Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Tues., March 31 - Santos and Pajarote drown their sorrows; Sapo attacks El Miedo

Now Gonzalo realizes that Santos was right about Sapo and he is in big trouble. A little late, there buddy.
Genoveva is chatting with Néstor when she sees Pajarote. She excuses herself and arranges to meet Pajarote later to tell him something important.

DB is daydreaming about happy families when she sees Melquíades looking at her. He says that he is worried that Sapo won't quit until he kills her. DB agrees to let Melquíades go to San Fernando and try to kill Sapo again. She says that it isn't the death she planned for him but dead is dead so she'll take it.
After rehashing their positions once again, Marisela tells Santos that when she saw him patting DB's belly, she realized that they strongly tied together. Santos says that is why she decided to marry Gonzalo. Santos asks Marisela to feel him and remember their kisses and passion. How can she think Gonzalo can make her forget that. "I don't know," replies Marisela.

Now we know DB has completely domestic. She asks Eustaquia for some knitting needles (agujas de tejer). She wants to knit something for her baby with her own hands. She remembers how Eustaquia taught her to knit when she was a little girl.
Santos tells Marisela how much he loves her, that he will never go to back to DB. He holds her, tells her that he knows she loves him... Who knows what might have happened if Gonzalo hadn't appeared.

A strange sight - DB knitting. She realizes that Melquíades is right. As long as Sapo is alive, he is a threat to her and hers. Eustaquia comes in and DB tells her that all the men have gone on various errands. Eustaquia is concerned about their vulnerability but DB is sure that Sapo won't attack her hacienda.

Sapo tells Facundo that their transaction across the river tonight will be very profitable and he doesn't want any mistakes. Facundo says that as long as the guards don't show up, the merchandize should cross without any problems. Sapo says that it is all in the hands of the Commissioner then.

Santos and Gonzalo have their usual grade school argument about Marisela that ends up with them each pulling on her to go with him. Marisela tells Santos not to come looking for her again. Santos says if that is what she wants, he is leaving.

The captain of the river launches decides to defy Gonzalo's order and send some boats that can't be serviced out on patrol.
Melquíades tries and fails again to kill Sapo and he gets shot himself. (What happened to the efficient killer with the blowgun?)
Marisela tells Genoveva that her lips told Santos to go away but her heart wants her to be with Santos. She says that crying won't help. She will learn to love Gonzalo and asks Genoveva to help her. Geno says that she will do anything to make Marisela happy again. Then she goes to meet Pajarote.
Not surprisingly, Santos is drowning his sorrows in drink. Pajarote comes in. Unwisely, Pajarote enters into a conversation with Santos about the perfidies of women. Genoveva shows up for their meeting.

Geno and Pajarote say that they have to talk but they kiss instead.
Sapo is furious that DB tried to kill him and then Facundo tells him that the operation had to be abandoned because there were patrols on the river. Sapo decides that DB has gone to far. They will go to El Miedo right away and destroy the place.
Facundo tells Gonzalo that his people apparently don't respect his order because the river patrols went out. He says that won't help Gonzalo's political career and his friends won't like him anymore.
Geno tells Pajarote that she something important to tell him but she starts by asking what he feels for her. Pajarote says that when he sees her, he wants to kiss her, bite her, eat her, etc. Geno asks if he feels the same way about the Mondagon woman. Foolishly, Pajarote says that he feels the same for her as for any other woman. Naturally, this is not what Geno wants to hear. She says that she had something important to tell a man who cares about her but since she is just like the rest, she doesn't care if he doesn't know. "Goodbye," says Geno, "and try and die soon, Juan Palacious."

Gonzalo chews out the boat captain and the captain says to go ahead and report him. He has a spotless record and knows that he is in right. Antonio comes in and hears part of this.
The drunks, Santos and Pajarote, tell each other that women just don't get it (no captan) maybe because they don't want to get it (no quieren captar). They drink a toast to women even though they don't get it (bridemos por ellas, aunque no capten.') [illustrating the present indicative, infinitve and present subjunctive of the verb.]
Melquíades makes it to Marisela's room and collapses. He tells her that DB is in danger and Marisela has to warn her. Geno tells her that Santos is in the bar and Marisela goes to get him.

Antonio tells Gonzalo that he is being too hard on the Captain. Gonzalo replies that it is a matter of authority. He has given an order and it must be followed. Antonio says that Gonzalo is acting like the tyrants of the previous government.
Marisela tells Santos about the danger to DB. The boat captain and Antonio come in and say that the fastest way to get to Progresso is by boat. They all leave.
Gonzalo finds blood in Marisela's room.
Meanwhile, it looks like the wounded Melquíades is trying to walk back to Progresso.

Sapo's henchment douse the walls of El Miedo with gasoline and sets it on fire while they wait outside with guns drawn to prevent any escape. Meanwhile, Santos is on the way, with Pajaorte, Genoveva, Marisela, Antonio and the boat captain.

DB wakes up and realizes that the place is on fire.
Labels: barbara
Re: Genesis Rodriguez: dunno about this one, but she had one or two heavy pregnancy padding epis at the end of Dame Chocolate (followed by childbirth), so I don't think it's her objecting to it. More likely, the writers figured the incest and sharing a man with her mom were icky enough to add both of them being pregnant at the same time by the same guy. If we see her pregnant, it will probably be after DB has died, left, or miscarried (my guess anyway). We actually never saw Mili from Guapos or Lorena in QE pregnant (both TNs recently ended on Univision). We did see their kids, but that was part of the ending montage, so the pregnancies were MIA. It's not a rule for heroines to be pregnant, though certainly common. In Madre Luna, the only person we saw pregnant was a teenager who got that way to try to land one of the heroine's sons. Technically Alejandra was still of childbearing age (probably in her early to mid 40s), yet neither she nor any of the younger "good" characters were ever shown pregnant. And in ECDD, it was only the hero's daughter that was shown pregnant. Then again, there was no real heroine in that one ;) Isabel was more of an "antihero."
No clue why in some cultures cats have 7 lives and in others 9, but I guess it may be the way it flows speech wise? One thing I've noticed is that in Mexico, the expression is "looking for three legs on the cat" (the end of the phrase being "knowing it has 4"), but in Colombia, and apparently in Venezuela from this TN, the expression is "looking for five legs..." Guess it depends on whether each culture finds a missing leg or an extra leg more absurd.
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