Monday, July 13, 2009

Gancho Monday July 13 '09 Both Monita's and Paula's Secrets Are Exposed

Hi folks. Filling in for Nickster tonight. And either it was a jam-packed episode, dialogue-wise, or my brain was working slower than usual. But, as best I remember, here's what happened tonight.

First we have the silly rehash where both Mauricio and Monita are at the hospital. He's phoning her and asking her where she is; and she's spinning a half-arsed story about being at a birthday party. He finally confronts her and asks her why she lied. For Monita, the best defense is an offense, so she spins off into a tizzy about him following her, spying on her and what right does he have!? Maybe a good short-term strategy but not a good long term approach for a relationship, Moni. He counters by accusing her of almost breaking Constanza's nose. No way. That lady exaggerates, snaps la Monita.

In addition, Mauricio continues to be clueless about who her boyfriend is. He thinks it's don Cesar. And the Don certainly does have an eye for the ladies. He ogles a passing nurse and when Mauricio huffs that she's young enough to be his daughter, Cesar chuckles and says," Yeah. Too bad her mother didn't want to...." Have to say, I find raunchy old Cesar quite endearing. In a lecherous sort of way.

And speaking of lechery, young Aldo and Ivan are in the barrio, looking for Monita, but temporarily slack-jawed and bug-eyed, staring at Estrella. She laps it up and lays her actress story on them and they're all about helping her study her lines. Aldo muscles his way in first but Estrella makes it clear she's not about to go sampling 16-year-old wares. Even Estrella has her standards.

We leave this tender love scene to return to the hospital and Jerry's continuing theatrics as a suffering martyr. Ximena is there with Rolu and thinks this is the perfect time for them to be one big happy family. After all, she and Rolu are getting married. She ratchets up a fake reconciliation between Rolu and her cousin and they leave. Jerry and Mauricio look at each other perplexed. Is she really that dense or is she faking it? They both decide she's really that dense. (But cute! right Carlos?)

Jerry continues to play his part, telling Mauricio that he's completely loyal and has been defending Mau against vicious gossip in the office. Like what? Like he's "tirando los palos" (getting it on) with Monita for instance. In the meantime, Connie has caught sight of Beto and figures she'd better vamoose so she whines to Mauricio that she's finding the hospital atmosphere incredibly stressful....and off they go.

Beto is still gaga from Moni's punch and dreaming he's in Las Vegas. His mom boffs him on the back of the head, he pitches forward and when he comes to, is completely sane again. Ready to party and celebrate. Let's go to the cantina, Monita will pay. Yep, back to business as usual for Beto, no further medical intervention needed. He's also letting his mom know he wants a "milanesa con huevos y fritas" (a Wiener Schnitzel with eggs and fries). Wow, sounds good to me. Wiener Schnitzel was my favorite meal when I worked in Austria many moons ago.

Business as usual in the office as well. Gabriela is still pursuing a reluctant Salvador with "Let's enjoy what's happening between us". "But nothing's happening between us," he protests. However, his lurking, emotionally disturbed wife thinks otherwise.

Okay. Back to the barrio. Monita's still fretting about Beto's health but Estrella's not buying it. If he went to the next world, they'd send him back, he smells so bad! Monita also passes on the tidbit that Mauricio thinks her boyfriend is don Cesar.

But at Mauricio's swanky digs, the older kids are discussing Monita's boxing ability and whether or not good-looking women can actually fight. When Mauricio and Connie arrive, the three of them (Luisa, Ivan and Aldo )disappear but not before our couple notice how well Ivan and Aldo are getting along. Let's follow their example and get along too, hints Connie. Get away all by ourselves. A mini honeymoon. Mauricio agrees it's a good idea. ¿Qué? We break for an ad.

When we come back, Gaby is still pursuing Salvador. How was last night. Lorenza disappeared. Great. What!? Well, that way you have the bed all to yourself, no? Salvador's not on board.

Teresa's not on board either. When Mauricio asks her to mind the kids while he and Constanza go away for the weekend, she stiffens her spine and refuses. Doesn't he remember she has a baptism this weekend in Querétaro? (hope I spelled that right) And she's the madrina (godmother). She can hardly miss it!

So he tries asking Monita. She's not on board either. So you're going off with your novia and not taking care of the kids you adopted, she asks scornfully. And no, I'm not going to take care of them for you! (whew! this little lady is clearly not scared of losing her job. Recession? What recession?)

