Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gancho Friday 7-24 The Heat is Rising

We begin with Aldo telling Gertrudis, the social worker, that Mauricio has brought love to the three kids, and they’ve become a united family, without fear. Little Danny runs to Mauricio, and he picks her up and hugs her.

At the site of Constanza’s new boutique, with construction halted due to Connie’s insulting the workers yesterday, Ximena holds a paint can to Connie’s nose, asking her to smell it. What do you think it is, acetone? Connie sniffs a few times, seems more like ether to her. Xime sniffs, not ether, either. Connie sniffs, maybe paint thinnner? Yeah, well I don’t think I can remove my nail polish (despintar mis uñitas) with thinner. They start giggling. The girls are high! Connie’s getting a headache, but Xime’s floating even more than usual.

In the vecindad, Arnoldo, the top private investigator, having cleverly disguised his high-brow snobbery with a brand new Chivas jersey, is pretending to do his wash in the outdoor communal sink. Nieves says bye to her boys, don’t bet too much, and goes back inside, since she has a little gas. To the accompaniment of jazzy bass and high hat, Arnoldo sneaks into Beto’s apartment, not noticing Hilario coming in after him, holding an iron. Bam! Hilario knocks him out cold. Beto wonders, Dad, why did you hit him so hard? Simple, the Chivas jersey. Beto likes the Chivas, is any other team better? Of course, the Pumas, replies Hilario, and I understand why you’re deluded, son, as I was not able to raise you to root for the correct team, the Pumas. Beto’s expression shows he’s not completely convinced about this.

Our stoned girls are having different reactions to the paint thinner they sniffed. Connie’s holding her head, but Xime’s hallucinating, looks at all those wires coming out of the wall, I see colors, it’s like a rainbow, far out, man! She’s inspired, as an artist, to “combine” the colors (by touching wires together!) Green with red….Connie runs over, don’t touch it, but too late, there’s a big spark, and both ladies are fine, but covered with soot.

Arnoldo’s flat on his back, as Beto wonders who he is. Lario thinks he must be one of Don Carmelo’s men. Who’s that? Lario pulls Beto over, puts him on his knee (!) and tells him he’s old enough now, I’m going to tell you a story. Don Carmelo is a bad mafioso guy. But Lario’s not a gangster, although he has been their accountant for years. Beto figures out that Lario has money that doesn’t belong to him, and Lario admits this, and that he doesn’t want Carmelo to find him. But he didn’t return just to hide, he really loves Nieves and Beto. They hug, and it’s time to move Arnoldo somewhere so Nieves won’t find out. Beto wonders if they cut up the body, can he have the shirt? Hilario gives him a look. Beto peeks his head outside, the coast is clear. But just as they get the fat Arnoldo outside, they hear Estrella’s voice, so they deposit the unconscious Arn on the ground in a sitting position, and they sneak back inside. Estella tries to wake him up, and just then, Moni arrives, too, having been called at work about this suspicious character. After fanning him with their hands doesn’t rouse him, Moni grabs the back of his hair, pulls his head up, only to discover it’s the guy she met in the office earlier today!

Gertrudis can now see that Mauricio’s a good Dad, and she promises to give the judge a positive report. She’s not really bad, she just had to do her job. Mau understands, and after Gertrudis leaves, Mau tells the three kids how moved he was by their words of love, and the little family hugs. Then his phone rings. Problems at Connie’s worksite.

“Who sent ya?” demands Moni to the now awake Arnoldo, her fists cocked. You’ll never find out, I’m a professional, counters Arn, smugly smirking. Two seconds later, Moni’s choking him, and the baby spits it out, Mauricio
Sermeño. Ahah! Moni’s off to confront Mau, and when Arnoldo whines about his reputation, good-hearted Estrella helps him up, she’ll get him some ice for his head and some ointment (pomada).

