Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Las tontas no van #85, Mon 4/6, You Can’t Hit a Home Run If You Can’t Clear the Wall.
Picking up from Friday, Chayo walks in on Ed trying to awaken Bárbara, and she assumes that he is trying to acostarse instead of despertarse. Barb and Ed try to convince her otherwise, but given Ed’s track record, Chayo knows that dog is more likely to bark than quack.
Santiago and his daughters are in his room watching a video of Lucía’s birthday party with her parents. Santi remembers swearing to his brother to be a father to Luc if anything happened to his brother, and his brother promised the same. In the video, Lucía’s mother reminds her that life is a gift to be enjoyed. Santi reminds Luc that her parents live on in their thoughts, joys, and yes, tears. He tells her that into life come trials, obstacles, and dark times. But afterwards, the sun always comes out.
Back at the amusement park, Candy tells Pat that he always does what he wants and thinks she wants the same thing. He moved in to her house without asking if she wanted him to. Pat asks, “You don’t want that?” Candy dodges as usual, “All I know is I’m glad my son is happy to have you there.” She asks him to give her time. Eating lunch, Pat tells her he wants to make up for all the lost time away from her and his son. “I love you and I want to win you back.” Candy dodges by changing the subject to soccer. When that conversation turns against her, she changes the subject yet again. Pat suggests she’s afraid she was wrong to let him into her heart. Candy says, “We we’re young then. Things can change.” Pat says he loves her more than ever, and by the way, he wants to move off the couch and into her bed. Home run? Nope, line drive was caught bouncing off the wall. He’s out.
In his garden, Marissa speculates to Santiago about what kind of sicko would send such an e-mail to Lucía. She pauses and asks, “You’re not implying that I was involved, are you?” Santi answers, “Heavens no! It was someone sick, someone with no heart.” She suggests he hire an investigator, but he would rather put his energy into making his children happy (but no mention of his wife). When she’s not looking, he cringes. Mar continues, “You won’t leave me alone with my baby, will you?” Santiago dodges, “Our baby.”
Hortensia and Carlo are out on their date, and he intersperses blatant flattery with shoulder punches.
Meño talks with the family the next morning.
Beto asks his mom why his dad can’t live with him instead of with Chava.
Raúl calls Candy to tell her he’ll carry her column again, but she’s not going to make it easy for him.
Santiago shows Mar the baby’s room, but she has no interest in decorating it. Trying to stay as upbeat as possible with 3M (Maniac Mama Marissa), he threatens to decorate it in Club America colors, but she cuts him off cold. “Quit the delusions!” (Deje de hacerte illusiones.) He’s taken aback so 3M tries to cover, “What if he doesn’t like fútbol?” Santi says, “My son and I agreed.” He talks to the belly, “Son, you’ll be an America fan, right?” But then he pulls away, troubled. “He didn’t respond.”
Pat: I’m not going to be a father.
Ali: Pardon me. I didn’t know that he hadn’t told you. I thought you two had good communication.
Pat: I’m not hiding anything. Alicia wants to adopt a baby, and I’m helping her.
Candy: Yeah, I get it.
Pat: Candy, she’s just trying to provoke you. You’re falling into her game.
Alicia provokes them both some more, until Pat throws her out. Candy’s pissed! Mission accomplished. Candy is convinced that Pat wants a third child by a third mother, and she won’t listen to anything he says.
In the salon, Marissa tells Santiago that it’s nice to see him excited for his son and the wedding, and she doesn’t want to complicate things unnecessarily (no estoy buscando tres pies al gato), but she just doesn’t feel like he loves her. I’m wondering what was her first clue. Maybe when he told her, “You've managed to destroy everything I've ever felt for you, even friendship.” Or maybe it was when she gave him the ultimatum, “You get me and the baby, or neither of us.” Regardless, she tells him she needs to feel like he loves her. Santi tells her, “We need to regain our trust, but I’m giving it my all.” 3M leaves in a huff. Santi tries to convince Donato and himself that, with a lot of work and patience, it will all work out.
Time to take inventory. Santiago is frustrated with Marissa, and Candy is frustrated with Pat. What is a man’s second-favorite way to get rid of frustration? Exercise!
