Friday, May 08, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Thurs., May. 7 - María Nieves wakes up; Tigre digs up the money

DB tells Melquíades that the newspaper article will flush Sapo from his hiding place because he will come after her. Melquíades tells DB that he prevented León, Tigre, Celeste and Leóncia from leaving town and made them return to La Chusmita. DB says that soon they will find the stolen money.
León runs away from La Chusmita and tells Tigre to dig up the money and meet him at midnight.
While watching Gonzalo being put handcuffed into a police car, Santos tells Marisela that crime doesn't pay and that they have to see that justice triumphs.
Antonio tells Don Encarnación that Lucía wanted all of them to remember her through her daughter but if DE continues to insult him and Cecilia, he'll have no choice but to prevent DE from seeing his grandchild. Antonio tells DE that it is his decision. DE gets up and leaves without a word.
María Nieves shows more signs of life.
Santos once again urges Marisela to come back to Altamira with him. She continues to say that she has to be alone to clear her thoughts. She will only let Santos give her a peck on the cheek.
Everybody reads the newspaper article. Andrés tells Santos that it was DB who gave the newspaper all the details of the story. Santos says that DB wouldn't do something like that without a reason.
Pernalete and Mujica find El Miedo empty except for Juan Primito who tells them that DB is at La Chusmita with Eustaquia.
At La Chusmita, Melquíades tells DB that Leon has taken off. DB cracks her whip and tells Melquíades to bring all the remaining Mondragóns to her. Melquíades drags Tigre back with his wrists bound and with a noose around his neck. DB forces him to tell her where he and León hid the money. After he has dug it up, DB orders him to be tied up to a tree.

Mujica and Pernalete report on what they found at El Miedo to Sapo.
When Melquíades asks if he should go after León, DB says that he will come for the money.
As the new Governor, Antonio has slicked his hair back. He tells Genoveva that he won't let any papers leave his office until he has read them three times. [Third time's the charm.] Geno tells him that Marisela is in the garden crying about Santos. He asks to see her.

In a cute scene, Marisela and Antonio pretend to be very formal with one another. Antonio tells Marisela that he is sending her to Progresso to make an official inquiry on how MN is doing. Marisela says that she knows he is just putting her near to Santos. He tells her not to be a coward.

MN wakes up with Altagracia, Pajarote, Santos and Dr. Arias present. He asks about Carmelito and they have to tell him that Carmelito died. He tells them that the killer was León Mondragón. Pajarote leaves without a word. Santos starts to leave and Melesio asks if he is going to file charges against León. Santos says that if DB had anything to do with this, she knows where León is.

Federica makes an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the house with Chocolatito. [I think she's carrying a Chocalotito doll in this scene.]
Pajarote spies on what is going on at La Chusmita.
Sapo beats up Federica. Mujica tries to stop him and Sapo knocks him out.
Gervasia comes to see MN. He tells her about Carmelito's last words.

Tigre's cousins are now working for DB.

Santos comes to Las Chusmita and Melquíades gives him the saddle bags with the money. Santos goes to see DB. [There's a continuity problem here. DB hands Santos the saddlebags that Melquiades already given to him.] DB tells Santos how she found out that León was the killer and got Tigre to tell her where the money was. She says that of course Santos thought that she was behind the crime. Santos apologizes. DB asks why he would think that she would rob him and kill his men. She suggest that he thought she getting revenge for his abandonment of her. She tells him that whether he believes it or not, she has always been on his side. She says that she only cares about Santos' opinion of her and he hates her. Santos says that he doesn't hate her. He hates the highhanded way she does things; he hates her crimes and her ambition and for the rest, he is bewildered by her.
Melesio, Cósme and Andrés come in to see MN with Gervasia and Altagracia. From out of nowhere, Marisela appears in his room and this scene was obviously filmed without her being present. Marisela tells the terneras that Antonio is now the Governor and that she has lots of other gossip. She asks if they have seen Santos.

DB says that she only wanted happiness and joy by Santos' side. Santos says that joy can't be found robbing and killing people. She replies that she killed to avenge herself on her rapists. Santos mentions various non-vengeance killings such as Apolinar Prieto, his son Orestes, Danger, and BP. DB says that he always blames every murder on her. Santos replies he may have blamed her for some murders she didn't commit but she can't deny that she has killed people and consisently robbed cattle and land from her neighbors. DB tells Santos that she had the article published because she is sure that Sapo is still alive. When she finds him, she will kill him, too.
DE comes to the hospital where Cecilia has just finished nursing the baby. She lets him hold the baby and says that she will teach him what to do to take care of the baby so that she can visit her grandfather on the weekends. DE says that he owes Cecilia an apology.

Marisela tells the terneras that she is concerned that Santos has gone alone after León. She wonders where Pajarote is.
Pajarote is watching Tigre's cousins torment him.
DB tells Santos that when Sapo is dead, she will have peace and magically turn into a good mother and a good person and Santos will come back to her. Santos tells her that she is dreaming.
Juan Primito tells DB that he told Mujica and Pernalete that DB was at La Chusmita with Eustaquia.
Eustaquia is alone in bed at La Chusmita when she is waken up by a noise and a shadow falls on her.
So now we have Santos alone leading Tigre on foot somewhere at night - presumably from La Chusmita to Altamira. Santos must know that Tigre's murderous brother is still at large. At least Santos is armed, unlike MN and Carmelito when they were carrying a large sum of money. Sure enough, someone is stalking Santos and Tigre from the bushes. It's Leon. Does he shoot Santos from concealment in the bushes? Of course not. He jumps out and confronts Santos thus allowing Santos to grab Tigre and use him as a shield. Guns fire as the episode ends. I'm guessing that Pajarote, who is despondent at the fact that he wasn't with Carmelito and MN when they were attacked, is going to save Santos here. He was watching Tigre at La Chusmita and has conveniently disappeared. If he was hanging around La Chusmita, one would think he would have offerred to accompany Santos and Tigre back to Altamira.
Labels: barbara
Don Encarnación seems to have thawed. I certainly hope this means they're going to drop all the business with someone taking pictures of Cecilia and Antonio and the sleazy lawyer in the picture. But you never know. I sometimes think they write these things on the fly. It often happens in other novelas I've seen that they introduce seemingly ominous foreshadowing that goes nowhere.
I could have strangled Mujica and Pernalete for spilling the beans about Eustaquia's location. All they had to do was say they hadn't seen their comadre.
Reading about Carmelito's death in the book made it torture when Santos first came up with the idea for Carmelito to go get the funds for the lactera payroll. I hoped against hope until the last second that they'd change it for the TN.
I was confused with the saddlebag money. Santos had it and then he got it again from DB. Then he walks alone in the dark with an asesino! Fortunately, Pajarote was watching.
Telling MN that Carmelito was dead, brought more tears. I don't know how you kept quiet, Novelera. I probably wouldn't want to believe it, until it happened anyway. You know denial is a powerful thing. Just look at DB, she still refuses to accept responsibility and continues to justify the killings, stealings, lying...
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