Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Tontas Tuesday April 7, '09 Let's Call The Whole Thing Off

Remember that old song?...you say 'tomayto' and I say 'tomahto', you say 'potayto' and I say 'potahto' yada yada yada...Let's Call The Whole Thing Off! Well, that's pretty much what happened tonight.

Santiago wants to call off the wedding (again) but is forging ahead. Lucia wants to call off the party Santi's planning behind her back. Pato wants to call off adopting the baby. And Candy wants to call off her relationship with Pato (He's not the "man of my life" is the half-carrot she dangles before a starving Santiago at the end). Both of these guys must have whiplash by now, the way she keeps changing her responses. Gotta side with Mike on this one...both fellas deserve better. But you know....everybody wants Candy. That's the way this one plays out.

The first five minutes of the show are a rehash of Candy's snit with Pato over the adoption; Marissa's manipulation of Santiago, and the hysterical vision of Alicia and Marissa back to back, à la Jolie/Pitt, lining up Candy and Santiago in their sights. Once again a truly gruesome twosome.

Now the new stuff: Arturo's buttering up his wannabe-ex-wife, trying to get her to call off the divorce dogs. He definitely doesn't want to give her half his money and she's just as sure she's earned it....the sleepless nights, the abuse, the infidelities, having to raise little Patricio all by herself because Arturo was never home. You were a bad father and a worse husband, she concludes. Arturo agrees but he's heard enough and leaves....sticking her with the restaurant bill. Be sure and add a good tip, are his parting words. A bemused Margarita (I think that's her name) muses that she still finds him attractive and likes him. Dang!

I thought that was pretty funny but the writers want us to laugh more so we have the obligatory Sven and Olé scene. Sven, or rather Santoro, is sweating the prospect of taking Soledad out to dinner but Meño assures him he can wine and dine her at HIS restaurant and he'll cover all the charges. This earns him mucho kisses and hugs and makes Olé (Toño) think maybe his pal is a little light on his feet.

From shallow comedy to shallow therapy. Nurse Candy tells Santiago he has no right to be bitter even if crazy Marissa is sucking the energy out of him as he claims. She takes him for a walk, showing him the world of nature and how God created this whole world just for him! They make the grand tour of the grounds around the house and wrap it up with a question for Donato. What does he think of Santiago? High praise follows, ending with Donato saying he'd love to have him for a son. Now into the house where Candy points out that he has two lovely daughters, a wonderful mama...he's surrounded by love and therefore has no right to stalk around all bitter and downhearted. End of lesson. Go in peace.

All of this is true of course, but her Little Merry Sunshine had me reaching for the insulin.

No need for that though with the Alicia/Marissa scene. They're fussing back and forth at each other as usual and when Alicia finds out Marissa doesn't intend to show for the wedding she muses that she will skip it too. (me da flojera ir= I can't be bothered going).

Okay, back to the odd couple...Santiago and Candy, trying to be friends while secretly wanting to jump each other's bones. He's coming up with some heavy-duty mathmatical formulas for how many kisses good friends can give each other....and out of that astronomical number at least ONE kiss could be on the mouth. Candy, of course, demurs. But she offers up Tina, who's all for it and adds that her room is open. Poor Santi...he keeps getting offers but always from the wrong women.

More fussing between our crazy ladies. Alicia doesn't know why they have to be at the airport 3 hours early and she also objects to being forced into massaging Marissa's back (with plenty of criticism) as well as being called "gorda".....why not "flaca"...or "super-flaca".?! As I recall, Marissa snaps that she'll call her whatever she darn well pleases (que me da la regalada gana) and that's that. Now massage!..'cause my back hurts.

We're temporarily off the topic of kisses and onto planning a party for Lucia, and a forgiveness opportunity for Charlie. But not before Candy huffily insists she doesn't need permission from Patricio to spend time with Santiago planning a party or anything else. Hmmm...she's definitely dangling the carrot here. Phase 1.

