Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Wed., April 1: El Miedo burns; Santos saves DB; the authorities refuse to believe that Sapo was responsible

DB comes for Eustaquia and takes her down to the secret room.

Gonzalo wonders where everyone went.
Santos and his party start firing on Sapo and his guys from behind. Sapo splits his forces. When the boat captain announces that the national guard is there, Sapo's men want to leave but Sapo says that he won't leave until 'that witch' ('esa bruja') is dead.
DB gets guns from the secret room and starts firing back.

Santos goes inside the house through the tunnel into the secret room and Marisela follows him.
Santos joins DB upstairs. He asks if she is ok. "I'm fine, better than ever," she says, "This is the worst moment of my life. I need you and you are here. You see how much you love me?"

Santos and DB return fire.

The bad guys take off. Santos brings everyone to Altamira. Santos asks DB if it was Sapo who attacked El Miedo but she won't admit it. She starts to have cramping and Marisela takes her upstairs. DB says that she only needs a little rest and doesn't want the doctor. In a sweet scene, DB thanks Marisela for saving her life. She asks Marisela why she did since Marisela hates her. Marisela replies that it seems that she doesn't hate DB as much as she thought. DB asks if Marisela will forgive her but Marisela says that doesn't matter. DB tells her how Lorenzo forgave her before he died. She says it would be odd (curioso) if Marsiela forgave her too one day. Marisela asks who it was who attacked the hacienda and DB confirms that it was the enemy she warned Marisela about. She says she can't tell Santos who it was and she makes Marisela swear not to tell Santos either. DB says that this secrecy is the only way to protect Marisela and Santos from evil.

Melquíades manages to get back to El Miedo. He assumes DB is dead until Juan Primito arrives and tells him that DB is ok.

Pernalete and Mujica arrive. They asks who did this. Santos says that he suspects Fidel Castell. Gonzalo arrives. Santos says that only DB actually knows what happens.

JP brings Melquíades to La Chusmita and tells him not to tell anyone except DB where he is.
DB tells Marisela that her huge engagement ring shows how much Gonzalo loves her. Marisela says that she can't get used to it and DB says that Marisela didn't inherit her modesty from DB.
DB continues to claim that nothing is wrong. She sends Marisela out to get her some coffee. JP shows up, tells her about Melquíades and DB says that she wants leave with him.

Marisela brings Dr. Arias to see DB but she is gone.

Los Mondragón and their cousins arrive at El Miedo and wonder what the hell happened.

JP brings DB to La Chusmita. She says that she is losing her baby.

Labels: barbara
I wasn't too concerned about the gunfight. Most TV gun battles are ridiculous with tons of lead flying and no one getting hurt.
But you are right about Melquiades. Why wasn't anyone concerned about what happened to him or how he got wounded.
I also couldn't understand why if this baby is so important to DB, she would not only refuse any medical treatment but drag herself to La Chusmita where Melquiades and Juan Primito are certainly not going to be much help if she is having a miscarriage.
Marisela overhears some gossip between Casilda and another woman. It seems Juan Primito has been there on an errand for DB. What she has sent him to do is measure Santos from head to foot with a piece of string and bring her the string. Apparently there’s a sort of brujería in which you get the exact height of the desired man on a length of string. Then you put that string around your waist and wear it. The man will be yours soon. The narrative goes on to say that DB, despairing of getting Santos to come to her, decides to resort to witchcraft. Juan Primito, somewhat slyer than the actor in the telenovela, gets Santos to let him measure him by “haciendo el bobo”, counting on Santos going along out of kindness to a mental defective. I should also say that up to this point there is actually nothing going on between Santos and DB.
Marisela panics. On some level, she believes this will work. She asks Pajarote to saddle Catira, the mare Carmelito broke for her, and to ride with her to El Miedo. When they arrive, Marisela leaves Pajarote outside, asking him to respond to her whistle if she needs help. She goes in. In the novel, she has no memory of ever being there. She finds DB in her “dark room” portrayed perfectly in the telenovela just as written in the novel. Marisela walks up and snatches the string from DB before she can get it around her waist. She catches her completely by surprise. And she calls her “bruja”! This has a profound effect on DB. She feigns supernatural powers so that all will fear her, but no one has ever dared call her a witch to her face.
They struggle over the string and it isn’t looking good for Marisela because DB is called a “hombruno” several times in the novel, able to rope cattle and do all the work on the hacienda as well as a man. Just then, in a telenovelaesque twist, Santos shows up in the doorway saying: “Déjala”. There’s a wonderful sentence then in which DB is described as trying desperately to change her murderous expression during the struggle with Marisela into a pleasant one for Santos’ benefit, ending up only with a grimace.
Poor Melquiades, he's just chopped liver. DB went back to find him because she needs his help. She's also going to continue using this bebe to 'get' Santos back. Whether the bebe lives or not, DB will use whatever she can to get what she wants. It's all about the Dona...
Novelera, I sure do enjoy when you share the novel with us. Your last paragraph in particular, describing DB's face, was very descriptive.
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