Seeing the bum dragged into Estrella’s place, Beto figures he’ll be there a while, hinting at Estrella’s “profession”, so father and son can now go to the track (hipódromo) and bet on the ponies. You like it all, don’t you, son? Yeah, everything, Dad, (saying “todo Padre”, which also means everything’s cool, this is a double entendre) except work, of course. Hilario bonds with his little one (retoño), and they’re off.

Mau arrives at work (I think Connie’s boutique is in his building, maybe even on the same floor as his office), only to see the two ladies, covered in soot from Xime’s experiment. Mau suggests they go to the hospital, but Connie doesn’t want to go, and criticizes Mau for always thinking of the brats first. You have your business, your brats, and your Monita! Oh, don’t start, says Mau, buzzing Gabriella, telling her to hire an architect and some workmen for Connie’s project. Connie is grateful, and assures him she and Ximena are fine, they just have to wash their faces. Yeah, but let’s take a photo first! pipes in Ximmy.

Nieves enters her apartment to be greeted by the sight of three guys in black suits. A fourth guards the door, hand in belt, suggesting he’s packin’ heat. Who are you? I’m Don Carmelo Malacara (means “badface!”), says the boss, a well-dressed but menacing type, trimmed beard, hair slicked back in a little ponytail, where’s Hilario? Nieves claims not to know any Hilario, tries to leave, forgot her toilet paper, but she’s blocked by a big bruiser. Carmelo tells her he knows that Hilario is Nieves’ amante, and her eyes get big.

Moni bursts into Mau’s office with a chip on her lovely shoulder. He tells her it’s not a revolving door (puerta giratoria), but she’s not laughing. What’s the idea of having that guy come to my neighborhood to investigate me, are you going to deny it? Mau admits it, but he had no other option. Well, says Moni, you know what I’m going to do? Quit again? replies Mau. Darn tootin’, and I’ll have you know I’ve found a better job this time. Right on cue, Connie enters, what’s all this yelling? Mau tells her Moni claims to have found a better job, ha ha. So, tell me Monita, who are going to work with? With her (pointing to Connie). Yes, Mauricio, I’m going to work with your novia, take that! Mau is muy impactado, Connie is, too, although she did ask Moni to work for her in a moment of sweakness (my combination of sweetness and weakness).

The thugs are ransacking Nieves’ apartment, where’s the money? Nieves doesn’t know, but Carmelo says she’d better tell, or else. Or else what? He pulls out a big silver gun, points it right between her eyes, I guess that answers her question.

Is it true, Connie, did you really offer Moni a job? Well, umm, ah, well, the thing is, you see, well. Moni says tell him, I’m not making it up. Well, yes, I sort of did put the idea out for her consideration, but, umm…Fine, says Mau, she works for you now, I give her to you. Moni protests, I’m not a present, I’m going because I have my dignity. And I’m going because I have to change out of this dirty dress, adds Connie. See you later, handsome! She leaves, and Mau buzzes Gabi, prepare the severance check for Valentina Lopez. Moni buzzes too, and for all the extra hours I’ve worked, too! What extra hours? Well, Mauricio, should I tell your girlfriend about all the hours I worked coming to your house, going out to dinner with you, etc.? She walks out, giving him a defiant look. He shoots back his own defiant look, but after she leaves, he deflates a bit.

Hilario and Beto are back from the track, he did well in his betting, must have inherited his skill from Dad. They hear Nieves yelling, don’t kill me, Carmelo! Hilario immediately runs away, but Beto tells him to wait, what about Mom? Before he can do anything, a thug with a shaved head points a gun at his back, and it’s hands up. He’s pushed into the room with the others, causing Carmelo to gag, yelling, “put your arms down or change your deodorant!” Beto does, and Carmelo says tell me where Hilario is, or die! Beto says ease off, ease off (aflojar), then says I eased myself off (I think he peed in his pants).

Moni is furious about the detective, telling Paula how she’s leaving. Pau says it’s partially her fault for not telling Mau the truth. The phone rings, Moni barks into it, get your own capuchino! Pau says what’s wrong with you, you’re acting crazy.

