Thursday, May 14, 2009

Las Tontas no van - 5-13 Wed. A shot in the back, a shot in the heart, and a shot at staying in the house

We open with Candy still trying to take off her ring and wanting to cancel the wedding to Santi‘s surprise. She never gets it off, and instead runs off after accusing him of still thinking she sent the e-mail. She accuses him of talking to much.

Investigator finds out Marissa is in Miami…he won’t give up the name to his helper who gave him the info… turns out PI is watching the mafiosos too. He calls Santi and tells him they found the girl but not the babe and his working but will come to tell him more tomorrow. He then follows the mob. Mob notices they are being followed and boss says take care of him in the white car tonight..ruh row. Bedtime for Bonzo.

Cuau brings Lulu to one of his restaurants, and tells her he likes her very much. He also doesn’t really like Meno’s place as it’s competition. Lulu says that’s silly, his place is full of people and nice and there is no competition. He wants to know if she knows who Meno’s cook is, because he wants to woo her and make her his. She thinks he means bed…and that he’s talking about her and says that she needs to touch up. His buddy asks if he's gotten the cook to come over yet, and says not yet, because Lulu is smarter than he first thought. Apparently Cuauh is just conducting old fashioned espionage and wants to steal Meno’s cook for his restaurants.

Lulu spies and salutes Gogo, who is there with Arturo because he wanted to talk about the two of them. She says she does too, and before he can say anything she admits she’s very in love with. Down comes the anvil, and he replies he’s not and never wants to see her again. Smack.

Jaime sings again Senora de Nadie as both he and Candi are remembering asking her to marry him. This is an orange flashback for sure...

Chayo is studying with her instructor Osvaldo “Intro to Psych” and Lalo comes in and is jealous so over kisses his wife. He wonders if she started dinner yet and if not when. She tells him he‘s free to start it but he replies he doesn‘t cook…she says in that case order a pizza, and goes back to studying. Oz finds it amusing that Lalo works at putting people to sleep. She says she wants cheese, and Oz says he wants pepperoni. Lalo thinks he wants to slip the pepperoni to Chayo and mutters off irritated.

Lulu chats up Gogo about Cuah, how wonderful he is and even he has some money. Go asks her if he’s asked for “you know” yet, but Lulu says no he’s been quite the gentleman and he hasn’t made any moves, and isn’t that great? Gogo is a little suspicious and isn’t sure if that’s great or not, in her day guys were more respectful but also more boring. Lulu thinks it’s more romantic not to eat the torta first. Lulu wants to know about Gogo’s meeting with Art. Gogo tells Lulu how awful it went with her galan and starts crying.

Raul is with Sole on the computer. Brabi thinks they make a great couple and is happy they are together. Raul thinks she should find someone, but she says she’s been married and doesn’t want that anymore, but yes she wants a kid. They try to tell her she needs a husband first, but she tells him to stop being so macho,silly boy, she’ll look for a donor and she marches off. Raul turns to Sole that he wants a kid, but first a wife. They kiss.

Mario is with Pau who again tells him to get over it already, they are through. In his bag of tricks this time he pulls out a white envelope and tells her what‘s in here she won‘t want Santi to see because they are of them in NY that will clue Santi in, but he will if she doesn‘t stay with him.

Next thing we know they are at the house greeting Shanti. Pau screams he shouldn’t see them but it’s too late. He ends up giving a photo from their graduation from primaria. Mario threatens the real thing next time. She hits him. Issy sees from the doorway.

Santi calls Leonardo the PI and gets the machine. Something tells me Leo is pushing up daisies.

Ma wants to talk to Candi, and tells her Art rejected her and doesn‘t want to see her ever again. Candi thinks the same as what happened to her. Ma says no way, Santi would die for her, she’s a fool and has to go after him.

Issy is with Mario again begging for the truth. She faints when he admits he’s the Dad of Rocio. He screams for Pau and Donato.

