Friday, May 15, 2009
Las Tontas Thurs 5/14 - Pau pouts, Santi sways, Meño moons, and Alizée!
Santiago asks Hortensia did she bring what he asked? She proudly hands over a megaphone. She asks him can she borrow it when he's done (why?) and he yells into the megaphone "No Hortensia No, ha ha ah ah, look it works!" Boys and their toys...
Chayo pines next to Lalo's picture, "You'll never change." The attentive Osvaldo "drops by" to bring her coffee and some books. She asks if it's typical for teachers to visit their students. When he tells her she seems angry and sad she admits Lalito was hanging with a teibolera. She cries on Osvaldo's sympathetic and handy shoulder.
Greg begs Patricio not to do this to Candy. Pato promises he's only doing what's best for Candy and Chava. Greg knows Al is behind this and Al basically admits it. Greg scolds,"Are you sick? You love a man who doesn't love you!" Al asks her mom who is she to talk? Good point there.
Santi blasts into Candy's office blasting into his megaphone. He goes through various amusing accents, British, American, and tells her he's got many shortcomings but jealousy is not one of them. He'll prove it with a little surprise he's got for her. She laughs that she's afraid of his surprises. He drags her into the lobby blabbing loudly into his microphone to Candy and the Institutas that the show is about to begin.
Some DJ named Christian struts in and starts the music. In come two hunks stripping to Sexy Smile. They start to dance with Candy but Candy is interrupted by a phone call. It's Santiago calling from 3 feet away. Candy enjoys dancing (if you can call it that, where's El Intocable when we need him?) with the strippers to Santi's dismay. Santi tells them the job's over but they remind him they're hired for an hour. "Are you jealous?" Candy asks while the strippers make their pecs do calisthenics in front of Santi's amazed face.
Amanda tells Pau that their plot isn't working because Candy loves Pau's ex too much. Pau nastily says fine, no results no payment. Amanda demands payment or she'll tell Santiago. "I'll be waiting for your call" she tells a sour-faced Paulina.
Commercial time and it's an ad for what is probably our next Telenovela - Un Gancho al Corazon. It looks really stupid but sometimes the stupid ones are the easiest to recap.
Osvaldo comes to the Institute to pick up Chayo and sees Meño comforting the crying DJ (I think he got hit in the nose or something), the strippers, Santi and Candy Bickerson, and finally Chayo. He seems unphased by this madhouse. Candy makes an "ooh la la" face as Chayo and her cute teacher leave together.
Charly and Luc argue about Frederico. Charly thinks Fred's a clown. Lucia says Fred's always in a good mood like Charly used to be before... She says she just wants to laugh. Charly says that's what he wants too. He stomps off as Luc chases after.
Pat and his sons play and talk in the park. Beto comments that he didn't see Patito in Al's stomach. Dad tells them that Patito was not in Al's stomach. He explains in length about adoption; sometimes there are abandoned babies in the world and parents like he and Al adopt them and love them. Beto and Chava are thrilled to both be the brothers of such a kid and Pato leads them in a cheer about saving the abandoned kids of the world. They race off to save the world.
Candy tries to leave work and discovers the elevator isn't working. Naturally she runs into Santi on the staircase and they play the you first, no you first game. He sits on the stairs and says a gentleman doesn't go before a lady. She plops down next to him and comments that he has to make everything so complicated. I love the face he makes. (I was trying to fathom why she would not go first and I think she's trying to be "liberated". She hasn't learned that liberation and common courtesy are not mutually exclusive.)
Back at the restaurant Meño flirts with the DJ who has a bandage on his nose. Christian is very impressed that Meño runs the whole big restaurant. They formally introduce themselves and lie about their ages.
Santi and Candy are still not budging from the stairs but Santi seems to be running out of time as he keeps peeking at his watch. He finally suggests they descend together in total equality but when Candy gripes about not keeping up in her heels (I think) he finally throws up his hands and heads off down the stairs. She yells after him that he's failed as a gentleman (but she's laughing so just kidding).
Chava and Beto play soccer in the house to Greg's irritation so she allows them to go outside to play.
Santi walks through the garage and is confronted by Gabino. Gab asks about Mario and Santi says yes he knows Mario but he can't talk because he has to go home and help his kid with her homework. Gabino ominously agrees that family comes first. Of course Pato happens to drive by and comments "My worst suspicians are realized."
