Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tontas Tuesday March 24, '09 We're Moving Along At Glacial Speed

Well, we've got a new intro, folks, but otherwise it's the same old same old. In fact the plot movement these days reminds me of a slow drain. Everything keeps swirling around but never goes anywhere. We're knee-deep in icky-poo and no hope in sight.

But anyway, here's what went down...Hah! Charlie's tormenting himself by looking at the video he took of Lucia in happier days. Gregoria tries to comfort him and to reassure him that it wasn't his fault. But he says it was because he didn't protect himself (or his partner) by using contraception. Chava's listening in on all this, while hugging his wee dog, and promises himself that he'll find a way to protect Charlie from "whoever is trying to kill him". Later he reassure him that he's asked "Diosito" for help and Charlie has nothing to worry about. After all, Chava asked Diosito for a dad, and not only did he get one, he got grandparents and a cousin (Charlie) as well!

Humor break. Zamora's performing for the restaurant folks with a joke. Meño tells him to make it a "short one". But Z doesn't know any dwarf jokes. Ay yi yi. I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt. Aren't yours? Meño reminds him he needs a waiter...a worker...not a performer, even though Zamora protests that he's a raging success.

Now back to Candy and Patricio in the Love Tent, having their millionth discussion of the wedding fiasco. Patricio wants her to know that Alicia forced the kiss on him. Candy reminds him that they threw their forgiveness stones in the water and there's no need to go over the past again. (Oh please! Let it be so!) Okay. Patricio's on board. He just wants her to know that he loves her. And how great is his love? Well, if you went to the moon and back 8 thousand times, that would about cover it.

They're not the only ones discussing love. Santiago and Rocio are having that talk as well. He's explaining that "amor no se busca, se encuentra" (You don't look for love, you find it...or it finds you). In other words, you can't force it, it just happens. Rocio's trying to work all this out with Papa's romantic history. Paulina was his fiancee and wife, but she's not anymore. And Marissa was his fiancee but not anymore. Thank G..! Santiago starts to say and then stops. So fiances just suddenly appear...like Chava for me, adds Rocio. NO! retorts Papa. He's not underwriting any mini-romances right now, thank you very much.

Back to the tent. Patricio's talking with the Good Lord now, thanking him for giving him life , giving him time to correct his mistakes, giving him a chance to believe in love again, giving him this love that he feels for Candy. She listens. She smiles. And she turns away. And suggests they go to sleep. BUT....she says, "Goodnight Amor". That's enough for Patricio, evidently, who cozily spoons up next to her and we presume they drift off to sleep. Have to give Pat points here for amazing self-control and patience. We break for an ad while we wonder at all this.

When we come back, we see Charlie at Santiago's office, waiting to talk to him. Have to give Charlie even more points for incredible courage. A grim-faced Santiago sweeps past him and tells Hortensia "no calls".

It's the next day. Our two lovebirds are awake. Patricio's saying he doesn't want to pressure her. He's at peace knowing she knows that he loves her. Definitely a candidate for sainthood, our Patricio. Candy, of course, is still dithering. So much on her mind. Charlie. Lucia. Marissa. The baby. The Institute. No matter, says Patricio. If we're together, it's all going to work out. Okay, maybe not a candidate for sainthood. More of a cock-eyed optimist award. But hey, cut him some slack. Love will do that to ya'.

Lucia is at home, grimly checking information on AIDS and Acquired Immune Deficiency on the Internet. Granny intervenes, reminds her not to get ahead of things. She doesn't know yet if she's actually infected. But there's no cure, cries Lucia. No more of that. Isabella pulls her outside for a walk in the sun-filled garden. Life calls. One must listen.

Santiago though can barely manage to be in the same room with Charlie, must less listen. The young man is telling him he doesn't care if he dies....as long as Lucia is alright. Santiago suggests they talk at another time. There won't be another time for me, answers Charlie. Some eye-rolling by Santiago. You CAN have a good quality of life, you DO have many more years of life ahead of you, he manages to say.