A couple of quick scenes. Paula's telling Monita everyone's betting on her to win the big fight. And after Moni leaves, Lorenza sneaks in and knocks out Paula. (lots of mayhem on the part of women in this show) And then a portly but menacing thug type named Andy shows up and tells Beto Moni has to throw the fight. She's got to take a dive in the fifth round. Beto protests saying that Moni would never agree to that.

So let's get back to poor Paula. Or rather the seriously disturbed Lorenza who's now wearing Paula's uniform and pushing her cleaning cart. She mimes "I dunno" when Aldo appears behind her asking for Monita, and then slips a huge carving knife out of her pocket and attacks Gabriela. Prolonged struggle. Lots of screaming. Salvador finally ambles out and says What are you doing>! Killing her, snaps Lorenza. Two security guards show and wrestle the knife away from her.

The walls of the office are evidently quite thick because while all this is going on, Aldo and Moni are having a chat about whether or not she's a boxer. She finally admits it and agrees to teach him. Mauricio interrupts the chat and wants to know the big secret. Well, he needs advice about women and he's certainly not going to ask you! Guys are clueless about women. After that verbal jab, Moni scoots out of the office again, this time pleading an aunt suffering from hemorrhoids.

It's a relief to leave that scene and return to the corpulent thug Andy. He's amping up the pressure, assuring Beto that "there's always a first time" and Moni's going to throw this fight, no matter what. Evidently Lorenza's been hauled off by the medicos and heavily sedated and Gabriela and Salvador finally come to and realize that if his crazy wife was in Paula's clothes....then WHERE IS PAULA!? Well, they drag her out of the closet and I must say she's looking quite fetching in her undies (paños de menores). ( Clearly this actress could handle a more glamourous role if offered.) Salvador is ordered to turn around while Gaby unties her...but not before taking a thorough look, I might add.

Aldo's pumped. All this excitement in the office. He should come down more often. Connie, in the meantime, dreaming of a romantic weekend at the beach, is about to be thrown another spanner by our Mauricio. He's not explaining why, but they'll have to go to his country house instead of the resort. She caves, saying as long as they can be alone together, it's fine. (Get ready for some bad news, Connie!)

Aldo and Ivan make plans to go to the boxing match.

Jerry arrives at the office, leaning weakly on Ximena, and playing the martyr role to the hilt. How about I compress this farce and get it over with? He's pitching it right and left, praising Salvador for changing his life. Serving as a moral guide for him. And you, Gabriela.....Oh, skip me, she protests. No really. And uh, I also need to confess that I wrote that stuff about you on the bathroom wall that caused those guys to.....
Oh well, I wrote that stuff in the ladies' room about your impotency, admits Gaby. Our sentimental Ximena is so touched by all these heartfelt confessions that she could cry....but won't because she has an event to attend.

Our chronic dupe, Mauricio, enters the scene and frets that Jerry has left the hospital too soon....he needs therapy after all. But it's so expensive. Oh I'll pay. Gosh, will he pay for Ximena's therapy too? She only goes Monday through Friday but that plus the spa....well, it really adds up. And how about a little cash allowance? our larcenous cousins conclude, both holding out their hands like toddlers asking for ice cream. Of course, Mauricio caves. Guess we're beginning to understand why he can't break up with Constanza.

Larceny's afoot back in the barrio as well. First we have a little interlude where Monita says she has to get to the fight early in order to take the pregnancy test. No fighting if pregnant. But you've never "done it" with Beto, right, laughs Estrella. So why the test!?

Yep, in case you were still wondering. Our little Monita is still pure as the driven snow. Just waiting for Mauricio to get a clue and make his move. Give him 12 or 14 months and I'm sure he will.

The thugs though aren't wasting any time. Since earlier negotiations didn't work, Andy's returned with more thugs and a truly nefarious plan. He's going to tie up Beto's mother. Now the only thing more important than as virginal heroine is anybody's mother...Beto's included. I mean, we're talking "madre sagrada". So this is serious now. Beto makes the mistake of saying "Don't abuse an old lady" and mom gets mad enough to spit out her gag. But he takes off with Andy, admonishing the remaining punks to treat his old lady nice...and by the way, there's cake and milk in the fridge. Whadda guy!

