Tuesday, May 05, 2009

MEPS - May 5th - Nobody Celebrates Cinco de Mayo in Mexico - Especially Not Nanda!

Note: As I suspected, my husband’s appointment at the US Consulate in Juarez, Mexico was cancelled because of the H1N1 Virus. So, until I have a new appointment date I won’t need anyone to do my recaps for me on the 12th and 19th, but I appreciate the help!

Also, just to give you an update, I went to the Neurologist and the “lesions” on the MRI of my brain are tiny little capillaries that were inflamed (small vessel ischemia) Yay!!! Thanks for all your kind words Caray Caray family!

Capitulo 56

After the repeats from last night, Lucio is making himself comfy-cozy in Dona Soledad’s house and Jairo, in his psychedelic shiny shirt and Good Humor Man Pants from Cheeseball’s Menswear, is keepin’ Lucio company. Lucio wants to know what happened with Gumshoes whose been looking for Fr/Ed.

At the Looney Bin, Adolfina says, “Ay! Santo Dios de Los Ejercitos!” while wrapping up the remnants of Lili’s brush with broken glass candle. Dr. Dement-O is P-O’d that his evil plan for Lili to die was ruined, especially when Mutt and Jeff show up covered in yellow paint and without Martina. Dr. D pets Lili’s head and says that if Nanda shows up at least she’ll find Lili breathing. Adolfina is disgusted with the Doc. Doc leaves and we find out that Adolfina knows that it’s Barbara G. and the Doc who are behind all of Lili’s suffering.

Martina gets off the bus back in town and runs into her Mud Wrestling Teammate friend who says she better skedaddle before Jairo sees her. Martina tells her she needs to make a call, Teammate says go hide and wait for me and I’ll bring you some money too. She also tells Martina that Jairo beat up her father.

Fr/Ed and Nanda are still talking at Las Animas. Nanda says that when she and Damian return from their honeymoon they’re moving to Mexico City. Fr/Ed says that’s not gonna work, he needs to count on her presence. She doesn’t understand. He says that from the way the Lone Ranger spoke of her, in order to complete his mission of helping Lili, Nanda’s close presence is vital. No more honeymoon! Now she’s pissed and says that’ll be the end of her marriage and she won’t do that for Fr/Ed.

Jairo says he’s not going to sit still and let it go that Franco Santoro through him out of Jacinto’s house like a dog. He’s not sure why Fr/Ed is protecting Don Silvestre.

Nanda says she’s complied with all that Fr/Ed’s requested but she is not cancelling her honeymoon and that’s her final word to Senor Santoro – she walks out on Fr/Ed.

Martina’s really worried about her father and her friend gives her some pesos for a phone call – right in front of Las Copteonas – what happened to hiding?

Jacinto tells Margs that Fr/Ed fired him. Somebody is banging at the door again and it’s Lucio and Jairo! Jairo rubs a gun that’s stuck in his white pants as a threat and wants to know where Jacinto is hiding Don Silvestre.

Martina calls Fr/Ed and tells him what happened at the Looney Bin. Martina says she’s going to her father’s house and won’t tell Fr/Ed where she is – she hangs up on him. Fr/Ed races out of his office.

Jairo is threatening Jacinto again and wants to know where Don Silvestre is when Big Mouth Gardenia comes in and tells Jairo that Don Silvestre is at his workshop. (Does Gardenia ever shut that mouth of hers??? She is SO annoying!) Jairo says he’s going to see if she’s right. Lucio slimes all over Gardenia and Jacinto runs him out of the house. Jacinto lets Gardenia have it for opening her stupid mouth.

The phone rings at the Elizalde House and Nanda picks up – it’s Santi calling from the airport – alone. He tells Nanda that Aurora doesn’t believe that he’s really in love with her and now he’s San Santi. Nevermind how Santi feels, it’s back to the Nanda Channel and Santi wonders if she’s having problems with her new husband.