Over in Jerry’s office, Xime’s saying the same thing to Connie. How can you rob an employee of Mau, especially Monita. Jerry thinks it’s the best idea he’s heard in a long time. So does Monstranza, she gets Moni away from Mau. Xime thinks it’s terrible, what am I going to say now? Your usual nonsense (sandeces), replies Jerry. Xime thinks Connie should pay Moni double. No way, says Con, you think I’m going to pay her one extra cent? Yes. Please Ximensa (remember, a mensa is a fool), as soon as Mauricio forgets about her, I’ll throw her out in the street! (ah yes, the worst fate in a telenovela).

Mauricio is mad at Gabi and Salvador for letting him hire the detective. They have to protect him from his rash impulses. But you ordered it, what should we do, tie you to a chair? Yes, you should. Gabi doesn’t think Moni will last a half hour with Connie, but Mau knows how stubborn she is, she’ll never forgive him. There’s a knock, and it’s Moni. Gabi and Sal leave, and Mau’s ready for another reaming, but Moni gently places her cellphone on his desk, and surprises Mau by saying that she’s grateful to him. He gave her a job, he trusted her. He softens, wishes her the best of luck, from the bottom of his heart. She wishes him the same. They sadly part, para siempre, and our novela ends.

Wait a minute, it was just a commercial break. Sorry about that. Back in the barrio, Carmelo is screaming, Dónde está mi dinero! Where is my money, you better start singing now, or else! Sing, Beto, sing, pleads his Mom. So he does, a silly made up song about money, causing the thugs to applaud for a second, until Carmelo clocks Beto with the gun to the back of the head. Nieves starts to protest until Carmelo points the gun at her mouth, now YOU sing!

Mauricio is walking in the hall when a phone rings in his pocket. Without thinking, he opens Moni’s phone, and Estrella, thinking it’s Moni, says we have big problems here. Mau identifies himself, what’s the problem. Estrella immediately clams up, everything’s fine, time to hang up, mister prince, but Mau asks her to wait, he wants to have coffee with her. Oh, you, too, can’t you guys learn that I never go out with my amigas’ boyfriends, well ALMOST never? No, says Mau, I just want to talk about Monita. Okay, fine, says Estrella, and they’ll meet at some restaurant at 9:00.

Moni arrives, and Estrella fills her in about the mafiosos in Nieves’ house. But where’s Beto? At this point, Beto is marched out at gunpoint, and Carmelo tells him that if by tomorrow he doesn’t produce Hilario and the money, he and his Mom will pay. The thugs leave, and Moni sees that Beto was hit on the head (I guess he didn’t lose his memory this time).

Back in the coffee room of the office, Paula is letting Ricardo have a piece of her mind – he stood her up again. He lies, said he couldn’t make it because of his chauffeur job. She grabs a little plastic knife, presses it to his throat, and says if he’s unfaithful, there’s no telling what she could do. Did he see the show Mujeres Asesinas (women killers)? He assures him she’s his one and only, asks her to give him a kiss, but she responds give you a kiss, my foot! (que darte besito ni qué ocho cuartos). She throws him out of the room.

Apparently Nieves took a pill to relax her from the trauma, and is sleeping. Beto went out with his buds as if nothing is wrong, so Estrella and Moni are talking. Estrella remembers that when she called Moni’s cell, Mau answered, and they’re going to have coffee. At first, Moni’s upset, but she decides she doesn’t care, Estrella can do whatever she wants, since she’s done with Mauricio (but I think Estrella is gonna to gather info, and maybe help get them back together).

Cut to the restaurant, a quiet little place with brick arches, Mau thanks Estrella for coming, holds her chair like a gentleman, which impresses her. She tells him she knows the whole story, and when he says it wasn’t his fault, she disagrees, saying you were hassling (atosigando) her by sending that detective. You really shouldn’t meddle in the private life of her and ……and her novio? asks Mau. Right, her novio. And the novio’s been going through a lot, what with (at this point she almost mentions the real problems, but changes horses in midstream), “the plans for the wedding”! Yes, they’re going to get married. At the end of this month. Mauricio is again shocked and dismayed, and guess what else? JERRY just happens to be in this same restaurant. He doesn’t hear the conversation, but he sure does see who Mauricio’s with, and like the Good Samaritan he is, calls Connie to tell her, guess who Mauricio is dining with, can you guess?