Mauricio has left the office and is telling Luisa and Danny to pack their bags. They're all going to his country house for the weekend. Good times. Ride the horses, tool around the countryside. Hooray. Then he finds out Aldo's gone to a boxing match with Ivan. Uh oh. Monita's secret is about to be discovered.

Monita's fetching in a pink cape. Her opponent is terrifying in black. Will Beto convince her to throw the fight? Or will Mauricio unnerve her so much she gets knocked out fair and square? Tune in tomorrow and find out.

More Previews:
Mauricio tells Constanza they need to take a break.
Constanza and Rolu (¿Qué?) kiss

no se transa = doesn't sell herself (Beto defending Monita to Andy)
simon = si, yes
un bozal = muzzle, halter
loca de atar= stark raving mad, bonkers (in this case, Lorenza)
en paños menores = in undies
garrafón= demijohn. The container of water that Moni was punching when Aldo came in the break room
tirando los palos a alguien = getting it on with someone (el palo is the male organ)
canijo= Mexican slang for stubborn pig-headed

Dicho of the Day:
Hierba mala nunca muere = (lit.Weeds never die.) The Devil looks after his own. Nothing ever happens to the bad guys. Estrella, talking about Beto.
This is a phrase you hear a lot in telenovelas. The opposite of our expression "The good die young".


Just finished watching this, and wow, there's the recap!!! Holy fast action there Judy!!! Thanks.

FYI - Sylvia mentioned this idea before, but yes, the opponent I think is this real female boxer:

More later....

Judy, very nicely done. Once again lots of gratuitus delightful violence. Who would have thought Lorrie is such a decisive hands-on person? I just can't ger enough of Ximena. She truly is a wonder of nature. It would be fun to view life through her eyes for just one day. Hope your weekend with the nietos was wonderful. Our nieto, who is 18 spent the weekend with us and even cooked Sat. night. He looks like Santiago(MEPS) but with very short hair. Quite the unexpected treat for us. Carlos

Thanks for the recap Judy and the vocab. And thanks for the recap on Friday, Hombre.

I wonder how long its going to take for our couple to share their first beso? Can't wait to find out what prompts Mau to break up with Connie.

OMG Lorenza's knife looked totally fake! It looked like cardboard; either that or she forgot to remove the cardboard protector.

Hey, is corpulent Andy the guy who was pretending to be Lulu's novio in Tontas? I can't believe he's got a mullet.

You're right Judy, Paula has quite the figure.

Great recap, excellent vocab words and dicho. Thanks!

Kris, yep that's her. She's got quite a resume.

Yikes. I don't blame that Danish boxer for canceling at the last minute. One look at Ana Marie and I'd be heading for cover.

The disputed matches with the Korean boxer were interesting. Gotta say these telenovelas end up being informative in lots of ways...for us gringos anyway! Thanks for the link, Kris, and the hint, Sylvia.

Carlos, I CANNOT believe you have a nieto already 18. Obviously the lovely Linda and your princess were not "elderly primaparas" as my daughter and I were. She stated firmly that she wasn't going to have a baby until she was 32, because that's when I had her. And by Jove....

Anyway,what a blessing. A fully-grown nieto and one who can cook. Though if I had my way, there'd always be a nieto in his infancy. I'm a total fool for babies.

Karen...yes, let's have a scrumptious beso PUHLEEZE. They have shared a tender and chaste beso on the cheek. Quite lovely (of course the music helps)...but that's all.

Notice that Mau hasn't actually had sex with Connie since he fell for Moni...right? Kisses but no criterion behavior as I recall. So he's a retro virgin.

Retro virgin? That's funny. Did you make that up Judy?

Well, I don't know if I've read it somewhere or it's just my "great mind" at work. LOL.

Great recap, Judy, I love your style, and the vocab is all new to me (except simon, I had heard they say that for yes. Now I want to hear someone say naranjas for no).

I loved how all it took to cure Beto was another whack to the head, the classic slapstick cure.

Moni's really wearing some great outfits. First she had on yellow boyshorts over her black leggings, later in the office another great skirt outfit (can't remember what it was, just that I liked it), then of course, she changed to her boxing outfit, which I also like.

Paula must have been happy she wore her pretty paños menores to work (you know how people always say they don't want to wear torn underwear, just in case they get in an accident, or something?) :)

Hey Hombre...I really think you should be in've got an eye for clothes. I'm quite fascinated with Estrella's outfits...the layering, the partial leggings...all quite "artistic", I must say.