Speaking of new husband, he’s in Nanda’s room packing his suitcase talking to Babs on the phone. Dam thinks after Nanda’s meeting with Franco she’s probably head right to the office. Babs tells Dam he better get the hell outta Dodge before Nanda comes home. Dam asks if Babs has confirmed that the deposit has been made into his bank and Babs says it’s only a matter of hours. Dam says he’s going to spend the night in a hotel. Babs tells him to shut his phone off, and Dam wants to know what she’s going to tell Nanda when she finds out he’s gone. Babs says she’ll tell her that his mother had a heart attack and that she was taken to Houston.

Margs is mad at Gardenia now. Really, I can’t bear the thought of another defiant screechfest from Gardenia, trying to justify everything she does. Gardenia decides to move out. Jacinto goes to tell Fr/Ed that Don Silvestre is in danger.

Don Silvestre stumbles to answer the door and has a big metal pipe in his hands, ready to strike. But it’s Martina that walks in and not Jairo. He says nothing Jairo did to him hurt him as much as her lying to him and finding out where she really works. She said she never did anything wrong and has nothing to be ashamed of, she was just trying to provide for them.

Nanda tells Tomasa to take care of Santiago if he comes home while she’s gone. Looks like Tomasa has a crush on Santiago and Nanda giggles. Nanda realizes she still has some time to spare, and leaves the house. Upstairs, Damian looks out the window and sees Nanda leaving. He’s bummed because he has to leaving before “making her his”.

Silvestre wants to know why Jairo said Martina stole money from him. First she wants to know what Jairo did to him. Silvestre wants an answer first. Martina cryptically explains the only man she can trust is her father and that some guy who wants her to care for some muchacha, who in return said he’d care for her father, but she was stupid to believe him. Gepetto asks for the man’s name and Martina answers Franco Santoro.

Nanda has gone out to the stable for memories of the yellow flag and the Lone Ranger (little Eddie). She remembers how they promised to love each other their whole lives. She says she’ll always carry the memories in her heart. Jacinto shows up out of nowhere (I thought he was going to tell Fr/Ed that Gepetto was in trouble?), and Nanda wants to know if when Jacinto spoke to Eddie to tell him his mother was sick, did Eddie ask for her?

Silvestre tells Martina she’s wrong, that it was that guy who actually saved his life and took him to Jacinto’s and got him a doctor. Martina realizes that Franco is the bestest guy in the whole wide world! Silvestre asks where Martina met Franco and she says at the Clinica and he’s thrilled to hear that his daughter really is a nurse. She explains that she’s been caring for Liliana Elizalde. Gepetto is happy and hugs Martina.

Nanda presses Jacinto for more info about what Eddie said about her. Jacinto says that for Eddie she was the only woman in the world and when he found out she was marrying Damian, Eddie’s soul died.

Damian is about to drive away from the house when Babs stops his car and seductively asks if he was going to leave without saying goodbye to her.

Nanda tells Jacinto that she thought Eddie had forgotten her. Jacinto asks her what she thinks would have happened if Eddie had returned before she met Damian and she says she’s not sure. She says she waited for him a long time and wrote lots of letters that were never answered. Nanda says that’s life and now she has a husband who loves her very much. She thanks Jacinto and leaves. Jacinto circuits are ready to blow again with all the lying.

Cheezy saxophone music accompanies Dam and Barb as they get it on in the garage against an antique car.

Gepetto wants to go next door and tell the neighbor Apolinar to go to Las Animas and tell Franco he wants to talk to him. Out the door they go and find Lucio and Jairo waiting for them and Jairo’s pointing a gun at Martina.

Babs wants to know if Dam like his “goodbye”. Dam audibly zips up his pants.

Nanda’s truckin’ it on back to the big house and sees Dam’s car and thinks he’s just arrived. She comes running in and asks Tomasa where Dam is. Tomasa knows nothing, and Nanda goes upstairs to look for Dam.

