Friday, April 10, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Apr. 9: Lucía has her baby and dies; DB remembers her past and that she lost her baby

Lucía agrees to have the C-section.
Gonzalo tells Marisela that DB just appeared in his office. Marisela takes DB out. Since Santos is still present, Gonzalo apologizes for the incident to Sapo as if he doesn't know why it happened. Sapo and Facundo leave. Santos says that Gonzalo has really disappointed him. After fighting for justice in the rebellion, all he is interested in now is his ambition as indicated by the friends he keeps. Gonzalo says that his new friends are better than his old ones.
When Marisela tells DB that Sapo was her enemy, DB says that Sapo is an animal who has been hiding in hell for many years and just reappeared. She asks Marisela not to let him come near her. Then she says that she needs to sleep.

Sapo tells Facundo that they have to kill DB because it's either her or them.
Santos tells Gonzalo that the friend he treats so well is nothing but a low-class thug. Gonzalo hits back with the accusations made in the paper about Santos' handling of the Cattlemen's Association accounts. Santo replies that that was a slander and the accusations were probably made by the same person who tried to kill DB and set fire to El Miedo. "And of course, you had nothing to to do with it, right?" Santos asks Gonzalo sarcastically. Their argument is interrupted by the guard reporting that Lucía is in critical condition. Santos leaves.
Genoveva thinks Marisela should take DB away from San Fernando right away but Marisela is determined to get medical attention for her. She says if the Mohammad won't come to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammad.
Don Encarnación is setting himself up to blame Cecilia and Antonio for Lucía's condition. Lucía (who looks pretty good for someone with end-stage renal disease) makes him promise not to blame anyone for this situation. She made her own choices. Good thing that the priest is a witness because clearly DE isn't going to follow Lucía's wishes.
Melquíades sneaks into the room where DB is sleeping and tells her that it is dangerous here and she isn't well. He asks her to go with him so he can take care of her as always.
Lucía asks to see Cecilia. She asks Cecilia to see to it that her baby is named Lucía and when Cecilia responds that Lucía isn't leaving them and shouldn't talk that way. Lucía says that there isn't time for more lies. She asks Cecilia to remind her of how Lorenzo expressed the brevity of life. "Life is an instant in the sun ('La vida es un instante al sol')," replies Cecilia. Lucía ask two more things of Cecilia - to raise her daughter as if she were her own and that she won't let Antonio leave her again. She tells Cecilia not to let her pride or honor or stupidity keep her her from Antonio and tells her not to care about what any one says. Cecilia promises to take care of Lucía's daughter as if she were her own and will tell her that her mother was very brave and that Cecilia admires her more than anyone else. "Will you take care of him?" asks Lucía. "What do you think?" answers Cecilia. She promises Lucia to fight for Antonio with her teeth and claws this time ("con los dientes y con las uñas") like Lucía did.

Lucía asks Antonio if regrets marrying her and he says no. He loves her and she brought him a lot of peace as his friend and companion. She asks for a long passionate kiss but at the end of it she has passed out and has to be rushed into surgery.

Marisela's plan to get DB diagnosed remotely or bring a psychiatrist to DB comes to naught. Santos tells her that such things only happen in bad telenovelas. She has brought Santos to persuade DB to see the doctor but they find that she has gone with Melquíades.
In the truck on the way back to Progresso, DB has more memories.
In the hospital chapel, Antonio prays for Lucía and his child. Cecilia comes in. Antonio says that if Lucía dies, it will all be his fault. Cecilia comforts him and says that he didn't know. DE sees them together. Antonio tells Cecilia how Lucía helped him endure his time in prison. She became his hope while Cecilia was only a distant dream. He says that he loves Lucía but that is nothing to what he feels for her, his 'mariposa.' His heart is hers always. He tells Cecilia that Lucía was there with her unconditional love when he needed it after Cecilia doubted him. Cecilia acknowledges that she was stupid. She says that Lucía is the most courageous person she has ever met and Antonio has plenty of reasons to love her. Cecilia tells him that no one knows the strange and good reasons that caused her and him to share their lives with other people but they were very good people who gave them a lot.

When Santos tells Marisela that he can only imagine the hell in store for him when DB has her baby, Marisela decides to tell him the truth but Gonzalo interrupts them and the moment is lost.
Things are not going well in the operating room and the doctor asks the nurse if Lucía signed the living will document. The nurse says that she forgot. (You'd think Lucía would have taken care of this before considering how important it is to her.) But this provides an opportunity for DE to harden his suspicions against Antonio when he signs the form and follows Lucía's wishes that the baby's life come first.
The baby is born but Lucía doesn't make it. (No wonder - the anesthesiologist's mask is right over his eyes! This actor had a tiny role in La Traición as the pharmacist.)

DB tells Melquíades to stop the truck. She jumps out and starts to run as if to escape from her memories. Poor Melquíades is huffing and puffing after her.

Everybody in the waiting room gets the bad news about Lucía and DE says that Antonio was responsible for her death.
Labels: barbara
If DB has regained her memory, she now has one more reason to kill Sapo; his attack on El Miedo is the reason she lost her baby.
Marisela sort of gets Gonzalo's character flaws but can't seem to bring herself to dump him. That jealous outburst when discovering Santos and Marisela in chairs yards away from each other and discussing DB's disappearance should be a large irridescent red flag.
I hope DE's accusation doesn't deeply affect Antonio and Cecilia. The two of them were carrying out Lucía's last wishes and have nothing to blame themselves for. But Cecilia always jumps at the chance to be a martyr, so I'm not sure how this will turn out. Of course, DE is the KING of jumping to conclusions. Recently he believed the newspaper story about Santos, and there are other boneheaded conclusions he's reached which escape me right now.
Marisela ought to start rethinking her commitment to Gonzalo not only now that she has seen that he is a jerk but now she knows that she doesn't have to sacrifice her happiness because her mother is pregnant with Santos' baby. The whole half-brother/stepson thing is gone.
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