Monday, May 11, 2009

MEPS 5/11: $3 million, $3 million, $3 million. How much? $3 million.

We plunge back into the Elizalde's hell. Fer's crying on her little brother's shoulder as he sagely advises they shouldn't jump to conclusions.

At Las Animas, Fr/Ed admits he loves Fer but what to do about it? He's not keen on Esteve's suggestion that he woo her as Franco Santoro. Meanwhile, he has to come up with $3 million dollars pretty fast. We'll hear that figure many times over the course of this episode... His goals: to put the Elizaldes in their place, to get Lily out of the manicomio and get her wits back about her, to make Barbara pay for her crimes, and to find out who was responsible for his mother's misery.

But first, $3 million... Steve says he doesn't have that much in ready cash, but he can ask his dad for it. Fr/Ed wants to manage the problem himself - he can probably distract the family for another day or two but that's it. Fr/Ed asks Gardenia (looking all perky in her sundress) to show Esteve to his room. Surely Esteve is going to fall for her? She calls him Don Gringuito which I think is quite cute.

Camilo and Anibal are loudly blaming Fer for the Milk Group predicament. She claims things are worse for her and promises to do what she can to get the money back. Barbara starts insincerely consoling her, later I felt "blegh" when she stroked Fer's hair in sympathy...

Camilo snidely suggests Fr/Ed may be in need of a wife and Fer now being free... Santi bounds down the stairs and accuses Camilo of selling his sister for $3 million. Camilo snidely mocks him for losing Aurora - "she realized what a disaster you are."

Three guys I don't know are discussing their attempt to find some dirt about Fr/Ed - the investigation has to be finished in two days. They say Gardenia can be used to solve the problem "Tomorrow you'll get what you need." Somebody else fill me in here?

Dominga pulls cash out of her garderobe and stuffs it in her ample bosom, cackling - then goes off to bet it on the game cocks I think - after spurning the dinner Aurora brought her. Aurora cries about Santi, "the best thing that ever happened to me," then sees a piece of paper sticking out of the garderobe. She jimmies the door and sees it's some telegram or something (we don't see what it says).

Later, when Dominga is snoring, Aurora sneaks in, cuts the key off the string around that fat neck, and tiptoes out the front door with her suitcase.

Lily shakes and sobs in her sleep while Martina catches a few winks. Lily dreams about that day, years before, when she got framed for killing her mother. She knows it was Barbara, she heard the phone call... They both wake up and Lily finally tells Martina that in those few moments she was alone with Barbara recently, the Hyena threated to kill her dad if she spilled the beans.

Franco sternly tells Obregon: "I can't trust such a double-crosser." Obregon weakly explains he wanted his dough from Barbara, that's why he called her. "Well, Lily is not leaving here, so kiss your reward goodbye! I'll give you one more chance, Obregon - if Barbara calls say everything is fine - I have eyes and ears everywhere so don't think you can jerk me around...

"... here, read this out loud!" Franco hands him a piece of paper and turns on a little tape recorder. "I, Plutarco Obregon, director of Happy Acres, arbitrarily administered medication to Liliana Elizalde, who arrived her perfectly sane, and I did it on the orders of Barbara Greco."

Damian has taken over Vladimir's apartment and is explaining to him that Pris will call soon, when she realizes it's true that Anibal took her money. "She'll ask where you got the information, but you can't tell her! Leave her in suspense - say you can only tell her in person."

Vlad is like a puppy and says he'd like to give her flowers and take her to a nice restaurant and show her his love. "You're not in love, you're the biggest imbecile in the world! I won't help you! You won't get anywhere by being nice!"

Prisila harangues Anibal about her money but he says he's got no head for missing papers when the company and the family are going down in flames.

After being bleghily consoled by Barbara, Fer admits to herself she doesn't love Damian.

Damian lies in bed brooding about the $3 mil and about Barbara telling him he'll be hunted down so he'd better go to ground (madriguera = a lair). He curses her.

The phone rings, it's Prisila calling Vladimir! Vlad is all happy, and wants to see her immediately (using his info as the pretext) but Damian makes him cool his jets. No, the morning will not be convenient, he has a boxing lesson; no, the afternoon's no good either, he's tied up... "I'll call when I have time."