Back at Gepetto’s, Franco Santoro shows up just in time to save the day – he really is the Jinete Justiciero! He grabs the gun from Jairo and empties out the bullets. He also gives Jairo a kick for good measure. Jairo and Lucio take off.

Nanda calls out for Damian and looks all over the place for him. She opens the closet and finds and his clothes are not there – she sees that hers is the only passport on the dresser and nothing of his is in the drawers. She goes to the window just in time to see him driving away and calls his cell, only to find it shut off.

Silvestre thanks Franco again. Supposedly out of earshot of Geopetto, Martina fills Fr/Ed in on what happened at the Looney Bin with Dr. O. Silvestre overhears and butts in. Martina finishes explaining about Lili at the window. They decide to take Silvestre to the hospital to be cared for.

Nanda busts in on Babs in the library. Babs wants to know what happened with Franco Santoro. Nanda asks if she’s seen Damian and Babs tells her she thought he was at the office. Babs picks up the phone and calls Flor, the receptionist and tells her to get Damian on the phone. Babs smiles at Nanda, but turns the conversation back to what happened with Franco Santoro. Nanda says nothing bad happened and frustrated, tries to leave, but Babs wants to pretend like she cares and asks what’s happened. Nanda brushes her off. She goes outside to her truck and leaves.

Erika is trying to call Franco but nobody is answering at Las Animas. Her mother tells her that when a man doesn’t give a woman his cell phone it’s because he’s hiding something. Blind Erika says, no, that’s just . . . Franco, he’s really busy. Just then their made comes out to tell Erika that she has a visitor and she’s sure it’s Franco, but then is soon disappointed to find out its gross Cadmil-ho. He wants to talk and she doesn’t. He says he’s come to give her the news of her life.

Looks like tomorrow Nanda’s starts getting wise about Damian.


Nelissa - wow, thanks for the warp speed recap! I'm glad your medical scare was just a scare. As for your DH, flying to and from Mexico is a real pain right now. I'm told that after landing, all passengers are tested for swine flu, and must wait-still on the plane- for results before de-planing (a 3-hour process). If anyone tests positive, all passengers within 10 feet are quarantined as well for several days.

Thanks again for the recap.

What wonderful news Melissa. I'm sure you'll sleep better tonight...and so will we all.

Glad to hear the great news Melissa! Good to have good news. Thanks for the quick recap.

Just finished watching my tape of the show and took a look out here and, wow, the recap is already posted.

Finally, a little beat down action by Fr/Ed on nasty Jairo. Too bad Lucio didn't make a move, so he could have gotten a little of it as well. I would have kept the gun though, make him go home and find a new one. Not surprisingly, Martina was down on Franco for a bit before finding out he had saved papa. Fr/Ed always ends up smelling like a rose. :)

Ruh, roh, Damian taking off. Just when he would have been able to get a little tonight. I hope those tickets for the honeymoon are refundable. ;)

Boy Doris, sounds like wouldn't want to fly to Mexico any time soon.


You are right about a warp speed recap.My sister and I watch MEPS every night. Neither of us speak ANY Spanish,except the few words we have picked up by watching these soaps for about two years.This is by far the best soap that we have ever watched and can hardly wait for the recaps.Thanks for all the help all you recapers.Oh,and continued good health Melissa.

I'm so glad it was a false alarm, Melissa!

As for the cancellation, I'm glad for safety's sake you're staying put for now!

I was looking forward to filling in, but at the same time I was also a little nervous about doing it without being able to record it. Some of those characters talk really fast - and they're usually the ones who use the most confusing slang!!

Ah, and you won't believe how embarrassed I was tonight when I realized that Jairo and I were both wearing the same blouse.


Doris - flying into Mexico sounds awful. I don't think we'll be rescheduled until mid-June so hopefully we won't have to deal with any of that. We're flying to El Paso from Phoenix and then crossing over in a taxi - much cheaper.

Thanks JudyB - You're right about sleeping. I finally had my Neurologist appointment yesterday and last night I slept like a rock! It's been a rough couple of weeks.

