Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tontas No Van - Wed. March 25 - Macho, macho man....I've got to be a macho man...
I don't know, songs came to my head tonight. First I owe you all an apology for my delay in posting last week. I ended up super busy with work all week and part of the weekend, and well in these days, if work comes your way, you take it gleefully. I do still plan to finish last week's, and since there is no Tontas tomorrow, I'll try hard to post it then, even though it may not matter much for most people. I may take my sweet time getting around to things, but I do like to come through in the end.
So, here we are...
Pato complains about how loca Ali is.
Chayo and Lalo fight over who is deaf and who was coming. Santi and Candi are listening outside of the front door thinking they might tiptoe away when Chayo opens it and welcomes them in.

Issy asks Donato what he’s doing with her photo.
Candi and Santi are sitting on the respective halves of the room without their hosts and talk about how things are going. He said he didn’t know she would be there or he wouldn’t have come except that he is very confused and he was wrong. He thinks it’s horrible though that she told his daughters she’s not his girlfriend.
She retorts that she is going to stop telling lies, so he can stop calling her Madam Liar. Santi tells her he dreamed that she married him and tells her she should send Pato off the deep end. She says Pat says the same about him. He suggests they flip for whether she marries him or Pato. She says that’s not how things should be done, one doesn‘t decide one‘s life with a coin toss. She calls him Macho and makes a comment about men being all the same give or take a few centimeters. Santi of course thinks she's shallow for suggesting something like that because he's thinking with "that" brain, you know, but she clarifies she meant height!
He continues with this idea insisting the truth lies with the toss. Eventually she agrees that if it’s the eagle she’ll stay with Pato, but if it’s the sun she’ll go with him. They are using a ten peso coin, and it turns out to be a sun, but she shields it from his view. She says she’ll only show him when she wants to decide her life with a coin toss. He teases her that it must have been the sun in that case. I swear her underwear is showing from those super low hipsters she’s got on.

Issy and Donato fight about the picture, him fumbling over having found it and forgetting to give it back to her and her saying it’s been missing for two years, now. She wonders why, if he kept it so long in his vest pocket he never cleaned the vest, found and gave it back.

Issy tells Jaime about Donato and her picture. Jaime tells her he thinks Donato is in love with her. She doesn’t agree at first , but he says anyone who meets her would fall in love with her and they talk silly voices and get excited about going to bed.
Candi and Santi have started drinking wine and pretty much staying out of the fire. Chayo and Lalo break from the yelling fest only to slog down some wine. Ladies with white, men with red.
Issy consoles Jaime on his apparent inability to, you know. Guess his fear was realized. He says this was the first time it happened to him. She begs God for patience with macho anxiety.
Candi and Santi leave the pair still yelling at each other. Once outside the door Candi gets the call that something happened to Meno.
They get to the hospital to learn that Tio Meno just had a bout with high blood pressure. They know it’s because he hasn’t been taking his medicine the way he should. He says he just hurts over his son. They give hugs.

Santi is wearing a yellow cow spot shirt, when he gets a call from Marissa beckoning him to therapy with Barb. He agrees.
Candi and Sole are discussing that Beto wanted Sole to be the girlfriend of Santi and that Chava did the same to Candi. Lulu brings them their salaries in an envelope and Candi swears she’ll save it for the building and live only off the magazine money.
Ma & Pa are in therapy which doesn’t go well and gets worse when Barb asks Santi if he’s sure it’s his baby. Like a macho he gets offended that maybe she thinks he’s not capable(of producing that which a baby needs to form). He walks out eventually in a huff. Barb gets mad and doesn’t like this whole concept and I think wants out of therapizing them. Mari is offended that she’s more concerned about professionalism and threatens that Barb will need Mari one day.
Grego is taking care of Meno who has made it home at this point. They argue about whether they are of the same age, she thinks not, he’s much older, but he says she’ll grow three wrinkles on her forehead and will end up his age. She leaves and he utters something about her being sort of a pain but that she makes good tea, he thinks.
Ali is still keeping up with this charade that she wants a baby and Pato’s Ma is impressed at the baby room. She thinks Pato should see it, so Ali calls him at work, but he was just kissy facing with Candy. He says he’ll come, but after, as he’s the coach so has to go to the match with his kids. Pato will be in charge of the strategy at the game he told Candi on the phone.

