Friday, July 10, 2009

Reminder: SPOILERS NOT ALLOWED! And bloggers - note for you -

Somebody posted big fat ugly spoilers on the MEPS page last night. I've erased them but this is a reminder to all - you are NOT allowed to tell what's happening after the episode that's currently running. Speculation is ok but no wrecking the surprise for other people. So you looked ahead on YouTube - this does NOT make you special or entitle you to spill the beans.

And, bloggers - since I'll be away for three weeks you need to be especially vigilant about deleting any offending comments on your own posts. If you find there's a problem that needs my attention, please send me a direct email as I won't be able to monitor the computer regularly.

Thanks all! Enjoy the rest of July!

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I saw that this morning but couldn't find an e-mail on your profile.
I sent e-mails to JudyB & CherylNewMex, thinking they would know who to alert.


Have a great trip Melinama. Enjoy Paris for me and best wishes with your studies.

Thanks Melinama. I read it this morning and was sad I now know what happens.

I wish you a wonderful time in Paris and safe travels.

Diana in MA

Thanks Melinama. I was going to email you also but couldn't find an email. That was just a really mean thing to do.

Have a great trip Melinama.

How unfortunate that you had to do some "housecleaning" before you left. I read the MEPS recap and comments last night but must have done so just before the spoilers got posted. What's with some people?

What time was it posted? Can you check a 'users's' IP address and cross reference it with the commenters here?


Wow, I just now opened my gmail and saw the calls for grabbing the spoiler messages but they had already been seen and deleted by Melinama. I am so sorry I did not see these last night. We had a soccer game here pre-empt the MEPS episode so I did not check CarayCaray after 8PM.

Variopinta, thanks for the fast thinking and acting rescue! Melinama, I hope people will be considerate of other readers while you are gone but we can all watch for this kind of unkind invasion of our fun.

Is it possible to ban people from posting? I've always wondered that.

What is the best thing to do if one of us sees a spoiler?

What & to whom is the best way to report things? I e-mailed Cheryl & Judy, because those were the 1st e-mail addresses I found of someone I thought would be able to delete it.
I only saw one, were there more?

Melinama's email address is at the bottom of the pink part of the sidebar on the main Caray page, just below the link for the Alborada recaps.

Shame shame! I can only assume it wasn't a regular who posted spoilers.

Ferro, it was an Anon. At least have the guts to post your name.

Wow, I missed it, thankfully! What is wrong with some people?!

I'm not sure I even know how to delete a comment if necessary.

Thankfully, I missed the spoiler. Thanks, Melinama , for deleting it . Sorry to those of my compadres who unfortunately unknowingly read the post and have had their fun spoiled. So sad that some folks just seem to enjoy raining on a happy parade. Que lastima. C'est la vie. On with the show. Melinama, Try to stop in at Shakespeare and Co. bookstore while you are in Paris. This old bookstore was featured in several Highlander the Tv Series episodes . Half of the series each season were filmed in Paris and the other half were filmed in Vancouver. Have a great trip. bON vOYAGE. ~~~~~Susanlynn , on her Non Voyage

5 ft. Latina - You know how there is a garbage can just below and to the left of your comment posts when you comment on someone else's recap. Well, when you are the author of the recap, ALL the comments have a garbage can which gives you as author the power to dump them. These leave just a removed message but the content is gone. As site Mama, Melinama can even excise the entire comment and label as if it were never there.

For those observant readers that want to report a spoiler violation that is on a recap where you are not the author, Variopinta did the right thing. That is she tried to contact me and Melinama by e-mail. Melinama's e-mail is posted on the main page and will generate a message to her. I set up a Cherylnewmex@gmail account to correspond more easily. However, in this case I did not see the spoiler here in Mountain time as early as the east coast folks did. When Melinama has given you administrator capabilities, I think you can have the same ability to delete as the original author. Perhaps she can illuminate this better than I can.

Our shared vigilance to protect our beautiful site and preserve the innocent fun is our best tool.

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