Jeff, Anon 11:14, and Julie - thanks for the well wishes! Much appreciated.

Julie - Please tell me you're kidding about the blouse???????

Great recap Melissa! Damián almost had Nanda, but he prefered the money, I think Fr/Ed will be the happiest about that.

And THANK YOU! for voicing the fact that Gardenia is so annoying, I want to strangle her almost every time she is on screen and tell her to mind her own business, ugh, but finally yesterday I saw the actress that playes her on a show about interviews last night(like the Letterman or Leno type) and she looked gorgeous so I finally saw the beauty that many had talked about here.

And you are right, we don't celebrate cinco de mayo anymore, not just because of the swine flu, it just seems like the goverment has been taking away our fastive days so we don't get that day free, we also don't get free days for the boy heroes day, the oil expropiation day or the constitution day anymore (people still worked those days, but it counted like extra hours).


Wow, Melissa. Thanks for the fast and furious recap. I am glad you are better but I'm sorry you can't go to Mexico right now but I hope for all of our sakes that we can go there again soon without fear. I feel so badly for the Mexican people.

Judy, the Tila is in the mail on its way to you.

Jeff, I think Lucio is the ultimate chicken-snot, and I was hoping he would get tramped down a bit more too. We'll get back to him sooner or later I bet.

Fernanda is in for a bad week but at least she got Jacinto to tell her reassuring news about Eduardo's love. She is definitely going to need it.

Ha! Schoolmarm fans listen up. I met the very charming Jeanne and her remarkable family. We all met for some fine Durango style Mexican food at Mariscos Altamar on Coors in Abq.. I had shrimp tacos and flan, wow. I couldn't help but smile all the way through MEPS although it was a pretty dismal episode except for Martina and Gepetto getting back together. The zipper scene was pretty funny too, but not for everyone, pobre de Nanda...

Thanks, Melissa. And I'm so glad that you got good news from your doctor. I can imagine the relief that you are feeling. Great news. I was surfing between Dancing with the Stars and MEPS, so I missed some things. I got a big kick out of smarmy Lucio entertaining repulsive Jairo . Lucio seems to have tried to transform Soledad's sweet little hillside cottage into his version of The Love Shack. Bleccchhh. And now we see how the writers have figured out how to protect Nanda's virginity ...Dam is leaving on a fast plane . You could see the little wheels in his head spinning : What a dilemma~~Nanda ? or 3mil ? He decided to take the money and run. Jeff~~~I agree with you...Why did Fr/ed decide to take the bullets and leave the gun with the bad dudes ? I think that Marge and Gardinera are supposed to keep the pot boiling and the tension high with their screaming and gestures. Basta.

Cheryl~~~So nice that you had a chance to meet with Jeanne. Well, I have 2 final exams to give today , and the first one is at 8.00 am, so later, Gator.

Hi Cheryl...How wonderful that you got to meet Schoolmarm and dinner sounds scrumptious. I will treasure my té de tila and need every bit of it when I take care of two grandchildren while their parents are away for a week. In British novels they're always handing you a cup of strong tea with lots of sugar when you're under stress. The Mexican way sounds healthier! Thanks amiga.

OT - flying to and from Mexico - yes it sounds like a nightmare. One of the ladies in our Adult Ed ESL class was telling me of the nightmare trip her husband had, flying back here from Mexico. (and they're Mexican!)He works here at Nissan Hdqtrs and went down to Mexico City before the outbreak, came home this past week. His time is up here and he is being transferred to Nissan in MxcoCity next (and then Japan, in a year or two). She needs to fly home to have their kids take their final face-to-face interview before enrolling in a private school, and said she can't with the present airline/flu hassles.

And the Japanese ladies said that back home, everyone is blaming the Chinese for swine flu. Go figure .....

No wonder I enjoy volunteer teaching in this class; it gives such a different perspective.

Melissa, thanks for the recap. I'm so glad to hear the news about your test results. That's got to to be a big weight off your shoulders.