They hang up and Vlad crows "you were right! She's desperate to see me!" "That proves I am NEVER WRONG." "But I hate to make her suffer!" "You must be firm - say only what I tell you to say - she'll deny you nothing!"

Pops Elizalde drinks alone. Barb (without makeup!) comes in and is infuriated when Pops tells her he promised Fer he wouldn't send Lily out of the country, at least for three months. Barbara goes into her dressing room and brushes her hair very, very fast to work off her frustrated malevolence.

Fr/Ed tries to communicate with Lily. "I believe you, you're innocent, but we need proofs. Barbara said what she said to scare you. We must keep your secret, you can't tell anybody, not even Fer, we can't alert anyone, understand?"

Prisila asks Anibal what's going on with the company, he asks why she's interested all of a sudden. "My child will have a stake so now I care." "Damian fled with $3 mil. Now, without Franco's help, our family has no future." Prisila asks what Fern's doing. "She's in her room, crying, then she'll get ready to fall in love with some other cretin."

"I pray," says Pris, "my baby does not inherit the stupidity of her mother."

Fer broods: could somebody else have stolen the $3 mil? Who? "I'm full of doubt," she soliloquizes. She picks up Eddie's picture, under the moon. "Ah, Eduardo, you are in my thoughts at the happiest and the saddest times."

Fr/Ed plays the Obregon tape for Esteve. Esteve thinks this should be all that's needed; Fr/Ed says no, it would get thrown out in court, but it will serve to "neutralize" Obregon and possibly have some weight against Barbara herself.

In the morning, while Aurora is sneaking out of Dominga's house, Santi is painting her picture, and Barbara is visiting Artemio Bravo, aka Cigarman. They are discussing the desfalco (embezzlement) and the police hunting Damian. "Now, just make sure the Milk Group doesn't get that $3 mil and they'll be broken -" "and my contract with you will be over - my liberty!" "After so many years, what will you do, Rebeca?" "That's not your concern." "You know, evil becomes an addiction." "My destiny could have been different." "That's a past that's dead." "People don't forget their pasts." "But in the meantime you're still mine, so do what I tell you!"

Fr/Ed is under observation, I guess by that trio of guys from earlier in the show. Esteve wakes up after a fine sleep. They mull over the $3 mil. Esteve sees the headless chessman, and they look at Palafox's note about the lion, fox, and Isaac Newton. Esteve gets the idea to look in the phone book and they find, there, a 'Newton, Barrera Isaac.' Gooooaalllllllllll!

Tomorrow: Gardenia gets grabbed.


Nice job, you posted the recap before MEPS has even aired here AND you used the word bleghily. This was a good night for the good guys.

Thanks for the recap Melinama. I tried to watch my recording but fell asleep. My mom always said money doesn't grow on trees so where is Fr/Ed going to get 3 million dollars? So did they ever really have $3 million dollars? If so where did it come from? I think it went into an account for Babs. It's just too much to ponder this early in the morning.

$3 million, such a round number. I guess Barb salted it away somewhere?

My guess: Fr/Ed and Esteve are going to go find Palafox's secret recipes for crowd-pleasing junk food and sell them to Frito-Lay for - $3 million dollars! Tomorrow!

Oh, and I think Plutarco should be a more common name for today's babies.

Thanks, Melinama! You do have an enviable talent for boiling things down to the bare basics and making it as enjoyable as any 5000 word read. You even use "bleghily" with class and leave us wanting more! More!! More!!!

Finally. Captions were back last night.

Melinama, another great job. Thanks, and as the mother of this site, a belated Happy Mother's Day to you.

I think Aurora retrieved a money order telegram from the wardrobe(she called it a giro). Glad to see her showing a little gumption. I wish that she had locked the door behind her.

Eddie and Esteve were like the Hardy Boys puzzling over Ciro's cryptic message. I see real chemistry between Esteve and Gardenia.