Meanwhile, Moni’s sleeping, and Hilario creeps in (remember, his money is under her bed). He kneels down next to the bed, and in her dream state, Moni reaches out, strokes his hair, dreamily calls out “Mauricio”? Yes, I’m Mauricio, but let go of me. She wakes up, sees Hilario, and screams!

After the commercial, I guess Hilario has told the truth, as he snaps shut the little money-filled suitcase, tells Nieves, Moni and Beto he’s going to give the money back to Carmelo and crew. Nieves is worried about him, he could get hurt, but he says there’s no choice, he has to protect his family. Besides, no one could hit him harder than La Monita. Beto wants them all to take the money and flee to Las Vegas, but Hilario says Carmelo could find them anywhere in the world, so that’s out. And by the way, son, if I had shown up without a penny, would you still have greeted me so warmly? Of course, Dad, how could you even ask (hah!) They hug. Hilario also hugs Moni, whispering in her ear that one day she’ll have to tell him about that Mauricio. The last hug is for Nieves, he wants her to remember that wherever he may be (esté donde esté), he’ll always be with her. Adiós, mi familia!

Connie has shown up at Mauricio’s house, and is calling out his name in the pitch darkness. Teresa turns on the light, and Connie won’t shut up until Mau comes out. Fortunately, he’s back, and after Teresa leaves, Connie tells him to stop cuckolding him, now he was with that loose woman Estrella. He admits he was in the restaurant with her, but they were just talking about Ricardo, his chauffeur, who’s Estrella’s boyfriend. Oh, so now you’re sharing your women with your chauffeur? is Monstranza’s curt reply. What’s with you, coming into my house, the kids are sleeping, have you gone crazy? Connie apologizes, she’s just confused. Well, let’s go have a cup of tea in the kitchen and calm down. Guess who witnessed this little spat – Aldo, who is probably jealous, upon hearing that Estrella is going out with Ricardo.

Time for more violence, yay! Moni (in pink robe) is choking Estrella (second person she’s choked this episode), what were you thinking telling him I’m getting married! Estrella says it’s a good way to get rid of that guy, but Moni starts to cry. She tearfully asks who might Mau think Moni’s marrying. Well, I guess, Don Cesar (it’s hard for them to keep track of the various lies, I think they need a checklist to keep it all straight). Moni begs her to stop helping so much, it’s not helping. Moni thinks Mau will kill Cesar, but Estrella thinks not, Mau is too “cultured” for that. At this point, Paula enters, also in pajamas, can’t sleep. What’s wrong, Paula? Well, she says, Ricardo stood me up, I think there’s someone else. Moni and Estrella try not to look guilty. Paula adds, if so, I’m going to cut up Ricardo into little pieces like a chicken, and as for the lowlife girl (la pelafustana) , I’m going to slit her throat (degollar). Moni stays quiet, as Estrella (behind Paula) gulps, her hand reflexively moving in front of her neck. Uuyyy!

It’s finally morning. Ivan is studying outside, as Aldo demands to know where Ricardo is. Why? Because he’s simultaneously going out with Paula and Estrella. Getting jealous? inquires Ivan. Oh be quiet, and not only that, Mauricio is going out with Estrella, too, I heard Constanza say it, although Mauricio denied it. Ivan doesn’t believe Connie for a minute, but Aldo says he has a way to find out for sure. He goes back inside.

Outside the gym, Mauricio and Salvador have pulled up in a car. Salvador says he has enough problems, with his wife in jail, but Mau is still blaming Sal for the incompetent detective, so it’s Sal’s job to go in the gym and locate Don Cesar, see if he’s going to marry La Monita.