I sure wish someone would wipe the smirk off of Lucio's face. Ugh...and Fr/Ed taking the gun away from Mr. Saturday Night Fever himself---priceless..

Camil-ho showing up at Erika's--WTH? He just oozes slime from every pore of his body.

Gardenia is perky there's no doubt about it but she's got to stop running her mouth. She's going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and get someone (or herself) in a heap of trouble.

I was kidding about the blouse, but only because I didn't buy it. They have a lot of blouses like that at Dress Barn - shiny polyester with loud colorful designs, some of them in yucky colors. (I thought they were leftovers from last year or the year before, when such prints were more popular, but they just put up some new dresses that look like that.)

There's a Dress Barn in the strip mall where I get my groceries, so it's extremely convenient to go there in an emergency. Fortunately, they also have stuff that Jairo wouldn't wear.

Melissa: glad to hear your good news.

Melissa, Thanks for another excellent recap, and thanks for sharing with us the good news about the MRI.

Jairo's shirt? I have to admit that I really like it(no, really), and he wears it with such elán. Not many men can do that. Watching him and Lucio with Eddie has become like watching Damian with cell phones. When are we going to get the payoff for our patience? I'm eager to have my bloodlust sated.

Poor Dr.O, I don't see good things happening for him anytime soon, and I was hoping that Eddie had gotten him listening to his better angels. I'm still expecting good things from him, although that hope is dwindling.


Great news, Melissa, I could feel the relief in your great recap.
Well, i guess that Damian made his choice, he's taking the i.o.u. from Babs instead of a promising future with Nanda. I seriously doubt that he is going to ever collect, I thing that Babs' "despidida" was just that- goodbye sucker! Not that we have seen the last of Damian, I'm certain that he'll be back on screen. Was this what Babs was referring to when she thought-bubbled about the pain that she had planned for her hijastra, or is there even more in store? I realise that she is out to destroy the family, but is seems that she is singling out innocent Nanda for the worst.
My Gardenia was a disappointment last night, spilling the frijoles about Geppeto's whereabouts. She had no business doing that, and she's paying the price, homeless now, or is she moving in with Santorito?
Jairo and leering Lucio- what a pathetic pair. At least Jairo got the bad end of a smackdown from Franco, when is Lucio gonna get some? I was expecting el jinete justicero to twist la pistola into useless scrap metal, not return it to the matoncito.
Now, Eddy needs to take care of the situation at the looney bin, certainly she isn't safe there anymore. At least Adolfina is aware of what's going on there.

Finally, Cadmil-ho showing up at Errorika's, all Eddy-Haskel-like, and wearing that ridiculous long coat. I can't believe that she is going to even talk to him.

Melissa: I was so glad to hear your news and I hope and pray for good health from here out.
Your recap was great. Thank you.

Fr/Ed's amazing ability to be omnipresent is going to be difficult to maintain. How long will he be able to continue to magically transport himself back and forth between home, the clinic and Martina's??

Even a Clinton Kelly intervention couldn't help Jairo's lack of fashion sense. His garish garb fits his abusive personality well. He reminds me of a rabid bulldog (with apologies to all bulldogs for such a comparison).

So, is Damian's plan to permanently dissappear? If so, I can't believe he is gone already.

Dorado Dave, I really liked your "Finally, Cadmil-ho showing up at Errorika's, all Eddy-Haskel-like" :) Blech...

Diana in MA

Did you notice with that dark suit on Cadmil-Ho's face kind of blended in with it. You could only tell it was him by his beady little eyes! :P I think Erika should tell her father what the scumbag did to her. I bet her Papi wouldn't be so happy about it.

Melissa, great news! I am so happy for you. Thank you for an awesome recap. Jairo's shirt was something else. And Julie you had me laughing about almost buying the same blouse!

So is Cad going to spill the beans about the letter to hurt Erika? Of course, if he does then maybe Erika will move one! Poor girl.

