Sunday, July 26, 2009

ENDA: Friday 7/24/09 "Paloma and Iñaki Fight the Familial Front Against Them"

Carlota catches Paloma and Iñaki almost smooching in the confessional box. She drags Pal out of there (not by her hair, but if Cruelota wasn’t in a church, I bet she would have done that). Pal tries to explain, but Cruelota tells her to be quiet. Cruelota gets her outside and is readying up to smack some sense into Pal. Iñaki intervenes and tells Cruelota “don’t you dare!” Cruelota begins her rant: calling Pal a slut, telling Iñaki that he’s taken the peacefulness away from their family, screaming at Iñaki for messing with an upright (cabal) family, chastising them for offending God in His own house. She ends up dragging Pal away and Iñaki shouts out a “Te amo” as they leave.

Camila is having dinner with Diana. Di proceeds to tell Cami that she’s very happy with her marriage and her husband, basically she’s lying. This seems to fit well with what Cami’s objective is for the dinner. She is worried that Di might still be upset that Rafa sent flowers to her. She wants Di to understand that her husband only sent the flowers as a thank you. Di tells Cami all is well, but she assures her that the flowers won’t happen again.

Macarena gets a good check up from the doctor (who is making a house call). When he leaves, Rufi tells Mac that she should get to know the good doctor better. Rufi thinks there is interest on the doctor’s part. Mac is not interested in having a romance. Rufi says that Paloma needs to see love in her tías’ lives, the house has been devoid of it for so long. This appeal to help Pal see new things in the house gives Mac pause to think.

Cristobal is praying to the Virgin, asking why he has to be sent to Real del Monte.

Cruelota gets Paloma home and they are still arguing about Iñaki. Pal doesn’t like the fact that Cruelota is trying to dictate her entire life. Cruelota says that Iñaki will be leaving soon for Spain and Pal informs her that he intends to stay in Mexico. Cruelota rants on about how Iñaki’s bewitched Pal. Pal says it is love!

Cami comes home and finds Romina in bed. She wants to know what is up with her daughter. Romy tells her mom that she wants to find her father, but first she needs to know if he is really her dad. Cami is rightly offended by this and lets her daughter know that she finds it rude and disrespectful. Romy says she wants answers as to why her father abandoned her. Cami says that the fault doesn’t lay with her. He left and she’s got a clean conscience.

Mac decides to have a talk with Paloma. She’s concerned about how quickly things are progressing with Iñaki. She reminds Pal that they don’t know much about Iñaki and his family. Pal is upset to think that Mac’s switched sides to Team Cruelota.

Iñaki and his mother talk about his plans to remain in Real del Monte.
Cruelota brings home some new medication for Mac. She gives Rufi some money to get her favorite thing for dinner. Rufi is surprised at Cruel’s generosity. Cruel comments to herself that she’ll bribe Rufi to get her on her side.

Rafa and Emiliano have a conversation about the aborted plans on the new ceramics line. Emiliano doesn’t think his father should give up. Rafa reminds him that he doesn’t have the money. E suggests taking out a second mortgage. Rafa doesn’t want to risk losing the house. E tells his father that he’s got confidence in him.

Cruelota pays a little kid to do some snooping for her. He informs Cruel that Iñaki isn’t home. Cruel pays a visit and has a conversation with Iñaki’s mother. Carmen is pleased to meet Paloma’s tía. Cruelota isn’t as kind. She lets Carmen know that she does not agree with Pal and Iñaki dating. She goes on to add that Pal is a girl from a good family and has been raised with Catholic ethics, she finds Iñaki to be a bad influence. Carmen is offended and it gets worse. Cruelota tells Carmen that Iñaki’s family background—divorced parents---does not set a good example, they are immoral. He will never be welcomed into their family. Carmen defends her son—he is talented, responsible and has a good heart. Cruelota insists that she doesn’t want Iñaki in Paloma’s life. Carmen says that she doesn’t want her son to be around such inflexible people. So they agree then, Cruelota asks. For his own good, Carmen says, she’ll keeps her son away from Paloma and she hopes that her path will never cross Cruelota’s again.

