Saturday, September 26, 2009
Gancho Friday Sepember 25th. Comfort, Consolation and a One Day Acting Career
Monita rings the bell (literally, it’s a hanging bell) of the picturesque house in Moroleón. The lady who answers says Moni’s the living picture of her mother.
In a bar, Oscar greets Jerry, who’s mad that Oski betrayed him by not backing him up in his grilling by Mau over whether he slept with Connie. Although Oscar thinks it was no biggie, together they’ll get tons of money, Jerry cautions him that the student always defeats the master. Oski’s not impressed. Just then Connie arrives, tearfully proclaiming that Mau was in an accident on the highway.
And now it’s Ximena’s turn to shine. Her producer and director (aka the big crook and the not so big crook), ask if she understands the scene. Well, sort of, she fumbles, but could you remind me again? Sure, look across the street. A man’s going to come out with some diamonds. You take them, bring them to us, and give them to us. But no matter what, don’t stop acting until I yell, “Cut!” They give her what she thinks is a fake gun, she waves it all over the place in fun, and they frantically duck. But here comes the “actor” she’s supposed to rob!
Across the street, a well dressed gentlemen takes a little jewel bag from the jewelry shop owner, and is about to enter his big black car, when the fat crook yells “Action!” and gives Ximmy a push. She scurries across the street, points the gun at the man, and tells him she has 3 things to tell him. One, this is a robbery, Two, hands up, and Three, give me the diamonds (she add porfis, or please in fresa-speak). The guy says don’t kill me, but just then the cops arrive! Our two crooks turn tail and run, leaving Ximmy to whisper to the victim, asking where the cameras are, since she wants the best angle. When he agrees no one has said “cut”, she points the gun at him again, big smile on her face!
Despite Connie’s tears, Oscar and Jerry are cold and not very comforting. Jerry callously informs her that Monita was in the car, too, but this doesn’t exactly cheer Connie up. She assures the two that Mau will be okay, although they’re doubtful. She does have a deal for Jerry, and asks him to meet her in the parking lot. When she leaves, Jerry doesn’t deny Oscar’s suspicion that Jerry had something to do with the accident. Jerry then asks Oscar, if the news of this accident became public, what would happen to the price of the Grupo Sermeño stock? It’ll plummet, of course. Jerry then informs Oscar that he’s got a friend ready to buy up shares at the lowest point, which will give Jerry majority control of the company! Today, he adds, the student has graduated. Bursting with self -love, that rat Jerry exits to see what Connie wanted, reminding Oscar to notify the press.
Ximmy’s holding her hostage by the tie, asking how much they’re paying him. The police tell her to lower her weapon. This just prompts Ximmy to improvise, yelling “Give me the diamonds, or we’ll all die!” She points the gun at her own chin
In the vecindad, Beto’s helping Nieves with the laundry when Paula rushes in, tearfully telling them that Mauricio’s car was found in a ditch, and Monita had been with him!
And she’s still with him, drinking milk in Alicia’s house. Alicia brings in a photo of Moni’s Mom, from long ago, before she left the town. Mau and Moni look at the photo and smile. Moni asks where her Mom went, but Alicia says they lost track of her, and it’s been 18 years. Mauricio asks if he can use the phone, but guess what! In true novela fashion, there just happened to be a big storm last night, and all the phone lines are down. Of course a half hour away there’s the city of Morelia, they could call from there. Mau starts to get up, but Moni doesn’t want to be left alone. (Guess they’ll just have to spend the night!).
Our very fashionable robber/actress is flouncing along, gun in one hand, big white bag and little jewel bag in the other, getting pretty good speed out of her little white boots. Estrella, in heels, can’t keep up, and calls for help. She calls Rolando, and he drops everything to save the day. Not! He does bring up Tano’s name though, so Estre calls Tano for help.
