Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Aug. 4, '09 Another Kiss Interrupted And Beto Gets His A** In A Sling

Hi folks. Well, it was another fun evening, not heavy on plot development, but pleasant circling the drain with our crazy characters. The trick with this one is just to relax and enjoy the romp without expecting it to go much of anywhere.

So here's what happened and didn't happen. We have a brief review of a drunken Beto hugging Mauricio's muscular butt and finally ending up going to sleep spooning the guy. Estrella bops in, sees the problem and enlists Monita to drag Beto outta there. Estrella will stay with Mauricio of course. Monita warns her she doesn't want to come back and find Mauricio undressed. Clearly, she understands Estrella's little character defect.

It's similar to Jeronimo's character defect. He's viewing Mauricio's disappearance as an opportunity to get into Constanza's drawers, but she doesn't see it that way. While this is going on, Teresa finds Ivan and Aldo sneaking out to see Mauricio. At first she orders them back to bed but when they explain their mission, she helps them tiptoe out the service entrance.

Of course this earns her a brutal interrogation by Jeri and Connie, wanting to know where the boys went and where Mauricio is sequestered. Our dimwit cousin (sometimes he makes Ximena look brilliant) figures that since there's no butler in the house, the cook must be the guilty one. Confess, Teresa, confess! Thankfully the torture method isn't waterboarding but there is some horrible pot banging going on. Nothing compared to three or four leaf blowers shrilling at once like in my neighborhood, but Jeri thinks it will make Teresa cave. It doesn't.

Poor Jeri, he's come up empty with both Teresa and Connie. And he's not doing much better with Oscar. And dang it, he can't find any hooch in Mauricio's house either. Pobrecito.

And pobrecito de Mauricio. Monita has come back and they're having a cozy chat on the bed. He's thinking she slept with him (and she's not about to tell him it was actually Beto!) but just when it looks like he might nibble her lips rather than the sandwich she offers, there's a knock on the door and it's Aldo, wanting to see his papa. The two hug gently but Monita is left out of the mix. Dang!

When we come back from the ads, Moni is explaining why they kidnapped him. His cousin was planning to kill him like a dog! Paula overheard him and Oscar plotting, by golly! Mauricio uses Moni's cell to call Salvador; while outside in the courtyard, our indefatigable Estrella is schmoozing Ivan and causing Aldo to get jealous. Pobrecito de Aldo. Estrella smooths his ruffled feathers by noting there's nothing wrong with a little jealousy and struts off swinging her hips. This gal has an exit strategy that beats all comers.

Back at the office, Jeri and Oscar are rubbing their hands, imagining their own exit strategy...take out a chunk of money to pay the kidnappers, keep it themselves so the thugs kill Mauricio and presto! riches and the company itself. All for them! Gabriela interrupts this love fest to tell them someone is waiting for them in the next office. Yikes! it's Mauricio, alive and well, with Salvador, Monita and Paula, all smoldering with outrage. Busted.

As is Beto. Mamacita is reaming him out big-time for getting drunk and not going to work. Beto pulls out his ritual plea "Me dañas, me dañas" (you hurt me, you hurt me) and Mom replies by holding up some eggs ("huevos" are slang for a guy's...well, you know...) and says "I'm going to fix you some of these. "Cause you've got none! Wow. Pobrecito de Beto.

The confrontation at O.K. Corral breaks down after Oscar explains that the plans to kill Mauricio like a dog was actually a conversation about putting down his own dog after an accident broke his leg. Paula looks like she wants to sink through the floor but Mauricio is suave about the whole thing. Excuses the misunderstanding and explains to our sleazy duo when they ask about Salvador that he is the general director of Surmeño group and his BEST FRIEND. Oooh pobrecitos de Jeronimo and Oscar! They've got Salvador on their hands again. Dang.