Meanwhile, poor clueless Pato, unaware the grounds and the rules are shifting once again, is being gently bossed around by Chava. No watching soccer on TV until homework is done! Dad protests that he doesn't have any homework but finally settles for working on his accounts while Chava struggles with his math. Then he's ready to watch but wait! no, first he has to look over Chava's work. Them's the rules, fella. Mom makes 'em.

Back at Santi's, the kiss theme has continued. Donato's offering Tina kisses for free, Isabella sends him off to work outside instead, and then Mom and Santiago start planning the party, (with some worries from Granny) while Lucio listens at the door. Isabella frets that if Lucia forgives Charlie, they'll start going together again. Well, love isn't prohibited, as long as they're careful, advises Santiago. But what future does Charlie have? Well, maybe they'll just be good friends, suggests her son.

When we come back from the ads, Chava is wondering if his grandfather helped Pato with his homework when he was little. Oh noooo...he was too busy, he had to work. Well, Chava doesn't want his dad to work but Pato quickly points out he needs to if he's going to be able to buy all the things Chava and his mom need. But don't worry, he'll always make time to have fun and play as well.

Back at the Institute, the gals have convened to talk about their radio program and conclude that the topics discussed should come from the most frequently asked questions in Candy's column. And guess what?...the most frequently asked questions are about relationships...sexual relationships, with children coming in a close second. One of the questions raised is why are men so angry and aggressive. Because they're men, quips Lulu. Not all men are the same, counters Candy, some are worse! Shall we just skip the details? No?...you want 'em all...well, here's a sample, frigidity, too fast lovemaking that leaves spouse high and dry, (en medio camino), another with no desire after menopause, another....oh no, I'm sorry, I just can't go on with this. But you get the idea. Kind of a combination of Ladies Home Journal and Cosmopolitan.

Pato arrives in the midst of this lively discussion, Soledad makes a pinched, jealous little face, and Candy twitters off( amidst ooh and ahhs from the gals) for a little tête-à-tête with her esposo. She wants to know right off where Chava is...(with her mom) and Patricio then sits down to ask her forgiveness for his adoption plans with Alicia. I'm tired of lies, insists Candy. If it makes you unhappy, then I won't adopt answers Pato. Impactado look from our flawed, oh-so-flawed !heroine. And some ads.

The forgiveness theme continues with a discussion between Santiago and Lucia. She wants nothing to do with the party and she's never going to forgive Charlie! Punto. She's afraid. She's been changed by all this. She's.....but Santi gently interrupts and reminds her that in order to be free, one must forgive others and oneself. He advises her to "dejar la mochila de rencor a un lado". I must say, I loved that. You could translate it as "leave the burden of rancor to one side" but "mochila" means backpack and that what all schoolkids carry and I just loved the picture that conjured up. Perfect for speaking with an adolescent schoolgirl.

A brief but sweet scene between Chayo and Lalo follows. They're nose to nose, almost lip to lip, discussing her worries about being sterile. He's tenderly reassuring her that they're a couple, he loves her with or without children and he would never leave her for someone else. A bemused Hortensia watches all this, thinking (aloud!) that she always thought Lalo was the scum of the earth but no!... Her comely assistant is hovering nearby but Hortensia dismisses her with a snap of her fingers.

Now Patricio's with his mom who's enlisting his help in dealing with Arturo. He reassures her that he'll do all he can. He adores her and will make sure she's alright.

See, they keep righting the balance here. Santiago adores his mom. But Pato loves his mom too.
Pato's asked forgiveness on a number of occasions and has vowed to change anything that bothers Candy. Santiago's handling his life in a mature fashion, trying to do the right thing. They're equal contenders, right? Wrong. As we'll see later.

But back to our plucky little save- the- womenfolk gals. Candy's decided the theme for tonight's radio program will be "Perdonate por tus errores y fracasos" (Fogive yourself for your mistakes and failures). Their counterparts over at the Club de Abandonados are planning to sabotage their program with their own artfully improvised counterattack.

And speaking of counterattack, Patricio is now going head to head with Papa, trying to get him to fork over that contentious 50% to Mom. Nothing doing. Arturo will give her good alimony but not half! Well then you won't get to see your grandchildren. Are you blackmailing me!? Well, I learned from the best, quips Pato....and leaves. Arturo is left musing over what just happened and I can't decide if he is pleased his son's a tough negotiator or not.