The walk with Isabella hasn't gotten Lucia's mind off the subject (understandably). If I'm infected, I can't have children, I can't go to Los Angeles, I can't be a pediatrician. Am I wrong to reject Charlie now? she asks her grandmother. Tough love from Granny. Charlie didn't do this to you. With a couple, both people are responsible. Both need to be accountable for protection.

Hortensia is being a much more sympathetic listener with Santiago. He's berating himself for not being more strict...if he had been, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Hortensia thinks that Lucia is pregnant. No, that's LIFE. This is not, he mourns. Another ad.

Meño's consulting with Barbara since she's well-versed on the subject of parent-child relationships and he needs help. But, turns out she doesn't know much about AIDS. So she'll research that and then get back to him. In the meantime, Patricio and Candy breeze into the office and Soledad says she wants to talk to them....BOTH of them. Dum de dum dum.

More talk about "amor no se busca, se encuentra" at Santiago's place. Jaime is joking that he didn't look for Isabella but she looked for him! They all agree that Marissa is a lost cause because she's a lot more "especial" than they thought. "especial" in this case is a "false friend". It doesn't mean "special" but rather "difficult". Candy, on the other hand, is deemed "buena onda" (nice, cool) by Rocio so she and Lucia decide they will try and get Candy and Santiago together. After all, Dad's been doing some serious moping lately.

Indeed. Now he's moping with Lalo, though one can hardly blame him. Eduardo gives the same advice as the rest of the characters...don't get ahead of yourself. You don't know yet if Lucia is infected. Well, there are also Marissa's threats. At this point the bell rings, the girls arrive, Lucia and Rocio come in, Lucia calls Santiago "Papa" and Lalo is dumbstruck. But in a good way. And as Santiago points out, it's a two-syllable endearment....not Pa...but Papa. Way better.

Not so good is Soledad's take on things. She understands that Patricio prefers Candy to her, but does that mean he should make a difference between how he treats Chava and how he treats Beto? They're both his sons. Patricio protests that he's not treating them differently...he would never do that. Candy says nothing but looks kind of sour. Pat reassures Soledad...or tries to...that the boys are the same to him, both are his sons. Another ad.

When we come back, Chayo is telling Candy she has some surprise guests in her office....and it's a good surprise. Yep, it's Lucia and Rocio, with Santiago in tow, asking Candy to be their papa's girlfriend. Marissa is watching all this on her spycam and spewing toxic waste hither and yon.

Cut to Meño, looking unusually dapper in a cream silk suit, complemented by a dusty rose handkerchief and shirt. Clearly he's the darling of the wardrobe department. Alas, he finds an ominous farewell note from Charlie bidding him good-bye and saying he's leaving so as not to be a burden to anyone.

Candy's kicking Santiago out, explaining that this is girl-talk time while Marissa spews more venom and gets ready to light up a cigarette. We're shocked of course but to show you how times have changed, not only did my mom smoke through all her pregnancies but my first obstetrician smoked in his office while talking to me. And I worked in a place where my editor chain-smoked cigars while everyone else (but me) puffed away as well. I expected my poor baby to arrive looking like a little cinder but she was fine.

Anyway, Barb, when entering the office and finding Marissa with the shocking cigarette in her mouth, tries to talk sense into her and gets nowhere. And points out that Marissa is in HER office. Marissa replies that the whole place is HERS so get out already.

The discussion twixt Candy and the girls is a mite more civilized. Candy explains that she has to resolve something in her past before she can think about getting involved with anyone. But Papa's sad, he misses you, protest the girls. And Papa is about to discover Marissa's secret. He hears Rocio's voice, enters the office, find Marissa and wonders what's up. But the whole subject gets forgotten when he spots the cigarette in her mouth and the whole baby-safety discussion starts over again.