Monita and Paula are back in the coffee room squabbling when Mauricio strolls in. Poor Paula is ready to quit but Mau assures her he appreciates her protective, caring impulse and won't accept her resignation....and wants to know if he can see Monita later. Paula makes herself scarce after establishing that neither he nor Monita are hooked up with their old flames anymore. Mau and Moni are alone at last and hey, it looks like they're about to kiss! But nooooo, we get an ad instead. Want to bet that when we come back, that kiss will be interrupted? Yep, you got it.

So who will bop in the door to interrupt our duo? Ugh, it's Connie. And she moves in for a kiss instead. Too unfair! She wants to whisk Mauricio off to home so she can take care of him. But he offered that job to Moni. Will he stand up and insist? No, he caves to the pressure of "you need to be home to reassure your children".

Man, this guy has wimped out so many times it's getting annoying. Sculpted chest and manly biceps aside, one does begin to wonder if there's anything of note underneath his belt buckle. Remember what I said, he murmurs weakly to Monita as Connie drags him off. Pobrecito de Mau. And pobrecita de Moni! And pobrecitos de us. We're getting nada here.

Okay, our galan is at home, snuggled in bed with Dani who's "the best nurse ever". When he asks why they didn't come to the hospital, she and Luisa give him the 411 on Connie's embargo of all visitors except herself. Busted again. Our Constanza gets to hear those spine-chilling words: " We need to talk." Guess it's not just women who say that, after all. Of course Connie weasels out of it by claiming doctor's orders and opening her big ol' victimized eyes wide wide wide and looking tearful. Yawn. Still, he doesn't fall for it completely. Just tells her crisply that he's tired and it's time for her to split. Pobrecita de Connie? Nah, I can't feel sorry for her at all.

So how about another pobrecita? Our Gabriela, who's poster child for the Smart Women Stupid Choices Support Group. She's falling for another load of horse puckey from Oily Oscar and ignoring Salvador's wise warning about the lawyer's lack of trustworthiness. He warns her that next time Oscar's accused of something, he'll actually be caught and Gabi will be bringing him cigarettes in prison. Ojala!

And now a classic scene. Someone talking on the phone while a villainess listens in on another extension. My favorite ploy next to hiding behind doors and strategic bushes. Dani's inviting Moni over to care for Mau and to give him a bunch of healing kisses. (Dani's done her share but a little gal can only do so much). Connie learns, among other things, that the kids call her "momia" (mummy) and "monstranza" (monsterstepmom) so hey, it was worth it. Our pleasure is cut short by another round of ads.

She goes for consolation to gal pal Xime and sure 'nough, Xime delivers some goofy but nevertheless wise advice. After delighting in the nicknames..."you know you DO look like a mummy! And older than your age with that grim mug of yours!" she advises Connie to show a little more cleavage and get over to Mauricio's to defend her territory.

Well, the territory is lively indeed. Ivan and Aldo are squabbling about Estrella, with Aldo blaming Ivan for looking at her like a "sexual object". Well, if the shoe fits, Aldo. And Moni is cutting up the meat on Mauricio's dinner plate and spoon feeding him to his delight. We see Connie's face in the open doorway looking glum indeed....and for a moment there, I feel sorry for her. Well, moving on....

Big-mouth Beto is at the gym, talking his way into even bigger trouble. A whole lotta unfounded gossip about Mr. Tornado, in Vegas or no, was it Atlantic City? all gussied up in a froufrou disguise at a gay ball. Qué!? Hey, and not only that...I think he married one of his buddies in Vegas. Yeah, you can have same sex weddings there, prattles on Beto. Can you all see an anvil coming here? Pobrecito de Beto!

Back to Aldo. Suddenly he seems to have more women on his hands than he can manage. Connie's sister is there, admitting that he was right about her ex-novio, and planting a sweet kiss on his inexperienced lips. Wow. Which hurt more? The slap she gave him earlier or that tender kiss? He's not sure. She sashays out (not as impressive an exit as Estrella though) and we're left wondering.

