Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gancho, Mon., July 27: "Slavery is so last season"

Hey y’all sorry this is late, but I’m not that much of a nerd to leave my friends so I can go home and recap my shows! I will try to edit this in the morning. But, I want to ask if someone can takeover for me permanently. It’s just that I can’t commit myself to recapping like I used to, and it’s really not fair to those who are interested in the telenovela. So, I would like to retire indefinitely. I hope you understand, and I wish I could have left on a better note.

Back at the neighborhood Paula fights with Estrella because she thinks Ricky is sneaking around with the movie star. The adopted kid mentioned a chauffer boyfriend and Paula thought the worst. As it turns out, Paula is right and the adopted kid lied to avoid problems.

Moni explains to Maury that she lied to him about being engaged to Don Cesar because she wanted him to leave her alone. They hold hands and the girlfriend gets mad.

Back at the office some weird woman who stares off into space has too much stage makeup on and an unreal perm. She’s apparently lost but can be passive/aggressive.

Maury and the girlfriend argue about where the hired help, Moni, will work. They decide that she will stay in the house to clean. Even as a humble cleaning lady, she has the dignity and self-respect to wear heals and Britney Spears skirts.

Mama’s bf Hilario wants to move the fam. out of Mexico. Then she explains that he is not Beto’s father. Of course, Beto was behind the door and heard everything. Then Beto is mad that Mama made chilaquiles for someone else.

Moni tries to leave but mean girlfriend gives her hell because it doesn’t seem that she really cares about her boutique. Then Jimena comes in and tells her to be nice to the help because slavery is out of fashion and she mistreats Moni. GF explains that she is mean to her because she’s trying to get rid of her. She also speaks English.

Aldo goes to reprimand Maury for hanging around Estrella. Then Jerry aka Scar, tells little, vulnerable, naïve, Aldo that his papi is a womanizer and has his share of secrets. Don’t worry, Uncle Jerry will make it better.

Moni is having trouble training, then she imagines that her opponent is her mean boss, then she wins the match. Unfortunately, Don Cesar will no longer be training her because her lies have caused a lot of problems. Then he tells her to leave his gym forever. Don Cesar warns Beto to protect her.

Well the chauvinism starts early in Mexico. If life gets you down, get mad, go to a strip bar and get plastered. Life is tough, your dad’s a bad guy, and I’m the nice uncle. Fondling women and barking instructions eases the pain. Girls, it’s time to make this little orphan a man.

Moni is having a pity slumber party with her girlfriends. What if Maury finds out that I lied about my identity. Maury calls Estrella looking for Aldo, then Moni decides to help him search for Aldo.

Meanwhile, they’re doing a great job of getting Aldo drunk at the bar and close to feeling up the performers.

In the search for Aldo the girls decide to stuff their bras and put on lipstick. Then they find the kid, tell him that Maury could lose him, think about his brothers and sisters, and then explain that Uncle Jerry brought him here.

Connie wants to get rid of all the kids and all the working staff in her house. Then she talks to Beto and gets all excited.

So everybody yells at Uncle Jerry, who then blames Ricky the Pig for taking everyone here and using two women at the same time. So, Maury fires him for giving the kid alcohol and general debauchery. Oh yeah, Jerry explains to Maury that 16 is the new 25 so its completely cool that he drinks and hangs with hookers.

Then Beto comes to visit Connie in the night dressed as a luchador. Plastic suits never looked so sexy… To bad she was dreaming and actually kissing Jimena. They don’t play for the same team, however.

Then, at the bar, two guys hit on Moni and she punches them out. She’s the one who couldn’t finish high school because she had a severe behavioral handicap. Then, Maury gets in on the action and Jerry ends up stealing. All in a night.

Tomorrow: Everyone gets booked in the jail and Moni and Maury start hitting on each other. Then Maury might discover that Moni has a boyfriend. What else is new?

**Big thanks to Aunt Judy for helping me out two weeks in a row, even when she was terribly ill—she deserves an award!


Nickster: A fun and terrific recap. "16 is the new 25" and "Even as a humble cleaning lady, she has the dignity and self-respect to wear heals and Britney Spears skirts" were my favorites.

Don Cesar had enough (and rightfully so). Moni's lost her trainer, her training facility and her #1 scapegoat.

Think Connie and Beto are turning into the "hottest" couple. They sizzle and simmer.

Nick, Judy did an absolutely stellar job in your absence,especially as you pointed out, as she was so ill. We wish you nothing but the best. Thanks for all the great lines and recaps, you'll be missed.

Diana in MA

Ay yi yi...I'm so happy you're back and so sad you're leaving, Nick, but oh my....if I go waaaaaay back in memory to the summer before I started college...yes indeed, you don't need to be tied to a t.v. recap stint...you need to be out there howling at the moon and whatever else takes your fancy.

Loved your wry take on Uncle Jerry's how-to-be-a-man plan. And Moni's cleaning lady outfit.