Santi goes to hospital, still in his banana holstein shirt to get the HIV results for Lu. He gets into the car and opens them. He makes a very emotional, but non-emotionally descript face. In other words, we don’t know which way they went.
Pato and Candi are making kissy faces and discussing the kids. Santi rolls up probably to talk about the results and sees them making out and decides he’d best move along. We still don’t know the results.
At the game Pato gives Chava huge hugs. Later whiny Sole interrupts that Beto made a goal too. Pato looks at her with a funky eye and gives Beto encouragement too.

Sole complains that Pato pays more attention to Chava than Beto. Ah jeez here we go again. Candi tells her that’s nonsense, and just watch him he loves them both. They laugh and Sole shakes off that double personality evil half for a little while.
Donato laughs off Jaime’s suggestion of unrequited love. Things get serious. Jaime says look, you wouldn’t have that picture for two years for the hell of it so what gives. Donato is p***d Jaime suggested he’s lying.
Donato says he’s not in love just grateful for some help. He says he was in prison for three years for something he never did. After, no one would give him work, he remembers the pain of going hungry. Issy gave him work when no one else would and for that and saving his life he carries her close to his heart always for appreciation. Jaime wants to know what he was in for. Donato won’t say except that he wouldn’t even kill an ant, so he‘s not dangerous. He says to keep this a secret in front of his girlfriend. Jaime is perplexed and doesn’t believe that Tina is the girlfriend. Donato bets him he’ll get a kiss.
Back at the field, Beto asks the dreaded, who do you love more question, me or Chava. Pato asks him what he likes more, Strawberries and Cream or Chocolate with ice cream…..both Beto says and won't choose. Pato’s point is made for him. He loves them both the same and couldn’t choose, they are both his campeons.
Lu is still freaking out about not really knowing for sure that she is in the clear and Abue and Santi still are trying damage control for Santi telling the truth about how these tests go. Candi calls to find out the results and he tells her fine, and he’ll come over later to talk to her.
Sole’s other personality appears again briefly and she and Pato have the "you love him more" talk. Of course he denies it for either and tries to tell her to cheer up. What a crappy situation.
Don bribes Tina with a little dinero to kiss him. She does and thanks him for the money, we think. Jaime apologizes for doubting and pays up. Tina returns the money and says she doesn’t want his kiss and gives him another kiss. He smiles and tastes it.
Chayo and Lalo are still arguing over how much he makes, she thinks he won’t tell so she won't learn how much he spent on his lovers. There is a maid there who clearly has a “closer” relationship with Lalo than Chayo and she agrees not to answer Chayo's question of how much she is paid, for her work here, not any "extras". Lalo and maid are calling each other little deers. Estrella, this maid, repeats that the senor is not going to tell the Senora anything about his bank accounts etc. Well, behind the magazine Chayo had a tape recorder. She jumps up that she is taking that to her lawyer. Lalo is a bit impactado. And we are left for Friday.
Labels: Tontas
Good photo of Santi and Candy. Ever notice, even though TNs are packed full of conversations, it seems you can never get a screenshot of two faces in conversation. It's always either a super-closeup of each actor (head only, often scalped), or if you see two people, it's from a 1/4 angle so you see the back of one and front of the other (like Santi and Luc). Very uncommon to get two cara-a-cara like Candy and Santi.
Anyway, awesome job on some hard-to-follow conversations.
Thanks for the pictures and that wonderful description of Santi's shirt..."BANANA HOLSTEIN"...Lordy, that's going to stick in my mind along with the song. A strange mix.
Chayo and Lalo are just too cute together. I can't believe they're going to get divorced. In fact I think the whole process is dragging on because they really don't want to split up. I know, I know, everybody hates the guy but I kinda like him. Don't know why. Have always been a sucker for little wiry smarta** types. I'm still hoping he'll see the light and reform....and do better by Chayo than once a month!
Good to see you back in full fighting form, amiga! Enjoyed it.
I'm glad work let up enough for you to finish the recap, I always enjoy your unique way of skewering the action. Good call on Chayo's smirk; I can't believe you were able to capture it! Nice job.
So is the honeymoon over for Isa and Jaime? Will this give Donato a chance to insert himself into the picture? Or is he now becoming interested in Tina?
I'm glad they are portraying Lucia's situation realistically, that she's not suddenly free and clear. But Charly needs to listen to our own Dr. Carlos...when will he get cracking with his treatment?