The Club Abandonados is in session again with Santi. The testosterone is flowing in this room. They tie a bikini top on Santi and make him dance to welcome him back to machoness. Sexy sexy smile plays again, and a dancing girl shows up. The door bell rings and then so Candi shows up too. Busted. Santi can't see, so of course keeps dancing, not knowing who is even there. Zam finally rips the top from his eyes and of course Santi is impactado. First at teh dancer, then at Candi. Santi hands Zam the bikini top but Zam hands it back says it’s going to get cold in here…and we flash to Candi’s face.

We see PI leaving Santi a message that he gets all out except where Marissa is staying before pow, right in the back. How awful.

Candi lectures Lalo that she thought he changed to be loyal to his wife. Lalo was only having a look. He tells her they hired her for Miguel’s birthday and they are having a tres leches cake with extra meringue if she wants a slice. Everyone else watches from far way...

She asks if he has anything to say and he tells her he is afraid of her in that signature “tengo miedo” way. She’s trying like hell not to crack up, for sure.

Pau learns that Mario confirmed Rocio is his and that’s why she fainted. Issy is doing better and doesn‘t want a doc.

Candi chugs tequila and Santi calls her Gaviota for this. He thinks Marissa somehow sneaked into her office and sent the e-mail. She wonders if Mari is back and he pulls out his phone mentioning the PI called, but looks like it was off, so when he turns it back on Don calls to tell him of Issy’s fainting. They leave to go to the house.

Issy says she’s crying because she’s happy to have her grandaughters there together and tells everyone she’s fine, but tells them to be off now. Jaime wants the truth why she fainted. He knows she wouldn’t faint for no reason, only bad news. She only reveals that she argued with Mario because she doesn’t want them here. She doesn’t want to see Santi and gets mad at Jaime for calling him.

Lalo shows up at home. Chayo is just hanging up from Candi. Lalo thinks she knows about the dancer, and mentions it, but Candi hadn’t mentioned it so he gets in trouble. She spews Psycho babble at him that he is trying to psychoanalyze her. Chayo calls him a mami’s boy and that he sees his mom in everything even that dancer, that he has Oedipus complex. He says he’s not, but then picks up the phone to call his Ma and tell her he misses and loves her.

Santi gets home to Issy and knows she’s faking and makes her to wake up. She wonders how he knows and he says no one sleeps that way, it looks like a sarcophagus, Egyptian with the cup in front like that.
Candi was about to go, but issy asks her to stay for a minute she wants her to hear what she says to Santi.

Don has orders not to let Pau pass. She tries but he doesn’t let her and she threatens he’ll eat garbage in the street.

Santi knows she is upset about something because Don told him she was with Mario. She says that he wants to take Pau to NY and she is afraid for Rocio being away from her Mom. Santi knows this isn’t the case but plays along for now it seems. Issy says she wants Candi to marry Santi and move into the house. Santi likes what he hears. The house of half hippies.

Pa and Pato discuss Santi’s link with the mob and how he needs to take care of Chava.

Pa shows Pato some photos, and says he knows he doesn’t take photos, instead he tells Pato someone is following him. He fears that something might happen to all of his loved ones. Pato gets pissed off that his Pa put his kids in jeopardy. He says he will kill anyone of those thugs who lays a hand on his sons. He throws the pictures at the chess game and walks out, Pa swears he’ll do the same.

Issy and Jaime think Candi should try living with them. Candi tells them she won't if Chava deosn't want to, and oh guess what your son did last night with a dancer...

Donato told Issy that Pau wanted to speak with her so she calls Pau in. Pau knows she’s said nothing yet to Santi since she’s still in the house. She says if Pau promises not to tell Santi anything about Mario being Rocio’s true Pa, then she’ll let her stay. Pau says fine, and you’ll work on getting your son to forget Candi then.

Santi and Candi have some weird meaningless (at this point) scene at the office where she teases him about the dancer and threatens to do the same and he’ll get jealous. He bets not, and walks out in mystery

Catalina looks for Meno and tells him she thinks Ric has a lover and he’s sending love letters that aren’t for her. Meno’s the only one in whom she can confide. This will be interesting.

Santi seeks an officer's advice as to whether or not there is a gunshot on the message the PI left him. He thinks yes it is.