Beto's still at the gym, now hassling Don Cesar to take on Monita again. Cesar's not sure Monita's 100 per cent interested in her career. Neither are we. But just then, who should show up but Mr. Tornado himself! ( Those of us who watched Destilando Amor will recognize him as the sexy ranch hand who was seduced and tossed by la duena. He also played a faithless fiancé and hapless husband in Heridas de Amor. Can't remember his name, though, for the life of me!)
Anyway, in this show he's Mr. Tornado, damnit, and he's plenty mad. Beto sputters and expects help for all his "pals" at the gym and they're strangely silent. Tornado challenges him to an immediate match in the ring and our blustery buddy agrees but wants to postpone it (forever!) but he pretends until just the next day. Why? Well, because he doesn't have his outfit, for one thing. And no b...s either, snaps his opponent. (Wow, has he been talking to Beto's mom?) Pobrecito de Beto! Costeño will be the ref and is already talking bets on how fast the Tornado will demolish our little guy.

Meanwhile, Valentina (let's not forget her real name) is in the kitchen sparring with Constanza. Connie's offering her money to give up Mauricio and Moni's responding to the insult with trademark physical violence. I mean, who needs words? When our wimpy galan stumbles in to break up the fight, Connie whines that Moni was trying to kill her, and Monita protests that Connie was trying to buy her off. Whom will our sculpted but none too bright galan believe?

And that's the end. But wait.....there are previews!

Mauricio asks Connie "Then what are you doing with the checkbook?" Good question.
Estrella tells Aldo "Te quiero". Oh my!
And Mr. Tornado tells Monita that if she wants to save Beto's butt, she'll have to come live with him in Vegas. Yikes and double yikes!


Vamos a dormir cucharadita = we'll sleep spoon-style
calenturiento = Constanza remonstrating with Jeri that he's a guy who's always hot to trot
ladrones y policia = cops and robbers. Teresa chiding Jeri for still thinking in those terms
me dañas = you're hurting me. Beto's signature lament
no tengo ni un pelo de tonto = Jeri, protesting to Oscar that he's no fool
ni de listo = Oscar quipping that he's not bright either
tienes el reproche a flor de piel = Monita grumbling about Paula's irritability. You're so grouchy!
la mala de la pelicula = Connie lamenting that she's always made out to be "the bad guy"
mandar a la goma su talento = throw her talent away. Beto pleading with Don Cesar
achicarse = to get scared, back down, chicken out. Mr. Tornado scoffing at Beto.
cajeteando = bragging. What Beto was doing big-time. "la cajetilla" is a low class braggart. a perfect description of our very flawed barrio galan.

Dicho of the Day:

Perro que ladra no muerde = His bark is worse than his bite. In Beto's case, he's all bark and no bite. But who knows, maybe that will change.


Thanks, JudyB. I surfed in and out of this episode. I was surprised to see Mr. Tornado . This actor also played Andres in Alborada. He was the son of Hippolita's miserable stepfather. He became a servant for the disreputable Diego, but later he reformed and married Marina [La Poderosa's granddaughter / The Pirate Queen's daughter]. The Pirate Queen played Soledad in Manana es Para Siempre and La Poderosa is now in Nombre de Amor. The world of telenovelas is a small world, indeed. I love seeing familiar faces in new novelas. I especially got a kick out of Mr. Tornado throwing around English words ! He has a very good pronunciation. I'll bet that most of the younger actors and actresses speak English fairly well because so many kids around the world are chosing to study English in school. Well, it's late , and I have to get up early to teach, so I'll say NightyNight. P.S. Sebastion Rulli is improving with age. At least he's not making those hearthands anymore. When it comes to telenovela galans , my thought is ''never send a child to do a man's work.'' I prefer the more seasoned galans. [Si si, Fernando, I'm talking about you, mi amor] .

Hi all. Thanks so much Judy for the fab recap and wonderful lesson at the end. Oh yes, Mr. Tornado is very familiar to we TN fans. He sure is improving with age.

I don't expect Coni to give up easily. She's a real piece of work who feels she is completely entitled.

Judy you are so right, Mau is a complete dunderhead! (And yes, he is becoming a better actor thank goodness.)

Ohhhhhh, my goodness. ROFL! Wonderful recap, Judy dear!