Isabel and Jaime are reading in bed when they hear strains of Jailhouse Rock. On their way downstairs to investigate, the girls and Donato join them. In the salon they see Santiago and Tina cutting a rug. He tells them, “I’m cheering myself up.” Consider the choice of song. The message? Even when you’re imprisoned, you can still dance. Everybody joins the dancing. Santi passes Tina off to Don, and he steps away to call Candy.
S: Hi, Friend. I’m calling you, friend to friend. Come dance with me! (Unlike Pat, Santi knows how to clear the wall.) To Rocío: Súbale! Turn it up!
C: No, I’m at home for the night.
S: Agh! Up on your feet.
C: No! Imagine this (be careful what you ask for). I’m in my pajamas, lying in bed.
S: Don’t tell my you’re lying down, because you don’t know how to lie (but not for want of practice). Up on your feet! (She stands up.) Raise your hand. (She reaches her arm out.) A little more. (She raises it to shoulder level.)
In her imagination (and our TV screens), Santiago takes her hand and puts a hand on her belly but she bats it away. They start into an exuberant Twist that is finished all too soon. Why, oh why do we never get to see Jaime Camil dance more than just a few bars? Yañez fans got their swimming scenes, Colunga fans get their (our) horseback scenes, why don’t we get our dance scenes? Alas, maybe next year.
She tells him, “Thank you. Thank you very much.” She needed that frustration-relief too. He reminds her, “I’m here for you, always, whatever I can do for you, everywhere, in every way.” She says, “Goodnight, Dr. Plastico,” and then she corrects, in an emotion-filled voice, “Buenas noches, Santiago.” Well that just sends him to the moon! “Me dijo Santiago!!!” He breaks into his signature hoppy-dance for shear joy.
At breakfast the next morning, Meño gets the debriefing about the phone dancing and Alicia’s adoption plans. Meño gives his unrestrained opinion, and of course Pat is standing right behind him to hear it all.
Gregoria is in bed with a fever. Candy brings her some tea and takes care of her the way mama used to take care of Candy. Gregoria talks about the pain of the empty nest, and how hard it was to see the chairs at the kitchen table go empty one by one, starting with Veronica and ending with Clemente. Candy regrets the pain her fake death caused her mother. Gregoria respects that Candy wouldn’t tolerate a cheating husband like Gregoria did.
Santiago’s good mood is still firmly in place when he greets his family at the breakfast table. He tells them they look like a telenovela family where everyone is guapo. Marissa arrives and the good mood departs. She hounds Luc out of her chair, she’s pushy to Roc, and she’s condescending to Isabel and Jaime. Santi tells her, “So nice that you’re in a better mood today,” and he disguises all the sarcasm in his voice. She demands understanding because she’s the pregnant lady.
At work, Chayo badgers Barb to find out what Ed told her. Is he still seeing other women? Of course Barb would never violate doctor-patient secrecy, at least not today. What has Chayo really upset is that she’s afraid she can’t have children.
Alicia challenges Marissa, since she hasn’t told her anything about travel plans. Mar says Ali has to trust her more. “We’ll cover each other’s back,” she says, “just like the Brad Peeet movies.” As I see their silhouette standing back-to-back, all I can think of is a lollipop. Mar gives Ali her ticket, and Ali notices that the flight is the same day as the wedding. Mar gives an innocent look and says, “Reeeally?”
Hortensia tells Santiago about her date with Carlo, and she is full of surprises.
H: He was a perfect gentleman.
S: Are we talking about the same Carlo? The taxi driver?
H: Isn’t he a banker?
S: Um, yes, in his free time.
They end up in a shouting match about who is younger, Carlo or Hortensia, when Candy walks in. Santi points out that she hasn’t come to visit since “El Innombrable” moved in. Hortensia asks if he means the ex-president. Santi says, no, El Piojoso (the lousy one, referring to Pat). I asked Jarocha for help about Innombrable. The word means “unmentionable,” and often refers to underwear, but it also refers to Carlos Salinas de Gortari, president of Mexico from 1988 to 1994. The folks in Frostbite Falls would certainly declare him a Dirty Rotten Shnook. I posted Jarocha’s answer at this link. Thank you, Jarocha! You’re a gem!