Iñaki and Germán are out for drinks. Iñaki tells Germie he was happy to see him with Liliana. Germie admits that he’s still got feelings for Romy, he’s obsessed with her. Iñaki warns that obsession isn’t a good thing and he reminds Germie that Romy isn’t the girl for him. He advises his friend to let her go. Germie asks if Iñaki has let Paloma go. Iñaki says that is different, he loves Pal, he’s not obsessed with her. The two then talk about Iñaki getting work. He’ll be going to Germie’s office tomorrow. Germie comments that who’d a thunk his bohemian friend would end up trying to be responsible.

Pal is in her room, dreamy and pining for Iñaki.

Cami attends mass and prays for guidance in ways to help Romy accept how things are with her father.

Romy tells Emiliano that she talked to her mother about finding her dad, but her mother took the news poorly.

Liliana and Germie end up at the same restaurant as Romy and E. E compliments Lili on how pretty she looks. We can see the steam coming from Romy’s ears. E invites the other couple to join them, but Germie declines. E speculates that Germie is avoiding him, but he doesn’t know why. Romy lets E know that she didn’t like him complimenting Lili. He blows it off. Lili and Germie kiss and Romy gets more jealous.

Mac sheds some tears in her room. She’s looking at a family photo. She wonders why her brother selected Cruelota to be Paloma’s guardian. She wonders if it is because he knew she wouldn’t be able to provide Pal with proper direction. Mac says that she’s always been one to follow her heart and that leads to trouble. He must have known that she wouldn’t have made a good mother to her Paloma.

Rufi brings a Popsicle (paleta de hielo) to Paloma. She tries to intercede on Mac’s behalf because she knows that Pal is mad at Mac. Pal listens as Rufi recounts her own experience in falling for a musician. "Musicians arrive, they play, and then they leave," she tells her. Pal tells Rufi that Iñaki isn’t leaving.

Iñaki and his mother discuss he choice to set his dream of pursuing music aside in order for him to get a job so he can stay in Mexico. She’s none too happy about this. She feels he is giving up too much. He reminds her that she’s always taught him to fight for what he wants, and he wants to be with Paloma because he loves her.

Cruelota tells Pal that she better shape up or else she’ll be sent to boarding school. Pal takes off to her room to cry and Mac asks her sister if that was only a threat (amenaza). "Oh no, that wasn’t a threat," Cruelota assures her.

Pal is on her balcony, shedding some tears. She spots E walking Romy home.

E is letting Romy know that he thinks they shouldn’t be in any hurry to make the love. They’ve both got some many things on their plates, they should wait until the time is right. He asks Romy to slow down and reminds her that having sex is not the same a being in love. She tells him okay, but she just wants him to know that she intends for him to be her first and only. They kiss and she goes inside. E notices Pal up on the balcony. He picks a flower and extends it toward her. She smiles and slips back into her room. She says aloud that she misses Iñaki.

Iñaki is playing in a club and he sees Paloma in the faces of the women in the crowd.

Back at home, Emiliano remembers the brief moment that evening when he was looking up at Paloma on the balcony. He seems frustrated with the memory.

The next day Pal and Romy walk to school. Pal is filling Romy in on what happened over the weekend and Iñaki’s plans to remain in Real de Monte. Romy asks what her suegra thinks of this and Pal says that Iñaki told her there were no problems with his plan. Romy lets Pal know she met her (Paloma's) suegra at the cinema. Pal asks what she is like.

Cruelota meets with the family lawyer. She finds out that Pal’s inheritance has grown considerably. She asks the lawyer to do her a favor. She’d like to keep the inheritance a secret from Pal. He’s not too keen on the idea. She says it is for Pal’s protection. She’s been dating this tipo and she suspects he’s only in it for the money. She wants to get this guy far away from Pal before Pal gets her inheritance. The lawyer agrees, since it is for Pal’s own good to keep her safe from the fortune hunter (cazafortunas).

Paloma meets with the school psychologist. She tells Pal to bide her time, she’ll soon be free from Cruelota when she turns 18. She also warns Pal to not be too hasty with Iñaki. Pal isn’t happy to hear this advice. The psychologist just doesn’t want Paloma to risk her future.