At the office, Salvador is upset about the company, saying we’re sunk, we’re up to our necks (hasta el cuello) in trouble. Someone told the press about Mau’s accident, and the shares are plummeting (desplomando). Sal’s so desperate he accuses Gabi of leaking (ventilando) the info. Gabi’s offended, she doesn’t even care about the shares, just whether Mauricio is dead or alive. Sal keeps yelling, so Gabi goes to get him some tea, hoping that when Mau comes back, Sal won’t have gone so nuts, he’ll be in the same nuthouse as his wife!
Tano and Estrella both try to convince Ximena she was tricked, there’s no film, I mean, where are the cameras? Ximmy knows they’re cleverly hidden, and when the cops arrive again, she tells Tano not to steal her camera time, this is the scene of her capture. The cops say lower your weapons, Tano takes the gun and gives it to them, disappointing Ximmy, since she wanted to do that, and Ximmy proudly marches to the squad car to be taken away to jail, while Estrella and Tano continue protesting it was all a big misunderstanding.
It’s night now, and at Alicia’s house, there’s only one bed. No problem, says Mau. I’m sleeping in the bed, and you, Moni, can either sleep in it, too, or sleep with Alicia, and all night, she’ll be breathing on your neck like this (he sensuously breathes on Moni’s neck, which she enjoys for a second, but then comes back to reality). Moni suggests a game of rock, paper, scissors, match (piedra, papel o tijera, they apparently don’t have the match, but it’s the same game we play). Whoever wins gets the bed, the loser gets the couch. Mau says he’s a champ at this, but Moni’s not scared. The first hand goes to Moni, her scissors cuts his paper. Second round, he wins (it’s two out of three). They’re tied (a mano) at this point. Next, they both come out with rocks, another tie. Then both have paper, and his hand caresses hers. Final round, Moni has paper, Mau has scissors, he wins.
At Mau’s house, Jerry informs the three kids that they have to leave, taking all their tattered rag clothes (harapos) and other things with them. And if they disobey…..he takes off his belt! He’s gonna hit them with the buckle side (el lado de la hebilla). Teresa says she’s known Jerry since he was little, and he’s always been bad, but she’s the only one who’s going to deliver any hits! Jerry threatens Terry, too, and the kids are scared until right on cue (remember Connie had a plan with Jerry), Connie pops out, defends the kids, even SLAPping Jerry, demanding he leave, which he does. The kids are in shock that Connie would do this – Aldo and Luisa stare at each other, Dani’s eyes are as wide as moons as Connie ingratiatingly strokes her hair, fixes her collar, telling little Dani that Connie will always defend them, she loves them all.
A woman with short dark hair, clad in a long white nightgown, creeps surreptitiously through the darkened house. She first checks on Mauricio, fast asleep on the couch. The low cellos and ominous bells make one think of Edgar Alan Poe. Next stop – the bedroom. We only see the stranger from behind. She strokes the face of the sleeping Moni, saying Valentina, daughter.
At the police station, Ximmy, arms handcuffed behind her, STILL has three things to tell everyone. 1) the bars (barrotes) of this maximum security prison can’t keep me from getting out, 2) my partners (secuaces) are far away, and I’ll never betray (delatar) them, and 3) they’ve probably crossed the border (la frontera). Hah! Tano, Estrella and Cristian are there. Cristian thinks Ximmy’s a bad actress. Estre says she’s no actress. In that case, Cristian thinks we’re gonna have to medicate her. At this point, the two crooks are brought in, having been captured. Cris asks if she knows them. Sure, they’re the direc and the pródu of the peli (film), hi, guys! Cris soberly informs our gal that these two are professional robbers. Sure, that’s what it looks like, counters Ximmy, but this is the new look of independent film, right? Well, right? Cris sadly shakes his head over and over until finally – Ximena gets it. How could you guys trick me? Cut, cut, cut, everybody, cut!!
Jerry tells Connie that slap was a bit much, but Connie says it had to be credible. Jerry tells Connie that the shares are way down, and who knows who could buy them. Connie thinks Jerry’s like the devil, but Jerry says he IS the devil. However (he adds quietly), Aldo and Ivan are right behind you, having just stuck out their heads. Connie, back in character, SLAPS him again. Get out of the house! The children have suffered enough! She literally kicks him out with a well placed high heel. Aldo remarks to Ivan that Connie’s sudden change is quite strange.