Alright. Back to the Charlie situation. Meño's frantic and they're asking Lucia if she knows where he might go. Turns out she does because he asked her to meet him one last time and she refused. They persuade her, in the name of the love she once felt for him, to meet him.

Humor break again. Chayo's dusting her side of the apartment and complaining about the dirty socks and nasty smell on Lalo's side of things. He plays it nice for a moment, admitting that he did value her work...the cleaning, the laundry, the ironing, the cooking, the er, other little things but now....Is love going to rebloom? Nah...now he has....ta dah...enter Estrella, a babe maid in a sexy outfit, ready to wait on him hand and foot and call him "venadito" (literally "fawn". but a term of endearment like "honey" or "darling").

Meanwhile, Meño's health seems to be deteriorating even faster than Charlie's. He's clutching his head, sick with worry about his son. If he robbed, or was a drug addict, I could protect him, he sighs. But what can I do with this damned illness?! Another ad.

Now we're in the kitchen with Lulu and Toño is trying out a little joke on her. Why are men like Chinese food? Well I hope you know, 'cause I didn't catch the answer. Lulu is encouraging, and reassures him that he can be as funny as Zamora. Toño's not convinced. He was picked on in school for being a little dumb guy. You have an enormous heart, Lulu reassures him, and Candy always says, Love has no size (talla). Hmmm.....could Toño be the galan for Lulu? Any guesses?

Meanwhile, things are cozy with Lalo and his "mucama" (servant). She's bringing him his slippers, tucking him into his couch/bed and asking if there's anything else she can do for her "venadito". Chayo's still got something up her sleeve though. She sashays in, wearing a black baby-doll lace nightie....whew!...and dangling her duster in Lalo's direction. Eduardo is practically howling at the moon and invites her over to the couch to get comfortable. Whoops. Chayo knees him in the nuts instead and suggests that he get comfortable with his "mucama" if she's so great. Clearly she's been hanging around Candy too much, our Chayo. Bad form.

Lucio finds a forlorn Charlie. And convinces him to go back and face the music so to speak. Marissa and Barbara have another chat. Marissa's boggled that Candy is going out with Patricio and trying to work things out there. She finally asks the 64 dollar question. Am I crazy? No, hedges Barbara. Candy's confused. And so are you. But you're a bit MORE confused. Then Barb scoots out the door.

Charlie and Meño reunite at the house, under the happy gaze of the rest of the family. Next time you leave, you leave with a big hug, not a note, insists Meño. Don't worry, it'll never happen again, Charlie reassures him.

But life is not the same. Meño is barking at everyone at the restaurant like a slave driver. They can't work fast enough or hard enough for him. And Hortensia's feeling the pressure as well. Santiago is meditating on his loneliness and confusion while absently patting her knee. I'm not made of wood, you know, she manages to gasp. Santiago looks startled and abruptly ends the discussion.

And speaking of abrupt endings....we cut back to the restaurant where Meño suddenly passes out and falls to the floor. Give Lulu kudos for promptly calling an ambulance. In most telenovelas, people seem to rush around and wail for a good 20 minutes before calling for help. Yay Lulu! And there we end for tonight.

Previews: Santiago proposes tossing a coin to decide whom Candy should be with, him or Patricio. She catches the coin. Who will it be? Let's flush this drain and get an answer already.

mucama = servant
me salió el tiro por la culata = it backfired on me (Santiago discussing his plight with Hortensia)
me importa un bledo = I don't give a darn
venadito = honey, darling, dear (literally 'fawn')

thought I'd just throw in some other expressions that you often hear in telenovelas..though not in this particular episode

no hay pero que valga = no "but's"
de buenas a primeras = out of the blue, suddenly
de mala gana = reluctantly
de mi puño y letra = in my own handwriting

And "Proverb of the Day"

A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando. God helps him who helps himself.