Well, Connie’s lingerie boutique is ready to open, as we see a mannequin wearing a lacy red bra and panties. Connie and Ximena are checking out some of the other bras, excited about the shop. Connie asks about security, and Xime says they’re arriving at noon. Xime’s trying on a bra over her clothes, Connie’s playing with a thong, as Moni arrives for her new chamba. She’s wearing another short red ruffled skirt, a tight blue and white top, rather lowcut, and a wide red belt. Where do I start, behind the counter? No, start with the bathroom, so you don’t disgust the clients. Moni’s mad, she purposely dressed up to wait on clients, but she doesn’t quit (yet), and goes off to clean the bathroom. Xime doesn’t approve, but stays quiet, just makes an “x” sign.

Okay, who knows what happened with Sal and Don Cesar, as our amateur sleuths Mauricio and Salvador, being driven by Ricardo, pull up to a woman sweeping, and Mau gets out of the car. Okay, this must be where Don Cesar lives, Mau asks where Cesar is, the lady says he went to the store, but he’ll be back soon. Mau introduces himself, and the lady says she’s Dorita, Cesar’s wife. Cesar walks up in his red suit with orange open-necked shirt. Dorita tells him to take off the sunglasses, we’re not at the beach. We can see they’re a typical married couple. She leaves the men to talk. Cesar wonders what happened to the boxing lessons. Mau changes the subject. How could you propose marriage to Monita, you coward?

Moni comes out of the bathroom with a smelly rag, stating that if they want her to clean the bathroom, she needs money to buy a mop, or should she bring one from home? No problem, says Connie, here’s some money, just remember to bring back the change. Moni goes off, tossing the rag in the air, and it just happens to land on Connie’s head! Ximena laughs as Connie freaks, but then there’s a whistle, and security is here! Xime hired Costeño (looking very natty in a loose long-sleeved black shirt with lots of silver studs, open necked, his dredlocks flowing), who kisses her hand gallantly, and Beto(!), also looking neat and clean, who saunters over to Connie, saying I told you I’d be back. The heat in the room is rising.

Connie pulls Xime aside, as the two galans beam in the background. Xime’s proud of herself, who better for security than professional fighters? Connie thinks the paint thinner short circuited Xime’s two brain cells. Oh come now girlfriend, replies Xime, you don’t have to pretend for me. I know you dig your Robi. If there’s anything I feel for Roberto, it’s disgust. Xime tells Connie to look at herself in the mirror, we have plenty of them here in the shop, and we can see that Connie (wearing one of her grecian gown type dresses) is indeed heating up, her body language giving away everything. Xime and Costeño go off in search of daiquiris, leaving Beto and Connie alone. Beto comes up behind Connie, did you miss me? She denies it, but he says she’s trembling (vibras), she can’t deny she feels something.

Mauricio is confronting Cesar. Cesar doesn’t deny things fast enough, just wants to correct the error, asks Mau to keep it down, the neighbors could hear, so “cultured” Mau (see above) punches him in the face. Cesar tells Mau to look over there, dumb Mau does, and Cesar sucker punches him in the gut. At this point Ricardo and Sal rush out to separate our macho men.

Back in the boutique, Beto is using his teeth to untie a red bow from a mannequin’s behind, he loves this lingerie. Connie playfully slaps him, reminds him that these creations are from the finest fashion houses, and she herself has designed some of the items. She adds that they shouldn’t mix things (work and their possible attraction), but he wants to work VERY CLOSELY with her, and he softly strokes her arm. But Roberto, I’m scared, she says breathlessly. He’ll get rid of her fear. But she recovers, reminds him that in this boutique, lots of people know her. Don’t worry, he assures her, one hand on her hip, the other on her shoulder, we’ll keep it secret. She shyly turns, his face now in her hair, his lips near her ears, but I have a novio, I’ve told you a thousand times. I have one, too, it’s no big deal he says, but this surprises her, and she pulls away. Are you jealous? Of course not, she says, and he pulls her close, brushes against her hair, I love the smell of your hair, your shampoo (he uses the word pelo for hair). I call it cabello (a fancier word for hair) and I wash it every day. He’s kissing her neck, he’s going crazy, she’s enjoying it, but she suddenly knows it’s going too far, you’ve got to leave, go get the other security guy. Okay, but only if you agree to go out with me, alone. She says no, she says yes. He slowly leaves, saying he’ll call her, pausing on the way out next to a mannequin, seductively sliding the mannequin’s bra strap down and off, leaving Connie in full arousal, biting her lip, stroking her throat, eyes closed. Whew!