The Abondonados are still scuffling and pitching ideas. Santiago would love to have a show like Friends so they could all make tons of money but from there they segue to talking about the party he's planning with guess who for entertainment?...yes, our very own Agua Mineral. This should be fun. We definitely need another performance of the group. Sure beats sermonizing. However this time Santiago's planning on writing a romantic love song.

Okay. More goofiness back at the restaurant. Zamora is nervous and talking faster chipmunk speak than Fernand on MEPS (or Marichuy on Cuidado). And fuzzy-eyed Toño (a cork "corcho"hit him in the eye) is stumbling and falling, which causes Soledad to fall over him (a fine sight in her short shorts...hope you were watching Carlos) and Zamora is so befuddled he just stands there until she says Can you HELP ME!? The date is not starting off well and it gets worse when Toño refers to her as Zamora's "novia" which she emphatically denies. Nope, not going well at all.

But what IS going well is the reconciliation between Lucia and Charlie. Candy and Santiago are hovering like proud parents while the two start off edgy and Lucia tries to explain her anger and confusion. No one warned her. No one warned me either, counters Charlie. But I love you. I'm happy YOU'RE well. I would never want to hurt you. Help me to forgive you, pleads Lucia. I feel like an assassin, sighs Charlie. "Te quiero, te quiero mucho" whispers Lucia and suddenly she melts, they hug, a big hug, and Santiago and Candy, delighted, turn to each other and take each other's hands.

Another quickie comedy scene at the restaurant with a nearly blind Toño putting a hot plate right down on Zamora's hand. It's not his night for sure.

Not Alicia's night either. Patricio arrives, angry about the problem she deliberately caused between him and his "wife" (well, I never said I wouldn't fight for you, retorts Alicia and call her Candy, not your "wife"!). Well, I'm not going to help you adopt now....I have no reason to support you in this, he concludes.

Hmmm...it will be interesting to see where this goes. I can't see Alicia giving up at this point.

Now back to Candy and Santiago. He's doing some sort of weird mystical chant thingey and then insisting that she look into his eyes (mirame in los ojos) while he tells her that he's dreaming of her (she starts to bolt) nonono...not THAT way, no he's dreaming of her as the "woman of his life". There's some mumbojumbo about her not understanding anything but suddenly...eureka! she comes up with the magic words..."Patricio is NOT the" man of my life." He's the "father of my son" but not the "man of my life".

Santiago is so encouraged he lurches forward and almost falls. Pobrecito...she's really just dangling half a carrot but it's enough for him. He's hooked again. Done for. Kaput. All over but the shoutin'.

Previews: The announcer intones what we've already guessed. Alicia is not the "obstaculo" in Patricio's life...it's Santiago.

me da flojera = I can't be bothered
guávsls = yuck, ugh (Alicia, talking with Marissa)
mochila = backpack, satchel, shoulder bag (a word you'd know if you watched Dora the Explorer with your grandchildren)
dejar la mochila de rencor a un lado = set aside the backpack of rancor (resentment)
el hoy y el ahora = lit. the day and now but we would say "the here and now"
perdonate por tus errores y fracasos= forgive yourself for your mistakes and failures
mirame en los ojos =look into my eyes( one of the obligatory phrases in all telenovelas)

Proverb of the Day = No se le puede pedir peras al olmo (lit. you can't ask pears of an elm tree) but the equivalent proverb in English is you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear

Another "peras" saying.
Saber de qué lado caen las peras = (lit. know which side the pears fall on) Know which way the wind is blowing, know how the cookie crumbles


Judy, thanks, a fast and furious recap.
So, now we know the answer, 3M will leave Santi at the altar. Well, what if we had a wedding and no one came? Wouldn't surprise me if Santi skips it as well...
Especially since Candy is now declaring herself not loving Pato.
And, I think Hortensio was correct with her first thoughts on Lalo.