And yes, Paula's paños menores were very cute. Take those glasses off and let down her hair, and we have another hottie on our hands.

Isn't it funny how we've gotten so blasé about slang? 'Twas a time "simon" or "naranjas" would have really thrown me. After Cuidado though, it's business as usual.

Terrific recap.

Monita's lies really are getting outlandish. An aunt with hemorrhoids? What exactly is she going to do about it?

Julia, um, I don't want to know the answer to your question, alas.

Judy, I kinda like Paula's glasses somehow.

Well, I gotta love a man who enjoys a woman in glasses.

Years ago, school year l959-60 to be exact, I was going to school in Geneva, Switzerland. There was a BIG CAMPAIGN against giving women the vote!!!!!

Yes, that's right. At that time, Swiss women still didn't have the right to vote. Also when they married, all their property and money was put in their husband's name, he had sole control of it.

Anyway, I digress. There were posters all over saying, Do you want a voter? (picture of women with severe chignon and glasses) or a woman (same lady, hair down, no glasses, seductive smile). Aaaarrrggh...makes me sick just thinking of it.

No matter, the women got the fact those disgusting posters may have helped. What do I know?

Oh and tell Emilia I'd love to have that pecan pie recipe to make for my "last meal" before dental implant surgery on the 23rd. I have a feeling after that, I'll be on gruel for a while. And probably will never eat sweets again, given the price I'm paying in pain, suffering and dinero.

Judy, just called home and she'll have that recipe to you shortly. Anyone else want it?

BTW, Emilia found out this morning she's going to have a little more interaction w/ our new dentist than she'd anticipated so you two can have a nice commiseration.

Hi Judy, I sent the recipe to your gmail.

Loved the recap. I missed last Wed. - Fri. I was in NC, just not near Charlotte... These recaps are always so good, I don't have to make Mike sit through the show again, just come here and it's as if I did watch. Great job, y'all.

Glad Mike likes glasses since his wife wears them!

I understand that many dentists suffer from depression and emotional problems because nobody, but nobody!... wants to see 'em.

I like my dentist but this surgeon I'm going to see has already scared the s..t out of me with all the medications I'm going to have to take. Plus I can't handle the usual painkillers like percocet and darvon. They make me terribly nauseous. One reason I stayed away from drugs and drink during college...couldn't handle the action. Bleeeccchh....

Time to call a prayer meeting! Or a Christian Scientist.

How 'bout a hypnotist? I seem to remember that worked for you before. Me, I want drugs!! Doesn't take much to send me to lala land, which is a very nice place to be during dental anything!

Judy, you took me on another trip down memory lane. When I was a Jr. med student on OB, I thought it was audacious if not downright dangerous for the OB residents to refer to women over 30 with their 1st pregnancies elderly primips, especially since many of them were wives of other residents or staff members. I left the term behind when I graduated.


Hey, good idea Emilia. I think my old hypnotist has passed to "the other neighborhood" as they say in español but I'd sure rather have hypnosis than halcion which they want me to take before surgery. What with all the antibiotics, painkillers and then THAT, jeez I'll be lucky if I don't pass away from liver failure.

Now, don't you go doin' that, girl. We enjoy having you in THIS neighborhood!

Yes, Carlos...the "elderly" really got me! But since I had my last baby at 40, it DID seem more appropriate then, although that baby was clearly not my first. However, on that evening there were two other ladies in labor and they'd posted our names and ages on a bulletin board. One was 19, one 27, and then the old woman at 40! Yikes. Another golden moment.

I'll also always remember the first time a doctor said, "Well, for a woman YOUR AGE...." Words to shoot oneself by. Oh well.....

Will do my absolute best to stick around!...te lo prometo!

Judy: Excellent recap. Your analysis of the events were entertaining, fun and spot on. You always manage to tie in the perfect vocabulary and dicho to each episode. Thank you.

Loved you remark that you found" Cesar quite endearing. In a lecherous sort of way." :) Also liked Mau as the "cronic dupe". Excellent!

Moni is a little spitfire. As you pointed out if she isn't afraid of the recession, she isn't afraid of anything (not even lying to Mau when he's mere steps behind her).

I'm posting this Wednesday morning so I'll just add that all the comments were great.

Diana in MA

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