Monday: Gabi’s in a similar state when Lorenza walks in, Mau asks Moni for forgiveness, Cesar tells Moni her lies are causing a lot of problems. What lies?, asks Beto.


Despintar mis uñitas – unpaint my nails (remove nail polish)
Hipódromo – racetrack for horses, last week we had autódromo for cars
Retoño – little one, kid
Puerta giratoria – revolving door
Aflojar – to ease off, or release tension
Que darte besito ni qué ocho cuartos – Give you a kiss, my foot! Cuartos are some ancient kind of coin. Ni qué ocho cuartos means no way, or my foot
Atosigando – hassling or pestering someone
Esté donde esté – wherever I am, be where I should be
Degollar – to slit someone’s throat, decapitate, massacre
Vibrar – to quiver with emotion


Thanks for the recap and vocab Hombre. I particularly liked your new word, sweakness. It was so appropriate for Connie especially the fact that most of it is weakness.

It truly is comical the extent to which people lie in this novela. I'm grateful that unlike Tontas this show thus far has been light. Even the bad guys are either incompetent or aren't here for long.

Poor Don Cesar! Moni's going to have to at least fess up that he isn't her novio. And it will be funny if Moni catches Beto hitting on Connie.

Hombre, wonderful and extremely funny recap. I'm glad that you and the other recappers seem to enjoy this wacky show as much as I do. It's right up there withLFMB and DQ. It started with a bang and has been pedal-to-the-metal funny ver since. So how would you rate Beto's singing. I think knowing full-well what was going to happen only made that scene funnier. And who could have guessed that Ximena would touch those wires together? Gosh I love this show. Oh yes, I hope that our Judy is recovering and checks in soon. Carlos

Fantastic recap Hombre! You got an episode where so many things seemed to happen and you walked us through every part perfectly.

Judy I hope you feel better now, my best wishes to you.

One little bit of trivia since they mentioned Mujeres Asesinas in the episode, Laisha Wilkins (Constanza) used to be part of the original cast of that show, she played the part of one of the agents that investigated the murder cases in every episode but decided to leave when she got the role of Constanza.


Carlos, I'd rate Beto's singing as pretty good. The hardest thing to do when you're singing unaccompanied is to stay on key, and he pretty much did. I suspect he can sing much better, and was deliberately dumbing down his voice to fit the character. I agree that even when we can tell what's going to happen next, seeing them do it is often hilarious!

This is the song that Beto was singing in the episode:

It's very old. But I remembered I had heard it before in one of those cheap restaurants in front of the sea in Veracruz were people with marimbas go to sing old songs for a few pesos.


Hi guys. Thanks for the good wishes. Finally swimming to the surface here. Other than a very bad reaction to the prescribed painkiller, it hasn't been too bad. What continues, alas, is the virus. Still feeling really rocky from that. Hope the antibiotics I'm taking for the surgery will eventually clear out my lungs as well. "This too shall pass".

Mis hombres only recorded part of this for me, Hombre, so I especially appreciate your well-written recap and the vocabulary, as always, is awesome. I notice there are commenters on other lines who appreciate vocabulary and I certainly hope they check your recaps even if they don't watch the show. You're doing a great job.

This is definitely a "male humor" show. Beto putting his arms in the air and the thugs complaining about B.O. just about put me away. Love the character though, and am enjoying watching him put the moves on calculating Constanza.