Thanks, Judy. Great job. You're right, no progress, but at least there were some really touching scenes. Yes, Pat deserves a premio for self control. But so does Santi. You could see that he just wanted to pound Charly to a bloody pulp, and considering how his life has gone lately, losing his grip and all, I don't know from where he pulled the strength for that kind of self control.

Cheers to Charly for asserting that he's responsible if Luc is infected, cheers to Meño for not denying the fact, and cheers to Isabel for making Luc carry part of the blame herself.

Did anyone catch the image, when Candy got the call that Charly had run away? Santi, Candy and the girls looked so much like a family grouping. They just seemed totally integrated.

I like how Jaime is gradually emerging as a voice of mature wisdom. He's no Meño, claro, but several times now, he has brought reason to a situation, often with a firm but gentle hand. I especially liked when Raul came to pick a fight with Santi, and Jaime took over and ushered him out.

Yes, Paula, Jaime "el intruso" is gently inserting himself into the family. Not taking it too fast. And it's working.

Woke up wondering if anybody was going to be on Team Toño and if he and Lulu might find love in the end...together OR separately.

Judy, another super recap. I marvel at and admire your work. I'm warming to Jaime a bit, something I didn't think would happen. Marissa is doing crazy better and better. Santiago seems to be flirting with crazy. It didn't seem to take as long for Charly to get his lab results back, different HMO perhaps? Does Soledad have any dresses? (Not that I'm complaining.) And what the hecks wrong with Meño?

Judy, both Baylor and OSU are still

viable in the ladies' NCAA tournament.


Hey, what the? I commented last night but now I don't see it. I must not have hit "publish".

I think Tono and Lulu would make a cute couple. They are both used to being overshadowed by those around them. I'll bet they could start a relationship and nobody would even notice for a while.

I was proud of Isabel for tellin' it like it is to Lucia.

Thanks Judy! Wish I could blab some more but I've got to dash to work.

There! I made sure I hit "publish" this time!

I finally was able to watch the show in its entirety last night. I couldn't wait to read Judy's recap today so I would really know what was going on. I totally agree with Isabelle that it is the responsibility of both partners to take precautions and each should take responsibility for their actions and outcome. Well said. Yes, when is Lucia going to get her results back?!! Marissa is a nutcase, CREEPY!

Judy, I just love your style of writing. Were you in journalism? You are so creative and amusing!

Thank you Judy!
I really like Tono and Lulu together. They are two fun, sweet people.
Poor Meno. That family certainly has a lot of illness.
Hopefully it's just exhaustion and not a heart attack or stroke.
I keep wondering when oh when will Luc get the test results???
Why is it taking so long?

Carrie L.

Hi guys. Thanks for checking in. I was feeling downright lonely!

Carlos, first thing this morning I checked and yessssss Baylor women are still in it. And we are too but an 11:30 pm game on the West Coast against a West coast team does not bode well. Keeping fingers crossed. And thanks for the kind words. And of course you caught my "nuptial nookie" on the Mañana line, you rascal.

Yes, Santiago has had several bouts of seeing Candy's face on every woman in sight. Obsessive love perhaps. Or is Marissa's craziness contagious. One of my favorite Christian Scientist sayings is "Only Love is contagious". Ah, if only it were so!

Soledad's uniform seems to be shorts. They do this regularly in telenovelas. Remember how we lamented Lorena's frumpy clothing!? Not that Soledad is frumpy in those shorts. Far from it.

Yes, Violet, I WAS in journalism years ago. Not by choice, although I really enjoyed it. I was teaching college French, and after I got married, could not find a good teaching job where my husband was. So started working for a newspaper and it was a wonderful experience. Really completed my liberal arts education I can tell you!

Getting Lucia's results back is taking as long as the wedding day of Fernanda in Mañana. Foreeeever.

Sylvia...glad you're as forgetful as I am. And sometimes the darn things just don't show up even when you DO hit "publish". I've gotten "duplicate error" sometimes (always after I've written a looong comment) and it drives me nuts.