Doris, that puppy is so freaking cute! My girlgriend has a Cav, his name is Romeo because he got him for Valentines day a year ago. He is crazy, but so sweet!

I'm with you on that, Connie. Seems like no one is concerned about violent and criminal behavior. Cad on Er, Jairo (we need a name for ese tipo) on Geppeto. They must have been watching FELS, and thought all cops are as ineffective as Muttonchops was...

I find it hard to believe Damian is going to be gone for good. A Sergio Sendel character wouldn't just bow out after a month or two, would he? Maybe he'll come back for revenge on Babs when he discovers he was conned.

Molly - thank you... she is a love. We're off to the vet in a few minutes. She's been limping since Friday. I'm hoping it's only a sprain and not a fracture or patella problem. We should have named her The Money Pit. She's had a UTI for the past couple weeks. Ugh....

Loved the recap Melissa and am happy that the medical scare was just that. I think Damian is going to come to regret his choice. He was about to finally have Nanda and he gave her up for the money. This paves the way for Eddie to win her back now. I see now why Eddie doesn't want Gardenia to know what's going on since she can't keep her mouth shut. I felt so bad for Nanda when she realized that Damian left her and I wanted to slap the smirk off of Babs face. I take comfort in knowing that she doesn't know that Eddie is still alive and is slowly but surely bringing her down.

Doris, that is exactly what i was thinking, that Babs stiffs Damian, he won't be back at Elizalde's or Grupo-lactose-intolerance, but will come looking for a pound of flesh out of Babs.

i'm hoping that Babs soon has a reason to drop her smirk, she's been telling everyone that she is quien manda, tho she doesn't know how fragile her position is, and something is about to happen. She's been planning on blowing town soon, but will have to stick around because it seems that Lili won't be gone, therefore a threat to be dealt with. Who knows what evil plot she'll come up with. She has to answer to cigarman, who doesn't appear to take bad news very well. Gonna be interesting...

I can't believe that Dam would be out of the picture already. It's too early. If he is gone for awhile you can be assured that he'll be back and ready for a good old fashioned phone smashing.

Maybe I'm lost, but I thought Babs was going to give the $3 million she was trying to squeeze out of Franco Santoro to Damian - that way she wouldn't have to actually take the $3 million out of the money she's been syphoning off all these years.

Glad to hear the good news about your medical scare, Melissa.

I'm not sure if this is a plot inconsistency or a hole in my memory. But I can't figure out why Lucio, who has a house provided for him and an OK job as Elizalde chauffeur, goes around with a criminal like Jairo assisting him with his beatdowns. Surely what they did to Silvestre must be a crime? Babs doesn't have any part of the Martina persecution, so can't see why he feels he can do that with impunity.

It's extremely funny to me that the guys here don't mind Gardenia at all. While I can certainly see what her assets are, she drives me nuts. Last night was el colmo. Only a true dunce could walk in and see Jairo and Lucio threatening Jacinto and Martina and blurt out the exact information they were seeking.

I sort of hope Sendel is gone for a while. I guess he's doing a good acting job because I don't like him much.

Melissa thanks for the recap. I also am so glad you are well.

Lucio and Barb need to get the smirks wiped off their faces.

It will be interesting to see how Barb hangs Damien out to dry and what revenge he'll seek.

Noverla - I think the fact that Lucio chooses to hang out with Jairo (even though he clearly does not need to economically) is to demonstrate his lack of character.

Troubling development. Remember one user's MEPS clips have been yanked from YouTube, because YouTube threatened to block her. Well, I just tried to pull up Tontas #53 because Camil is wearing a horrible shirt (I wanted to show what happens when good dressers go bad). It looks like most of the early Tontas clips have been yanked from YouTube as well. Even the ones YuriBlue posted, in which she disguised the titles (e.g. uuuuu053). It sounds like TPTB are going after all the pirated clips out there.

What do they consider "pirated" videos?

I think Lucio just thinks he's being expanding his professional horizons by hanging around with the likes of Jairo.