This happened to be the episode where I could peek in and check on how Gancho is doing, and I'm so glad I did. Beto is hilarious every time he's on (I would KILL to see the outtakes of that first scene--how did Rulli/Maury not crack up with Beto caressing his fine behind with such vigor? How??), Connie was in rare form, as always, and Monita is really likeable. Mr. Tornado indeed!

Nah, not much happening, but it is fun. And I was about due for my Sebastian Rulli fix. Gotta have that, seeing as I have no Levy for a while.

I hope to be around more this month, but I'll have to play it by ear. My mother has to have a stem cell transplant, my father has a mass on his pituitary gland, and I have a deadline for the novella I'm writing. All of the medical testing and pre-treatments is why I've been AWOL (I certainly don't want y'all to think I just up and left you--I really miss the blog).

So keep holding down the fort and giving us your entertaining recaps!

Have a terrific Wednesday, everyone. :)

Oh my, Stephe...I am so sorry about your parents' medical situation. I remember seeing a picture of your mother on your blog site ages ago and she was so beautiful and young-looking. Will be sending good thoughts and prayers for them both.

Although work deadlines can be heavy, they are sometimes a helpful distraction from the 36-hour days we spend worrying about our loved ones.

We HAVE missed you. May all the doctors attending your parents look like William Levy and be as wise and brilliant as the scripts claim he was.

And prayers for you too, amiga.

Hi Susanlynn...glad you're surfing in and out. This show has some very funny moments and with all the drama going on in our respective lives, we need those laughs!

Yep, our DA Hilario rolled out a pretty good accent. He has a nicely sculpted bod' but I wish his eyes weren't so little bitty and squinty. Makes him look none too bright. Oh well, can't have everything.

Hi Sylvia. Hey, dunderhead....great word! Haven't heard it in ages.

I woke up at 3 am thinking my title should have been "Beto And Mau Both Need To Grow A Pair".

Yes, Steamroller Connie feels completely "entitled" but what an enabler Mau is. He just folds up and lies flat every time she puts on some pressure.

Grow a pair! Mau....we'll fix up Beto later.

It was a fun episode Judy and (as always) your recap sparkled and shone. Loved how you interwove the "Pobrecito" theme throughout. Wonderful vocabulary today and the perfect complimentary dicho.

The screen lights up every time Estrella is on doesn't it? Loved "This gal has an exit strategy that beats all comers." Amen!

Loved Gabi's nomination to the "Smart Women Stupid Choices Support Group". Excellent!

There's a tiny part of me that does have sympathy for Connie. Mau should have had the "huevos" to break up with her long ago. If he had "manned up" earlier she wouldn't now be forced to watch him fall in love with someone else while she hangs by a very slendar thread.

So glad Oscar was able to explain that it was only his dear "beloved" pet that was going to be put down. What a charming, dear man. Perhaps becoming a PETA spokesman is in his future.

Diana in MA

Stephe: I'll echo Judy's comment that you've been missed. I always looked forward to reading your comments, particularly on Cuidado. I'll keep your parents in my thoughts and prayers.

Diana in MA

Wow, Diana...you got to work early! I don't know how you do it! I must be tuning into your wave length.. I got up at 4:30 this morning. Maybe I should take orders....religious orders that is.

You're right about Connie. Mau needs to man up and be firm about the breakup. He keeps letting her weasel back in. And her face while watching the tender bed-feeding scene was poignant and sad. The actress is pretty skilled at showing us glimpses of humanity amidst all her selfish deeds.

Stephe~~~I'm sending good vibratioms your way ~~~~~

JudyB, Excellent, as always. Not much of a plot, but still fun. Who needs a plot when we have Beto, Estrella and Ximena? I enjoyed seeing Teresa put Jer and Connie in their place. Jer certainly has lots of extra space inside his head. You could park cars there!
I do feel a little, tiny, itsy bit sorry for Constanza. Her neat little world did crumble quickly and she hasn't figured out how to save it or move on. Maybe by the Gran Final...
Stephe, Mike and I send our thoughts and prayers, for your parents and for you.