I'm a little confused about Chayo and Lalo, how does recording their conversation help her out with a divorce? If she'd filed for divorce hadn't she already told her lawyer that Lalo wouldn't reveal his salary? Maybe it was a her word against his sort of thing?
You cleared up things I missed or just simply didn’t understand. I had absolutely no idea why Lucia went into her tailspin after being told her results were negative. Of course, retesting. Kudos to the writers for treating the situation so realistically.
I hadn’t realized Donato was in jail. Did I miss that? Enjoyed his interplay with Jaime and his quick-thinking cover up. I believe it was Carlos who said he wasn’t on board with Jaime initially but is liking him more now. Me too.
Thanks to Judy who is kindly posting this for me. Not being able to post is similar to listening to a fascinating conversation but being unable to speak. Diana in MA
I thought Candy's line "all men are the same, give or take a few centimeters" (um, not like she'd know personally) was really funny, but at the same time I'm fed up with that attitude of hers. Obviously Santi is much more than a sexist pig, and Pato is at least trying to reform, and her uncle is about the farthest thing from it, so why does she keep spewing that venom?
Thanks for the fun recap.
I feel sorry for Donato to have been in jail for 3 years for a crime he didn't commit. Maybe he'd have some kind of lawsuit in the U.S., but things may be different in Mexico.
Speaking of which, in our country, of course Chayo would know how much money her husband made, as long as they filed joint tax returns. She could read it before signing it.
And the little envelope of cash for the salary also shows how different things are in other countries. It's fascinating to see all these cultural differences (although many things, such as cellphones, laptops, etc., are very similar.
I added to the part about the centimeters with a little extra dialog as you reminded me I didn't put that in there. There are quite a number of conversations that were more detailed, but time prevents me mostly from typing them!!
Regarding Donato and his time in the brink...I'm not so sure that isn't more than a fib to get Jaime off his trail, I mean, arguably it's a dangerous fib, but that is what would make it more believable, like, why would you tell someone something bad about yourself unless it were true, right? Anyway, I think it may not be.
I'm thinking only that the recording is helpful in that in Lalo's own voice he is admiting to being less than forthcoming, and suggests he's even in cahoots with another woman (maid voice is also on there) all this just lends tangible evidence of Chayo's complaints that Lalo is not honest and is hiding stuff from her, be it girls or money or what have you, and this makes anything he says less credible, something a judge would certainly consider when evaluating who should get what in a divorce proceeding.
Even here, you know, it's possible that if the wife doesn't work, and has no income, she is not obligated to file a return, jointly or separately, and a husband can file for himself without her ever having to sign anything of his, and accordingly not knowing anything about his income.
I haven't heard collateral confirmation, but NXclusiva seems more reputable than some.
I agree Julia, why does Candy keep spewing the venom? It gets both annoying and boring.
Good news Paula, he might do another telenovela? I wonder if we will be able to see it in the US?
I think Chayo and Lalo are cute. It's obvious they still care about each other. If only he could be faithful.
I always liked the Village People's Macho Man.
Now I can't get it out of my head. Ha.
Carrie L.
Poor Meño, he is the best in this story and everything happens to him.
I like Candy and Santi together, but not as much as Candy and Patricio (I think I'm the only one here), the coin was a bit absurd, but it didn't annoy me much, by the way, that was a Ten Pesos coin.
Just to share a story, my mom also didn't know how much money my father made at work, it wasn't until I started working with him in the same company that one day I went to get our envelopes (He had given his consent for that) and I saw how much he made and told later to my mom, two months ago I had a tax discount in my salary that didn't made sense so I was complaining to my mom about it we got to talk about my dad's salary and she had already forgotten how much he makes. Most women here don't care how much their husband makes at work as long as they provide for them. It's just something that they feel doesn't concern them. Times are changing though, so maybe in ten years that won't be the case.
His first co-production when he was very young was "Los Ricos Tambien LLoran", he made one of my favorite novela de época "Pueblo Chico, Infierno Grande" with his sister Veronica Castro, he also made the last remake of "Rubí" with Bárbara Mori and Eduardo Santamarina, he also made "Ángela" with his then wife Angelica Rivera, and that is my second favorite role of hers after "La Dueña" (just for pure gossip they were together about twelve years and have three daughters together)·
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