Nieves is sitting alone, worried about Moni, when Estre and Tano walk up, laughing about Ximena, unaware of the accident. Nieves tells them, and Etre starts crying, no puede ser, as she clutches Tano for support.
Ximmy’s home, safe and sound, drinking a strawberry daiquiri, as Jerry comes home, too, talking on his cell, apparently he bought the shares, and grabs the drink right out of his sister’s hand. He wants to toast to his victory as majority shareholder. Cool, she says, and they should also toast to her debut and farewell as “primerísima actriz polifacetica”. This silly title causes Jerry to spit out the daiquiri (right back into the glass). Ximmy goes on to explain her fun day, but Jerry says, sure, you were playing cops and robbers, while our cousin could be dead! Dead, what do you mean? She gasps. Dead, as in chupó faros (sucked headlights), caduco (outdated, expired), se petatéo (kicked the bucket), pasó al otro mundo (passed to the other side), in other words, his body is ashes at the bottom of the ravine. Ximmy still doesn’t fully understand, so Jerry illustrates, using his cell phone as the car, adding the appropriate sound effects. Ximmy is horrified, grabs the phone, praying for Moni and Mau to be okay inside it. Jerry says since they haven’t found the bodies, they’re probably okay anyway, and goes off to bed, grabbing the phone back, making a car engine sound as he guides it out of the room.
In Estrella’s pink room, she’s sitting on Tano’s lap, desperate with worry, as Tano consoles her, hugs her. That must have been some hug, because a few clouds and transition scenes later, they’re in bed, apparently after a night full of consolation. (I guess since Tano never could get back with Ximena, Estrella is his “consolation prize” :) ) It’s morning, and Estre opens her eyes, her mouth comes open, what has she done? She hopes Moni will appear. There’s a knock on the door, maybe it’s Moni. Whoops, it’s Aldo! Noooo! He comes in, sees Tano, and leaves, how could she? Tano doesn’t understand, but Estrella says she just broke her puppy’s heart.
Mau and Moni are up, enjoying a delicious breakfast. They both tell Alicia they slept well. Moni goes to tidy up the bedroom. Mau asks Alicia if she really told Moni the whole truth about her mother, but Alicia denies it, she’s incapable of harming Moni. Mau gives her his card, in case she remembers or finds out anything. Moni and Mau are ready to go, they thank Alicia, who gives Moni a colorful knit bag for the photo of Moni’s Mom. The minute the door shuts, though, the music changes, and Alicia turns and says “Everything’s over now, Isabel. You saw how beautiful your daughter is”. All right, new plotline. What could be the deal with the mysterious Isabel? Could she be disfigured and afraid to show herself? Deaf and dumb? Just embarrassed that she abandoned Moni? Inquiring minds want to know.
Nieves is upset because her baby boy Beto was out all night looking for Moni. Paula tells her not to worry, Beto will turn up. Nieves says if she lost her Beto, she’d lose everything. Paula says, with all due respect, your everything is almost nothing, then realizes how THAT sounded, and tries to console Nieves again. Well, here comes Beto, drunk as a skunk (and smelling like one), being led in by Cris. Where’d you find him? inquires Nieves. In front of the station, he was stumbling back and forth, asking for asylum, and since that’s his second home, how could we refuse? Nieves takes Beto home, and Cris tells Paula “we have to talk”. Uh oh.
Estrella is upset she slept with someone she didn’t know.
Turns out Cris got a promotion (un ascenso), but he has to move to a city up north. He clasps Paula’s hands, and in a wavering voice, asks if she would leave everything, and come with him.