Judy in the morning, what better way to begin the day. Your recaps are like fine silk. I know that the rather primitive conflict resolution displayed here disturbs you a bit Judy, but isn't it somewhat refreshing to she the female characters demonstrate physical strength and determination rather than stand helplessly by wringing their hands? How many times in other TNs would we have preferred to see a decisive move like Moni administered to Conny, rather than weak-kneed fretting and whining? I say power to the babes!

Stephe, good to hear from you again. Best wishes for you and your folks during this difficult time.


Thanks for the recap Judy and the vocab/dichos. I have to say again that your comment over on MEPS about Erika and your slight dislike of her (ha) was one of my best laughs of that day. Thanks.

Stephe - I also miss your comments from Cuidado (on William, the hiefer with your name -- a classic-- and other witty gems.) I will place you and your family in my prayers. Best wishes with your deadlines as well.

Yes Mau does need to man up but Dr. Carlos does make a great point about how the women in this novela are not hapless females. I do enjoy that! Though I am currently saddened by Gabi's choice in galan (great comment Judy about smart women and the wretched choices they make with men), it will be fun to see what she does once she finally does realize she's been had by a cad.

Stephe! I've missed you! Your comments always make me laugh. I hope your parents' treatments go superbly.

I love that this show is all about the action. It's more violence than I'd put up with in real life but it's so funny in the show, and Moni does seem to have a knack for incapacitating a guy with no bruising or other lasting effects.

Swell recap, Judy.

How nice to get back from some tedious rounds at various groceries and the library to find a fresh batch of comments from my favorite people.

Emilia, you're right, along with Diana...none of us would take being displaced so abruptly (after TWO years) by the new babe on the block.
+ + +
Carlos, you're right too. Refreshing to see a feisty, take no prisoners heroine. But after years of raising toddlers and subbing in nursery schools, I've got a "USE YOUR WORDS!!!" tape running in my brain. Better than some of the things my mama used to say to me. And you know what I'm talkin' about. Your mom probably said the same things.

Also, keep worrying that Monita is going to hurt her little hand!

Karen, if my remark about Erika made you laugh, check out what Kat said about her in the recap today. Too funny!
+ + +

Julia...I'm with you. Stephe writes things in her comments I just want to memorize, they're so funny!

I especially enjoyed the interrogation of Teresa scene with Connie an Jerry channeling the Spanish Inquisition. Poor Teresa looked so amused and Connie and Jerry were so frustrated that she wouldn't take them seriously.

This show is like cotton candy. Not a lot of substance or nutrition, pretty, sweet, and a bit baffling as to how it's done.



So true, Carlos. The character of Teresa is unusual in that she NEVER takes any guff from Constanza....or Jeronimo. Usually older women servants are portrayed as humble and accomodating, regardless of how they feel about the snotty "ruling class".

She's quite patrician in the way she holds her ground and makes her ripostes. Now there's a lady WHO CAN USE HER WORDS....and does.

Great recap, Judy, lots of clever turns of phrases such as "She's falling for another load of horse puckey from Oily Oscar and ignoring Salvador's wise warning about the lawyer's lack of trustworthiness". And of course I love the vocab (but how am I ever going to remember it? I usually get the meaning, but all the little permutations are boggling my brain).

The previews made it look as if Moni might AGREE to go with Tornado to Las Vegas. And if she does, of course she won't tell Mauricio or Beto why she's going, and of course they would jump to conclusions. But it should be fun to see how it plays out, as they seem to wrap up each little problem in a day or two.

Hombre...soooo glad you have trouble remembering the vocab also. Heck, I can't remember my own lists, much less anybody else's.(How long, o Lord, how long?)

But surely our Monita will wriggle out of this new predicament, no? I mean, Señor Tornado wants her to LIVE with him. No way for our little virgencita, I would think.

Now we know who's Carlos' favorite females in this one (all of 'em I think) but how about yours? Pros? Cons?

