Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Wed., May 6 - Antonio and Gonzalo exchange places; the story of Sapo hits the press

So of course, Santos doesn't shoot Gonzalo and he's taken off to jail.

Don Encarnación gives in to Cecilia's pleading and lets her nurse Lucita.

DB and Marisela unobtrusively conceal the photos of the rapists under their feet while the soldiers scoop up all the money that fell out of Gonzalo's briefcase.

Los Mondragón agree to give Celeste and Leoncia shares in the money they stole from Carmelito. They all leave La Chusmita without seeing that Juan Primito was on the other side of Eustaquia's bed listening.

To Antonio's great pleasure, Gonzalo is put in a nearby cell.

Mujica tells Sapo that Pernalete's house isn't a good place for them to stay because when the girls in the whorehouse start working, there will be men in and out. Sapo tells Pernalete to solve the problem by shutting down the whorehouse for immorality.

DB asks the inspector whether Sapo is dead or captured. At first, the Inspector says that the whole Sapo investigation is classified. He finally agrees to tell them what happened.

Sapo lets Pernalete and Mujica go back to work but Federica, Josefa and el Chocolatito are hostages for their good behavior.

The Inspector tells DB and the rest that two bodies, burned beyond recognition, were found on the plane that exploded while trying to leave the airstrip. The Inspector believes that they were Sapo and his lieutenant. DB isn't convinced that Sapo is really dead.

JP tells Eustaquia what he overheard. Melquíades comes in and is upset that DB isn't around to find out that Sapo is dead. Eustaquia hopes that now DB can have some peace. She tells Melquíades about what JP overheard.

Santos and Captain Delgado go to see the judge to get the charges against Antonio dropped. Marisela notices that DB isn't happy. DB says that she doubts Sapo is really dead.

Gonzalo refuses to talk to the Inspector but the Inspector says that it doesn't matter. With the evidence they have of Gonzalo's various crimes, Gonzalo is in deep doo doo ('está hasta el cuello,' literally, 'he is up to his neck'). When Gonzalo is taken back to his cell, he has nothing to say to Antonio's gloating. Then Antonio is told that the charges against him have been dropped and he is released. He tells Gonzalo that he hopes he rots in jail.

Genoveva makes herself scarce when Cecilia and Antonio are reunited.

Antonio is surprised when Cecilia tells him that it was DB who paid his bail. He is even more surprised when he gets a call from the President of the Republic asking him to be acting Governor until the elections.

Antonio comes to tell Santos, DB and Marisela about his call from the President. Marisela offers to stay and work with him. Santos is bummed. He wanted her to go to Altamira with him.

Tigre, León, Celeste and Leóncia are on their way out of town. Celeste wants her share of the money. León tells her that it is too dangerous to dig it up now. They will go to their aunt's house and he will come back for the money. The group first encounters Pajarote and Cósme and then Melquíades.

DB tells herself that she has to know if Sapo is still alive.

The next day DB meets with Néstor and Andrés and gives them her story of the rapists to publish.

Santos can't understand why Marisela won't go to Altamira with him. Marisela says that she can't leave DB alone. DB is her mother.

Father Pernia says that there is no reason for Antonio and Cecilia not to get married. Then Antonio and the priest meet with DE. The priest reminds DE about when Lucía told her father in his presence not to blame anyone for what happens to her. He tells DE that Lucía asked Cecilia to raise her child as if it were Cecilia's own and says that Lucía accepted that Antonio and Cecilia would be together after she was gone. DE angrily says that Antonio won't get any of Lucía's inheritance. Antonio says that he has always been poor and will continue to be poor. He doesn't want DE's money.

Federica is almost able to grab Facundo's gun when Chocolatito starts crying and wakes Sapo and Facundo up and the opportunity is lost. Facundo asks Sapo how long they have to stay with this rabble. Sapo says they will stay until everyone has forgotten about them, then they will get rid of all the idiots, especially DB, and head for the frontier.

Pernalete and Mujica can't find any way out of their predicament. Then they are shown the newspaper story about Sapo. "Now we're in for it! ('¡Ahora sí se armó!')," says Pernalete.

Now that the identity of the murderers is known, María Nieves shows some signs of life. He says Carmelito's name.

Santos asks Marisela how much longer he has to wait for her and Marisela tells him that she has to take care of some things. They both witness Gonzalo being taken away in handcuffs.

DB reads the newspaper story with satisfaction. She tells herself that if Sapo is still alive he will have to come out of his lair (madriguera) and she'll be waiting.

Meanwhile Sapo is reading the newspaper story. He curses DB.


I'm going to take a wild guess and say that Gonzalo will break out of prison and either try to hurt Marisela or go to Altamira.

I hope Antonio and Cecilia FINALLY get married.

It was great fun seeing Gonzalo trying to pull his "governor" act and promptly being shot down by the investigator. I am loving his humiliation.

Although it still postpones Marisela and Santos happy reunion, I understand why she's staying near DB. Plotwise, I'm sure she's going to be involved somehow in the big showdown between DB and Sapo.

CC, you may be right, but I hope not. I like Gonzalo just where he is, in a cell.

Yeah, the bluster sure went out of Gonzalo real fast. But I agree with CC. I don't think Gonzalo's fate is to serve a long prison term. I think either Sapo will have him killed in prison or more likely, he will escape and participate in the final showdown before meeting his inevitable fate.

It's interesting that Pernalete has turned into a 'nice guy' not wanting harm to come to the churnias or Chocolatito.

I've liked Captain Delgado right from the start. Glad he did the right thing. Good looking enough to have a bigger role next time.

I also think that Gonzalo won't go out quietly. He'll be in the fight somehow and snuffed out...

jb, you are SO right! Captain Delgado is a major babe! I've had my eye on him for a while now and have just forgotten to comment about him.

I want first dibs...

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