Paula’s awakened from her reverie by Estrella’s shout, “she’s alive”, and it seems the whole neighborhood gets the news at the same time. Everyone’s happy, everyone’s dancing, Nieves and Beto have their own little dance, until Beto realizes Moni must have spent the night with Mauricio, and he kicks a toy bicycle. Beto and Nieves go into their apartment and proceed to argue about Moni. Nieves thinks he should have more trust in Moni, no one’s stealing his girlfriend. Maybe not stealing, more like borrowing, but he won’t stand for it. Nieves convinces him to calm down, be happy for Moni, and when she returns, he can ask her whatever he wants.
And here she is. The whole crowd screams as Cinderella returns to the barrio. Estrella can’t believe it, she’s so happy she has to pinch (pellizcar) Moni. They ask if she found her mother, but the answer is no, and Moni doesn’t even want to search anymore. Beto comes up, gives her a big hug, saying Monita, my heart, my life, my little cutie, and Nieves hugs her, too. Beto says he was so worried. Yeah, so worried that you got drunk, adds Estrella. Moni apologizes for not calling, but the lines were down. No matter, says Beto, I just have one question for you. It’s very important. Between you and Mauricio, is there something? That is, did you sleep together last night? Well, Moni HAS promised to tell the truth, and it looks as if she’ll answer this one………..on Monday.
Previews: Sal gives Mau the news about the stock shares, Connie and Nieves make a deal, and the Fantasma Vengador and pals decide to kick butt!
Hasta el cuello – up to our necks (in something)
Desplomarse – to collapse or crash (the stock shares did this)
Ventilando – airing, spreading around, we would say leaking (info)
Harapos - tatters
Barrotes – bars, as in prison bars, or bars on a window
Secuaces – henchmen, followers, partners in crime
Delatar – to give someone up, betray them
Chupó faros, caduco, se petatéo, pasó al otro mundo – various slang ways of saying someone is dead
Un Ascenso – a promotion
Cambio y fuera – over and out (as cops would say) or others on a walkie talkie, literally, change and go out
Labels: gancho
Found the scenes of Monita's mom creeping around very eerie (took me back to my childhood days when I was REALLY scared of ghosts). The couch snuggle was dear and as always, Beto was hilarious in his mixed reaction to Monita's survival.
Estrella and Tano? Could work. He's a sweet guy. And clearly, Aldo is too young and inexperienced for her. He needs a girlfriend his own age. Carlos...I'm waiting for a picture of Sylvia's artwork on her back.
Ximy's brief film career was breath-taking. Even though this is a light-hearted comedy, I was afraid that she would get shot or at least tazed. I certainly don't want something bad to happen to my favorie character.
Connie's repeated slaps of Jero were extremely satisfying. More of that, please.
About the rock paper scissors, I've never heard of that match part that you mentioned. Could you or someone tell me about that?
Sounds like you are having a good time in Las Vegas. Thanks again for taking the time to provide us with this sterling recap.
As for the pictures, since I was in Las Vegas, I didn't tape the show on my DVR, rather, I downloaded the episodes from the internet. Since they were on the computer, I could get pictures from them. I may not be able to do all this next time, but I'm glad you enjoyed it this time.
BTW, the place I downloaded the episodes from is
It's a spanish website, and you have to join, but it's free, and has complete episodes of just about every telenovela ever.
I'd never heard of playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with a match either. That sounds like an interesting twist.
Okay, for once there's actually a dicho I'm familiar with. I had to look this up for Cuidado. Chupar faros means to die because apparently Faros was an old brand of cigarettes which engendered such loyalty in its customers that a smoker's last wish would be to smoke one. So if one had already "sucked Faros" one was dead. Smoking them probably helped people get to that point sooner, too!
Was Beto really helping with the laundry, or was that a euphemism? It looked to me like he was just rubbing his face in Monita's underthings.
Once again Ximena managed to be hysterically funny. That poor guy who was robbed just had no clue what was going on.
I hope Cristian is leaving the show. He is fun to have around. Everyone knows someone just like him with his insistence on strictly structured order.
Hombre, how come you got tips when you started recapping and I didn't. Now I'm feeling like a stepchild.
