Sunday, May 03, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Fri., May 1- More bad stuff happens- Antonio is back in jail; Cecilia can't see Lucita anymore; and Gonzalo tries to rape Marisela
Dr. Arias asks Tigre what he is doing in his office. Tigre manages to stammer out that his shoulder is hurt.
Santos says that he is glad that Antonio now believes him about Gonzalo. Antonio apologizes to Santos for doubting what Santos told him before about Gonzalo. Andrés says that doesn't matter now. What is important is finding out who killed Carmelito and wounded María Nieves. They speculate whether it could have been Gonzalo, Sapo or DB's man León Mondragón.
DB tells Marisela that she needs the photos of the rapists asap. Marisela replies that Gonzalo keeps them locked up. DB tells her what Sapo did to Juan Primito. Marisela says that she will get the photos as soon as she gets back to San Fernando.
Gonzalo looks at the photos and tells himself that he can control Sapo with them and if he controls Sapo, he controls the Arauca.
DB tells Melquíades that she saw León lurking around at the burial and she says that she didn't have a good feeling about it at all.
Santos tells Andrés and Antonio that he won't be responsible for his actions if MN dies. Antonio tells him not to be blinded by rage. Santos has always said that violence was not the solution. Santos says that he has changed his mind. Antonio says that when Santos is calmer, he will return to being 'the different Luzardo' who is his brother. Antonio and Andrés leave.
Genoveva tells Marisela that she wants to stay in Progresso to be with Gervasia and to help Pajarote who is suffering so much. Pajarote comes in and says that he wants her to leave. He wants her far away during the war that is going to happen. He tells Geno that when the war is over he will come for her and be the all the man that she wants. No one can look into his heart like she does and no other woman could turn him into a 'tame ox' ('buey manso') except her. They kiss and he tells her to go to San Fernando and take care of Marisela.
DB pretends to put the moves on León. [Why can't she have Melquíades just torture a confession out of him like everyone else?]
Antonio is arrested in Progresso.
Santos tells Marisela that he doesn't want to be bothered. She comes in anyway and asks what all this talk about blood at the funeral was about. She says that he is a man of peace and civilization.
Santos replies that he can use violence too. He can be like his father. He tells her that his father killed himself in the room they are in after he had killed his son, Santos' brother. Before that, he had killed Marisela's grandfather and several of his brothers. Santos tells Marisela that his father told him all the time about 'the maneater' ('la devoradora de hombres') but he didn't understand. Marisela says that DB is the maneater. "No," replies Santos, "he was speaking of the land. DB is no more than the product of the violence that swept this place. She is a killer because she learned from the bastards who raped her. But it's not just your mother. It's a way of life." He tells her that he is tired of believing in law and education. He says that they have to fight these animals with their own weapons.
Tigre tells León that he didn't have an opportunity to kill MN.
DB puts on a performance in front of Celeste and Leoncia saying that León and Tigre would never murder a man for money.
Marisela tells Santos that the man she loves wouldn't say such things. Santos replies that Marisela never loved him. Marisela says that she loves Santos more than her life. Santos says that if she loved him, she wouldn't betray him by giving kisses to his worst enemy. Marisela says cryptically that if he knew her, he know what she was doing. She says that he is blind. She has never given her lips to any other man. They kiss.
Melesio comes to see Altagracia and brings her some food. He tells her that they are all trying to help Gervasia. She says that she is sure that God will let MN recover. She asks to borrow Melesio's gun. She tells him that Tigre was there and gave her a bad feeling. Melesio agrees.
Marisela tells Santos that once he knew her so well he could tell what she was thinking. She can still read his thoughts and knows what he is feeling. She still believes in his love and wishes that he would do the same for her. When Marisela is gone, Santos concludes that she isn't betraying him. He decides that DB is manipulating Marisela and says that he won't permit it this time.
Antonio wonders why he always ends up in jail. Gonzalo comes to gloat. He says that Antonio will rot in jail as a traitor.
Marisela tells Genoveva that she is going back to the Government office. She has to continue with her plan even though she finds Gonzalo disgusting.
A guy shows up at Altamira and says that he is the Land Registry Inspector and he has been sent by the Minister of the Interior to investigate a delicate matter. Santos is delighted to see him.
Cecilia bursts in on Gonzalo and chews him out for having Antonio arrested. She tells him that Marisela loves and will always love Santos. "So you can do what you want to do ('hagas lo que hagas')," Cecila tells him, "lock up whom you want to lock up ('encierres a quien encierres'), bribe whom you want to bribe ('sobornes a quien sobornes') and marry her or not marry her ('te cases con ella o te dejes de casar con ella'), you will be sleeping every night with a woman who doesn't love you. She loves Santos Luzardo!" Gonzalo tells her to get out and says that she will pay. He will destroy everything she loves and she will never be happy. Cecilia replies that the world can't be so rotten that he can get away with this.
Leoncia and Celeste tell León and Tigre that DB defended him when Eustaquia suggested that they had something to do with Carmelito's death. He angrily denies Leoncia's suggestion that he was carrying a grudge because Carmelito stole his woman and child.
The Land Registry Inspector tells Santos that he finds the situation very confusing. He wonders who could have stolen the photos of DB's rapists. Santos says that he doesn't know but one thing is for sure, there is drug running in the region and the Governor is involved. The inspector declines to be introduced to Pernalete and asks Santos to keep him informed.
Melquíades is sure that León murdered Carmelito because his eyes reflect recent blood. DB says that she has a way to make Leon confess. Melquíades tells her to be careful. DB tells him not to worry. Men are fools when they think they've conquered a woman.
Gonzalo expresses his jealousy to Marisela and she tells him that she has gotten Santos out out of her heart and that she is here with him and his going to marry him in a few days. She won't let him kiss her, though. Gonzalo tricks her into going into his room by saying that he has a surprise for her. Then he tries to rape her. She manages to knee him in the crotch and escape. Now Gonzalo adds Marisela to the list of people who will pay for humililating him. Outside the room, Marisela says that she has to get out of there right now.
Santos comes to see DB about Marisela.
Cecilia is turned away from taking care of Lucita in the hospital by Don Encarnación.
Santos asks DB if she is blackmailing or forcing Marisela to marry Gonzalo. DB admits that Marisela is doing what DB has asked her to but DB says that she is doing this for him to help him catch Gonzalo. She says that she is showing him that she can do something unselfish and good. Santos says that putting Marisela at risk just to please him shows just how selfish DB is.
Marisela gets the photos out of Gonzalo's drawer but he comes in and catches her.
Labels: barbara
I LOVED Cecilia's takedown of Gonzalo. She really gave it to him in spades, and I know it hit him where it hurts most - his masculine pride!
It will be interesting to see where DB's playing up to León is going to go.
It seems like what happened to Carmelito goes against the novela rules. I want to register a protest...
The civilization versus barbarism theme had kind of disappeared from the story and now it is back and Carmelito's murder provokes Santos into threatening to repay violence with more violence just like his father would have.
I seem to recall that novelera told us a long time ago something from the book similar to Santos' speech to Marisela about how his father told him that the land was the 'devoradora de hombres.'
The only reason I can think of that DB would be sweet with Leon is if she's not planning on getting rid of his body. Maybe she's going to pull something off to make him confess in public.
Even though it's a sad time, it was good to see Pajarote and Genoveva make peace with each other. I guess he finally realises he doesn't have to be alone anymore.
I am completely bummed and upset about Carmelito. CC makes a good point about DB probably wanting Leon to confess rather than just doing away with him Melquiades-style. I haven't watched Monday's episode yet but I'm looking forward to it. It feels like things will reach a fevered pitch soon.
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