Thank you Judy! I'm glad I checked in before bedtime!
Candy is like a ping pong ball going back and forth between the players. One thing we can count on with her is that you can't count on her to ever stick with it.
The wedding should be interesting if Santi doesn't call it off first. I'm curious how Alicia will handle Pat and how Mariloca will handle the non-wedding.
I'd like to see Sole forget about Pat, she always looks so hurt. I hope she will fall for someone else but right now Zamora doesn't seem to have much edge.

Carrie L.

Thanks Judy! I loved some of your comments.

"The half-carrot she dangles before a starving Santiago." It doesn't take much to get that boy on his feet, does it? Half carrot? I think he'd jump for a split pea!

"We need another performance of [Agua Mineral]. Sure beats sermonizing." Boy howdy!

Amiga, mereces un premio for transcribing as much as you did, of the institute drivel. You have my permission to skip it, cuando sea, donde sea. So let it be written...

Last night we saw that Candy only wants Santiago when she can't have him. But what about Santi's side? Whenever he feels that he can't win Candy, he decides to marry Marissa.
A. In #28 at the hamsters slumber party, he asked if Candy would marry him if he wasn't attached to Marissa. She refused to answer so he continued with Marissa.
B. In #51, she had been accepting his kisses, so he told her he would not marry Mar.
C. In #60, he thought Candy and Pat slept together in the handcuffs cottage, so he decided to marry Mar.
He would have canceled his wedding in 62 at the bachelor party when he begged her, "don’t ask me to resign myself to living without you." She refused him, so he went on with wedding.
D. In #65, he left Mar at the altar because he thought Candy's "Di que no" meant she wanted him.
E. In #82 he discovered that Pat moved in with Candy, so he said, "I'll marry Mar to save my son." Note the shrink advised him to do that in #80, but he didn't act until he discovered that Pat had moved in.
F. In #83 he discovered that Pat is sleeping on the couch, and tonight Candy said "Pat is not the love of my life." So tell me, what do you think Santiago will do next?

They're batting that poor little bambino around like a volleyball!
A. Marissa conceived him to entrap Santi, but that failed so she discarded him.
B. Ali laid claim to him to win Pat, and that will probably fail, so she will want to discard him.
C. Pat used him to pacify Ali, and that failed and caused trouble with Candy, so he discarded him.
Por amor a dios, it's a baby, not a hot potato!

Sven and Soledad are very cute, but I fear their "relationship" is doomed to be one of those experiments that end up a dud. Carrie's right, Sole always looks so sad, and Beto always describes her as sad, sure would be great to see her happy for a change.

Judy, thanks for the wonderful recap and I loved your peras dichos.

Well, good morning one and all....nice to get up and find your comments.

"Fast and furious" is was, Jeff, 'cause I was in the midst of a crazy allergy attack. Antihistamines were useless and I was dashing back and forth from the computer to look for more kleenex every few paragraphs.

So you're NOT on Team Lalo. I don't think any of the guys are. Probably because you know fellow like Lalo and they never change. My brother and dad always had a much more cynical view of other men than I did (should have listened to them!) so you may be right. In real life anyway.

Carrie L., like your ping pong ball image. And it also fits the new opening montage where Candy's face is placed between Pato and Santiago's profiles, but when they both move in for a kiss, her face drops below and she sports a wicked isn't-this-fun-to-tease them grin. Hard to really like our heroine.

And yes, Carrie and Sylvia...Soledad does always look so sad. We need something good to happen for her soon. That depressed, hurting face is a real downer. Can't be good for Beto either.

And Sylvia...glad you enjoyed the dichos...you were my mentor in this so I'm just following your much appreciated lead.

And finally....Miss Paula...kiddo, you are amazing. Your brain is a real archive. I'm not sure I can remember what happened yesterday in a telenovela, much less be able to go back to various chapters to highlight where the romance was going at that time. Can I sit next to you on the final exam!? Wow.

And yes, poor little baby alias "hot potato". The only one who loves him for himself is Santiago.

Judy: A beautifully written and witty recap. Your summaries could be mini-novelas in and of themselves, lovely job. The vocabulary was (as always) top notch. My favorite: Saber de qué lado caen las peras.