Vlad on the phone with Damian coaching him was laugh out loud funny.


yes, that was a money-telegramthat Aurora had- a payment from Artemio Bravo? Maybe she is headed back to Santi, or more likely to resume her aimless quest to find her mama, and we know where that will utimately lead.
The three stooges that you couldn't identify were leering Lucio, despicable Jairo, and sneaky Rene' Manzanares, and I can't see how kidnapping Gardenia is going to really help their quest for info on Santorito. Gonna really piss off Santorito and don Grinquito.
No, Connie, Fr/Ed never has had the $3M; it was very confusing to me the way that they have presented this whole thing.
I'm with you, Carlos, Vlad and Damian together are fun to watch. The odd couple, indeed.

I laughed to myself when I saw Santi's painting of that sad sack Aurora actually smiling.

Ooops, thanks for the recap, Melinama. I'm forgetting my manners. I'm going to have to look up "bleghily". Thanks for the (english) vocab...

So if he didn't have the $3 Mil do you think he expected the game would be over by now and he wouldn't need it? My beanie is slightly off center--hold on...much better now.

Thanks, Melanima. A couple of notes.

The three men that were meeting are 1) Manzanares - Artemio Bravo's private detective 2) Jairo - the man who has an over-the-top obsession with getting even for losing Martina and Lili as wrestlers in his mud wrestling extravaganza - as well as wanting vengeance for Ed beating him up. and 3) Julio - Barb's chauffer, who for some reason has become Jairo's "best buddy".

Manzanares has presented himself to Franco and told him that he is investigating an Franco Santoro who is a drug smuggler and he wants to know if he is that man. Ed told him to come back in a couple of days and he would have ample documentation of his identity. This is a ruse to try to find out more about Franco Santorro for Artemio Bravo.

Jairo and Julio want to help Bravo's private detective pin some kind of drug charge on Ed/Fr. What the private detective will do with that info is a bit fuzzy - as he is not a real cop and can't really arrest him - only scare him. Unless he is going to turn over forged evidence to "real police".


Also, the telegram that Aurora found was more than that. It was a "giro telegraphico" - a money order. Which means it probably has Artemio Bravo's name on it - we were led to believe someone has been sending Dominga money over the years - another clue which Ed probably won't find out about for another 100 episodes.

OK, I get it now- "bleghily". Very interesting construction...
Something that really irks me here, the Elzalde boys balming Fer for Damian's embezzelment. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't BOW bring him into the picture by hiring him? Fer just made the horrible mistake of marrying him. Seems to me that BOW should be feeling the heat for this, in a reasonable world. Beanie adjustment

I have a feeling that kidnapping Gardenia may not be a good plan. Those guys probably should read Ransom of Red Chief first . They are going to have their hands full of wildcat.


Thanks for the recap Melinama.

Caborita: They showed the picture of Aurora the other day and I thought, "that is better than she actually looks." Now I know why, it had a smile. :)

If they kidnap Denia, they'll get no sympathy from me. They'll get what they deserve. :)


I like the character Esteve a lot, perhaps because one of my Mexican friends calls me Mama Gringa! So might there be romance between Gardenia and Esteve? There seems to be a little attraction there. Sylvia

I think so too Carlos. They'll probably kidnap her and then bring her back!

Thank you Melinama. I depend on you and all the generous voluteers for painting in the details on my 'big picture' view of telenovelas.

So that was the 'dig' Cad made at his brother, Santi!
And if Barb is in the early stages of 'regrets' she can just hang it up. As Cigarman indicated she's addicted to the unhappyness she can create. I think IF she discovers who Aurora is she will try that touching to comfort like she did with Fernanda. And then this telenovela will fullfill that requirement, one character must say 'no me tocas'.

Thanks, Melinama. I loved "bleghily"! I also chuckled at Dominga stuffing the money into her "ample bosom"! LOL

Kidnapping Gardenia?! That's a mistake. I hope she gives them the bucket. ...just as a start.

Ab needs somebody to remind him the company troubles did not start with Damian's theft of 3 million. Ab is not saying how it was Damian's badd business financial manuvering that started this slippery slope slide. And it was Ab that didn't insolate them against more bad decisions of Damian. How dare he now blame his sister for marrying a thief. He didn't fire an incompetent.

When Fernanda was reflecting and admitted she does not love Damian, what did she mean when she said "cobarde".