Amanda is back and is getting frustrated because Candi won’t denounce her novio. She looked at the proof and isn’t convinced so isn't helping. Thank heavens.

Ali is is digging in her claws again. She thinks it’s great to bring Chava to the house. She slips and says Candi doesn’t matter to her. She takes it back but says it’s best that Chava comes and live her. Gogo overhears this and wonders if Ali wants to separate Candi from Chava.


Thanks, Kris. I love your photos. I wish I could get mine from DVD instead of from YouTube. You even caught Mario's darling dimple! And your scene in the clubhouse - you caught everyone perfectly.

I did a Candy rant on Tuesday's recap, so this is not a rant. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Candy's mom: "I told him I love him and he dumped me!"
Candy: "Who cares what happened to you? Let's talk about me!"

Hint to writers: Splat!

Good morning Kris. Yes, the clarity of your photos is awesome...was wondering how you do it. Especially appreciated since I missed all but the last 10 minutes of this. Great title and recap, amiga...thanks for all you do.

Paula, glad I missed the scene between Gogo and Candy or I would have been ranting big-time!

Kris: Fantastic recap and pictures. Thank you!

Ahh, so Cuau wants Lulu for her culinary ability. Sigh. I was happy to see that Lulu is not the only fashion victim in this telenova. Cuau looked like a tangy tangerine. A color only our beloved Meno could wear and get away with.

Santi is Ro's father. Biological or not, he has loved, cherished and raised her and is every bit her father. Whatever the truth, Paulina is effectively using the threat of Mario to manipulate Issy. She is taking a huge gamble, counting on Issy's silence.

Kris, as you noted: "Ali is is digging in her claws again". I'm glad Gregoria heard that Ali doesn't care about Candy and her reasons for bringing Chava there are suspect at best. Paula, I suggest Candy take Ali with her on the cliff dive. Double splat. Blech.

Hombre, you mentioned recently that Pat is fearless and you were certainly right. Now that he knows his children are threatened, he is beyond angry. I would not want him upset with me...

I'm off tomorrow so will look forward to catching up on Monday.

Diana in MA

Great recap, Kris. You've spoiled me. Now I've started looking forward to and even expecting photos when you recap. I've no idea how you do it, but it certainly is appreciated.

Speaking of orange flashbacks, Cuau looked like a plump UT alum on an Oct. Sat. in Austin. Believe it or not, grown(otherwise sane) men actually do dress that way for gameday.

I'm liking Jaime more and more. Call me fickle, but I really misjudged him early on. Alas, I can't say the same for Candy.

Even though I saw it coming(actually said it along with him), I cracked up when Lalo dialed the phone and said,"Hola Mami."


Hi Kris, Carlos isn't the only one spoiled by your awesome visual effects. I always wonder what pictorial delights await us on your recaps.

I was surprised by the sudden appearance of Chayo's psych instructor. One moment she's thinking about taking classes the next she's getting personal tutoring by the teacher? Not that I blame him, she's adorable. So is he. It will be good for Lalo to have some real competition and Osvaldo is already putting the psych on him, heh heh.

I also thought Candy was trying not to bust a gut laughing during the stripper scene. She might drive me crazy but when she told Santi he talks too much I thought "Amen sister!".

Diana, have a great weekend and we'll see you next week.

Thanks Kris, terrific recap and photos.

The outcome Candy feared most has come. Pat wants custody of Chava. But not for revenge as Candy feared for years. And not to manipulate Candy as Arturo advised Pat. Instead, Pat's reason is noble - to protect his son.

The problem is, Pat's logic is flawed.
Goal: protect Chava.
Threat: Candy will move Chava in to Santi's house (which has staff watching the locked gate). Santi is in some vague way connected to the mob, Pat thinks.
Solution: Keep Chava at Pat's house instead.
Flaw: Pat has direct evidence (the mob photos Art showed Pat) that the mob has threatened PAT'S kids, not Santi's.

