Monday, May 11, 2009
Doña Barbara, Mon. May 11 - Santos is off the hook for León's death legally and morally; Sapo goes after Eustaquia
Nobody knows what to do with DB pounding on the the door of Pernalete's house. Finally, at Mujica's suggestion, Pernalete stammers out that he is getting dressed and asks DB to wait for him at the jefetura. DB tells Melquíades that is very strange.
Antonio and Capt. Delgado discuss the news that Sapo's body wasn't in the plane. Genoveva says that she is afraid that Sapo will be angry that his friend Gonzalo was put in prison. Capt. Delgado says that narcotrafficers like Sapo don't have friends. They are only interested in money. Another telegram arrives with the news about León's death and María Nieves' recovery. Antonio decides to go to Progresso.
Pajarote asks Santos and Marisela to put themselves in his shoes - he killed another human being. Now that he isn't in Pajarote's shoes anymore, Santos blithely tells Pajarote not to feel bad - León wasn't a human being; he was a beast. He tells Pajarote to stop torturing himself and try to forget what happened.
When Pernalete and Mujica arrive, Marisela keeps Pajarote from speaking. Santos finishes his statement saying that he killed León in self defense.
Gervasia comes to see León's corpse. In a long scene complete with flashbacks, she asks what he had against her and why he destroyed her life twice. She says that she feels that she won because Leon is dead and no one is crying for him while she was happy with Carmelito. Because of the child León fathered in her, she forgives him.

Sapo tells Facundo that tonight they will go to La Chusmita and get revenge on DB by killing Eustaquia.
Melesio comes into where Gervasia is and basically tells her that life goes on. She has to live for her children. When Gervasia asks how she will be happy again, he tells her that moments of happiness are all that exist in life and that when she is old like him, she will look back at them.
In the sweet scenes that we have come to expect right before someone dies, Juan Primito tells Eustaquia that he is fond of her and wishes she would get out of bed and chase him around like she used to. He asks her to make him some jam (jalea).

DB gives her statement to Pernalete. Antonio arrives and tells everyone the news about Sapo still being alive. DB says that she knew it all along and she also knows that he is very close.
La Chusmita is apparently a one-room set so Eustaquia is making jam on a brazier or something on the main table in the room. She says that the jam won't set ('no cuaja') and it tastes terrible. She isn't good for anything any more. JP tells her that she makes the best arepas in the world and Eustaquia remembers when she first met JP.
When the Altamira folks repair to the bar after giving their statements in the jefetura, they find Cecilia and Genoveva there. Santos thanks Pajarote for confessing to killing León. He says that Pajarote has given him his life back, twice. [I guess since Pajarote didn't make a promise to his mother to abjur violence, he wouldn't have the same guilt as Santos when he killed someone. Still, Santos' obvious relief at not being the killer and his expectation that Pajarote's guilt will be satisfied with the excuses that he wouldn't accept when he thought that he had killed León does not reflect well on Santos, in my opinion.]
When DB is alone with Pernalete and Mujica, she asks why they are so nervous. She warns them not to mention to anyone that Eustaquia is at La Chusmita.
Eustaquia asks JP to take care of DB when she is gone. JP says that he will because he loves DB and she loves him and took care of him when Sapo tortured him.

DB gets Marisela alone and appears to revert to her nasty old self. She tells Marisela to get away from Altamira and leave Santos to her. Marisela asks DB why just when it seems like DB loves her, she mistreats her.
DB tells Melquíades that she had to frighten her daughter to make her go away. If she doesn't take the advice, too bad for her. Melquíades that they are armed to the teeth. DB says that they will wait for nightfall to pay a visit. [Of course, they don't know where Sapo is so where are they going to go? And meanwhile they've left the person they know to be in danger alone.]

Sapo ties up and gags everyone in Pernalete's house except the baby. He tells Facundo that he isn't killing them because he needs to come back to the house and doesn't want bodies stinking up the place.

Sapo comes to La Chusmita and knocks Eustaquia down.
DB finally figures out that Pernalete's strange behavior means that Sapo is hiding in his house. She rescues them and heads for La Chusmita.
Genoveva tells Pajarote that even though he is a shameless dummy, she is proud of him. He did what he had to do. He tells her not to leave him alone, he is afraid that the ghost of León will appear to him. He tells Geno that now that he has her, he never wants to sleep alone again.
Santos tells Marisela that she can go through one of two doors. One door is to her life away from him. He knows that she could have a happy and peaceful life. The other door is to life with him. He says that he knows that living with him won't be easy. She needs courage and maturity to enter his life. He can only promise her his love and the desire he has to share his life with her. He says that he won't ask her again.
DB and her armed gang is rushing off to La Chusmita. Facundo tells Sapo that she is on the way. Sapo takes Facundo's switchblade and uses it on Eustaquia.

DB arrives at La Chusmita and finds Eustaquia with her wrists slashed [I think].

Labels: barbara
Jean, I agree that Santos' behavior was weird. Just because he didn't kill Leon doesn't mean the real killer shouldn't feel guilty about it. Oh well, guess it's part of the novela.
Can't wait for the showdown between DB and Sapo.
Wow, Sapo has certainly confirmed his reservation in hell. The fewer options he has the more cruel and devious he becomes. I think this is going to be a very interesting week in DB land.
Thanks Jean. Your recaps are a real joy to read and you always manage to include the pictures that portray the mood perfectly.
We thought Santos had learned humility when he realized what an idiot he had been about DB but I guess it didn't take.
Thank God Sapo didn't torture Eustaquia. She stood right up to him and told him exactly what sort of miserable bastard he is. It was sad, most of all for DB, who is going to grieve terribly. As far as Eustaquia, she has been saying for a very long time that she was ready to go. In a way, it's not that big of a tragedy for her personally, except for the fright of Sapo and Facundo holding her prisoner. But DB is really going to suffer.
The novel also mentions arepas, and one of our classmates in my Spanish class brought in photos of what they look like. And here's something from wikipedia, also with a photograph:
You can buy the special corn flour for arepas in the states in stores that specialize in Mexican and Latin American foods. Here is a link to a blog entry on how to make arepas:
Some of the loose ends are tying up. I wonder if we'll see Maurice again. It would be nice if Capt Delgado had another scene or two.
Santos is less arrogant than he used to be. He's slipped up a little lately...
I love the links to arepas, my mouth is watering. Did any of you happen to click onto the "La Reina Pepiada" link on the blog that Jean shared? What a great little story. I'm going to be on the lookout for Harina PAN.
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