Glad you like the Toño/Lulu matchup too. With his short stature, his head would fit very nicely on that ample bosom. Made for each other!

Carrie, the results are taking so long because the writers like to torture us with escalating tension. But also because the results really do take long (or seem like an eternity) when you're worried sick about the results. I remember once when I had to take a second mammography because of suspicious masses and believe me, waiting for the second results, or even the appointment for the second exam...seemed like forever.

With Meño, I was thinking maybe high blood pressure. He was holding his head earlier in the show, as he worried about Charlie. Lordy, I sure do hope it's not an aneurysm. We'll have to check with Carlos and see what he thinks.

It sounds like you have led a very rich life, Judy.

I am going to say Meño is suffering from stress. I hope that is all it is. I love this character. I also like Lulu and Tono together, very cute.

Wow, I wasn't expecting Meño to conk out like that. But combining his uncharacteristic behavior with his sudden collapse, and in light of my years of TN addiction, my diagnosis is....

cerebral aneurysm.

Coma to follow.


Well the Lulu/Toño matchup is intriguing. Whether it will go anywhere is anyone's guess.

Diana and I have corresponded off-line about the episode and she had a very wise observation about our duo:

"I would love Lulu and Toño to find love. I am not sure I necessarily think they will find it together. I see Lulu with someone as exuberant and full of life as she is. A loving, handsome man who sees and appreciates her beauty. I see Toño with someone quiet who will bring out his warmth and make him shine."

Isn't that great? Diane should be writing telenovelas instead of watching them.

Oh Carlos...I was afraid you'd say that. How long have you been watching telenovelas anyway? As long as Baylor basketball?

I like my diagnosis better, just plain ol' stress! I hope it isn't an aneurysm, but Carlos is the doctor!

Well, I'd certainly welcome a 2nd opinion. It's good to see a nurse in training step up,Violet. Let's hear from Vivi who has an excellent track record.

Judy, I've been watching TNs ever since Ramona(still my sentimental favorite). I dated a
girl at Baylor who was a Lady Bear. That was when they played with 6 on the floor with 2 remaining at each side of midcourt.


That's right, Violet, and a wise nurse always agrees with the doctor! (but I'm hoping it's just stress also.) We've already got a a boatload of angst and drama in this one, no more please!

Carlos...wow, will have to check out Ramona. Well, the" first" of anything is always sentimental favorite, no?

You've explosed my ignorance about women's basketball. Never knew about those odd numbers. For sure in recent years, the level of play and the skill set has risen dramatically. Our Lady Buckeyes are getting a lot more coverage now that the guys have taken an early fade from the NCAA.

Carlos was right about Cande's son and his diagnosis of leukemia, (even before anyone knew something was brewing--can you be my doctor, Carlos)?!! So I'm going to agree with him, of course!! But..what about a hemorrhagic stroke, Carlos? My mom suffered from that and had the headache as a presenting symptom.

Violet, yes of course an hemorrhagic stroke. I'm assuming his aneurysm suddenly ruptured. We Drs. need our nurses to keep us honest. Thanks.


Thanks Judy, another superb recap. I had thought Chayo told Ed to take the maid to his cama, but it was his "mucama", so now I've learned a new word. Thanks!

You're right that Chayo's been hanging around Candy with her knee-jerk reaction (a knee to the jerk), but at least she's not backing down. I was a little worried when I saw her expression upon seeing the mucama.

When Santi was listening to Charly, I was trying to imagine myself, listening to a young guy apologize for possibly giving my daughter HIV, and I just couldn't. My brain couldn't face that, and once again, I'm glad I'm not in a telenovela. Of course real people have these problems too, but not a new one every few days! Here we go again, now with Meño!

I know Meño will be okay. How would Cande survive without him? I would like to have a Tio like him! I just love his kitchen. We'll see what the diagnosis is, Carlos, can't wait.

Off to my microbiology lab....