Candy tells Santi that Isabel said he’s not doing well. Since he helped her with her bad mood yesterday, she wants to return the favor.
In summary, Marissa is infuriating to Santiago, but I think this marriage plan is his best move. Why? ¿Because he should marry Marissa? De ninguna manera! No way! Instead, as a means to reach Candy. Remember he once said, “When I get close she runs away. When I pull away she comes close.”
• On Monday, Candy let Pat move in, and Santiago thought all hope was gone. (Logical conclusion.)
• On Wednesday, Santi told her he would marry Marissa. That marked the beginning of a change in Candy’s attitude toward Patricio.
• In the same conversation, she told Santi, “Maybe I’m making a mistake giving Pat a chance.” That was the first time she voiced misgivings about going back to Pat.
• In the next episode, she resisted Pat’s kiss and told Santi that Pat sleeps on the couch.
• In the same episode, her memory montage of Pat was interrupted by El Tiburon.
• And in the next episode (Friday), she told Pat, “I like you but I don’t know if I love you.”
• Tonight, she was irritated with Pat through most of the episode and she had a spat with him about the adoption. On the other hand, she was enthralled by Santiago’s phone dancing, she went back to calling him “Santiago,” and she came to his office to find a way to make him happy.
I’m telling you, if Santiago can just stay engaged to Marissa long enough, Candy just might end up in his arms. I think her motto will be, “If you can’t be with the one you love, dump the one you’re with.”
Tomorrow: Marissa says she won’t show up at the wedding.
Labels: Tontas
Also nice analysis of how Candy comes close every time Santiago seems to be moving away...and oh "dump the one you're with"! whew...harsh but true. That does seem to be how our heroine? operates.
I liked the tender scene with her mother where she finally seemed to "get" how cruel her pretend death was to her parents. About time.
Thanks Paula, another great one. Other than my romance with the 1948 Cleveland Indians I'm not a baseball fan (only basketball and football) so I can't help you there.
How sad that Marissa: "... just doesn’t feel like he loves her. I’m wondering what was her first clue. Maybe when he told her, “You've managed to destroy everything I've ever felt for you, even friendship.”
Santi shone last night. His kindness and caring comments to Lucia, his struggle to do the right thing for his unborn son and his happy dance were touching and great fun.
Pat on the other hand really tanked, didn't he. He was totally rebuffed by Candy "Home run? Nope, line drive was caught bouncing off the wall. He’s out". Also, what could he have been thinking not to tell Candy about Ali and the adoption?? Well, obviously he wasn't and this may have sealed his fate.
Diana in MA
Honestly I was blown away that Candy apologized to her mama; what a sweet scene that was. When Greg spoke about the pain of her losses she suddenly looked very beautiful to me. The actress is quite good looking.
Great catch on the name of the song. Like Judy I was enjoying the moment and not paying attention to the song. What clever writing!
I feel for Pat, he's really trying, but I think it's starting to show that he is who he is and maybe not the best guy for Candy. As Diana points out, bad call him not telling Candy about helping Ali adopt.
Ali and Marissa are deliciously evil. I enjoy their scenes together even though they make me cringe.
Paula, I may use your last quote, Candy's motto, as a title sometime if someone doesn't beat me to it. Would you mind?
Last night was one of my favorites. I loved the dancing!
Santi was so cute dancing. Darn, he does everything extremely well!!
I agree Sylvia, Mariloca and Ali are an interesting pair. Their scenes together are fun to watch with one pitted against the other yet allies.
Pat made a huge mistake by not telling Candy about the adoption. It was just one more episode to bring back the old mistrust.
Will Candy cool off toward Santi if Marissa dumps him? Will that send her reeling back to Pat?
She wants what she can't have and doesn't want it if it's available.
Carrie L.
Paula, I am a HUGE baseball fan (my Red Sox open today, YEAH!), but don't know the logos. The only American teams with similar logos would be the Athletics and Dodgers, but the logos are not really the same anyway. Sorry!