Iñaki meets with his father and goes through basically the same conversation he had with his mother. He intends to fight for Paloma, because he loves her. END OF EPISODE


Thank you Cathy! Great recap of a great episode! And the vocab is much appreciated.

I’m surprised that the adults (except Carlota of course) hadn’t expressed doubts about the Paloma/Inaki romance before this. Everyone seemed so excited that the two were having a lovely little crush, whereas we know teen romances can lead to all kinds of drama and problems. Usually parents are alarmed when love breaks out.

That sure was one insultfest Carlota had at Carmen’s house. She’s lucky Carmen didn’t slug her.

Cathy, thanks for the thorough recap. Lots of stuff is going on here as the characters develop.

I don't know why Carlota thinks boarding school is a threat. Paloma would have so much more freedom and fun.

So does Iñaki's dad live in Real del Monte?

Last night I paid attention to that panting/scratching sound at the beginning and in the breaks and I noticed that it came on when the red word Amor in the title was being written out in script. So it must be a quill pen sound, as someone speculated before.

I still think there are two different sounds, but I haven't heard the panting in awhile.

Maggie, I agree with you that the adults except Carlota have been abnormally cheerleaderish about Paloma dating Iñaki. It alarms me a bit that he's so full-steam-ahead, I'd-marry-her-tomorrow about it and she is such a childlike naïf. She needs a few words of caution. I guess they're all just so glad she's happy and trying to do normal things that they can't think straight.

I like the idea of a panting sound better! I’ll keep listening. I’d hate to think the Yorkie’s terrible fate was forgotten.

Thanks, Cathy for the detailed recap with vocabulary.

I really enjoyed Camila pretty much going off on Romi. Saying that possibly she wasn't really her father's child was the last straw. She gave it to her in spades, letting her know - finally - that her father's awful neglect wasn't Camila's fault. And that if Romi was set on finding him, then go ahead but don't count on her help!

It makes me nervous every time I see Carlota within a country mile of Macarena's medications. This seemed to be a genuine delivery, but who knows whether she'll tamper with them or not.

I was surprised how quickly Iñaki's really nice mother got turned around by Carlota.

Of course, we're all pretty sure Pal and Emiliano are the fated couple, but I'm not sure how they're going to get Iñaki out of the picture. The guy is pretty determined.

Cathy: Terrific recap. Loved your picture perfect title.

The opening credits show us Paloma and Emiliano about to embark on a kiss. Assuming that they are destined to be together, something will have to happen to separate Pal and Inaki. I'm not anxious for their break up. He seems like a good person. I like his tenacity and spirit - he doesn't seem to be intimidated by Carlota in the least (unlike her entire family). I agree that Pal is very young and impressionable so it will be interesting to see what happens.

Diana in MA

Maybe Iñaki will just get tired of Paloma, or she will get tired of him, once she grows up a bit and develops more of a will of her own and outside interests. Nah, that's what would happen in real life. In Novelaland a character assassination is more likely. Right now, though, it's hard not to root for him. He just seems so sincere, and I love that he stands up to Carlota.

I enjoyed your recap, Cathy. The detailed recaps are so helpful in understanding things that sort of fly by me.

I agree that something has to put a cabosh(sp) on Pal and Inaki as we know Pal and Emiliano seem to end up together as the opening credits roll. Though it has progressed at breakneck speed, I think Pal and Inaki could possibly make it a lifetime relationship if outside forces don't separate them. They are both sweet and pure, it seems.

I'm afraid Carlota has it in her to do poor Inaki in especially as she has killed the poor pooch, is meddling with her sister's medications and has a warped sense of right and wrong and is motivated by greed and jealousy. If Inaki's determination doesn't waiver which doesn't seem to be in his character, then Carlota may poison him, run him over or most likely, concoct a huge lie to separate him and Pal.

Doesn't look good for Inaki, IMO.


Thanks for the recap Cathy. I like Inaki, too. Seeing that the opening credits hint a Pal/Rom/Emil triangle, not sure what will happen to Inaki. Hopefully he'll get shipped back to Spain and nothing really bad happen to him, but with Cruelota around, I worry about him.

I'm pretty sure all of the scratching/panting is the pen writing out the name of the show.


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