It doesn't matter that "both of these guys must have whiplash by now, the way she keeps changing her responses", or that "Soledad makes a pinched, jealous little face" because as you pointed out (and have done so before): "everybody wants Candy. That's the way this one plays out." Yup, Candy's calling ths shots and everyone seems to be making their decisions based on her ever changing ones.

I love Luc and Charlie and can't wait to see where they go from here.

Jeff, I'm also not on Team Lalo. I don't think he's capable of truly changing.

Carrie and Sylvia, I still think Soledad will end up with someone, if not Pat, perhaps Raul (although there was a spark between themon one episode, it doesn't seem to ahve gone anywhere).

Diana in MA

Good morning Diane...thanks for those kind words. You know, I just thought of another English version for the "caen las peras" dicho. Knowing "which side your bread is buttered on".

Now for you Not-On-Team-Lalo guys...I'm thinking when (and if) Chayo gets pregnant and has the baby he'll for sure change and be devoted.

I do know of a real life case of this, although with cruelly tragic overtones.

A doctor some of us knew was a real hound...unfaithful to his first wife multiple times, and equally unfaithful to his second wife who was one of his earlier "affairs".

Then they had a baby. A beautiful baby girl. With osteogenesis imperfecta. One who would never be able to walk or play in the carefree way of most children because of her fragile, easily broken bones.

He changed overnight and turned into the most devoted husband and father you had ever seen.

So it does happen. And not just in telenovelas.

In real life, tragedies like this often have the opposite effect. A formerly okay husband can't take the stress and bolts. But in this case, a former reprobate rose to the occasion and became the best that he could be.

Never say never.

Thanks for that real-life story Judy. I am typically of the mind that people rarely change so it's best to play the odds. But as you point out sometimes extreme circumstances, tragedy in the doctor's case, can awake a person's noble side. I also am not on Team Lalo (Chayo, you could do MUCH better!) but if Lalo is who she wants I imagine the TN gods will let them find a way. Ultimately I am on the side of true love.

Back on the subject of dichos, Judy have you been saving the ones from this TN? I got so burned out after saving them on JQ that I stopped but I know there have been some real great ones since then.

Judy, I always love your recaps and this is no exception. I bet your students all adore you. And you got he honor of announcing: PARTEE!! I' really looking forward to the reunion concert of Agua Mineral. And a new love song by Dr. Plastico. Maybe that will seal the deal. It was great to see the hug between Charley and Lucia. What a cute couple. And I derived perverse pleasure watching the interaction between Alicia and Marissa. It was like watching a spider and a scorpion trying to bond. Lastly, is there another woman on the planet who wears shorts any better than Soledad. I really wish Zamora good luck.


No Carlos, I believe Soledad is sola when it comes to the shorts. She even looks better than Licenciada Paula, the shorts-wearing executive VP "heroine" of Juan Querendon. What would look absurd on anyone else looks great on Soledad. Frankly I'm surprised the guys aren't lined up outside her door, but this is TN land and not real life. Excuse me now while I get back to my dips and leg lifts...

Yep, Sole does wear her shorts really well.
Spider and Scorpion exactly! They are evil but interesting and I find I'm enjoying their scenes as a nice change of pace from all the institute drivel.
Santi dancing, Santi singing, something to look forward to.
I agree, he is the only one who loves the baby for itself.
Candy makes me dizzy with all her bouncing around. I want to like her character since she is the one Santi and Pat want but it's getting more and more difficult.
I think Luc and Charly are very sweet together but if she were my very young daughter it would not be the future I would want for her.

Carrie L.

Yep, not on Team Lalo. I'm sure here it'll all work out in the end, but you never know. He's just had too many chances and thrown them out the window. I don't know how you can keep giving him chances. I suppose in the end, you have to be like the Cap'n and be for true love. :-)

Hi folks...fun comments. I was out braving the wind and the cold (ah, Ohio weather) to stock up on groceries)

Sounds like we're all agreed, Soledad is incredibly fetching in shorts (nicely proportioned thighs and calves and no knobby knees!), Lalo is untrustworthy (but the Cap'n and I are rooting for him) and CANDY IS ANNOYING (ALL of us).