Mike, we need you to weigh in on this also. As I recall, you had VERY STRONG OPINIONS about Miss Candy (as did I)

I love cotton candy..but haven't had it in years. When I was a little girl , I got it once a year at The Allentown Fair. I savored every sweet, melting bite.

Judy, OK, I'll say mi esposa is very generous towards Constanza.

Because what I see is an egocentric gold digger who sees the station coming up where she's going to be kicked off the gravy train. Not one altruistic or charitable cell to be found in her cuerpo. Like Jacqueline B/Candy, a cute actress, but a deeply flawed character.

Maybe Gabriela will come to her senses and Oscar (who looks like something out of film noir...) and Constanza will enter each other's orbits - hopefully somewhere else where people won't see the result.

How's that?

Thanks, too, Judy for one more in your long list of great recaps.

Stephe, thinking of you & your folks. I have a 90 year old Mother giving me empathy for your situation.

Oily Oscar needs to grow a mustache he can twirl and wear a derby hat.

"Oily Oscar" - Julia, that does hit the proverbial nail on the head. Yeah, the Snidely Whiplash persona works perfectly for him.

Judy, glad you posed the question. I like just about all of the women in this! Estrella is my favorite but Ximena is great fun and Moni is sweet and adorable.

Again, I can't hate Connie. Sure, she's selfish, condescending, demanding, unkind, and a whole bunch of other unflattering adjectives but evil? In comparison with other vilans - Barbie in MEPS or Sara in QE, she is "evil lite" and simply doesn't have the required resume. Given the light tone and the fun we're all enjoying, that's a good thing!

Diana in MA

I see Mike's point of view, but "evil lite" seems a fair and balanced (hmmm...where have we heard that?) assessment of Constanza so far.

And so far, in spite of her strange and unbelievable attraction to Beto, she hasn't been unfaithful to Mau with him...and not with Jeronimo either. A drunken kiss with Rolu hardly counts.

Hopefully all the evil henchmen will stay light. None of Oily Oscar and Jeri's plots have worked for long. True, the company lost the contract and Sal briefly departed. But Lord, our Mauricio is so "lite" in the brains dept. he could probably bankrupt the firm all by his own sweet self.

It's very difficult for me to be objective about Connie. She reminds me so much of SherryB that every time I see her, my eyes glaze over and I'm transported back to high school and a pretty little clarinetist who taught me what kisses should be.


The best part of this show for me is that the villains are so inept. I get enough terrorizing over on Nombre del Amor. Jeronimo trying to torture information out of Teresa by banging pans together was adorably little-kid-level thinking.

NONE of Mom and Dad's doctors look like a San Roman. As you would say, JudyB, pobrecito de Stephe! *whine* So far, anyway. But they are on their game. And I can still hope.

Thanks, mates, for all the kind words and good vibes. You're very special people, each of you, and I love having you in my life.

Okay, okay, I do agree that Connie should get a little sympathy due to Maury's lack of huevos. But not much. It's kind of obvious when a guy (or girl) is sabotaging a relationship because they want to move on, and Connie's not dumb. She shouldn't settle for that just to have the man. Get with it, sister! And we know it's going to get worse, huh? 'Cause we're in that enchanted forest known far and wide as TelenovelaLand.

Ciao. :)

I'm posting this late, but in response to Judy's question, my favorites among the ladies are Estrella and Gabriella, with Ximena close behind. But I really like all of them.

So do I Hombre. And Beto's mom is looking slim and shapely compared to how she's been in past telenovelas and I even think Teresa is quite classy and attractive.

Still, my all-time fave is Estrella. We'll cut Carlos some slack...if Constanza reminds him of his besos tutor, that's a lifetime pass. All men should know how to kiss!

Stephe,good to hear from you again. Two messages in one day is a special treat...especially considering all you have on your plate. Hugs, kisses and lots and lots of prayers....

Stephe,I peeked at the comments earlier and was amazed at all you are dealing with right now. I'm very glad you checked in I'll add my positive thoughts and prayers to all the others.

I thought the scene with Jero banging the pans was hilarious. I thought Coni might grab one out of his hands and bonk him with it, she looked that annoyed by the noise.

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