Carlos, you advised getting the Pimsleur method to learn Spanish. I just bought the Polish version for my daughter (for some crazy reason, she wants to learn Polish)! I'll see how she does with that and then buy the Spanish version for me. Only 3 more weeks of school left, then I will have time to learn Spanish instead of microbes, and of course, be able to watch the show.
When I saw the shape of Marissa and Alicia's silhouette standing back-to-back, all I could think of was a lollipop.
And wasn't the dancing fun?
One day during microbiology class they passed around Petri dishes of pathogens. What a treat to hold TB, Anthrax, Brucellosis, Tuleremia et al in your own hand. Needless to say, we were very careful that day.
Judy, I pulled for Mich. St. but it sure didn't help much. NC really does have a good team.
I've kinda been on Team Pato for Tontas.... but he's losing ground fast. Even though I like to see "families" stay together, he seems more and more immature and Santi's looking better and better.
Oh and Carlos...Your Viagra story on MEPS....too sad. There probably was a time when they could and sat and watched it and it would pop right up! Ah youth. Now loving encouragement is needed...not a bad idea either.
I wonder who might have to walk the plank!
And, Paula, WHY did you get out?? You know as well as I do that the U.S. military can use every first rate mind it can get.
"The guy in the white/purple t-shirt was pretty easy. It's an adaptation of the interlocking "L" and "A" used by the Los Angeles Dodgers on their hats. The logo has been modified by a Melrose Avenue boutique called De la Barracuda (www.barracudashop.com). Similar t-shirts (sorry, purple logo sold out) are $38.00.
The hat I haven't been able to figure out. It's just close enough, but not quite, to the "A" on the hats of the Atlanta Braves, Alabama Crimson Tide and Oakland Athletics. It's probably just a cap they bought at some store that starts with an "A" or something like that.
So, Alicia and Marissa are leaving on the wedding day, does that mean Marissa sneaks out after the wedding or before?
The back of Pat's hat had Greenpeace on it, I think I remember seeing last night. Not sure how that would relate to the 'A' on the front. Santi's shirt definitely had a Dodger's logo look about it.
Definitely about time for Candy to realize the pain she caused by 'dying'.
Carlos: "he sure is quick to sacrifice a child for his own purposes." As well as quick to use a child for his own purposes. He has been using the boys (albeit he definitely seems to love them) quite a bit to get his way with first Soledad and now Candy.
Mike: "I hope neither Patricio or Santiago gets stuck with Candy OR Marissa OR Alicia OR Soledad. Neither of those guys deserves such a fate." LOL, good one.
Judy: Sorry, I was for UNC last night because, a UNC win, I get first in my pool, MSU win, I get 3rd. 1st ... 3rd ... Hmm, UNC. Very hard as I am in Big Ten country and picking UNC to win it all just doesn't feel right, sort of makes a person sick. :-)
In a recent appearance (clothing not chosen by a costume dept.) Camil wore a dark-colored shirt with the same logo, so he must like it. Probably for the barracuda emblem, not the baseball tie-in. I suspect he doesn't play baseball. I've seen him pitch. 'nuff said.
I have to say I didn't watch much of the game last night. I watched Heroes and then watched our taping of MEPS. Go Eduardo! Just peaked in every now and then saw UNC continued to do well, so didn't want to jinx my chances by actually watching the game. :-)
On another note, I looked at some baseball caps, Angels, Athletics, Atlanta Braves, Astro, and none match Pat's cap.
Here is their link for Cleveland:
You can go down that page and click on 1948 and see what other players there were to remember.
Also, driving through Iowa, always see the signs for the Van Meter exit calling out the Bob Feller home.
Now for me, back to regularly scheduled Tontasing.
And yes, Kalin Lucas is wonderful. I'm still ticked that he beat out our Evan Turner for Big 10 player of the year, but....he's good. And I love your coach Tubby Smith and think Kentucky gave him a raw deal, so delighted that he's doing so well at Minnesota.
Okay...back to Tontas. Who thinks Santiago will actually marry Marissa? I can't believe the wedding will actually take place. But I could be wrong.
Santiago I'm not worried about, but the thought of an infant at the mercy of these two conniving but maternally clueless females is nauseating.
Off to get organized now with pen and paper. Recapping tonight.
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