AND PERFECT TITLE! So very Ximena like.

Am I still loopy?(yes) or do the rest of you get the idea there is no plot behind this? It just seems to be a series of comic sketches every night. Amusing. Light. But similar to cotton candy. You chew and chew but then there's nothing there.

I'm enjoying the costumes, the humor and the chemistry between various actors, but the old brain cells keep looking for some kind of plot thrust and it doesn't seem to be there.

Oh well...learning Spanish, learning Spanish.

Thanks for the laughs Nickster! Best of luck to you.

Carlos, is your laptop warmed up yet?

Don Cesar confronting Moni surprised the heck out of me, it was such a mature response on his part and unlike all the other immaturity and lies that abound in this TN. I wonder if it will do any good?

The scene with Connie dreaming that Ximmy is Beto...priceless!

Nickster, another of your gems. Yes 16 is the new 25. I think that I'm ready to go with my laptop. I expect to have internet capability with it in the next few days and even if not, I can enter the recap into the laptop and transmit it when I arrive at the office the next morning. Enjoy the rest of the summer and best of luck at OSU. Someone will need to tell me how to post, however.

I was thinking while watching last night, why didn't I get to have an Uncle Jerry when I was a teen? Though perhaps it was best I didn't.


Carlos...contact Melinama so she can set you up to post. This is a wonderful confluence of events! Your laptop arrives and the opportunity arrives with it. Goooooo Carlos!

Carlos, email Melinama at caray@mappamundi.com. She will set you up with an account that will allow you to post and tag your posts. She is in Paris right now so don't be discouraged if she doesn't respond right away. In the meantime one of us can help you post, right gang?

Thanks for the recap Nick. Best wishes at OSU and enjoy the reminder of your summer.

I look forward to your recaps Carlos!

Judy - glad you seems to be improving every day. I agree with your assessment of the plot. Perhaps as the novela winds down, the plot will resurface.

Thank you all for your loyal support and following. Does this mean that Carlos will be picking up next Monday, August 3? Wishing you the best of health, wealth, and happiness...

Great recap, Nick, and good luck at OSU.

I was glad that someone was actually held responsible for something he did, namely, Rick got fired for taking Aldo to the nightclub. Estrella also saw him making out with the ladies, so maybe Paula will dump him. He seemed nice at the beginning of this show, but has gone downhill.

Lorenza was funny, now that she's on prozac, or something like that. Not sure how long she'll remain non-threatening, though. Too bad Gabi still trusts Oscar, although at some point, he'll mess up, too.

On Tontas, it seemed that the 15-16 year olds were all served liquor at restaurants. I guess the rules have been tightened up a bit since then (but not too much, Aldo didn't have to show ID).

I agree that the Connie/Beto romance is currently the hottest one going.

Nick, your take on the show is always refreshing. It doesn't even matter that the plot isn't moving, every episode and every recap is so funny.

So why didn't Jeronimo get fired again?

I feel really sorry for Connie. No matter how much of a witch she is, she shouldn't have to go through watching her bf fall for another woman and having to plot how to win him back. Why can't Mau just be honest w/ Connie, acknowledge his feelings for Moni, and break up with her? If he's heart is set on Moni, then he needs to man up and cut ties w/ Connie. He's going to end up hurting both of them in the long run, if he keeps of his little game. That being said, Moni needed to break up w/ Beto a loooong time ago. I don't doubt that he cares for her, but he treats her like crap sometimes, like gambling the rent $ and pushing her to box. But, I guess if the show didn't have these problems, it would be a novela. ; ) I hope the orphans don't leave, but something makes me think Connie will find a way to force them out. Maybe it will involve exposing Aldo's crush w/ Estrella? (I'm guessing Aldo's over his crush on Connie's little sis? Maybe I missed an epidsode)Those kids are so cute. Especially Dani everytime she says 'Mauricio, te extrañado!' and runs to hug him. Who could get tired of that kid?

PS: If anyone's interested, there are full episodes of both SOS Mi Vida (the orginal Argentine show. Very...well, let's just say it's different) and Un Gancho on Youtube for anyone who missed a capitulo. Thanks for the recap!

Is it a little weird that Connie and Ximena were both sleeping in Mauricio's bed? I can see a young lady crashing in her friend's bed, but in her friend's boyfriend's bed?

Or is that what all the kids are doing these days? I'm so behind the times.

Anonymous 2 pm. You make an interesting point about Dani's "te extraño". I've noticed that there are certain recurring phrases key characters use. My favorite is Beto's "me dañas" everytime Monita or someone else appropriately takes him to task for some failure. Just another reminder to not take any of this telenovela seriously.

Julia...that WAS an odd scene. Maybe Constanza requested company since she's so "lonely" these days. Anyway, I loved Ximene's rejoinder that she KNEW she was irresistable but even so!

Have decided to just relax and not expect any semblance of a plot with this one and just enjoy the laughs.

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