Santi walks off and Pat jumps out of his car, "Gabino, I want to talk with you."
Uh oh, a little girl leaves her baby brother alone in his stroller while she runs into a store. Chava and Beto run by, spot the cute baby, and after some discussion deem him to be abandoned and decide they must adopt him. Little girl and mommy run out and are horrified to find baby gone.
Pat wants to know why Gabino was with Santiago and Gabino says he and Santi have something in common but it's a secret, get it? Gabino warns Pato (he snaps his fingers and his guards go for their guns) that anything can happen. Pato warns Gabino that if anything threatens his kids he will become Gabino's worst nightmare. They glare and Gabino makes a civil but tense departure. Pat thought bubbles "I vow to protect my family."
Over at the big house Lucia tells Santi and Rocio that her BFF Mini West who moved to England is coming to visit. Mini shows up, hugs all around, and Lucia asks what brings Mini to Mexico. Mini tells them she's come with her father who plays in Alizée's band. "WHAT?!?!?" gasps Santi. Alizée? Alizée?? Alizée??? He loves the French singer Alizée!

To prove it he starts swaying his hips and singing her song J'en ai Marre, i.e. I'm Fed Up. (However her line in French is "I have soft skin" and the way he sings it in Spanish it sounds like either "I'm stuffed" or "I'm your lint" or something entirely different I think. I'm not sure because the closed caps weren't working tonight.)
Santi is impactado and Lucia says if Mini can get tix to Alizée's concert her dad will be the happiest man in the world. To prove it he does his funny hip sway and bats Rocio out of the way. Donato joins him and they sway in duo until Santi bats a giggling Rocio again with his hips. (Will Alizée be a guest on this show? If so what a coup! Moi Lolita is probably her most famous song.)
Art tells greg that he's mixed up with the mafia and asks her not to tell anyone. She's upset and he tells her he loves her. She wants to help him but he insists she get out of the car. She departs in desperation.
A family helper drops off the Alizée tickets to Mini and the Santi family stands around wondering how many tix are in the envelope. Pau thinks certainly enough for all of them. Mini gives a reality check and says dad probably couldn't get that many. Santi snatches the envelope and peeks inside, Mini counts 1, 2, 3 and Santi says "what's with your miserable papa?" Lucia scolds and Santi composes himself, who will be the lucky ones to go with him to the concert?
Candy comes home and sees Beto and Chava with their newly adopted baby. Candy is impactada, the boys are proud the baby seems delighted with the change of scenery.
Isa and Pau get into it. Isa tells Pau to keep her mouth shut or she'll shut it for her! Santi walks in to see Isa give Pau a mighty pow across the face. Oops, mom's got some splainin' to do. Pau invites Isa to tell Santi what happened and Isa says she's going to do just that. Pau gets the sour face again.
While Candy dandles the happy baby the boys explain that adopting a baby was their dad's idea. Candy says they didn't adopt the baby they stole it and his mama is probably very worried. She leads the charge to return the smiling baby to its mommy.
The ladies hem and haw and Isa finally says she suspects that Zamora is Jaime's son and Paulina was butting in. Santi tells Paulina to stop stressing his mom out. "Paulina, stay out of my business," threatens Isa as she leaves the room.
Jaime and Zamora (singing a bit sharp) practice over at the club. They're going to invite all their friends for their show and Jaime encourages Zam to invite his mama. Ruh roh...
Pau, who clearly does not know when to leave enough alone, confronts Isa saying she sees she's not the only liar in the house. She tries to threaten Isa into helping her separate Candy from Santi but Isa refuses. Paulina can blab to Jaime all she wants and let the cards fall where they may. "Point to you this time," mutters Pau, "but next time it will be mine."
The adorable baby is reunited with mommy and a policeman kindly scolds Candy and the boys. The mommy is so nice about it she even kisses the boys and shakes Candy's hand.
Lucia begs Santi to go out with her friends, specifically Frederico. Santi's not happy but he grudgingly consents.
Candy writes on her laptop that tomorrow is a special day because it is the two week anniversary of her trip to PV and she loves Santiago very very VERY much.
Greg comes in and acts like she wants to talk about Arturo but instead tells Candy that all of a sudden she wanted to come in and give Candy a big hug.
