Thursday, March 12, 2009

Univision links to Caray Caray!

Hi everybody,

Is that cool or what? Maria Milligan at Univision wrote me and said she had added us to this page of links, and asked if I'd link back to Univision, so I did (see bottom of left sidebar).




Hooray for Melinama and Caray Caray!!


This is terrific. Caray Caray has really arrived. I had wondered if Univision knew about us. Now we are all one big happy famly. See what a fabulous garden you have grown, Melinama. Way to go!

That is so cool! Congratulations!

Great! Now you should see if she can get us on Cristina or better yet, get us backstage passes to see our fave folks on Cristina! Wink!!

It's about time! Congrats Melinama and crew.

What a wonderful compliment to be recognized by the biggest Spanish language network in the country!

This was a brilliant idea on your part, melinama! Congratulations!

Melinama, Congratulations! Caray Caray! hits the big-time. Did you ever suspect?

Wow. I've seriously got goosebumps all over, and it's not 'cause the computer room is cold. I think we knew Univision was on to us, because occasionally when we'd gripe about some upcoming show, there'd be an anonymous comment telling us how good it was going to be. (And in all honesty, the one about Querida Enemiga panned out. We did enjoy the show.) But how wonderful. gotta be proud. We sure are....of you.

Congratulations Melinama! I wished I had known about you during the La Fea days. I am one of the people that got totally swept up in that novela and fell crazy in novela love with Don Fernando/Jaime Camil but what Ocampo did to that show drove me crazy and I needed someone to gripe to/laugh with. It's just as well, I joined the Univision LaFea forum and blogged in Spanish. Everyone was very nice and supportive of my emerging Spanish skills and it was great practice. Those Chickas were loco over Jaime. I should visity their MEPS forum to see what they thought about THE TOWEL SCENE! Anyway, congratulations and I'm glad I found this forum, the wonderful, skilled and dedicated recappers and the funny, witty, esmart people who comment.


Melinama that is so awesome! Woo hoo. Maybe they will use some of our ideas. Happy Friday everyone.

Hah, thanks. I'm proud of all of you!

Congratulations Melinama!! This is great.

Wow,double Wow!!!!! congratulations Melinama and to all the re-capers. Univision!!! not bad at all. Now I hope they will take our comments into consideration when they make changes to scripts. It also goes to show that it pays to be nice.We have fun and don't degrade anybody on this forum. I for one am grateful for that. Thanks again Melinama.

Hanna in Md

Melinama: Congratulations! This is great news.

They link to you, you link back to them. I wish I could link. Just the thought of linking gives me a brain freeze.

Pasofino: "Just the thought of linking gives me a brain freeze."

It's really a piece of cake. If you (or anybody else) wants a quick lesson, I'll try to explain it.

Agnes: I'll take you up on that offer. My problem is posting to the sidebar.

Well, I can't help you with posting to the sidebar in CarayCaray, because I suspect you need some kind of administrative permissions. However, if you merely want to link to something in your comment (like a related website or illustration on the web) or if you have a website of your own and want to add links to other sites here's the drill:

#1— GO TO the the website you want to link to. At the top, in the address bar, you will see the URL of the site, its "address" Usually begins with:, (or ".org", or ".edu", depending), but not always. COPY this address and PASTE it safely somewhere you can get it easily, like Notepad, TextEdit or a word processing program.

#2— Then, supposing you are composing a comment for CarayCaray, GO BACK to your comment text and locate the word or phrase you want the link to illustrate.

#3— Immediately in front of this word or phrase, type the following: < then, a then, a space, then href="

Then, PASTE the URL that you stashed in step #1 ;

Then, type ">

#4—Immediately after the word or phrase that you are using to signal your link, type the following: < then, /a then, >

Voila! You have created a link. It's like a little magic trick. Try it.

This stuff you are typing is called HTML (hypertext markup language) and it is the code by which web pages are interpreted by the browser. The a tags that you use to surround the address of the linked page are part of the "grammar" of html. Inside tags, you give the attribute href="address of link" to tell the link where to go (don't forget the quotation marks surrounding the address). There are some other tags you can use inside an a tag, but Blogger doesn't allow them.

If this isn't clear, or doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll try to clear it up.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Lawd ha' mercy! Three cheers and a couple a beers! Caray rules! Melinama, who'd 'a thunk it? Now, when Uni actually premieres its telenovelas north of the border and responds to our "energúmeno" in real time there may be no holding you back!

What a great idea. Shows we're moving up in the world (smile). (Although truthfully speaking by extending a hand of friendship, I doubt if that's an invitation for us to tell them how to run their business (smile). Anyway, I'm going to check out the bilingual forum. It sounds interesting and without the link I never would have found it. So, I'll end by say congrats!

So cool, Melinama! Now they know about this bunch of Anglo espeaking fans. Worthy recognition for your work and inspiration.
La Paloma

Wow! Thanks Melinama for the wonderful news. Congratulations to you and everyone here on the blog.


Jody :)

That is amazing! This blog is indeed the lovechild of Pratie Place, where some of us found Melinama via Alborada. And she and kindred spirits gave birth to Caray, Caray! I've been lurking/posting along the way (mostly lurking), but I have found both blogs to be a treasure trove of smart, funny, good people who have a common bond (or two, or three!), and who embrace multiculturalism. I think Melinama has VERY much to be proud of, as do the recappers/regulars!! This is great news. Viva Caray, Caray!

Wow! I'm so impressed! I wonder how many new readers will show up from that.

I am not a bit surprised. We knew Caray, Caray! RULES. Congratulations, Melinama y amigos!

Jeanne (preoccupied but lurking from time to time)

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