starting to warm up to the “intruder” (Jaime), since he makes Isa happy. But Isa reminds him that Lucía’s problems are pretty grave, and if there’s any way Santi could do a miracle, now would be the time (well, Pat seems to do miracles, why not Santi! – as you know, I’m on team Santi, but keep it quiet.)

So, inquires Marissa of Alicia, are you a hypocrite, or what? No, I’m a first class liar, and proud of it. Mari thinks she’s a pretty good liar, too. Better than I? challenges Ali. No, maybe not, but are you faking or what? Ay, Marissa, sometimes you’re so intelligent, but sometimes so naïve. But you know what, if I can fool you, I can fool anybody, and the two share a knowing, bruja power stare.

And it’s back to Pat and Candy AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGG, okay you know the rest. It’s dark now, their clothes got wet. The tent is set up, Pat wants to know if Candy is still afraid. No, she isn’t. Hurray, says Pat. Yeah, now I’m terrified (ahora tengo pavor)! Hmmm, not so good. Candy reiterates her same rap, still afraid, don’t want to be hurt (I guess I was wrong about the home stretch thing I said earlier). She’s a little cold, he built a fire, let’s roast marshmallows, and look at the sky. You won’t believe this, but Pat has arranged the stars to spell out Candy’s name! No, just kidding on that one.

And to finish off the evening, our two witchy women (both with shoes on the couch – what bad manners!) verify their life goals. Alicia’s sort of glad she doesn’t have to have a baby, what with ruining her figure, carrying all that weight around. Marissa doesn’t even care about that, she cares about only one thing – vengeance against Santiago. And Alicia only cares about getting back Pat – however she can. Do you really think you’ll get him back? Yes, I do, she responds, a little defensive. Mari asks if Ali has thought about the future of the baby. Nah, it’s not worth it at this point. Mari then summarizes the situation. We have this elaborate plan with the baby. I’m doing it for vengeance. You’re doing it to get a man. And you know what? She takes another bite of popcorn, and laughingly adds, I don’t even want the baby!

These girls are BAD.

Next time: Rocío and Lucía want Candy to be their Mamá, but Marissa was watching on the spycam!


Voltear: to overturn (something). Last time, I had voltearse, which is to turn around (yourself)
Tarugos: pieces of wood, like dowels, or blockheads
Mimetizar – to merge or blend
No me cuadra – it doesn’t square with me, something’s not quite right
Tengo pavor – I’m terrified


Dude you totally made me cry with your awesome song! Well done Hombre. OK, I'm going to blow my nose and read your recap now. Thank you so much for sharing your talent.

I'm with you re: the dull, dull, dull scenes with Candy and Patricio. I just can't bear to hear them say that same stuff over and over, luckily I am not recapping and use my FF button. Thanks for the recap!

Did anyone get the details that Marissa and Alicia have going? Marissa talks so darn fast, in fact they both do, but it seemed to me that Alicia was indicating that she didn't care anything about the baby either. I thought toward the end of their conversation she was saying something to that effect, and called it "pobricito" or was she referring to Santiago?

I am always amazed at the details I get, which are not usually as important as the ones I miss. For example, I believe when Zamora was doing his little "show" with Merengue, he mentioned he felt like a fish in the water and does "nada" which means both "nothing" as well as "swim". I was all excited that I got the humor/play on words. But then I totally miss other big details! I guess it's just part of learning another language, and I have to be patient!

Thanks everyone for filling in the blanks for me that I miss with your comments and recaps!

You're funny...eating fritos and making gritos, Malicia, dock of the bay, twisted sisters...good stuff.

It's official, Pat and Candy should NOT end up together, they are way too boring. Just imagine a lifetime of that crap.

The twisted sisters are horrifyingly fun; I'm quite enjoying them.

Thanks for the very entertaining recap Hombre.

Fantastic job, Hombre d'M! I loved your "sister witch Alicia has arrived to stir the cauldron a little more." Thank you for expliaing the "Malicia" conversations. They always zoom right past my comprehension.

My heart went out to you though. Watching the cap, I was sure glad I had switched nights with you. The nonsense with Barb in the institute, and then the boring endless drivel between Pat and Candy. I'm usually a sucker for the intensely emotional stuff, but BASTA!! It was too much even for me.

Did you notice, when the eagle was flying, its talons and beak were empty. Where'd the flower come from? Well, we know how mama birds feed their chicks...

Regarding rearranging the stars, when I asked my nephew what his college major would be, I thought he said, "astro mechanical engineering." He could have moved the stars for Pat! Actually it was electro mech. eng. Pretty boring by comparison.

Was there any point to the scene between the suegritas? And what about Santiago's other self? The last time Santi-2 showed up, it was to goad him into action. This time it seemed pointless.

When Luc was singing, I thought she was singing to Santiago, that he came into her life. But maybe it got her thinking about Charly too.

And Shucks! They went and teased us about Camil singing, but we never got to hear him sing. Then again, having heard the songs on the CD he was finalizing when Tontas aired, most of them are songs he wouldn't let his daughters listen to anyway!