I'm still not clear how Damian & Fernanda met, just assumed Babs was responsible for hiring him to woo Fernanda. Anyone know?

Babs venom poured out when she answered Artemio, Sí Señor, not sure who the winner will be here.

Fernanda said this in talking about Damian & wanting an explanation.
"le dé la cara", I think it's something like face to face, but I've heard that as cara a cara. Maybe look him in the face?

Anibal was in on the expired milk thing, I don't know how much that cost the company, but I'm still pondering why no one has checked into the missing $167 mil that Babs took. Anibal s/b in the clear on money transfers since Babs & Damian were the only ones with the passwords, another curiosity.

There was another clue imprinted on Ciro's note, "directorio" that led Fr/Ed & Esteve to look in the phone book, really surprised at that one, since something so simple usually takes a least 10 episodes. Can't wait to meet Isaac Barrera Newton.

Hi all:

Does Artemio know that Babs transferred such a large amount to her personal account in the Caymans? Does he intend to get that money for himself or really just give it to Babs?

Why doesn't Babs turn around her venganza against Artemio? Is it because he has told her something like "the evidence incriminating you for murdering your parents is in the hands of my attorney with instructions to mail to the authorities on my death?"

If Isaac Barrera Newton is the one, what is it that he possesses? It is obviously someone that Ciro trusts. Maybe info on Lili or Babs? Hmmmm......

Finally saw this. That Sergio Sendel is a great comedian!!!! Did you notice how he ended up taking Vlad's bed for himself after the phone coaching!!!??? Yikes. Vlad's gonna end up on the couch and Sergio will take over the whole darned apartments while Vlad waits on him hand and foot. I love it.

Thanks for a swift and sure recap, Melinama. You're the best.

I need my beanie the most, for the money thing. They are ruined if they don't get PM's $3M, but nobody is trying to extract their $167M that was "invested" by Barbara. Beanie time.

What I love is Damian as the expert, coaching Vlad about how to manage a woman. "Say only what I tell you to say - she'll deny you nothing!" Yes, Damian, just like you have Barbara eating out of your hand, right?

Thanks for another fine recap Melinama!

Love Damian and Vlad, so fun to watch.

I'm all for Gardenia and Steve, and Carlos, I also thought of the Ranson of Red Chief! Too funny. I hope Denia gives them all a good beat-down!

Paula H

And Fernanda just can't resist jumping into bed with him.

Mamacita Melinama, gracias por that succinct and salty recap. The Frito-Lay formula would be more exciting than all this spoiled milk floating around.
Carlos, the Ransom of Red Chief comparison is sooo true. I almost hope they do kidnap Denia, just so we can enjoy the hijinks that would ensue.
We also have Aurora out on her own now, escaped from Dominga and seeking her destiny. Some more smiles from her would be a welcome change.
There have been entire movies made about people like Vlad who are imposed on by people like Damian. I love Vlad's cluelessness and Damian's devious domination of him. I would even enjoy a little backstory on Damian's background, his opportunistic mama, his friendship with Vlad, and how Barbi came into his life.
La Paloma

Vario- I think that both Babs and Artemio will be the losers in the end. Do bad guys ever survive? There was some very strong vehemence in her voice- no love lost there. I took the "le de la cara" to mean the same, for what it's worth. The instant decipering of the signifigance of "directorio" is intended to show that Eddy and Esteve make a great team, I think. Eddy has made some mistakes in his plan w/o Esteve. Esteve brings a new perpective to this team, and they will be much effective than when Eddy was flying solo. Should be interesting. I like the Esteve character, (excepting the hair, and occasionally annoying phony accent). I've never seen the actor in anything else, but would like to, especially after reading others' comments.

JudyB- I laughed at musical beds, too, and intended to comment, glad you did. It made me wonder if this was the director's or Sendel's idea...

