Thursday, May 14, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Wed., May 13 - DB comes armed to the funeral
The Inspector says that he wants to talk to DB. Antonio tries to divert his attention to Sapo but the Inspector insists.
Pajarote tells Genoveva that he will be her beast of burden (buey, 'an ox') and asks her to marry him but she refuses.
Melquíades goes to El Miedo and finds that Los Mondragón have trashed the place and split. He says that now DB only has him.
Santos tells Marisela that DB is crazier than ever and says that she wants to kill Sapo but Santos thinks that Sapo will kill her first. In his typical high-handed way, Santos says that he will take care of protecting DB and that Marisela should go away since she is in danger from Sapo. Naturally, Marisela refuses. He then asks her not to leave Altamira alone.
DB gives the priest a pile of money to give Eustaquia the best funeral in the Arauca. The priest wonders why she bothers since she doesn't believe. DB says that she lost what faith she had when she lost her baby but Eustaquia used to love to pray and for that reason she wants to give her vieja a beautiful farewell. The rest of the money he can use for the poor.

Antonio brings the Inspector to interview DB. DB is very uncooperative. She says that he has no proof of the things that are in Danger's diary. She leaves.

We have the velorio for Eustaquia and everyone comes. DB stands there like a statue. Melquíades leaves. Santos follows.

Sapo and Facundo go to La Chaparral [didn't Antonio sends guards there? They're not doing a very good job] and attack Don Encarnación to get money.
In a tone of reverence and admiration, Melquíades tells Santos that DB's vengeance is an unstoppable force of nature.

The Inspector tells Santos that he knew about DB's crimes and lived with her as her lover and that makes him her accomplice. Santos denies that. He admits that he lived with DB but says that when he found out about her crimes, he left her and gave the diary to a judge. He tells the Inspector that he should know that the diary isn't proof of DB's crimes and suggests that he focus his energies on Sapo who is the real danger to El Progesso.
Cecilia is saying goodbye to Antonio to return to San Fernando when they are told about what happened to DE. Dr. Arias wants DE to go to San Fernando for some tests. He doesn't want to but Cecilia insists on taking him there.

Genoveva tells Pajartote and Melesio that she doesn't want to be the owner of anyone (she uses the word 'buey,' ox again but that is hard to translate in this context.) She wants to live with a man who loves her. She'll live with him but she won't marry him until she is sure that he is a man who will love her forever. Melesio, usually a big supporter of marriage especially when a baby is on the way, agrees with Genoveva.
Santos tells Marisela that he is worried that if the Inspector continues to investigate, DB might have to go to jail. Even worse, her desire for vengeance is totally out of control. Marisela doesn't want to see her mother go to jail. She tells Santos that they have to do something.
DB speaks to Eustaquia's coffin and says that she recognizes that Eusataquia tried to keep DB from fulfilling her plan but she failed. DB says that if she doesn't have Santos, no one will, including her daughter.
Santos warns DB about the Inspector. She asks why he doesn't want her to face the justice he believes in. He says that he has come and against all his convictions to tell her to flee. DB says that she is staying. When he leaves, DB says that it is proof that he still loves her.
The Inspector is still fixated on DB. He tells Antonio that if he could find one of her accomplices, he could get the proof he needs to arrest her. Mujica volunteers that an accomplice of DB is in prison right now and might be persuaded to tell him what he wants to know.
The Inspector comes to speak to Tigre. He tells Tigre that he can get a lighter sentence if he cooperates by giving information about DB.

DB gets ready for the funeral by arming herself to the teeth. Melquíades gives her two darts - one to put someone to sleep and the other to kill. She says that the fatal dart is for her in case Sapo catches her.

Before they close the casket, DB tells Eustaquia that she isn't saying goodbye. She will see her soon.
Tigre wants to be taken to the Capital to escape DB's vengeance. He starts to tell the Inspector about DB's crimes.
At the funeral, DB tells Melquíades that she can feel that Sapo is hiding nearby waiting for her. She says that there isn't much time left.

Labels: barbara
I was really surprised by DB saying if she couldn't have Santos no one could. That sounded like she's thinking of killing him. You could interpret that to mean she would kill Marisela, but she specifically said no one. And, if Marisela died, then presumably Santos could find some other woman later.
I was talking to one of the women in my Spanish class last night. We both really admire the clever way the writers weave in events from the book, but change them somewhat to fit the TN plot. An example I gave earlier was Carmelito being killed in the book taking egret feathers to sell. In the TN it was the lactera payroll.
In the book, DB sends a message via Juan Primito for Santos to come (and come alone) to a certain location at moonrise to meet with someone who has information about Carmelito's murder. I can't post about what happens there as it could be a TN spoiler. But the similarity is that when Santos gets there, Pajarote has gotten there first. So the scene of Pajarote shooting Leon to protect Santos in the TN is somewhat analogous to Pajarote fearing treachery by DB and showing up at the meeting place ahead of Santos.
By the way, in the book both Tigre and Leon are captured by Santos in that shack built on the boundary between Altamira and El Miedo. He takes them to another area where they are wanted for other crimes. DB had been protecting them from justice. The scene where he captures them is just like a Western movie!
DB is bordering on insanity imo. I don't think she was completely sane to begin with but she's definitely lost a screw or two for sure now.
Kudos to Genoveva. She doesn't want an ox, she wants a man. It was surprising that Melesio agreed though. He's the first to go for wedding bells.
I like that Melesio probably would like to see her married, but he remains open minded to her choice. He seems to be truly a wise man...
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