Thank you Kris!
I couldn't help notice how nice and perfect Candy looked in the slinky blue/green dress as she tried to pull off the diamond rock.
No time for me to look in the mirror!

Poor Isabel, Pau is showing no mercy. I wonder if Pau's threat will cause Isa to turn against Candy?

I fast forwarding a lot through some of the scenes. I'm extra glad to get these great recaps!

The stripper party scene was fun. Candy came in like a mother who caught her sons in something really bad. It was cute.

Carrie L.

Once again last night I got a kick out of watching Gogo vent her frustration on the phone. Very gentle and yet very satisfying. Think Damian(Sergio Sendel) On Paxil.


Kris, thanks for the recap, and as everyone else has said, the photos are great!

Paula: ITA about Pat's lack of logic with protecting Chava.

It's funny that both Lulu and Cuau don't understand each other. She thinks he knows who the cook is (her) and he's coming on to her - he doesn't understand why she never seems to give him the name of that cook. I think they've taken this as far as it's going to go, and the truth should come out in their next meeting.

I noted that when Paulina asked Mario what he said to Isabel, Mario said "I told her I was Rocio's father", which doesn't really mean that he is. Remember, he fumbled for awhile before answering Isa, and may have just calculated that confirming Pau's statement would work better for him. So I'm still hoping that he isn't the Dad.

I'm not too happy Barbara has given up on a husband and just wants a donor. Come on, Barb, there are lots of nice guys out there (although maybe since she's in this novela, she knows it has to be one of the existing characters, and those are slim pickins).

It was only a few days ago that Pau told Mario that he's Roc's father. It was news to him, and I guess he accepted it as true (Pau? Lie? Cómo puede ser?). He has no way of knowing. Even if you look for family resemblance, Roc looks like Pau.

For that matter, how would Pau know? She was involved with both men when she got pregnant. She just said that to control Isabel.

But we the audience know, since this is a novela, and Santi and Roc are magical together, whereas no music plays when Mario meets Roc. Rock-solid proof.

Paula, I'm absolutely on board with that. Pau seemed a little shaken when Isabel said fine, proceed with theADN testing. She tried ro up the ante by playing on Isabel's doubts. I say she's bluffing. Let's do the testing and ler the chips fall where they may. Carlos

Barbara shouldn't give up. Who was it she had the hot elevator make-out session with? Was that Carlo? They should give that another try.

I think Rocio looks a lot like Santi. Paulina's bluffing.

Julia, brilliant! Carlos

Hey there..super busy with work, didn't even see any episodes this week until today, but I did skim Paula and Jusy recaps quickly to help me make sense of last night, but sorry I didn't comment yet, anyway, I thought it was funny Miguel heard the psychologist wants a kid without commitment and he said well get me an appointment then. yeah. plenty of guys willing to step in with the creation of, if not the growing up of spawn...

Anyway super busy again today so won't probably be able to check back in 'til later....thanks as always

Hey Julia, I noticed Carlos has been looking better these days. I agree he and Barb should hook up again.

Well Carlos has been busy...remember when he also tried to hook up with Hortensia? I'm thinking there are a few other guys in the abandonados club that look promising. A little therapy and presto....

Actually, since Barb's been divorced twice, maybe she's concluded she's not right for marriage, but better off just being a mom.

I had pretty much decided I was better suited for maternity than marriage and was planning to adopt hard to place children (and continue working as a French professor) when I met my husband to be.

Miguel is good-looking. Do we know anything else about him? Aside from his flippant comment about being a sperm donor?

i don't think so...he always seems to be in the periphery of the group at the abandonados but we don't know any details....or if we do, I've forgotten 'em all!

hope I'm not way off track...I missed that part of the show the other night....

Miguel is portrayed as kinda' dopey. He would say insensitive things to Raul about Marissa, and about Santiago dumping her, because he was too clueless to realize it. Or someone would say a double entendre and everyone would laugh, but Miguel wouldn't get the joke.

Oh dear...Miguel doesn't sound promising at all. Oh well....

So...back to Carlos for Barbara, then?

Is Miguel the one who is opening the bar that Jaime and Zamora perform at?

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