Actually, I bet he worked for Jairo BEFORE he worked for the Elizaldes - how much you want to bet that BOW identified him in a talent search for would-be criminals and that's how he got hired?

Melissa, I think you're right about the $3 million. She's probably not going to get that money and therefore she's either going to have to pay him from her own ill-gotten funds, or leave him hanging.

I wonder if she had someone plant a bomb in Damian's suitcase while she was doing him in the garage?? Maybe it'll blow up while he's on the road or at the hotel. That won't kill him if he happens to step away from his luggage for a short while. :-)

Oh - she told him to keep his phone turned off for the next few hours. Maybe she rigged it to blow up when he turns it back on? Now that would be some serious cell phone abuse!!

Death by cell phone! I love it.

Talk about poetic justice!


Perhaps it would be cell phone revenge?!

I'm intrigued by the possibility of death by cell phone! Thanks for the recap, Melissa and glad to hear your med. problem isn't so serious.
Thanks, too, to Chris for the Mon. recap. I go back and forth on Mon. and Tues. to Dancing/Stars and miss bits of MEPS, so the recaps are essential.
La Paloma

Maybe I sorta answered my own question about Lucio. I just remembered that, on that interminably long wedding day, he came to the cantina looking for Jacinto (ordered to do so by Babs). Martina gave him a pretty good beatdown. His times with Jairo have involved looking for her. So maybe he just wants Jairo to find Martina for revenge.

La Paloma~~~I surf between Dancing with the Stars and MEPS, too. Who do you want to win ?

I'm somewhat torn with Gardenia. I think she needs to be given more information... But... On one hand, if they brought her more into what was happening, she probably wouldn't be blurting some stuff out. But then again as pointed out, if she knew more stuff, she just can't seem to keep from blurting stuff out. If she was in on the Cadmilho subterfuge with the letter, she would probably come right out and tell Cad that he will get his soon! :)

The question I have with Cad and Errika, I'm not sure if the information that Franco is there looking for a rich woman would hurt her or spur her on! She may look at that and think she just may be the one and really try to work on Franco some more, go all out! :)


Jeff, I think that your analysis of Erika's likely reaction if Camilo reveals Eddie's supposed intent is dead on. Heck, she is virtually a brandname filing of his prescription. Just what the Dr. ordered. Carlos

Melissa, I am delighted that everything turned out okay medically for you.

After seeing the interaction between Dolly Mom and the Cad, I think Dolly is the one smitten with Cad and not Erika. I think this is the 2nd or 3rd time she (Dolly) has expressed her fondness for Cad. If only she knew! Of course, there is no accounting for taste.

I cannot believe that Fr/Ed overpowered the Gruesome Twosome with out even a wrinkle in his shirt - what a guy!


rsk: Dolly does appear to be smitten with Cad. I think that if Errika told her what did happen, Dolly would ask Errika what she did to deserve it! :(


I think we're definitely cruising for a fight between Erika and Nanda over Franco. Nanda will deny having any feelings for him, but she'll probably be leaning on him for support (or literally)once she finds out Damian is gone. This will make Erika extremely jealous of Nanda. The girl never blames the guy who is the object of her desire, she always blames the other female who she feels is her competition - even if the guy hasn't given her any reason to believe he's interested.

I guess it's called being in denial! LOL

I am another channel surfer between DWTS and MEPS. Ladies, there is a French guy, Gilles Marini, who is totally HOT and a great dancer. Hope he wins. I've never voted but am tempted to now that it's close to the finals. i have been relying on Youtube to catch up on the epis so I hope they are not going to delete all of them.

I really want to pop a tranquilizer into Gardenia's mouth. Maybe I finally would be able to understand what she is saying and she wouldn't be spilling the beans all the time.

Melissa, thanks for the recaps and letting us know the good news about your health concerns. GinCA

JeffMN, you are correct. Melissa, I am sure you are correct about the triangle and Erika has some real problems.


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