Carlos,yep...I got the PARTEE! announcement but to my chagrin Santiago had to say Agua Mineral about 5 times before I "got" that he was talking about his band, not some non-alcoholic refreshments. (I blame the antihistamine It couldn't be my brain, could it?)

Judy, a friend of mine always says that we just have too much "stuff" crammed into our brains and sometimes some it just has to fall out.
That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Carrie L.

Great Carrie...I'll use that. But with all the stuff that's fallen out of mine, I must be making a helluva psychic mess somewhere in the universe.

Terrific recap, Judy. You are a master of the art of description. I especially liked the dangling half-carrot.

Candy is the worst therapist ever. "You have a nice family; therefore you cannot be upset about your very real problems!" Brilliant. When she's the one with problems, though, she sure demands the help and sympathy. It was funny when Donato was praising Santi and Santi said, "Eh, I pay him to say that."

Marissa's belly has been the same size for two months at least. I do not think that baby is thriving. How far along is she supposed to be?

Yes, Julia, Candy totally sucks as a therapist. Self-righteous and shallow is my diagnosis. And I presume Marissa must be near her due date. But you're right, that baby bump hasn't budged lately. I'm sure the baby is looking for another way out!

Captain Sylvia...realized I didn't answer you "list question". No, haven't kept track. I'm the kind who scribbles vocab on notepaper and then pitches it afterwards. Alas, an archivist I'm not. We need Mano Derecha!

Dichos: if someone will help collect them, I'll compile the list and post it do my web site. Will this be specifically limited to Tontas dichos?

One of my favorite dichos that I learned in high school, which is roughly translated as "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" is" Aunque la mona se viste de seda, mona se queda.

Hopefully I got that all spelled correctly...

Thanks for the recap Judy and your wonderful vocab and dichos.

ITA with you all about Candy. It's very hard to like the character the way she is written. Why would writers find her behavior appealing even if the character is played by a pretty woman?

Unfortunately I can't be on team Lalo. It's supposed to be comedy but a wife who constantly forgives a husband who constantly cheats is endangering herself and allowing herself to be abused. I just don't find this story line funny.

I gotta' believe that the writers intended Candy to be.. well, if not unlikeable, at least someone we cannot admire de ninguna manera. She is so self-centered, so unforgiving, so inconsiderate, so irrresponsible.. the list goes on and on. And she doesn't change.

What I can't figure out is why they would make her such a rotten person. Were they trying to see just how much the audience would tolerate? How rotten of a character the viewers would root for, as long as they played romantic music at the right time? I don't get it.

Thanks, Judy for another fun recap with lots of great vocab and dichos.

Believe or not, I am on team Lalo, too. I think he's a basically good person with a sickness, and he's now recognized it, and (I hope), he's changing. I think he and Chayo have a lot in common, a nice communication. He just has to get rid of his macho training and obsession with other women, and I actually think he'll succeed.

I wasn't too happy with Pat's ultimatum to Arturo. If Art doesn't give Margarita 1/2 of his assets, Pat won't let Art see the nietos?! I don't think Santi would say something like that. Art is being mean, but I don't think Pat should use the nietos as pawns in this.

Paula, Candy sure is exasperating. But she means well. And she just has a magnetic personality. Whenever she's in a scene, you almost can't look at anyone else. I personally would never want to go out with her, but I can see why Santi and she compliment each other. With Pat, though, I think he'd be asking for trouble, because Candy would be endlessly scolding his childlike behavior.

I think Santi and Chalo would be great together (if only she wasn't already married to his best friend!)...she's spunky and fun, smart enough to keep up with him, and wouldn't give him any trouble as long as he was faithful to her. So much better than melodrama mama Candy!

Judy - another great recap - thank you kindly! Special thanks for the info on why Tono's vision was impaired.

Random shots:

- Candy: Wikipedia has good articles on Egocentrism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I think Paula mentioned sadism last week and I agree. Another term would be "(something)teaser." That said, in a way it's gratifying that the producer and writers gave the character some depth and complication. THAT said, I still wouldn't want either of my sons involved with her.