Julia..I too thank you for the back info on that saying. I thought maybe "faros" referred to headlights and it still made sense to me but this is much better. And I don't actually know the word for headlights but in French it's "phares" and I thought maybe that was the Spanish version of it.
I'm with Carlos in that I never heard of the match part of rock, paper, scissors. Could it be a regional difference?
This development with Moni's mom is interesting. As you observed, it wasn't clear (but implied) that Moni's mother was there and Alicia was chatting with her. I like your take on how her face may be disfigured.
Thanks for the info on the slang term Julia and your EDNA recap last week.
Carlos, Judy is right, Paula is the one who gave me the tips as to how to post pictures. Let me know if you want to try it, I can email you some instructions.
I'm starting to think the kids in my neighborhood just made up the match thing in rock, paper, scissors. Yes, it was a regional thing, very regional, like maybe five houses. Fun, though.
I've only watched a couple of youtube segments on this one, but after reading Hombre's lively description of Xime's acting gig I just had to see her debut. That lady is too, too funny!
Also funny, each time Coni slapped Jero he looked truly surprised and shocked. Even though they are in league right now clearly she's using the opportunity to get back at him in any way she can. You go girl!
Julia, awesome story behind Chupar faros. Thanks for sharing.
Hombre, thanks again for this most excellent recap. It was honestly one of your best...great story, fun pics, incredible vocabulary, well done! I'm glad to hear you had fun in Las Vegas.
By the way, I registered on the site that you recommended for downloading telenovelas, however I don't seem to be able to download any. Am I missing something? How do you do it?
He's in the Honors Program at OSU and will do very well I'm sure. Great guy. But then we knew that, right. Looks just like his picture...only taller.
I found strange that Alicia didn't try to find something (a couch, a mattress, etc.) for Mau to sleep so that they would be comfortable. She didn't seem like a bad host. I agreed with her on something. When they were eating the sopes and Monita told her how they were great and she talked about how it was the taste of Provincia and how you didn't get that in México City, this is completely true, especially when talking about food in the smaller towns.
Judy and Carlos thank you for your concerns on friday. My pup is alright, she stepped on glass during her walk but it wasn't as serious as I thought, thank god.
Sylvia also thanks for the explanation on Chia heads. I find them to be more strange and awesome than what I originally thought.
Also, thank you so much Hombre for the site with the novelas. I've been looking for a novela for months and they have it! I remember it as one of my favorites (the most tragic one I've ever seen) but reruns are usually from noon to 2 pm so they can never put it on because the content is not appropiate for those hours (they originally showed it at 10:30 pm) so I've only been able to see it once.
if you're playing rock, paper, scissors, match:
1.match can only win one way, but can lose two ways (to rock and scissors).
2.paper can only win one way (to rock), but can lose two ways (to match and scissors).
3.rock can win two ways (to scissors and match), and only lose one way (to paper).
4.scissors can win two ways (to paper and match) and only lose one way (to rock).
Therefore, wouldn't everyone go for either rock or scissors, and since rock beats scissors, everyone would play rock every time?
Unless there was some other rule I'm missing.
That scene where that women was creeping around, very weird.Beto is so crazy about Connie, and she is also they need to just get together. Ximy's so funny, with her talking and how she acts.
Can't wait till monday eve episode
Rebecca, thanks for joining in. Connie, even with her flaws, is appealing to me. I think that she'll be one of the good guys before it's all over.
Julia, thanks for your in depth analysis of rock paper scissors with the match variant added. I'll sleep better tonight.
Carlos in the paw doesn't sound like much fun but glad it wasn't worse than that.'re amazing...that scientific engineering mind of yours...awesome. Clearly you're a strategic thinker and probably very good at games.
That did remind me of one of my old college housemates, though. She was working on a Ph.D. in economics and took a lot of game theory classes. She was always making me try out various little games with her. And despite her superior background I usually beat her at dominoes. Good times.
I think he may have cut it alittle also.
thanks so much
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