Freddie picks up Lucia under the watchful eyes of Santi and Isa. Pau can't resist asking "Don't I know you from somewhere? Maybe a photo in this house?" Santi tries to follow them out but Isa pulls him back.
Fred and Lucia drive off and he continues to attempt seduction by asking for a little kiss.
Alicia tries to comfort Pato regarding his dad. He stiffens when she kisses his cheek.
Back in Fast Freddie's car Lucia stiffens when Freddie tries to kiss her. They argue and she demands he take her home. Good girl.
Isa sees Lucia rushing in early from her date, what happened? Lucia relates the age-old story that repeats itself through the generations. Freddie said she was a little girl and not a woman because she wouldn't... Isa comments to herself she'd better not tell Santi or Freddie's a dead man.
Meño chatters happily to Greg that Christian reminds him of when he was young la-dee-da. Meanwhile Greg's thoughts have returned to her earlier confrontation with Alicia. Meño busts her and Greg shares what's on her mind, she's dying of fright because Patricio wants custody of Chava and Alicia and Patricio want to take Chava to live with them.
Mañana: Angst
Labels: Tontas
So two weeks since that romantic idyl in Puerto Vallart and no "criterion behavior" since then!? I would think that if Candy loved Santi with all her heart and clearly he loves her, they might find a little time for private time in those subsequent weeks! Good grief. Granted, she's been celibate for 8 years but still....
Thanks for a crisp, well-written recap, two very interesting links and I totally agree...that baby was delightful. Looked really happy to be off on an excellent adventure and not missing mommy at all!
Carlos, you are so right. In fact when the strippers' pecs danced I almost thought Candy's assets were doing a tango right along with them.
Ahh...Liz Vega and Intocable. I wonder what they're up to these days? I was very irritated with the cut-rate strippers on this episode who couldn't even dance. The nerve!
I loved that little baby with the ears! He was so adorable!
Good for Isa standing up to evil Pau. Good for Luc turning down her date.
Unless I'm wrong, Candy's not wearing her ring? I saw her trying to take it off but never saw it come off. If she still loves Santi why isn't she wearing it?
The dancers were fun. Lulu walked off with the shorter one, is there anything in their future together?
Carrie L.
Admit it. When Filthy Fred parked the car with Luc, how many of you wished Santiago actually HAD followed them? It would've been a two-hit fight. Santi hits Fred, Fred hits the dirt.
It has not been 10 caps since the beach scene. PV was #107. Last night was #113. Not only have Santi and Candy not been solos, they've hardly been together. I think they spent much more time together when Santi was engaged to Marissa, than the spend together now. And Santi ABSOLUTELY romanced her more before they were novios. Other than PV, he hasn't brought her any romantic surprises, like he used to do all the time, before they were novios.
Cap'n Sharkbait, Ma'am, I salute you! And I think I'll send that statement to my self-described "Feminazi" cousin (w/o attribution).
Paula, the lack of romantic gifts just means the thrill is gone. Already. Alas. Que pena...
I think Santi and Fred might still have an encounter. Fred is creepy yuck and Santi owes him a good one.
I'd say send Fred with Pau to doll island.
Paula's comment on Santi's lack of attention since they've become novios strikes home with me.
It's been my personal experience that it's usually how it goes, (present male readers excluded of course).
Carrie L.
I agree that Santi may not be trying quite as hard to impress Candy as he was before she admitted she loved, him, but he's not totally idle. He does one nice thing almost every episode. Of course, it's weird that they (and everyone else) hever seem to go on a normal date to a normal restaurant, movies, etc., it always has to be the GREATEST DAY EVER, or something like that. :)
This show has many story lines going now, something for just about every character, and this makes it less boring than when everything revolved around Candy. Also, if something is going wrong in one story line, we can just wait a few minutes, and see Meño with a new guy, or Chava and Beto adopting a cute baby, or something else. I'm enjoying it despite the evil plans of our baddies.
It has been two weeks! Over on MEPS, It has taken like 40-50 episodes and still less than 2 weeks from the wedding. :-)
With all the PSAs on this show, I did not see a seat belt on Lucia!!
Great comments y'all. Still busy at work, gotta dash...
Great title and thanks for the fun cap.
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