- Chayo: what you see is what you get. Cool. Definitely would like to see one of the boys bring home a girl like that. Emilia said the actress is Cuban and you know my penchant for las mujeres Cubanas, well, one medio-Cubana anyway.

- Barbara: liking her more and more if for no other reason than she seems to be the one person at the institute that shows some professionalism and quiet leadership. Her nodding off during Eduardo's (see below) blathering was not hard to understand.

- Soledad: went on my "S-list" a few weeks ago when she told Patricio that she was limiting his access to his son. And then she tried to shake down Meno for "her" share of restaurant profits a few days ago. Yeah, the actress looks cute running around in her shorty shorts. I will not pursue the Larry the Cable Guy follow on to "shorty shorts" for now.

- Eduardo/Lalo: OK, the TN writers have fun turning the characters' characters on a dime a la the kissy kissy scene last night, but I still think he's the kind of guy who will end up lonely and boring. Buy him a drink and escape while he's raising it to his lips.

Paula, I am gonna start calling you "Oracle" because you are so much like the high end database!!

Hey...I love being gone for a while and come back to find all of these interesting comments. And Anonymous your dicho is one I really like as well. I think it may even be on one of our Juan Querendon lists that Sylvia helped put together.

Hombre I agree....there are some people you can't take your eyes off of. Whenever I see a show with dancers, there's always ONE who, while doing the same moves in almost the same way, draws the eye and you simply can't look at anyone else. Same for choirs...there's always one that is riveting. Jacqueline Bracamontes has a beautiful expressive face and that may be part of it.

Julia, way to think outside the box...Chayo and Santiago would be cute together and she'd get along great with Isabella as well.

Mike, of course you like Chayo best! Well best after Emilia. Hi "better half". And yes, I thinking the character of Candy is a tease and she gets quite a charge out of tormenting several men at once.

Karen, if this were real life, no it would not be at all funny. And many of us have had friends who were hurt that way. And in this day an age, a cheating husband can not only break your heart, he can infect you with a terminal disease. Even in earlier centuries that was true, just a different disease (no treatment for syphillis for many years).

And yes! Paula is the Oracle...the Archive and the Amazing One. On a day when I have some time, I'll scan back but no,it wouldn't have to be restricted to Tontas dichos. Not at all. But 'twould be great if you, with your computer skills, would organize it, amiga.

Judy, I have a mind like a steel trap: rusty and full of holes. Fortunately I have a penchant for making lists. That data came from my lists, not my memory.

Mike, you are too kind. You make me blush. Thank you, Compañero.

Judy, I've started a page for dichos. I just.. no tengo ganas to collect them. But if you want to harvest them, I'll be glad to post them to the page.

And that goes for everyone else too. The only thing that I would ask is that you only send me dichos that you have heard or that you are familiar with. There are lists of them out there on the net, and my native-speaker friends tell me that many of the dichos on the lists are so obscure, they've never heard of them. And of course I can't lift data from someone else's site.

However if you have Dichos pages that you like, I'll post links at the bottom of the page.

Thanks Paula. Yes, there are certain dichos that we hear over and over again on the telenovelas. But I also suspect that certain dichos that are current in say, Spain, or Argentina, aren't used as much in Mexico or Cuba. What with the language developing in so many countries that are vast differences, although t.v. may be blending that in more.

Regarding Wednesday's show.

Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Paris anymore.

Au revoir, cherie!!

Sorry I missed out on the commenting fun this afternoon. It got crazy busy at work and I haven't had a moment to relax until now. Paula, if you don't mind compiling a list of dichos that would be great and I for one would be very grateful. Anon's dicho is one of my favorites. I think I like the dichos that feature animals and food the best.

P.S. Judy I forgot to tell you I LOVE your title. (But I'll bet you knew that, didn't you?)

Yo, Sylvia! I added some dichos tonight. If someone else collects them, I'll post the list. I already posted my favorites on this list.

Also if you have any favorite dichos sites, I'll post the link.

Well done amiga! Thank you, I should have known you were a linguist.

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