Thanks, Melinama for your, as always, excellent and succinct summary. There were a few lines spoken that seemed important : Ferd saying ''You are in my thoughts at the happiest and saddest times.'' [Isn't that so true in terms of people you have lost in really real life whether through death, divorce , or distance?] Also Art telling Babs , ''Evil is addictive.'' [Another truth.] And the chilling reminder from Art to Babs '' the meantime , you still belong to me.'' Blegh, indeed. I hope that we eventually find out the connection between Art and Babs. Is the birth certificate that Dona Niptuck Palofax holds Aurora's and are her parents Art and Babs ??? Did Art take her away from Babs after she was born ??? He said that Beckybabs had killed her parents. Will we find out how and why ? Did Art have something to do with their deaths? I'm glad that Fr/ed finally got Dr. Onoyoudint on tape . Maybe now he will stop drugging poor Lili. And, couldn't they put a little cot in Lili's room for Martina? She sleeps sitting up in an armchair in her tiny white uniform. How about a nighty and a bed for WonderWoman to keep her performing at maximum power ?? Even superheroes need a good night's sleep. I think that Fr/ed will eventually be unable to resist Ferd's hot hugs of desperation, and those two will have at it. They will be bunnyhopping all over the place. Fr/ed will feel guilty , and then Ferd will have a gigantic hissyfit when she discovers that her lover is actually none other than her old puppylove. It is not going to be pretty when she finds out the Franco is Eduardo. As for the complicated money juggling....I think the writers did not think things through . I'm pretty sure that none of them moonlight as accountants. They are just throwing around numbers. Also, does Isaac Newton have Ciro's patents ???? I got a kick out of Fr/ed and Esteve fighting over the phone book. Homeless,shirtless, useless Damian giving advice to the lovelorn Vlad is quite funny though futile. And, lastly, a word to the Elizades : No use crying over spilled spoiled milk, Folks.

Thanks, Melinama, for the great recap. I agree with you that Fr/Ed and Esteve will get the money from Isaac Newton, something to do with the patents, in about one day (which could be a week for us viewers!).

Bonney Churros, cobarde means cowardly. I think Fer was saying Damian was a coward for leaving and not explaining anything.

susanlynn, the only name that the wife from hell mentioned on the birth certificate is Artemio Bravo, so I just assumed it was his. It was in the box that Soledad left with Lili.

Bonne Churros: Cobarde means coward

I'm so grateful that they have phones on this show... and thus phone books. FELS would have been so much shorter if Juan had looked up his long-lost relatives... like a week or two after their parents were killed.

Thanks Melinama for a thorough and enjoyable read. Lately I've been reading the recaps and comments before looking at my tape. At my level of understanding it's really helpful to do it in that reverse order because I know ahead of time what to listen for and what to look out for. I share the commenters belief that kidnapping Denia will make for a very exciting episode. That chica fears no man.) I can hardly wait to witness the nerve of Damian taking over Vlad's apt. I laughed until I cried when I saw Vlad meekly picking up that lamp that Damian had tossed. They really are the odd couple. I enjoy their scenes.
Dorado Dave, could you please elaborate on what you think if phoney about Steve's accent? I think he's speaking more Spanglish than he has to but otherwise I don't hear phoneyness when he talks. Contrary to annoying, I kinda like his accent. Now speaking of an annoying accent, Santiago claimed that title in Destilando Amor. The only people who would have believed he was a real Gringo was people who knew no English. I see Aurora's back. I hope she lets us see her pretty smile this time around.

Melinama, thanks for the great recap. Finally, some progress for our protagonsists.

Judy and Dorado Dave, I agree that Dam taking over Vlad's bed was the highlight of the night! Their scenes are just great to watch and I wonder if they are having as much fun doing them as we are having watching them.

Esteve is not only intelligent but loyal. I like his easygoing, genuine manner and hope he sweeps Gardenia off her feet. He's a nice compliment to Fr/Ed. Maybe this will be another Ricardo/Mario team a la Pasion.

Diana in MA

Susanlynn, I also thought that Martina is more than entitled to a bed. Not conducive to a restful night's sleep.

Thanks, melinama. Great recap.

I'm thinking that the money order that Aurora found is money that Babs has been sending Dominga for Aurora's "care". Dominga was very upset when Aurora ran away early on, when she met Santi at the toll booth. She was muttering about losing the money she had been receiving. Of course, she was planning to do even better by selling Aurora by the night to at least one ugly scumbag that was shown.