Loved your riff on "knee-jerk" reaction, Hombre. Good one. I thought "cama" at first also. And "mucama" is a new word for me as well.

I was more centered on Charlie's courage than Santiago's restraint, but you and Paula have both been sensitive to what Santiago must have been going through while listening to him. Unimaginable. And as a parent, I too would want to kill with my bare hands anyone who hurt my child. (sorry, it's that savage "old brain" again)so el doctor plastico's restraint was well-acted and admirable.

Have fun in microbiology lab, Violet.

Oh and Carlos...checked out the first chapter of Ramona. Yes indeed...and a lot of our familiar actors as well. Sounds very interesting historically.

Thanks for the recap Judy. It's a bummer we're just going around the mountain and the ultimos capitulous no where in sight. But your recap was witty and fun.

Thanks Karen. It's especially a bummer when compared to Mañana where things seem to be happening at breakneck speed. Oh well. We're doing our best here in the slow lane. And who knows? maybe things will pick up. I remember there was a period in Cuidado when people were jumping ship, bored to tears, and then the writers juiced things up again.

Judy, you truly have a way with words; even for a dull episode your recaps are a delight.

I loved the scene where Chava was reassuring Charly that he wouldn't die; those two are charming together.

Poor Lulu really needs a real romance and soon, with someone who will appreciate her. She's just abused by everyone around her in little ways...sort of death by a thousand tiny cuts. Even Santiago does it (although unintentionally) like when he gasped in horror looking at her (he was seeing Candy everywhere, but Lulu didn't know that).

When Santi looked at Charly with all that restraint I thought, gee doesn't he (Santi) look cute with that expression on his face!
I was noticing how pretty the actress who plays Luc is. I don't know her real age but she has a great natural beauty.
I'm fast forwarding through a lot of the Pat/Candy monologues now.
I thought Roc and Luc were so cute in their plea to Candy about Santi's love life.
I still think Candy would make a great mother for Santi's family.
Meno and high blood pressure, hope that's the problem and not something more serious.
Even though we complain about the speed of this TN it will be missed by a lot of us when it's over.

Carrie L.

Hey Julia...you're right. That was a tender scene. Especially with Chava sitting right on top of Charlie. To true to the way little kids operate.

And your paper cuts remark about Lulu is so true. And I imagine it happens in real life to people who are not telenovela gorgeous as well. Bring on a galan for Lulu!!!

Over on Mañana, they've got a refrain going (started by Carlos) to "Liberate Lili". We ought to get something going like that for our Lulu.

Ideas anyone? It doesn't have to be alliterative.

Carrie, I too have been struck by the natural, unmadeup loveliness of the young actress playing Lucia. And she has a wonderful, delicate singing voice as well.

Count me in for something minor and easily fixable for Meño health. Enough with the hospital drama!

One suggestion:

A lover for Lulu!

Judy, I just noticed that you actually beat me to the punch with cerebral aneurysm, I can't believe I overlooked that. Therefore,by Dr.rules, it's your diagnosis and you're stuck with it. Sorry.

I think our Lulu wouldn't mind even a little bit of old fashioned lust at this point. I also think Toño would make a good match. He looks healthy and lively enough.


Guess it's a bit long: 'Lusty Lad for Lovely (Longing) Lulu"

Handsome Hombre for Hortensia

But very alliterative!

Hey Emilia...I like both those slogans. Way to go with the alliteration.

And Carlos....does this make me Dr. Judy?

Ah, Sylvia...we had the same thought. Doesn't suprise me. I think if we shorten it to Lusty Lad for Lulu, we've got a winner.

And the only problem with Handsome Hombre for Hortensia is the "h" is silent in español. But we could go with Handsome Hunk for Hortensia.

What do you think, Emilia. They're your slogans.

Handsome Hunk is much better.

How about 'HH' and 'LL'?

Works for me Emilia. You da boss! (Mike told me to say that).

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