BTW, I'm pretty sure that the stars Pat pointed our were the constellation Taurus. Usually on TV they use fake star images. This looked fake, but fake of an actual constellation.

Thanks for the recap Hombre. Congratulations on your daughter getting married and your song.

I guess Barbara is floating back into the bad camp after her brief time on the good team. Loved your Malicia reference. Since this novela has been darker than expected, I wonder how awful the end of the wicked sisters will be?

Deb - you aren't alone in being able to get one small part of the picture but missing the big pic. Hang in there. It does start coming together for you.

Hombre, that was beautiful. I still have goosebumps. Lovely!


Deb: You're totally right on both of the details you caught. I completed missed the double entendre of nada meaning "I swim". Way funnier with the second meaning! And I do think Alicia doesn't care about the baby either, and was calling it pobrecito in a joking, dismissive tone.

Paula: I'm sure you're right, that Luc was singing the song to Santiago at first. I was struggling so much to hear things with the close caption problem that I missed a lot of nuances. Thanks for all your comments.

Thank you Hombre for the recap and sharing the details of the wedding!
Mariloca and Al are a little too creepy for me. Head on the tummy was very strange.
I agree, Pat and Candy are getting more boring by the day.
When they went in the water I was hoping for a little tragic excitment but looks like they landed safe and sound to drone on endlessly some more.
Team Santi is falling way behind. I don't know how our hero can catch up and at this point I'm not sure I even want him to.
Is there no one else for Santi????
Rachel where are you????

Carrie L.

Hey hey, I'm on team Santi! Even though Pat is trying hard to change I think Candy would be a taruga to go back with him.

Deb, I forgot to thank you for your clarifications on the double-entendre, and good for you for catching it.

Hombre, a very good recap and I enjoyed your singing as well. Thanks for sharing with us.

OK, it looks like Santi has the mystical George Flowers in his corner, but now Pat appears to have Mommy Nature on his side. The eagle bearing a carnation was powerful stuff. I am really perplexed as to who will finally triumph. It's curious that we are usually dismayed at the impulsivity of our characters and in this TN it's taking Candy forever to make up her mind.


Oh Hombre...what a great dad you are. I got very misty eyed listening to you sing...the words were wonderful, the feeling even better...and it's tough to switch in a phrase from English to Spanish and you did it beautifully. I liked that song from the start but it is even more dear to me now.

You were great in your description of the two wicked witches. "Malicia" is perfect...and so clever.

As for Pat and Candy, they've done this same forgiveness scene before and the first time it was moving. Now it's just boring and repetitive. The writers need to come up with something else to drag this thing out. Oh well. In the meantime, we can just use Melinama's strategy: Pat's lines: Candy's lines: Pat's lines: Candy's lines ad nauseum.

Amor Es Para Siempre will be playing in my head and in my heart all day. Muchas gracias Papa Hombre.

Pobrecito is right! The baby's birth mother conceived him as a tool, and now she's using him as a weapon. The apparant adoptive mother is now going to use him as a tool; how long until she uses him as a weapon too? Sadly the case in all to many families. The problem is, when you hit a baseball with a bat, the bat gets hit just as hard as the baseball. You just know, in TN justice, baby will somehow end up with the only one who loves him, the one who values him because he's a child, not a tool.

On a lighter note, HEY! SANTIAGO! I think Rachel needs another consultation. Schedule it for the last appointment of the day, eh?

Thanks to all of you for the kind words about the song and Tracy's wedding. She's on her way to Thailand for the honeymoon! Hopefully she won't be as bored as Jacqui from Querida Enemiga was.

Paula, I'd love to see Santi with Rachel. But is he really allowed to sleep with anyone else at this point, and still have a chance of getting Candy back? He already slept with Marissa and Paulina, and I think there's a telenovela good-guy sex limit written somewhere in the rules :)

Naah, it doesn't have to be a "special" consultation, and Rachel doesn't seem that easy. But if it's his last appointment, they could get talking and talking, and forget about the time, and she would really care about his problems instead of interrupting with her ancient history, and he just might start to realize that not all women are nut cases, only the ones he falls for.

Paula! You just condemned Rachel to nut status!

Watching poor dumb Patricio last night, I wondered if he's thought of what would happen if Candy said "yes." I'd foresee her serving him a warm bowl of "you don't know how much you hurt me" for breakfast every morning and a plate of "how can I forget what you did" every evening for dinner.

That boy ain't right.

Well put, Mike. Of course Santiago may be accumulating a list of unforgettable mistakes as well. This Candy character keeps an ominous ledger book, I must say.

I'm hoping Candy and Santi will eventually get together because she is the one he wants.
Her back and forth with Pat has gotten so annoying that I wouldn't have minded last night if the eagle had toppled the boat and they would have both drifted downstream and maybe over the edge of a waterfall.
I'd like to see Rachel or someone else come into the mix to give Candy a little competition for Santi's affection.
Pat has gotten to be more likeable and now seems to be everyone's friend.
Perhaps he could join the religious life and become Father Pat?
You are absolutely right Mike. Breakfast and dinner exactly!

Carrie L.

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