Artemio Cruz doesn't feel right to me as the one who's been sending the money. But, of course, time will tell.

I don't think Babs knows that Aurora is her child, although there was a definite "llamada de la sangre" when she first met her.

Thanks, Melinama, great recap.

Yes, Damian is the love guru to Vlad...even though he never reached beyond first base with Nanda.

The Elizaldes are lacking in business and personal relation skills. Hey, Gonzo and Ani...there is $167 million missing not just $3 mil. GinCA

Dorado Dave...I had the exact same thought. Bet Sergio Sendel dreamed up that hop-into-Vlad's-bed himself and the director let him go with it. He plays that role too well to not be thinking like that on his own, the rascal!

Melinama - thank you for the recap. I thought I misunderstood parts of Babs' conversation with cigarguy, but apparently not. You cleared up my mystery. ;-)

novelera - I'm with you on whose money Aurora took.

Thanks Melinama, I always enjoy your recaps. Great info and style.

Funny, Novelera...Llamada de la sangre! That sounds so funny in spanish, who knows why. Some things translate awkwardly. But, I still like to have the exact translation.

I'm enjoying Don Gringito, and everything he'll add to this story. I didn't care for Sergio when I first saw him, because I found him difficult to understand. He mumbled and jumbled his words. But, his antics have made me a fan...

Loved the recap Melinama. I find myself looking forward to the Damian and Vlad scenes. They are so funny together and truly are the odd couple. Eddie and Steve are also making a good team sorting out the mystery of the cryptic note. I suspect the three stooges will be sorry for kidnapping Gardenia. She's a spitfire.

What a wonderful friend Esteve is, willing to get $3 mil from his father for Fr/Ed. Anyone have a friend like that?

I think I see Fr/Ed having a high position in Grupo Lactos. Power Milks Latin Am empresa, so Esteve's dad would get his $3mil back.

Thanks for the recap Melinama and for the Friday one Jardinera. Belated Mother's day wishes to you both also.

All I can do is agree with what has been said: Dam/Vlad - hilarious. The Elizade men - still idiots (save Santi)

Seeing Barb's hatred for cigarman was interesting. Can't wait to see how it plays out.

Alice- the accent is the same as that of Meester James from DA, but Esteve does it much better than MJ did. I could not figure out for the longest time what he was trying to do, His pronunciation was a bit tweaked, but his word choices and constructions were sophisticated, and I sorta knew that he was a spanish-first speaker. He certainly does a better job than I would faking a spanish accent in english.

I think that Sendel and the actor playing Vlad are having a ball. I'd bet that there are some great outakes that aren't making it to the small screen.

Let's hope some bloopers end up on YouTube!

Since I have not been watching this show on a regular basis, did Damian steal $3 mil from Fernanda's family business?

Gracias Melinama. I wasn't sure I was catching all the Spanish last night, but your recap confirmed that I did. Great job you did here. Does bleghily mean "creepy, nauseous, skin-crawling, stomach-wretching" because that's definitely what I feel when la vibora Babs attempt to demonstrate or even feign human kindness. How refreshing when Fernanda looks out at the stars and thinks of Eduardo, but the prop people really need to get some different "stars."

Anon 5:49- Damian expeced Babs to have deposited $3M in his account, skipped out and was waiting for it before leaving the country, and meeting up with Babs. When he was gone, she goes to the computer, and "finds" that $3M has been deposited into "Damian's" account, he gets the blame for having stolen it. Babs deposited $300 into his account, and said that's all yer gitin pal. We don't really know where it is, or really if it even ever existed; we , and los Elizalde only know what Babs has told us. Now, the law is looking for him, and he's hiding out at Vlad's pad. He has hatched a scheme, involving Vlad to get back at Babs, but we don't know much about it yet.

The $3 mil is some magical #,
Esteve wants to give it to Fr/Ed, but he doesn't want it, Anibal & Camilo do, Babs does & doesn't, Fernanda wants it for her school, Damian who thought he had $3mil, doesn't, he has $300.00.
Did I forget anything?

¿Comprende? if so, you are doing better than the rest of us.

Oh, I did leave out, $3mil is the magical # in another telenovela

Vario- very well said!

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