Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Tues., Apr. 7 - Marisela gets the loving mother she always wanted complete with a fantasy happy childhood

Eustaquia tells Marisela how DB lost her baby and how she has lost her reason. Marisela says that now she understands why DB is being so nice and caring with her.

Don Encarnación and some of the men from the Cattlemen's Association come to Altamira demanding to know what the newspaper story means.

Antonio and the boat captain try to investigate whether Sapo's vehicles were used in the attack on El Miedo but they don't have a warrant and Sapo claims that he was in the capital the night of the attack.

Pajarote gets a nasty surprise when he realizes that it is Celeste who is naked in his shower. He throws her out but of course it's too late, Genoveva has seen them.
Eustaquia tells Marisela that DB just changes the subject when Eustaquia tries to tell her that she last lost the baby. She says it is as if there are two people living in her body - one they know who is tough and full of hate and the other who is loving, maternal and sweet. Marisela says that what Eustaquia has told her is horrible. She goes to find DB.
Gonzalo thinks that DB is putting on an act and is surprised when she keeps up the act even when they are alone. Marisela comes in and says that she has to talk to DB but DB says that Marisela should spend some time with her fiancé.
Santos tells DE that he will call a meeting of the Cattlemen's Association in Progresso for the next day to address the charges in the newspaper article.

Genoveva tells Pajarote that she saw him with Celeste and that she never wants to see him again.

Marisela goes to see DB and DB tells her the fantasy version of her childhood - how they played with dolls together for hours, how DB sang lullabies to her every night. Poor Marisela - all of a sudden she gets what she has always wished for - a loving mother.

She lies down in DB's lap like a child. DB even has her own version of throwing Marisela out of El Miedo. She says that Marisela's father insisted that she go to a girl's school and that she opposed it but Lorenzo insisted.

When Santos and Gonzalo start fighting like 6-year olds again, Marisela leaves Altamira with Gonzalo.
It appears that Sapo got someone in the capital to get parking tickets issued to him for the night of the attack as proof that he wasn't at El Miedo. The boat captain and Antonio suspect that Sapo was warned about their visit but decide to continue their investigation.
Marisela tells Gonzalo that DB has gone crazy because she lost her baby. Marisela decides that she has to tell Santos. Naturally, Gonzalo argues against this and Marisela doesn't see that he is protecting his own interests.
The next day Gonzalo returns to Altamira. He thinks that DB is pretending but he soon realizes that DB has completely lost her mind ('loca de remate'). He finds the picture of Meléndez that Sapo sent to Santos and the letter describing how DB fed Meléndez' body to the soldiers.
Eustaquia tries to jar DB out of her insanity by mentioning the murder of her boyfriend and father that she witnessed. But DB doesn't react and she claims that she has never been in the forest but says she and her baby will go there someday.

To prevent any hint of impropriety, Santos resigns from the presidency of the Cattlemen's Association. He warns the members not to let themselves be divided.
Lucía tells Cecilia that if, when she gives birth, a choice has to be made between her life and that of her baby, she wants her baby to live. She makes Cecilia promise to defend her wishes.
When Marisela says that she has decided to tell Santos about DB losing the baby, Gonzalo tries to argue that Santos would mistreat DB more if he knew she was not, in fact, pregnant and that would make DB's condition worse.

Eustaquia tries again to shock DB out of her delusions. She shows her the picture of the rapists. DB has a flood of memories.
Marisela tells Gonzalo that he is exaggerating about how Santos would react to the information about DB losing her baby. She says that she doesn't like to lie and so she has decided to tell Santos and at that moment, he comes in the door and asks what she has to tell him.
Labels: barbara
Your pictures and summaries have painted a very vivid picture and insight into the characters. You put so much dedication into this to single handedly do this yourself. I am sure others are reading this who enjoy it as much as I do. Thank you. Diana in MA
Poor Pajarote. He's sort of the reverse of the saying: Might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb! He had the opportunity to "get it on" with Celeste, passed on it, but was given the axe by Genoveva anyway. Of course, we know they'll end up happily ever after. I sure like the actor playing Pajarote, Tiberio Cruz. He really typifies the character in the novel to a T.
It was sort of hard to tell if the Cattlemen's Association believed Santos or not. You certainly could not have asked for more honorable behavior - turning over the books to them, but they still didn't seem convinced.
When will the penny ever drop for Antonio about Gonzalo? He's been warned by Santos and Andrés, but brushes off the warnings about signing things without reading them.
It was so sad to see Marisela suffer again at the hand of DB. At least this time DB didn't get the pleasure out of it, that she usually does. Because, instead of being partly crazy, she's completely crazy now.
I felt myself shudder the same time that Marisela did - when Gonzalo gave her a kiss. All I can say is that he's got it coming.
I hope Eustaquia is ready to block DB's right hook...
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