Am beginning to find the revolving door of Mauricio and Monita a bit wearing. How many episodes is this again? Oh well, maybe the virus is making me cranky.

Judy, so good to hear from you. I've been worried about you. The viral thing should be winding down. Did you gu ahead with the dental work? I remain faacinated that Beto's aroma is toxic to all but Moni. Clearly they are made for each other. Fortunately Ximena is adaptable and not overly choosey. Unfortunately she has a rather short attention span. Carlos

Yep, Carlos. Went ahead with the dental work. Doc, when I called a few days before and said I was sick,tole me to just start the antibiotics early.

They put about ten thousand needles of painkillers in and around gums. Then pull tooth. Then take some chisel like instrument and saw away on your real teeth to get some of your bone material to mix in with the lab material. Then they put the implant and bone matter in, sew it up and "Bob's your uncle"!.

The worst part was trying not to throw up after taking the heavier duty pain medication and feeling sick to my stomach for a day. Otherwise, the surgery isn't that bad.

Getting sick of mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs, but that's the least of my woes, right?

TMI? Well, I know a lot of you said you thought this would be in your future. Mine was an upper by the way, so they also had to do a sinus cavity lift. Not being able to blow my nose is the other tough part.

Judy, thanks for that description. Maybe I'll wait awhile before getting dental implants. I got the laptop and should have internet access at home in a few days. Last night we went to see Pirates of Penzance. What fun. I keep singing " I Am the Pirate King" this morning. Carlos

That's because you ARE the Pirate King, Carlos. And definitely one of the Alpha guys. Sounds like a fun night out. Right now, my idea of a hot night is lying in bed listening to a book on tape. Keeps the mind from circling around the same pole. But Pirates of Penzance sounds better.

Ahoy all! Judy I'm glad to hear you are finally feeling better. (Notice I didn't say "good", just "better".)

Great recap hombre. I loved it when Consti called Ximmy Ximensa. Good one Consti. These two ladies keep saying they are the best of friends but also never miss an opportunity to get their little digs in.

I had planned to time how long it would take Arnoldo to sing like a canary from the moment Moni grabbed him but I didn't even have time to set my chronometer!

There are many things I like about this TN, in addition to all the things we have already mentioned it is very visually alive and colorful. The clothes are fantastic, especially Ximmy, Consti, Moni and Estrella's outfits. Beto's crazy shirts are also endlessy amusing.

Hombre, this was an action-packed episode. You did an excellent job of including all the important bits but still keeping the pace up. I agree with you, the scenes with Beto and Consti are hot hot hot!

Thanks for pointing out how colorful the sets and costumes are, Sylvia. I'm sure the actual barrios aren't as charming as Monita's place but it gives a light, playful air to the whole story and hopefully it will stay that way in spite of the sleazy lawyer's machinations.

I am feeling better. Anything after last week is a plus....and a godsend.

Judy - glad to hear you're feeling better.

Jarocha - Thanks for the link to the dinero song. I thought Beto was just making up something, but once again, your life experiences have helped provide a background for those of us who are not that familiar with Mexican culture.

Wow jam packed details in the recap!! I can barely read them all so much....especially your description of the Beto Connie scene ooh la la!

I missed the very beginning of this so couldn't figure out why Xime was playing with the colored it makes sense!!

Thanks Hombre!

Just catching up. A heartfelt thank you to both Sylvia and Hombre for your excellent Thursday and Friday night recaps.

Whew! Ximena didn't need to cross the wires, the heat from Connie and Beto was sizzling enough!

Glad you are back Judy. You were missed! Hope you are feeling better every day. What an ordeal you've been through.

Diana in MA

I haven't seen this episode yet but now I'm dying to...y'all have me tantalized. It sounds hilarious.

Ximena is rapidly becoming one of my favorite characters. Her comment last week about falling for Costeño "body and soul...mostly body" still has me laughing. I love how she acts so clueless in certain situations but later makes little comments to let us know she really doesn't miss much.

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